Showing posts with label Ukraine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ukraine. Show all posts


Macron Moves France Towards War with Russia

French President Macron took a big step toward the destruction of Europe through nuclear war with Russia. He has said that Russia is a threat and need be pacified- apparently meaning rendered harmless and without weapons or missiles. Macron is organizing upgrades to the Ukraine conflict placing France on a path to direct war with Russia. Perhaps he can do better than Napoleon did in failing to capture Moscow.

One might keep in mind that Macron’s blimpistry occurs against a backdrop where France quit N.A.T.O. before the Soviet Union faded away. The French may have wanted to seem harmless in the hope that the Soviets would not nuke them.,warheads%20on%20the%20Russian%20side

Europeans are functionally insane in regard to war on their continental portion, history informs us. At some point fighting against invasions from Asia and Africa, Europeans had legitimate reasons for conflict with external threat vectors, yet Russia is not an outside threat vector in regard to the Ukraine. Among themselves the dynamics of European political power brought them to war against themselves interminably; it was only with the nearly complete destruction of Europe in the Nazi war- the Second World War, that Europe became generally pacified for several decades. Europe was broken and military depleted.

The rise of American and Russian/Soviet nuclear powers rendered Europe impotent; they were compelled to rebuild in peace and develop a new prosperity with comparatively small military spending. Opportunities for world conquering were set back. Political egos smoldered forced to await a future when wars for global conquest could resume. Then Russia/the Soviet Union opted for peace, freed Eastern Europe and peace should have developed.

Besides the war on terror and a brief Balkans post-communist adjustment war peace continued. Maladjustment of the post-Soviet reapportionment of political entities created conflicts and the potential for the Ukraine war, yet peace prevailed. Europe then became the EU and N.A.T. O. Expanded eastward as if Russia was some kind of threat. That breaking of trust and taking advantage of Russian weakness after the end of the Soviet Union to expand N.A.T.O. was a direct cause of the present conflict. A rearmed Europe finds itself in a position to flex its strength and bring the world to the brink of nuclear war because ts leadership is replete with historically runty malcontents and agitators striving to outdo one another with militancy toward Russia.

France and Europeans would like to be the big dog of politics again. In 2020 the French Army had 118,000 members and not all of those were combat soldiers. Europeans have experienced weak U.S. leadership in the Biden, Obama and Clinton administrations that was too Eurocentric. They may have believed that with the end of the Soviet Union and reunification of Germany that Russian power had vanished forever and Russian nuclear weapons power would disappear. That latter point was a delusion.

Macron will need to adjust to the fact that Russia has 5,580 nuclear weapons and France something like 290. Russia is not going away and France will not be the planet’s big dog. Europe rather than butting their heads into a concrete wall need adjust to reality and accept that peace is again going to be forced upon them; this time before they bring about a global world war.

President Trump on the other hand has sought to neutralize European lunacy in regard to Russia.

The rapid progress with the Trump administration toward renormalizing relations with Russia and ending the Ukraine War occurs in an interesting historical paradigm that John Meirsheimer reviewed in a video.

Some have nominated former Assistant Sect. Of State Victoria Nuland for the designer of Joe Biden Ukraine policy yet I think that is an inadequate place to lay the blame. Bureaucrats may be a focal point or catch basin for social forces desiring policy directions yet they for-themselves couldn’t bring powerful disagreeing parties like the military industrial complex to support those or other policies they felt were counterproductive to profit although they might comply if required by the chief executive.

Other have reported that the reason for the meeting in DC of President Macron and P.R. Starmer were to hand off supervisory custody of President Zelensky to the C.I.A. Apparently France was given custody by outgoing President Biden in order to prevent the Trump administration C.I.A. from gaining access to information that might be deleterious for the members of the Biden administration.


Zelensky Finally Revealed He is an Enemy of the United States

 President Zelensky and his staff have revealed themselves as enemies of the United States. They feel entitled to U.S. military and economic support as if the U.S.A. were obligated to provide billions and billions of dollars to them. The weasels use every lever they can to coerce the administration into providing free military aid so they can have protracted war with Russia and take all of the land of Ukraine given by Bill Clinton after the breakup of the Soviet Union for themselves.

In Zelensky's bent logic the U.S.A. is somehow responsible for Russians killing Ukrainians if it doesn't send more weapons to extend the war. The United States doesn't need a relationship with an abusive lunatic. The U.S.A. should release any Russian assets it has frozen if the EU nations seize frozen Russian assets and give them to Zelensky for war and concealment in bitcoin.

I wonder if Zelensky was initially chosen by unknown elites in the same way that Hitler was chosen. Hitler was picked by the high command of the Wehrmacht because of his charismatic voice and appearance to co-opt the German Socialist Worker's party leadership. In all likelihood deposed German aristocrats were behind that. Zelensky may have been elevated for the same reason of being a comedian knowing how to sway crowds for those that like the modern punk-funk approach to politics and war. He seems like a perverse alien shill for recrudescent Axis power.

Some say Zelensky's trip to Qatar or Dubai was to arrange a place to store money. He could have bought billions in cryptocurrency already. Like Erich Honecker he may not have much safety after he leaves Ukraine. Hitler didn't suicide until the last hour before Russians arrived. At the end many dictators find a country without extradition to flee to.


Zelensky May Offer Comedian's Cease Fire Tormorrow

Starmer and Zelensky may announce a comedic cease fire for propaganda purposes tomorrow wherein Russia and Ukraine stop all air, sea and energy facility attacks for a month so Ukraine can have the opportunity to rebuild its military infrastructure for war that was devastated by Russia. Then the Axis powers will deploy tens of thousands of trooper-peacekeepers in Ukraine so they can spearhead attacks on Russian held areas when the cease fire ends.

Macron- an Axis partner, beat him to the punch...


America Should Partner with Russia on Donbas Minerals

I am not a pro-war partisan. I took several history courses on Russia in the 1980s and one of Russian governance in the 10s as part of my world history focus and understood the problem of the West’s irrational exuberance to plunder Russia en passant with the fall of the Soviet Union. Western leadership was ignorant (Bill Clinton) and expansionist (EU and NATO) and just kept doubling down on their initial carpet-bagging.

Intimidating and forcing Russia to know tow to a queer and subservient political economy overseen by a corrupt west that thought it could finance its deficit spending by extraction from Russia was and is a partisan Democrat play book. They used maximum force to try to accomplish that so far as possible. They are corrupt and stupid.

Democrats sought to negate the peace maker Donald Trump by incriminating and convicting him although he deserved a Nobel Prize that partisan expansionist Swedes would never give.

Trump’s felony conviction occurred in a heavily partisan political area with obvious conflicts of interest. The crime itself seemed to be not a crime; that is claiming payments made to suppress bad publicity as a campaign expense seems reasonable. Political campaigns pay a lot for positive advertising- paying not to have negative publicity is the flip side of the coin. Trump’s work presently is valuable for trying to end the Ukraine war.  European and Ukrainian security will be guaranteed with peace and renormailzed economic relations and development rather than continued adversarial relations. To draw down the knife fight both sides need put away the blades.

Peace between superpowers is based to a certain extent on trust. Like the value of the dollar based on nothing more than the faith and credit of the United States rather than gold or some other material, peace can only be as strong as trust and respect for other nations. One need put effort into building peace and renormalizing relations between Europe, Russia and the United States directly.

At the super-power level trust needs to be the deterrent to war. When each side can obliterate each other there is no value in engaging in battle at a conventional scale that easily can get beyond control resulting in the end of human civilization. Clemenceau wanted to guarantee the peace for ending World War One, and it wasn’t, and World War Two grew to fruition. That paradigm is however anachronistic. There is no Maginot Line that will prevent World War Three.

There are so many that argue in favor of continuing conflict. I don’t mind if they reap what they sew except they draw everyone else into the consequences of their failure of good sense. I wouldn’t equivocate categories of crimes- I think they are all quite different. Some laws on the books are unfair or enforced selectively; just laws are what matter. Giving student loans to some and none to others is a concern; laws should be applied equally rather than selectively and with bias.

The Democrat Party after the end of the Cold War bungled the peace. I regard the present situation as entirely the fault of Democrat leadership. Russia was quite willing to exist peacefully with the west; the west insisted on taking all of Ukraine including Crimea that was astoundingly provocative, and then expanded eastward. The formation of the EU swoll their ambition. Irrational exuberance made discounting negative consequences of expansion trivial. Russia was disrespected and found no remedies beside war. In my opinion the west created their own enemy- and even insisted on it and doubled down reminding me of the sci-fi  movie ‘Forbidden Planet’.


Zelensky and Euro Leaders Lack the Holy Spirit

President Zelensky’s abusive visit to the Oval Office demonstrated the problem that fleshy, worldly minds have in finding the Holy Spirit. They have minds for war and death seeking to obtain the wealth of the world continuing forward under the guidance of the devil to destroy others and eventually themselves. Europe’s leaders seek a way to continue the war with a belief they can exhaust Russia economically and militarily. Plainly the entire criterion of seeking to destroy the wealth of Russia may have an effect on destroying the wealth of Europe too.

Finding peace with God may be requisite for finding peace in the local, national and international sphere of friction and competition. Europe’s ambitious leaders believe war is a way to advance human interests and they are wrong. They should encourage a settlement with Russia directly in regard to Ukraine. President Trump has provided a reasonable approach.

Whispers of the Tides (a song)

Romans 8: 1-11 “There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus made me free from the law of sin and of death. For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God, sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: that the ordinance of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For they that are after the flesh mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. For the mind of the flesh is death; but the mind of the Spirit is life and peace: because the mind of the flesh is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can it be: and they that are in the flesh cannot please God. But ye are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you. But if any man hath not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. And if Christ is in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the spirit is life because of righteousness. But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwelleth in you, he that raised up Christ Jesus from the dead shall give life also to your mortal bodies through his Spirit that dwelleth in you.”

(Romans 8:1-11 [ASV])


A Revolution for Ukraine

Ukraine’s infrastructure destruction could be a blessing if political leadership makes it so. Usually a revolution is required to destroy the old economic infrastructure and rebuild it on new principles. The people of the world need a new political economy founded on principles of ecological economic sustainability. Usually revolution is required for such change and that often brings the devastation of physical infrastructure through civil war. Europe and western leadership have already accomplished devastating Ukraine and destroying the economic infrastructure because they would not share Ukraine with Russia. Maybe given another try at complete economic change in Ukraine they can do better.

Revolution sometimes is the only way to accomplish political change. Revolutions over history have been generally vague about what would be accomplished following a successful political revolt. Marx’s Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital are a case in point of failing to provide a realistic template for what the new theoretical state would be like. Elizabeth Warren’s 2020 Presidential primary platform of  Green and Blue New Deals was estimated to cost 70 trillion dollars to actualize by the broadcast media, and the public had little or no awareness of what it entailed; it was another blank check approach to governance.

Unlike revolutions of the past a revolution to bring about sustainable economics would require a completely comprehensive plan to actualize after the revolt brought new leadership into power. With the complexity of ecological economics exceeding the present knowledge of this generation of politicians and most of the public, the prospects for bring a successful revolution to ripen are vanishingly rare. Not only would the military element be nearly impossible to accomplish in the modern era of surveillance state with omnipresent observation of the citizens and their communication since revolutionaries would be extirpated a priori, the requirements for a comprehensive ecological economic makeover of the political economy mean that the construction of the plan would require a large number of  experts and could not be done in secret. Overt revolutionary planning in public social media would be a novel revolutionary criterion. 

Usually following a revolution in the devastated landscape that may exist humans would self-organize reconstruction in accordance with their prior knowledge and history of political economy. In other words they would be clueless about ecological economic principles and would rebuild the old maladapted political economy.

Since 2014 the United States has spent more than 250 billion dollars to prop up Kiev with military support. There was additional spending that wasn’t directly military. That is a lot of money and all that is has accomplished has been bringing Ukraine to a state of ruin with trillions required for a complete rebuild. That raises the possibility of rebuilding Ukraine with an entirely new economic infrastructure founded on ecological economic scientific principles in order to accomplish a sustainable economy.  Ukraine is a wonderful, representative devastated nation suitable for rebuilding with a completely new ecological economic criterion of sustainability yet unfortunately even European politicians are entirely devoid of ideas on the topic or of a desire to accomplish it.

President Zelensky has said Ukraine only received $100 from the U.S.A. The missing billions highlights the problem with corruption globally accentuated by the low quality of media reporting and spin that is ordinary. In that caustic social environment money and economic perfidy are the rule rather than the exception. The media has tended toward normalizing political snafu to benefit themselves.

Ukraine has achieved the prefect post-revolutionary devastation useful for starting a new economic infrastructure. Usually anarchy immediately follows revolutions if there isn’t a very strong, authoritarian power taking control. Ukraine existing in a somewhat mildly pretentious independence might be amenable to experimenting for the globe as a region with a new political economy of ecological sustainability. The Eu should be planning for that kind of state and perhaps share with Russia an ecological economic modality that could encompass the Easter Ukraine that is effectively Russia. Conventional trade could pass through Ukraine and vital mining operations exist yet there should be a radical makeover innovating and insinuating complete ecosphere sustainability into the next economic infrastructure.,other%2C%20primarily%20humanitarian%2C%20purposes

"Congress appropriated $174.2 billion through the five Ukraine supplemental appropriation acts enacted FY 2022 through FY 2024, of which $163.6 billion was allocated for OAR and the Ukraine response, and $10.6 billion was allocated for other, primarily humanitarian, purposes."-quote from Ukraine Oversight


New Hitler and Napoleon Consider Three Quarter Trillion Euro War Supply for Ukraine

Germany has an election tomorrow and may elect a war monger lusting for conflict with Russia. He is backed up by a French President with a Napoleonic point of view on Eastward expansion. Together they imagine a new rearmed European military able to develop hegemony over Russia in Ukraine. Establishing a permanent state of hostility with Russia gazing like hillbillies at one another pointing long guns over a DMZ is the future they imagine. Apparently rare earth minerals in Ukraine are the bone of contention.

Valuable minerals worth trillions are a sticking point in finding peace. Europe, Russia, the Ukraine and the USA want them. Willingness of the EU to risk world war three over the conflict may force America’s hand. In order not to be included as a nuclear target when the war escalated to nuclear the USA may need to quit N.A.T.O. and form a new alliance with Russia.

The EU would not diss President Trump and increase hostility with Russia if the United States was not obligated by treaty to defend N.A.T.zo. members if they are attacked  Since European leaders are leveraging that treaty to hate on peace and Russia as well as to potentially draw the USA into actualizing M.A.D. policy the United States should quit being a treaty member of the vast left,-wing open air lunatic asylum that is the EU.

The United States had to fight Germany twice in the past 110 years. It is possible that one day there may be a third war with that nation.

EU considers historic € 700 billion aid package for Ukraine as Trump signals reduction in Kyiv’s support


Old Europe Uses Democrats Like a Toy

That European leaders have chosen to break with the USA on Ukraine policy shows that they as NATO members were doing nothing more than EU Eastward expansion. For them the US government was a pliable tool paying for their policy. They could have peace yet they want to continue war.

Russia is no conventional weapons threat to European NATO when the United States back them up. There is no reason or Europe to break with the USA and potentially splinter NATO except for pure greed for land and resources in Ukraine that should rightly be shared with Russia.

After the end of the Cold War the European Union gelled from the European Community. Unlike the EC the EU has become swollen enough with pride and power that they still regard Russia as weak enough to plunder its traditional Ukraine real estate. The properties are so listed for that France and other European nations would prefer policy disagreement with America and finance the Ukraine war on its own. If Europe attacks Russia and some day Russia nukes a few cities in Europe in order to defend itself it is possible the United States would not get involved. Instead of collective peace and security Europe uses lame excuses about Russian risk to invade far western Europe as an excuse to finance their war of expansion throughout the borderlands of Russia.

The rational course for Europe would be to settle the Ukraine war in Ukraine peacefully and directly and conserve solid relations with the United States. Otherwise Europe may need to completely rearm itself for a suicidal nuclear war with Russia that can’t be fought. Even if a European,- Russian arms race drafts in the rest of the world to build bigger, faster and better nuclear, chemical and biological weapons than have ever gone before that is a very stupid policy direction.


Some Leftist Intellectuals Still Support Ukraine War

A few Western leftist intellectuals still support war with Russia in Ukraine. They may believe that helps expand homosexual, atheist and aborter hegemony Eastward while reducing overpopulation with war casualties.

Historically the west were carpet baggers taking Russian land when they were weak at the end of Cold War 1.0 That was hubris perpetrated by opportunistic legalists ill informed about real politik and the will of people to recover from victimization. Several historians wrote that a time of reckoning would come. Democrats only needed to adjust the land theft to a more fair and balanced position. Instead they swoll to expand N.A.T.O. Eastward expanding the new EU ego with it.


Zelensky Seeks to Make a European Army Threat to the United States

 Ukraine President Zelensky is agitating to make Europe an enemy of the United States. Entirely thankless for the hundreds of billions of dollars of U.S. military and financial support the last several years he said at the Munich conference that he wants Europe to create its own army to defend itself because Europe may have policies ahead that conflict with those of the United States. Sounding somewhat like Hitler on the far right he seeks a militarization of Europe to counter what he understandably regards as a Russian threat.

Russia though, for realists, is simply recovering land it lost at the end of the Cold War 1.0 when the west divvied up the former Soviet Union. It seemed a time for new carpet bagging and Russia lost all of the Ukraine in the process. Realpolitik would always have been willing to concede half of the Ukraine to Russia and get on with regular political and economic partnership,

Zelensk’s approach to making the United States an enemy of Europe as soon as it quit sending hum hundreds of billions of dollars is a logical move toward reducing America’s standing in the world. Zelensky would like to divide and isolate the United States while creating a powerful Europe that would at any rate eventually normalize relations with the great Russia-China superpower partnership because they are located in Eurasia.

Zelensky’s desire to form a large European Army conflicts prima facie wit the present N.A.T.O. military. Presumably Zelensky would sever N.A.T.O. from its relationship with the United States and convert it into a European fascist refoundation suitable for war against Russia, China and the United States with himself as Fuhrer. Poland and Ukraine perhaps imagine themselves as a European superpower able to rule the former N.A.T.O. new fascist army.

Former President Biden’s lunatic policies of support for Ukraine cost the United States economically and damaged America’s economic position in the world. The BRIC nations are powerful competition for American production in all phases of industrial and technical production for what may be a divided world with the United States holding on to the short end of the stick.

The best tactic for the United States is to renormalize relations with Russia as quickly as possible and settle the Ukraine conflict with boundaries roughly along the Dnipro River. The U.S.A. can buy rare earth minerals from Russia if it needs to. America needs to be as god or better of a partner with Russia as is China if it wants to end up not being the odd man out facing a Euro Army Russia today. Russia is a threat of convenience for globalist lunatic war mongering politicians seeking power. Europeans should know that they can get far more through peace than they ever will through pursuit of conflict with the Russia-China proto super-state alliance.


Zelensky; A Voice in the Wilderness Crying for War

The Ukrainian dictator may be traumatized by war and utters threats and imprecations perpetually with fear mongering to elicit European support for a protracted conflict. He should be replaced by a new leader able to work calmly with Russia to rebuild both halves of the war ravaged region.

Zelensky is a loud voice for lunacy crying in the wilderness for war. He wants nuclear weapons to play a practical joke on Russia. The E.U.'s top diplomat has called sharing Ukraine with Russia "appeasements; it isn't. What it is, is historical justice rectifying a wrong committed at the end of the Soviet Union.

  Europe must needs reestablish business and social relations with Russia eventually- sooner is better, and get over fear and war. Russia needs to recognize a free, independent far western Ukraine and let it be a self-determining democracy albeit without N.A.T.O. membership. Like post war Japan and Germany low military expenses prove invaluable for economic infrastructure rebuild.


Zelensky Arrests Former Ukraine President Poroshenko

Vlad Zelensky issued a warrant for the arrest of the former president of Uktaine in order to eliminate competition in a future presidential elect. Taking a page from the US Democrat party’s playbook that sought to eliminate Donald Trump from running again for office, Mr. Zelensky had the warrant issued for Petro Poroshenko.

Mr. Zelensky’s term of office expired in 2024 and since then he has served as a dictator through marshall law. In the meanwhile President Trump is continuing to seek peace arrangements with Russia while much of Europe cringes in paranoia.

Russia has never expressed much interest in attacking Europe. On the contrary it sought for centuries to be part of Europe and was generally rejected by the west. Maybe that is because of some kind of latent anti- Slavic racism, or simply because all those small European countries made a lifestyle of invading one another so they naturally assumed a big country like Russia would want to invade them too.

Europe and the United States are sufficiently strong to defend themselves against anyone on Earth militarily but that isn't a license to steal land or Eastward expand. The European paranoia is undignified and harms business and security


Ukraine Corruption

Of all of the hundreds of billions sent to Ukraine Pres Zelenski said they received just 75 billion dollars. No one knows today where hundreds of billions went apparently. Bad leaderships greases the skids for sliding cash corruption about to hidden foreign accounts and digital currencies. I suppose sleepy Joe’s people got a cut as well as immunity. Bad decisions in leadership are equal in harm to corruption. America’s has had lots of that for decades.


President-Dictator Zelenski and Democrats Lose $100 Billion U.S. Dollars?

Ukraine President-Dictator Zelensky said that of the $183 billion dollars the Biden administration sent him for weapons only $77 billion is accounted for. Apparently know one knows presently what the Biden administration did with the money. That’s more than a third of a billion dollars for each of the elected Democrats in the House and Senate so it’s easy to understand why they kept approving funding the idiotic war that could have easily been settled by recognizing Russian land claims on the Crime, Donbass and not expanding N.A.T.O. right up to the Russian border after peace was made at the end of the Cold War version 1

100 Billion Dollar Fog of War

That’s lot of money. With the 10% Trump tariff on China in effect a 10% downward cost of living adjustment for poor people living on social security and Wal-mart the vaporized 100 billion that could instead have been a stimulus payment for poor elderly Americans has gone with so much other cash not reported on taxes to offshore Martian financial ecosystem of the rich beyond worldly accountability. It could have helped reduce poverty. It is understandable that former President Biden gave relatives and possible accomplices a priori pardons- they might need it if it turns out that the money went to them.

I watched a Netflix series named The Stranger

about corruption in Korea. Maybe the corruption of Ukraine is global with the corrupt sharing U.S. deficit spending with several global leaders.


Europe Should Pay to Rebuild Ukraine if They Continue War After US Stops Supporting It

 Democrats have a different narrative about the causes of the Ukraine war than many conservatives. Democrats don't recognize that Ukraine was part of Russia until the communist revolution and that a recrudescent Russia would fight to get it back. president Clinton and the last communist President of the Soviet Union took all of Ukraine including Crimea, then N.A.T.O. expanded eastward setting the stage for war that Democrats did nothing to renegotiate and prevent the war. Instead they added more sanctions and hate to Russia to their maximum ability.

Should the United States pay anything to rebuild Ukraine when it's a Democrat mistake? Shouldn't they let Europeans pay to rebuild that devastated region instead if Europe continues the war after the United States new Republican administration stops throwing gas on the fire?


Sanction Europe on LNG Until It Ends Hostilities With Russia

Joe Biden has done everything he can to stop President Trump from bringing an end to the Ukraine-Russia war. He has arranged for war to continue through the next Presidential election in 2028 if possible. N.A.T.O. members will take up the slack if Trump stops sending weapons to Ukraine.

One shouldn't underestimate Europe's will to make self-destructive political choices; they are idiots rather than peace makers or pragmatists  As at the end of WW 2 the USA will need to take the retards under it's armpit and lead it to prosperity and health while the mutt resists the bath.

Old Europe and N.A.T.O. is composed of numerous small, formerly imperial nations that sought global colonies. After Bill Clinton it began to expand in number growing to become somewhat of a monster in size. It is as if dozens of Chihuahuas could unite to become a big dog with the fierceness of a chihuahua. The dog yet has multiple personalities; some in paranoia, some with imperial ambition, and has become a potential threat to the United States directly and indirectly.  perpetrating further conflict with Russia may incite World War Three. Joe Biden has trained N.A.T.O. to expect the U.S.A. to be Europe's bimbo/lesbo enforcer doing its bidding. Americans in the media would go along with further war against Russia until the world is incinerated so they could appear to be patriotic in sycophancy with imperial ambitions.

   President Trump will need to negotiate with Europe simultaneously with Russia and Ukraine to stop the war. N.A.T.O. will seek to create a Gulf of Tonkin Resolution circumstance to force a full N.A.T.O. attack including the U.S.A. on Russia before a peace settlement is made. Peace should be a 50-50 value division of Ukraine with Russia, an end to tariffs and sanctions on both countries and reconstruction of Ukraine paid for by England, France and Germany.

  There should be a tax free DMZ along the shared border that is five miles wide to encourage trade and catalyze reconstruction. Sanctions should be placed on N.A.T.O.embers in Europe so they don’t receive U.S. fuel supplies or natural gas until they end hostilities with Russia. The world needs peace now and a recovering economy morphing into environmental economy for a more verdant planet.


The West and Russia Need to Share Ukraine

Germans and Poles have fought with Russia over Ukraine for hundreds of years. For most of history Ukraine was Russian. Communist revolutionaries are the middle term that Democrats believe makes Ukraine not Russian. They are wrong about that. Sharing Ukraine with the west is a good deal for the west. Crimea though is Russia's Florida. Any intelligent human and maybe some chimps would know Russia would never give it up.

Fall of the Western Roman Empire Trivia

 I believe Russell's historical analysis was way off. Constantine's victory over Maxentius at the battle of the Milvian Bridge in 31...