The Arian heresy and Monphysites have been about quite some time. One need be blind not to see the Trinity in the New Testament. God the Father and The Son are quite distinct. Jesus and Paul each referred to the Holy Spirit.
There are dozens of neo Cabalistic derivatives of a Philo of Alexandria - Pierre Tielhard De Jardin formulation floating about as well. Muhammad' s father was keeper of the Kabbalah until fired and he probably didn't experience more secret insight pagan schemes.
I have read Plato and Aristotle and found no mention of a trinity. Some pre-Platonic philosophers had pluralism yet their concepts of god were quite different from God of Christians and Jews. The profusion of modern heretical doctrines ill-informed of history surpasses even those of agnostics and syncretist of the ancient past.
Plotinus the neo Platonist had the One and the Nous, I believe it was, yet Plotinus wrote in the third century a.d., not the first. He perhaps adapted Platonism to a more Christian paradigm-he was brilliant after all; even so Augustine quit being a follower of Plotinus and converted to Christianity. Obviously pagans had innumerable gods for every occasion.
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