Showing posts with label wisdom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wisdom. Show all posts



Wisdom could be said to be understanding social behavior and development of an ability to understand human behavioral characteristics. It is also knowledge of the natural world and man's place in nature.

There are innumerable specialized applications of an appellation of wisdom to a guru of computer science, an understanding of weather, and a thousand area of expertise that merit the term 'wise'. The book of Proverbs is about wisdom. Solomon wrote it- reputably the most wise man to have ever lived. He concluded that all is vanity. God said that what is wisdom to man is foolishness to God. Perhaps for a reason like that Paul said that he would know nothing among his brethren except Jesus Christ, crucified.

What Goes on Mars, Stays on Mars?

There are possible signs of microbial life on Mars recently photographed by a Mars Rover. Microbes are everywhere on Earth. Most microbes ar...