
Philosophy and Deterministic Psychology

A theoria for determinism isn’t contingent on Freudian psychology; a deterministic universe isn’t found with a brain. If the Universe has determinism within its physics, science may posit a criterion, yet that account would be explaining what occurs within a brain. Freud’s work is probably not used much these days. Psychoanalysis is too labor intensive and costly for Americans. Psychiatrists instead prescribe chemicals to dope brain cells.

Pop deterministic psychology is a practical device broadly applied to address interpersonal relations that are dis-functional. Philosophy doesn’t work with drug addiction, substance abuse, spousal abuse, marriage difficulties etc. Psychology is a practical application of the tribal witch doctor role that philosophy never sought.


There are elements of social determinism present externally such as growing up in a slum or barrio that an individual would not have if they grew up in Pacific Palisades. The development of various theories of determinism place the determinist forces at sundry levels. I believe they probably are not too well researched, in that as incorrect syllogisms the form may be valid yet the parameters for the premises may be incomplete or inapplicable.

It is a bizarre peculiar notion that neurons and synapses can be fundamentally deconstructed by someone listening to what one says about what they have to say of what they think. Jung and Freud’s descriptions of psychological landscapes that are common are more relevant in they are taken as descriptions of common reactions to common human experience. For example everyone ages and becomes aware that their life biological structure is slowly disintegrating and their temporal experience will conclude. Some people react to that experience differently than others. That individual experience may appear as a common archetype, yet it isn’t a necessity.

The concept that psychological experiences occur beyond an individual’s control could be considered from several points of view. The simplest is a Cartesian paradigm of why one originates thought, and is one the author of their own thought or are just tricked into believing it is. There are social and economic circumstances beyond the control of an individual. An example is being a conscript in the Ukraine war. Some soldiers were forced to participate and the circumstance is largely beyond their control.

Pop psychology is a practical device broadly applied to address interpersonal relations that are dis-functional. Philosophy doesn’t work with drug addiction, substance abuse, spousal abuse, marriage difficulties etc. Psychology is a practical application of the tribal witch doctor role that philosophy never sought. A lot of people have wrong ideas about society that aren’t ever corrected and civilization clunks along like a bumper car anyway.

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