
DEI Was Racist and Sexist VIolating th 14th Amendment

 Humans often find some reason to be critical about others. They seek supremacy as a natural condition and pass laws such as affirmative action and created DEI to establish a class supremacy over white men in the United States. Equal protection of the law- a clause in the 14th amendment was created by white men yet they became the single class that was legal inferiorized by the laws passed with the civil rights era.

There is a way that works to redress past injustices without creating more. Once civil rights agitator attained equal rights for all Americans they sought a demographic equality as well by making white men less than equal. That racism and sexism tramped all over the 14th amendment and the Supreme Court found that so in the 2023 Students for Fair Admissions v. President and Fellows of Harvard College decision.

Race and gender discrimination for hiring requires the racial and gender degradation of some social classes. To avoid that and to promote those that require social promotion- unlike millions of members of non-white male groups that were well off before affirmative action policies were created, policies to help the poor financially and socially disadvantaged should be based on objective economic standing of individuals. Poverty does don’t discriminate between race, gender or perversion; that starving or homeless suffer regardless of color and gender.

Economic evaluations of need should replace race,  gender and sexual perversion preferences for Americans in regard to legal support for hiring to better economic circumstance. The poor should be those given hiring support rather than race and gender classes if equal protection of the law is to be established. There are numerous government programs such as social security that benefit those that don't need benefits from government. The prosperous should not seek federal retirement or job placement support. The prosperous should pay for their own medical insurance rather than medicare. The trouble with a practical, non-biased approach is the fundamental wickedness in the hearts of mankind.

Mankind has original sin. Programs may be created to help the poor, such as the depression era pro grams of FDR and eventually the programs pay out to the prosperous with more income than average working Americans. Democrats have forsaken their historical trend since FDR to help the poor. Instead they never mention the word and seek to benefit the middle class and to never raise taxes on the rich; they use deficit spending to pay for social programs that would benefit prosperous middle class women that need day care more than a green economy.

Creating legally superior social classes is an historically recurrent history of mankind. There were no royals that signed off on equal protection of the law in the American Revolution. If it wasn't for Americans of superior ability being treated legally as inferiors there wouldn't have been a movement to establish equal protection of the law. Once people obtain legal equality they continued onward with social inertia to work for their own supremacy through any means. People ordinarily are critical of others in order to elevate themselves.

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