Showing posts with label philosophy physics cosmology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label philosophy physics cosmology. Show all posts


Investigative Reduction to Find a Foundation of Existence?

 “A Different Universe; Reinventing Physics from the Bottom Up’ by Robert Laughlin- a Nobel Laureate in Physics was a good read. It was some time ago when I read that. He speculated about phase changes comprehensively reforging nature, including mind. Scalar fields aren’t the only sort of potential analogy for space-time histories. God may have issued Leibniz’s one-dimensional spiritual monads with a thought- one couldn’t use a reductionist investigation from a Universe to reach a point before the existence of mind with much conviction. It’s always an extrapolation of what probably occurred. One sets compass directions and speculates on what can be found at the start or end rather, if one goes an infinite distance in time and space and what can be found there. One seeks theory-consistent candles at half the distance to the theoretical end that might provide confirmation. Until one has a better theory some are satisfied they have produced the final theory and explanation of everything.

A theory of God besides that of divine revelation is as difficult to prove or disprove as the existence of extraterrestrials that may deem it better to stay hidden or that have evolved to a non-physical, non-planetary form of being. I appreciate frontier scouts mapping the known and speculating about lies beyond the observable.

Physicists speculate that below absolute zero there is a phase change to infinitely hot. Hell may be the necessary destiny for all that have an immortal soul and aren't gathered to heaven with Jesus Christ; the universe would take the lost to a singularity and infinite heat or a phase change from a cold dead low temperature Kelvin Universe to absolute hot.

I believe comparing human and artificial intelligence and the question of if they are the same thing or equivalents is easy to provide an answer to. It is like comparing a carburetor or distributor to human intelligence and asking if they are the same thing. A.I. is a kind of fancy distributor of bits or qubits quite unlike a mind. Maybe computer architecture could get more bits for the buck if they used motion with existing micro-circuits in some way to multiply logic gate grids in Hilbert Space. Maybe they could add more dimensions to logic gate grids.

Hegel was just providing a scaffold for Darwin and Marx, each of whom would deny the teleology of Hegel. I lean toward agreement that dualism doesn't need to be in an either/or relationship with physicalism in the same manner that monism and pluralism may simultaneously coexist in physicalist parameters for a Universe. The actual construction of quantum field, particle-waves etc are very strange in regard to a wealth of philosophic lexicons. Plainly mind is a different configuration of field entanglement. Since all other physical elements tie into the basic local field (the Higgs) providing an extra dimension for two dimensional, massless particles it is reasonable to expect that mind and intentionality also alter quantum relationships. It is difficult to know if that is permanent. Free will is apparently another emergent state or phase change arisen from and within the local concatenated field entanglement compresence.


Meaning of Non-Contingent Being and Necessity for Cosmology Chat

  In regard to cosmology and propositional logic the meanings of contingent and necessity may be accounted for with simplicity. Non-contingent being is used to refer to God. His being is in no way conditional or dependent on anything at all. All other being is conditional.

 Necessity means that A...Z need exist for X to exist. In other words or letters; if no A...Z then not X. Transcendence means to surpass the ordinary, to look far beyond the cubicle, to boldly go where no one has gone before... traveling or being beyond laws of the Universe (eg God or space-time faster than light beings made of tachyons). One may construct other definitions obviously."


Energy, Mass and Fission

Energy is a measurement of the ability to work, rather than a substance. The amount of energy a volume of mass has is mass times the speed of light squared. Hence E=M(c²).

An example is nuclear fission. When mass undergoes fission it splits some of the mass into fission products that radiate and that is 'energy'. Mass has simply changed some of its form and location in the Higgs field in space-time. It lost part of its original mass in the process. I don't know how efficient atomic fission is at converting mass like plutonium yet I gather it isn't 100%.

Science hasn't found the most basic quanta. Quarks are made of gluons. String theory is just a theory. Maybe they use the infinite dimensions of Hilbert Space to find math formula that support one-dimension strings in four dimensions.

A problem is that massless particles pick up a third dimension slowing, entangled in the Higgs Field. Did primary massless two dimensional particles appear after becoming entangled in an unknown field?

Another question is how massless particles are ever subject to gravity and if not why they should have been bound to a singularity.

Misallocation of Resources in Developing Economies Like India and China

  I read of the history of the Soviet Union in a college course. In my opinion Marxism-Leninism was a revolutionary philosophy best suited f...