Showing posts with label war. Show all posts
Showing posts with label war. Show all posts


Stop Spending on Ukraine

Russians lost about 6 million dead in WW 2; the most of the Soviet Union’s ethnic groups. As one with a balanced history background that included college courses in Russian history and the usual Western Civilization I understand and support the facts about US and global interests, unlike the Democrat Party leadership.

As an historical opinion I support Russia’s right to the Crimea and know that sharing Ukraine with Russia at 50% is the only rational policy. Pursuing false narratives promulgated since the Clinton carpet bagging land stolen berg days has harmed US global interests, credibility (people think it an opportunistic predator with a supportive propaganda media), effected a million casualties, made enemies of two WW2 allies and normalized nuclear brinkmanship. It’s also expensive with about a quarter trillion dumped to Ukraine.

The Soviet Union had an 800 mile front from the Black Sea and extended through Ukraine. Many Ukrainians were on the Nazi side killing Russians defending their homeland.

Russia was moving toward free enterprise and helped in the war against terrorism while Europe expanded NATO. Because of western greed we made an enemy of Russia and divided the world Economy between the BRIC nations and the west.

The world does not need to be politically divided in a second Cold War. A peaceful world with free trade, free enterprise and a transition to sustainable ecological economic policy cannot occur with a senseless war ongoing leading toward a stone age economy.

Those who forget the past are doomed to rest it was proven again true by the Democrats bungling of the end of the Cold war. Communism ended in the Soviet Union starting with a quarter million Soviet troops withdrawing from East Germany in Dec 1988. When communism ended peacefully it was difficult to avoid chaos. There was no government or people elected to the new governments. Yeltsin wrote a constitution for Russia.

There was no method to redistribute land that was public owned in the Soviet era into private ownership that was tested. Even as late as the mid 90s there were no income taxes on oligarchs and corporations.  Some way had to arise to keep Russia together and remove power from the Mafia and oligharchs. Putin had to find a way to set the power criteria of regional governments and rebuild the military based on the US volunteer force. It was a complex difficult period with free enterprise growing in Russia. American businesses were invested there. Then NATO expanded Eastward eyeballing Russia as it had since Napoleon and Poland had since 1500.

The Russian Presidency was given superpowers by the constitution. He needed it to keep the home made experiment in democracy together  I took a Coursera course online about Russian government from Petersburg University and researched online about Russian history since the end of the Cold War. It was a democracy. 

The maladroit Democrat Party choices to be runt-like political midgets living within the Cold War era paradigm with an enemy to the East was political recidivism and follow. Leadership was required rather than fear, paranoia and cowardice that required an expanded NATO, increases military expense and that couldn't understand or lead to what was needed to continue the Reagan-Gorbachev normalization of relations east and west.

   Russia has not sought conflict with the west besides restoration of it's sovereign lands in Ukraine. When Ukraine is shared those that would live in the non Russian areas should be free to move to West Ukraine and vice versa.

 Understanding politics with competence involves understanding what motivates leaders on select issues, and how and why they form policies. Civilizations end because of bad leadership sometimes, such as that which occurred in imperial Rome following the Antonines. 

 Democrat leadership after Reagan, and even that of George W Bush has made a series of bad decisions. My concern is for justice internationally of course, yet primarily is for America alienating half of the world from trade and trust, increasing public debt and becoming incapable of supporting a peaceful and productive global political economy.

Europe Should Pay to Rebuild Ukraine if They Continue War After US Stops Supporting It

 Democrats have a different narrative about the causes of the Ukraine war than many conservatives. Democrats don't recognize that Ukraine was part of Russia until the communist revolution and that a recrudescent Russia would fight to get it back. president Clinton and the last communist President of the Soviet Union took all of Ukraine including Crimea, then N.A.T.O. expanded eastward setting the stage for war that Democrats did nothing to renegotiate and prevent the war. Instead they added more sanctions and hate to Russia to their maximum ability.

Should the United States pay anything to rebuild Ukraine when it's a Democrat mistake? Shouldn't they let Europeans pay to rebuild that devastated region instead if Europe continues the war after the United States new Republican administration stops throwing gas on the fire?


Sanction Europe on LNG Until It Ends Hostilities With Russia

Joe Biden has done everything he can to stop President Trump from bringing an end to the Ukraine-Russia war. He has arranged for war to continue through the next Presidential election in 2028 if possible. N.A.T.O. members will take up the slack if Trump stops sending weapons to Ukraine.

One shouldn't underestimate Europe's will to make self-destructive political choices; they are idiots rather than peace makers or pragmatists  As at the end of WW 2 the USA will need to take the retards under it's armpit and lead it to prosperity and health while the mutt resists the bath.

Old Europe and N.A.T.O. is composed of numerous small, formerly imperial nations that sought global colonies. After Bill Clinton it began to expand in number growing to become somewhat of a monster in size. It is as if dozens of Chihuahuas could unite to become a big dog with the fierceness of a chihuahua. The dog yet has multiple personalities; some in paranoia, some with imperial ambition, and has become a potential threat to the United States directly and indirectly.  perpetrating further conflict with Russia may incite World War Three. Joe Biden has trained N.A.T.O. to expect the U.S.A. to be Europe's bimbo/lesbo enforcer doing its bidding. Americans in the media would go along with further war against Russia until the world is incinerated so they could appear to be patriotic in sycophancy with imperial ambitions.

   President Trump will need to negotiate with Europe simultaneously with Russia and Ukraine to stop the war. N.A.T.O. will seek to create a Gulf of Tonkin Resolution circumstance to force a full N.A.T.O. attack including the U.S.A. on Russia before a peace settlement is made. Peace should be a 50-50 value division of Ukraine with Russia, an end to tariffs and sanctions on both countries and reconstruction of Ukraine paid for by England, France and Germany.

  There should be a tax free DMZ along the shared border that is five miles wide to encourage trade and catalyze reconstruction. Sanctions should be placed on N.A.T.O.embers in Europe so they don’t receive U.S. fuel supplies or natural gas until they end hostilities with Russia. The world needs peace now and a recovering economy morphing into environmental economy for a more verdant planet.


The West and Russia Need to Share Ukraine

Germans and Poles have fought with Russia over Ukraine for hundreds of years. For most of history Ukraine was Russian. Communist revolutionaries are the middle term that Democrats believe makes Ukraine not Russian. They are wrong about that. Sharing Ukraine with the west is a good deal for the west. Crimea though is Russia's Florida. Any intelligent human and maybe some chimps would know Russia would never give it up.


Turkey Exerts Control of Syria While Biden Snoozes

Turkish fuhrer Erdogan is expanding Turkish poeer over Syrian regions while threatening Israel that has moved into Southern Lebanon. N.A.T.O. has this opened a two-front war of expansion on Eurasia, and President Biden just keeps sending weapons and cash to Ukraine.

The US should support an Israeli, Kurd, Druze alliance in the former Syria and send the 101st airborne to secure the Free State of Izkurdruze’s borders against Turkish invaders asap. Joe Biden should wake up and stop the Kurdish war monger


The Biden-Zelensky War and Meaninglessness of Death

 Rather than death that people fear, it could be all the pain and suffering on the way. Dying meaninglessly like a conscript in Biden’s Ukraine war could be fearful too. Individuals probably don’t like the idea of Zelenski pushing them into the line of combat contact when peace could have been achieved long ago. If he believes it’s a good thing to die or at least not a problem, some conscripts may think he should lead by example.

About the war;

Lots of history in the story. Too much for here. Briefly though, I was on active duty when the Soviets withdrew there army from East Germany at the end of the Reagan administration and had visited Berlin a few months before. Growing up the son of a World War Two vet watching body counts on CBS on a daily basis from the Vietnam Conflict I thought of the tremendous waste and futility of war. It is not a way for human progress at all. I was quite happy when the Cold War concluded mostly without violence. The Soviet forces seemed to be gathering rust and uniforms threadbare. People had labored for decades to find peace with the Soviets and to end communism. After that miracle developed the Clinton administration got the last Soviet President Boris Yeltsin to take Ukraine away from Russia that it had been part of before communism. Ukraine had never been an independent nation before Bill Clinton. he gross incompetence of developing a future of U.S. carpet bagging by democrats worked counter-productively to all of the business investment by the west in Russia. Democrat Party sanctions have killed all that. Fundamentally Democrat leadership was retarded on statesmanship since Bill Clinton.

Historians knew that would set the stage for a future war because Russia would never accept losing its land. Meanwhile the west expanded N.A.T.O. eastward as if they were taking advantage of weak chumps and as if the Cold War had never ended, and instead had only had an interregnum creating a political vacuum that needed to be filled by making all of the former Soviet nations a part of the west while seeking to marginalize Russia. The increasing threatening posture of the west and the US Democrat Party made a hot war inevitable following the Obama and Biden elections.

No sane individual well read in history could possibly have believed that Russia would ever relinquish the Crimea. The poverty of intellectual and political competence by Democrat Party leadership has brought the world to the prospect of World War Three. The United States has suffered economically and politically and that will only increase if the war isn’t ended directly. In fact the U.S.A. is doing everything it can to promote China to the world’s number one economic power. Even a simple war with Europe destroying ports and energy infrastructure by Russian hypersonic ballistic missiles will put Europe’s economy into the dark ages for a while. China and other BRIC nations besides Russia will benefit. China can always buy what’s left of Russia and together they can form a super-state.


Etymology of Concept

 The etymology of concept is from conceive. It is to put an idea into a mind. Sentient species might create similar ideas without the idea existing someplace other than as an idea.  Math is an idea

The Lakers need better, more reliable 3 point shooting yet that’s just an idea. Others may have that idea too without it existing someplace independently as in Plato’s realm of forms.

Placing the Crucible in a Science Fiction Story

 Should one start a science fiction story with a battle? I read an action novel that started with a brilliant, intensely detailed battle. The hostage rescue team was blindsided in an alley with a hidden .50 caliber machine gun placed by a criminal seeking revenge it turned out, dropping clues for the FBI to recover leading them to the kill zone. The slaughter was described minutely with the agents crawling in hot gravel looking for non-existent cover.

The trouble with that kind of beginning is that the rest of the book couldn’t reach the intensity of the start. The remainder of the story was afterwords.

Detective stories often start with a crime followed with a story to identify the perp. Where to place the crucible in science fiction  I would guess depends on the preferred structure of the plot.

Rectilinear Structures are Heavily Favored

 Building non rectilinear structures escalates the cost orders of magnitude. Until recently the math would have been a lot more difficult. Curves are hard for carpenters to calculate. Square footage of various comic sections, how and where to cut, and what to cut with for variegated surface, calculations for interior insulation that’s a reciprocal of diurnal solar exposure, etc are tougher. Building artificial mountain ranges for people to inhabit with habitat for wildlife outside might be easier.

For individuals building complex curvy structures might be more the kind of thing rich people could do. Gunnite spray concrete of course allows complex home structures to go up readily for specialized contractors. Incidentally people with bad knees don’t like stairs.


U.S.A. Doesn't Need to Support N.A.T.O. Members that Attack Russia

The N.A.T.O. treaty the US is signed into should not obligate the. U.S.A. to join into wars and military conflicts started by N.A.T.O. members like England and France that purportedly plan to send troops to Ukraine to kill Russians and possibly pre-emptive strikes inside Russia itself. If Russia counter-attacks France and Britain the US could choose to remain neutral.

Ukraine presently

N.A.T.O. cannot be used to let runt members start conflicts knowing the U.S.A. need intervene on their behalf. Consider the stupidity of the treat in an example

Turkey attacks Israel in support of HAMAS. Israel counter strikes Turkey. Turkey demands N.A.T.O. including the U.S.A. attack Israel.

Russia has a right to defend itself against attack. N.A.T.O. is a defensive agreement, not one of partnership to aggression. If England and France choose to more directly involved themselves in the Ukraine war that’s all on them as independent nations.

Pragmatism and the Ukraine

Pragmatism is selecting something that works and/or is necessary. People can make bad choices though.

Some don’t know what pragmatism is. An example- Act and rule based utilitarianism may be a good theory yet in practice it has a lot of difficulties. The greatest good for the greatest number might require force to implement.

Pragmatism might triage social problems and fix as many as possible with available resources. An ideal approach might ban fossil fuel engines tomorrow, a pragmatic approach might stress support for EVs to eliminate exhaust gases because would encounter too much protest to eliminating fossil fuel.

It is a complete fiction that pragmatism disregards reality or truth. Lol. The Ukraine conflict may cause a nuclear war. Britain, France and Joe Biden would spend years and trillions of dollars to fund the war and rebuild. Escalating to nuclear war isn’t pragmatic.

A pragmatist would stop the war, share Ukraine with Russia and let the planet get back to working together and move towards environmental economics and justice for all.

The most famous example of pragmatism to solve a problem was that of Alexander the great cutting through the Gordian knot with a sword.


Atheists May Hate Godel's Incompleteness Theorems

I believe the simple explanation for Godel's incompleteness theorems is that there cannot be a set of all sets including itself, with the exception perhaps of God. Einstein and Godel had offices at Princeton. I believe Einstein said he didn't understand Godel's work.

There is an explanation of the first incompleteness theorem.
"The first incompleteness theorem shows that the Gödel sentence GF of an appropriate formal theory F is unprovable in F. Because, when interpreted as a statement about arithmetic, this unprovability is exactly what the sentence (indirectly) asserts, the Gödel sentence is, in fact, true (Smoryński 1977"

There are practical consequences for the demonstration of the incompleteness  or limitations of formal systems. Philosophers at least, as well as computer scientists and mathematicians got more to think about. 

The Godel criterion seems reflected in reality at the quantum level in some respects. Even a fundamental particle or wave *in the beginning, requires a precursor outside or before the system starts. Incompleteness exists apparently in the infinities that arise as math physics regress toward the singularity so the model is incomplete.

Alternative Courses to Nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Hiroshima and Nagasaki were civilian targets. Truman had different courses to take yet he was a Democrat. Perhaps he could have nuked just one city instead of both. He might have bombed Yokohama harbor for shock and awe and gave the big bad wolf's ultimatum afterward. If he wanted Chinese communist empathy he could have dropped the nuke on Emperor Hirohito. 

Because WW2 was the last battle of World War 1 the U S could have stayed out of 1 and let Germany win. The Nazis would never have happened and German aristocrats would have faded out like the British royals. I don't think Germany would have greased the rails for red commie killers to take over Russia.and Rasputin could have led the Romanovs to the Stairway to Heaven.

Alternative fiction courses of history are completely malleable to an author's construction. One should never have taken the branches to war to start with if that's what one wanted to edit post hoc. The Second World War didn't improve world affairs generally except for select expedited liberation movements overall.


The President's Irrational Ukraine Policy

Nuclear weapons are an existential threat. Presidents are not welcome to egress toward the direction of nuclear war. It's just bad policy that could kill 200 million Americans. President Biden's Ukraine policy is worst case in economic development as well as security. He is not welcome to gamble American lives quite stupidly. He might get with war at best 50% of the economic benefit possible with peace and build long term global insecurity. He isn't competent. I haven't served in the military since the year the cold war ended. I cannot imagine rational people severing Crimea from Russia...that was an importunate misunderstanding of history that changed the world.


Democrat's Bundle Bungling Gives Win to Trump

 Independents probably voted for Trump because the Harris-Biden campaign included a move to  initiate World War Three in their bundle of what they would do if Harris had won the 2024 Presidential election. World War Three is a hard sell to the American public even if abortion for women votes was also included in their political bundle.

President Trump alternatively was the peace candidate who sought to move toward business as usual, and though he included fossil fuel development in his bundle, his bundling of policies was more discrete and less uniform. Like buying a television entertainment cable package Trump had fewer onerous disincentives in his package to offend independent purchasers.

Because future and past President Trump is more independent in his package bundling- more inclined to change the policies and programs included within a political package bundle, he may discover that solid state batteries will probably replace fossil fuel vehicles as the power train of choice before the end of his term. Toyota plans to field a 1000 mile per charge solid state battery by 2029. Most home owners with usually sunny skies would rather pay zero per mile for fuel than 60 dollars each time they need to fill up a gas tank.

President Trump is an urban guy and doesn’t value the wilderness the way Teddy Roosevelt did while creating the National Park system. Yet he should know that it is almost impossible to replace wilderness areas once lost, and that keeping habitat intact for a healthy ecosphere and to stop the loss of endangered species is important to many independent voters, and should be for future Republican politicians too that develop a better global idea of the need to keep a healthy planet even while humanity expands its capitalist enterprises.,

The social security system could easily be fixed if it had a more need based basis for existing. When it was created it was seen  as a way to keep people out of the absolute poverty created during the Great Depression. It wasn’t intended to be a kind of 401 K system to give more than 2000 dollars monthly to people with very adequate retirement savings. Probably payments should halt at $2000 per month and the minimum monthly payment should rise to $1000 monthly.

Though President Trump is a global warming denier, the future Republican party cannot be. It is in fact only because the Democrats include abortion and loose border security in their political bundle each election that they find it challenging to get a majority of votes. In 2028 if Democrats can promise to have zero illegal immigration and set abortion aside to let the states decide they will have a bundle without two poison pills and a better chance to get millions of independent votes. The Democrats bundling a global heating reduction plan that can be accomplished without adding to public debt through incentives should have a fairly easy time winning the 2028 Presidential election.

If President Trump includes the policy directions mentioned above in his operating political package the next term he could set the stage for a more updated Republican Party. The majority of the world population is in warm sunny countries and those people will want to buy lose cost Chinese electric cars and solid state batteries. For the United States to be viewed as a leader in liberating humanity the Republican party will need to support rapid expansion of low cost electric car exports with solid state batteries while demonstrating that a healthy ecosphere can be kept for wildlife in developing nations. Of course it will help if President-elect Trump can restore peaceful relations with Russia and settle the Ukraine-Russia boundary dispute.


Would a Harris Win Enable a Chaotic Crash of the Dollar?

  A Trump win might generate fairly predictable consequences ( good economy, compiling public debt, peace with Russia etc). A Harris win alternatively could start a series of chaotic challenges to American leadership competence with consequences for the poor as well as average Americans.

The Harris commitment to pursue conflict with Russia over Ukraine and her lack of historical understanding of the nation's position in the currents of world political evolution might engender the crash of the dollar while global warming accelerates. Secure borders and a commitment to excellence and supporting the development of every American citizen to be the best they can be is necessary if the country is to have much control of it's own political destiny in one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.

Kamala Harris major selling point is that she is female. She has of course signed off on the Democrat's party platform, yet I am not aware of a single new idea she has. Low expectations need to be adjusted downward.


Wittgenstein, Cohen, Quine, Kripke, Language, Wars etc.

 Wittgenstein's Blue and Brown books presented a simple anthropology of language development. It was a somewhat more pragmatic approach than Heidegger's investigation of language and concept meanings with depth in etymology. His thought about language was a part of the development of linguistic or analytic philosophy yet very early. Realism and nominalism questions about words were better understood toward the later half of the 20th century Applying logic to language and meaning as elements of epistemology developed later with people like Cohen, Strawson, Quine and Kripke. 

A thought about wars of the distant future... Weapons like scalpels will be applied to scale of conflict. To destroy a planet or galaxy different tools would be used than to excise opposition forces amid some friendly forces. If people remain stupid enough to have wars they will probably annihilate themselves anyway.

Apparently scientists already bred an ape with a human and aborted the foetus, otherwise there would have been a better alternative to Joe Biden. Seriously though, 16 million years ago a major eruption occurred- with vast left-wing lava extrusion (The Columbia River Basalt Province) from the Yellowstone hotspot and before that the Deccan Traps extrusion 66 million y.b.p. Humans have been around from about 100,000-200,000 years ago and no they wouldn't naturally evolve to a super-being in just 100,000 more years. Many people including James Lovelock and the late Jacques Cousteau have said that humanity will probably destroy the livability of the Earth within 200 years. It does seem likely.

Unicorns in the Old Testament. Apparently Re'em was a unicorn as well as the rhino mentioned earlier ( "the scientific name for the Indian Rhino is 'Rhinoceros Unicornis") It had to do with horns. Stipes was the upright stick Jesus was crucified on and the unicorn was a symbol of Christ. I will quote a relevant piece on unicorns from a google search... "The Hebrew word re'em is mentioned nine times in the Bible and is often translated as "unicorn" in English translations. However, some modern translations use the term "wild ox" (aurochs) to describe the re'em, which is the correct meaning". I tend toward being a KJV only reader myself so far as Bibles go, because I like the language, although the Good News version is sometimes interesting too.


Biden Harris Management to Direct World toward Nuclear War is Exciting

 Nothing like the world advancing toward nuclear war to get the heart pumping. Apparently the generations changing have forgotten the down side of atomic bombs and see only the good. maybe nuclear war is as unreal as the U.S. public debt to Democrats and one can keep escalating toward it without any problems.

Some believe that the Zelensky claim that he can go nuclear with his own bombs to attack Russia is another bad development. Actually the only viable solution to the Ukraine conflict is to settle it along lines of each side gets 50% of the nation- the Solomon option as it were. The baby won’t be relinquished by the real mother though so cutting it in half is the only way the Ukraine can be saved.

Russia will never quit fighting to recover its land and the U.S. choice to be unable to compromise western claims so far as to recognize the legitimacy of the Russia point of view will continue to develop counter-productive global economic as well as military developments that a rational political party would seek to avoid. Perhaps good sense is an externality to the legalism of greed relying on bogus historical claims to ownership for Ukraine as an historical independent nation equal to that of England, France or Germany.

One can better understand why the Lord Jesus Christ was crucified by humans through the lens of the Ukraine war and the way original sin rules political thought of select leaders in D.C. and Western Europe


Last good chance for President Biden to Start World War Three is October 12th


On October 11th and 12th N.A.T.O. defense secretaries and ministers will meet to discuss the Ukraine conflict and if they should let Ukraine’s military use N.A.T.O. weapons to attack deep into Russia. I haven’t much confidence in Joe Biden’s judgment on the Ukraine war; it is possible that he will finally green light Zelinsky’s wish to attack old Russia itself and that would stimulate a rapid escalation beyond the borders of Ukraine perhaps to include targets in western Europe and the United States and or tactical nukes in Ukraine. That might be the October surprise that candidates sometimes use to get themselves or their apprentice reelected or elected as the case may be.

The war has been a very bad event that simply gets worse the farther on it goes. There is no good ending for the atrocity. The best circumstance would be for Donald Trump to be re-elected and sign off on the Putin peace settlement to divide the Ukraine 50-50 so far as real estate value goes in dollars. Ukraine would actually keep about 80% of the land area in that deal. Mr. Trump should have some influence on Zelinsky and refuse to provide more weapons from the United States.

Developing better, cheaper ways to kill people will be a bad example for the future of mankind. A divided world just won’t be one with a recovering ecosphere that definitely needs work. I would guess global sea level will rise faster than expected- maybe 20 feet before the end of the century, and that will be a disaster itself. Peace with Russia is necessary, and on good terms, if any real intention to work on the ecospheric decline is to occur globally.

Ukrainians fielded a new incendiary drone that drops a molter, liquid like thermite stream on Russian positions in September. Russians fielded their own a week later. Thermite is a kind of aluminum and iron oxide mixture that burns around 4000 degrees. Since the tech is easy that weapon is likely to proliferate in future conflicts. It is the kinder gentler way of making crispy critters instead of just broadcast napalm all over everyone in a sloppy way. I doubt that Hamas would be so thoughtful about keeping thermite off of civilians.

It must make President Biden’s day to see an increase in the lethality of the conflict. I have wondered if Zelinsky has some kind of godfather horse’s head in the bed hold over the President, or blackmail photos or some other device to compel Joe Biden to just send more and more weapons despite the somewhat irrational, lemming like surge toward the Armageddon cliff.


Questions about Kamala Harris as a Secure, Comfortable Establishment Insider

 The nation faces quite a choice this election between the affirmative action legacy candidate seeking promotion to her level of incompetence potentially and Donald Trump, the last capitalist in a sense from the nation before the complete swamp of dopiness flooded it. I believe one question about Kamala Harris that is relevant is would she take a natural female receptive role if President and make the U.S.A. a bimbo of Europe and its rise with the EU and NATO expansion into potentially taking the leading role in the trans-Atlantic relationship.

Germany has less than a half trillion dollars of public debt. If one may use the term lem; in this case not used as a synonym for "nigger" as public radio use the depricative (I should clarify that because of the controversial nature of lem and nigger as hate speech. One might say 'don't hire that lem' instead of using the n word which is politically incorrect) then Germany's economy isn't a lem (meaning lemon) while that of the U.S.A. is nearing that stature with 33 trillion dollars of public debt. The U.S.A. need be somewhat more independent and self reliant and not just leave the public sector as a lem holding the bag on the massive debt that generate result with real austerity some day.

In his farewell address George Washington expressed concern about establishing permanent foreign alliances that would impact the sovereignty and security of the United States. N.A.T.O. is a prime example of the problem of a foreign alliance that has outlived its founding reason for being and seems to insist on a hostile relationship with Russia in order to have a reason to exist. The Ukraine issue should have been settled by diving the country in half and just moved on. Instead since the end of the Cold War 1.0 N.A.T.O. has increased in size and became an existential threat to invade Russia long before Russia took the Crimea back as it has owned it for hundreds of years- even before the Soviet Union captured Russian government for nearly 70 years.

One wonders is Democrats have forgotten world history and the violence and conflicts that occurred in Europe over the millennia. The U.S. should have been happy to let the original N.A.T.O. just continue as a kind of appendix that isn't used much, not a threat yet of actual deterrence value. Expanding it created a monster. It is a potential future rival to American military power sometime when the U.S.A. doesn't agree on some critical policy concern. It is also part of the Orwellian expansion into some kind of 1984 three global blocks at perennial enmity or war sort of circumstance...and such an egregious bit of idiocy without good sense or political aesthetic value.

Democrats were happy t bring about a conflict rather than rationally settling in without violence. They could have used the mostly non-violent transition from the Soviet Union to Russia in an albeit imperfect allocation of boundaries as an example. Instead the methodically increased the numbers of N.A.T.O. and the E.U and seemed to further try to marginalize Russia. Obviously the decision of the Democrat Party and EU members to prosecute Russia as an adversary building up military stores in the Ukraine to defend its western affiliation was a result of the founding of Ukraine at the end of the Cold War 1.0 as an independent state and unavoidable since Democrat Party leaders had no intention in any way to relinquish any part of Ukraine to Russia. Kamala Harris has expressed her full intent to continue the war until it is free of Russians; in other words until  the last Ukrainian is dead on the battlefield.

Is there really a substantial different orientation for American women concerning jobs, natural security and the deaths of foreigners in wars that could be prevented with U.S. leadership to settlement that bring people like Kamala Harris to feel entitled to have everything their own way? Do they take their position in life for granted- as if it were usual to have vast incomes without dirtying their hands? Should they when buying a ‘starter home’ with their $120,000 annual income and spouse’s $40,00 feel that is normal and usual- that they have some right to a higher standard of living than that of most of the world’s working men? Do they just want more of the same inertia of prosperity and ecological inefficiency moving forward without the slightest concern for the decline of natural resources ad the ecosphere? U.S. politicians that have their relatives getting government jobs are hardly inspirational to those that haven’t got relatives in high elected positions.

Do American women and politicians of the left believe that the crass consumerism, abortions, atheism and fossil fuel engines while the country has 33 trillion dollars of public debt is the best way to shape an economy? Economists may say that illegal migration doesn’t hurt the gross national product yet that is somewhat meaningless to the people without good income because wages were undermined by surplus labor. The G,N,P. Can be great and yet it can also mostly go to the 1% and the 10%. Of course their economists would say everything is wonderful.

Some wonder if flooding the nation with illegal migrants while expanding the conventional economy without ecological economic reform and while waging a economic and limited military global battle with Russia, China and the BRIC nations while concentrating wealth paying for government programs with public debt is likely to be sustainable. Others wonder if Kamala Harris has a clue.

Idealism, Godel and Einstein

There is an epistemic and metaphysical difference of opinion about reality and the extent to which mind interprets and shapes its perception...