
President-Dictator Zelenski and Democrats Lose $100 Billion U.S. Dollars?

Ukraine President-Dictator Zelensky said that of the $183 billion dollars the Biden administration sent him for weapons only $77 billion is accounted for. Apparently know one knows presently what the Biden administration did with the money. That’s more than a third of a billion dollars for each of the elected Democrats in the House and Senate so it’s easy to understand why they kept approving funding the idiotic war that could have easily been settled by recognizing Russian land claims on the Crime, Donbass and not expanding N.A.T.O. right up to the Russian border after peace was made at the end of the Cold War version 1

100 Billion Dollar Fog of War

That’s lot of money. With the 10% Trump tariff on China in effect a 10% downward cost of living adjustment for poor people living on social security and Wal-mart the vaporized 100 billion that could instead have been a stimulus payment for poor elderly Americans has gone with so much other cash not reported on taxes to offshore Martian financial ecosystem of the rich beyond worldly accountability. It could have helped reduce poverty. It is understandable that former President Biden gave relatives and possible accomplices a priori pardons- they might need it if it turns out that the money went to them.

I watched a Netflix series named The Stranger


about corruption in Korea. Maybe the corruption of Ukraine is global with the corrupt sharing U.S. deficit spending with several global leaders.

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