Showing posts with label democrats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label democrats. Show all posts


Carrville; "Democrats Should Play Possum"

Carrville’s admonishment for Democrats to do nothing and play dead is well made. Since Democrats can’t make good policies and are accustomed to getting nothing done beyond legislating moral corruption, deficits and foreign war finance playing possum will be east. Carrville believes Trump policies may fail of their own weight.

Trump and Musk’s Doge policies will need to skirt around social security and Medicare reforms. It is easier to cut the defense budget than to scale back social security and Medicare to elderly relief safety net programs.  Payments for those that actually need them should increase for the poor and decrease for the prosperous. Even Trump cannot rectify social security so it is rational rather than a payment program inclusive of the middle class.

Democrats should find a scientific foundation for political economy utilizing ecological economics available to their future candidates. Forming ecological economic applied philosophy plans as party public domain information and cost analysis is essential if real world implementation is ever to occur.  Playing possum is a better course for Democrats who did not even try to tax the rich when they owned legislative and executive branches in 2021.

Democrat politicians pursue pork increases for globalist, homosexual and feminist constituents while stuffing their own freezers with cash. Democrats politicians may pretend to know or care about ecological economics in order to sway a few votes, and Republicans abandon all reason concerning the environment so the net environmental remediation for the parties together is zero

  While playing possum the party can keep an eye open to observe Doge reducing government waste and trying to move the budget toward balance.


The Problem With N.A.T.O.

 With 32 member nations N.A.T.O. is a very large military body. It can throw it’s power around such as in Ukraine, without concern for retaliation from nations it has sponsored war on. Recently met with the Zelinsky faction and guaranteed it would provide weapons and supplies to Ukraine at least until 2027. An undeclared war on Russia by the largest military alliance on Earth is a problem not only for Russia; it is a problem for the United States.

Zelinsky said the Rammstein accord will oppose the USA making Greenland part of America. He seems to want to make the U.S.A. an enemy of N.A.T.O. and to replace the U.S.A. after the U.S.A. quits the organization.

Russia never attacked a member of the alliance. N.A.T.O. leadership decided that it did not support any Russian claim to Ukraine or pre-emptive Russian move to defrappe its military activities in Ukraine and continued it membership build up to intimidate and threaten Russia. With plutocratic control of the press and western governance; governance bone-headed enough to believe that Ukraine war can be profitable for the west 

So instead of seeking a peaceful resolution to end the conflict and restore normal relations with Russia continued to escalate  even allowing attacks directly on Russia with N.A.T.O. weapons including missiles. Russia has yet to retaliate because it probably doesn’t ant to expand the war that would swiftly lead to a nuclear exchange.  N.A.T.O. leadership has arrogated the right to attack any nation that draws its ire despite that nation not having attacked a N.A.T.O. member nation. That is an expansion of the N.A.T.O. charter.

American Presidents that are Democrats may be sycophants of the new N.A.T.O. doctrine, or even leaders to be an 800 lb guerrilla throwing its weight around as the world’s anarchist.  Besides the United States the individual N.A.T.O. members wouldn’t have taken a belligerent stance with Russia over Ukraine. Yet as a military commune N.A.T.O. is a Don Corleone exerting its influence in a way that presets a threat even to the United States should it have strong dissension against a N.A.T.O action. There needs to be a better way to reinforce world peace and security than the N.A.T.O. alliance; once that conserves the sovereignty of the United States in foreign and domestic policy.


Subjective-Objective Distinction and Democrats

Mr McGoo saw others as roadhogs thus creating his own reality. When asked if the glass is half empty or half full he replied "It's all mine!". That is the way Democrats regard reality; because of evolution and the death of truth (the New York Times hasn't yet published that as a headline) social 
reality is malleable and nothing is meaningful except day care, homosexual marriage and abortion.
  If there are no differences between subjective and object concerns (the noumena is objective but Democrats can't see that) it is alright to lie about it. 
il est normal d'accuser des opposants politiques jusqu'à ce qu'ils soient condamnés pour des choses qu'ils n'ont pas faites-

Misallocation of Resources in Developing Economies Like India and China

  I read of the history of the Soviet Union in a college course. In my opinion Marxism-Leninism was a revolutionary philosophy best suited f...