Showing posts with label environment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label environment. Show all posts


Arctic Ice Cap Looks Kinda Thin for the Middle of February

 I like more ice in the drink in the middle of February; it looks kinda thin and sparse. Cryosphere Today aka Sea Ice Today by N.O.A.A. has daily and annual satellite images of the ice cap. If the Trump administration gets rid of those so they can claim the atmosphere isn't heating up because of all those people driving fossil fuel vehicles that would be a practical ostrich policy. How Pres Trump can be so right on ending the senselessly polluting Ukraine War costing countless lives and wrong on something as simple as atmospheric heating is beyond me.


Make California Great Again with Ukraine War Pork

Instead of sending another dime’s worth of federal deficit adding dollars and weapons to Ukraine that Pork should be diverted to make California great again with fireproof and energy independent homes for the homeless. Pacific Palisades could be a shining city on a hill or beach instead of one smoldering because it’s federal lifeline went to reduce Ukraine to smoldering ruins.

Stop the war and make California a place rebuilt by Americans instead of illegal aliens. Elect a governor that secures borders and isn’t detached from good sense. Modern governors should should have good environmental economic ideas that are economically progressive. California rebuild should have great leading eco infrastructure that are good examples for the nation. At a minimum L.A. should desalinate salt water using clean energy and keep its fire hydrant perennially full.

Governors and parties that lead with acrimony and litigation to national division on the attempt to enrich themselves and pack government expansively with partisan voters while deficit spending are a devastating waste of time providing no concept completion to the other major party.


AI Changes on a Small Town

Since 1990 I lived much of the time in a small Alaska town where the logging mill that was the major employer closed down a year or two later. The population hasn’t increased since the logging mostly stopped. World population is right and a half billion. Wrangell has around 2000 people. It is located in America’s last great coastal forest. Ever year young workers leave, yet dome wildlife recovers while fishing declines. AI will probably affect human conservation practices.

AI will make it more difficult for writers too. AI will soon write custom novels for anyone with an app the way it’s going, as if it were making a custom pizza. Musk said there may be 10 billion robots within 20 or 30 years. There is supposed to be a super AI upgrade next. Trump has that 500 billion dollar Stargate AI project going. Who knows where that will lead?

I would guess that traditional ponzinomics where population grows and increases resource consumption so the population can stay working age will be replaced by smart robot workers while the human population ages and decreases in number to some ecologically sustainable level.

Lots of changes ahead if WW 3 doesn’t happen. Wrangell may be lucky enough to just observe the changes for some time. It’s funny how science fiction is becoming fact.

I didn’t use FB’s AI grammar rewrite version in this comment. That version said Wrangell can observe and adapt to the changes. Fait accompli I guess.


Democrat's Bundle Bungling Gives Win to Trump

 Independents probably voted for Trump because the Harris-Biden campaign included a move to  initiate World War Three in their bundle of what they would do if Harris had won the 2024 Presidential election. World War Three is a hard sell to the American public even if abortion for women votes was also included in their political bundle.

President Trump alternatively was the peace candidate who sought to move toward business as usual, and though he included fossil fuel development in his bundle, his bundling of policies was more discrete and less uniform. Like buying a television entertainment cable package Trump had fewer onerous disincentives in his package to offend independent purchasers.

Because future and past President Trump is more independent in his package bundling- more inclined to change the policies and programs included within a political package bundle, he may discover that solid state batteries will probably replace fossil fuel vehicles as the power train of choice before the end of his term. Toyota plans to field a 1000 mile per charge solid state battery by 2029. Most home owners with usually sunny skies would rather pay zero per mile for fuel than 60 dollars each time they need to fill up a gas tank.

President Trump is an urban guy and doesn’t value the wilderness the way Teddy Roosevelt did while creating the National Park system. Yet he should know that it is almost impossible to replace wilderness areas once lost, and that keeping habitat intact for a healthy ecosphere and to stop the loss of endangered species is important to many independent voters, and should be for future Republican politicians too that develop a better global idea of the need to keep a healthy planet even while humanity expands its capitalist enterprises.,

The social security system could easily be fixed if it had a more need based basis for existing. When it was created it was seen  as a way to keep people out of the absolute poverty created during the Great Depression. It wasn’t intended to be a kind of 401 K system to give more than 2000 dollars monthly to people with very adequate retirement savings. Probably payments should halt at $2000 per month and the minimum monthly payment should rise to $1000 monthly.

Though President Trump is a global warming denier, the future Republican party cannot be. It is in fact only because the Democrats include abortion and loose border security in their political bundle each election that they find it challenging to get a majority of votes. In 2028 if Democrats can promise to have zero illegal immigration and set abortion aside to let the states decide they will have a bundle without two poison pills and a better chance to get millions of independent votes. The Democrats bundling a global heating reduction plan that can be accomplished without adding to public debt through incentives should have a fairly easy time winning the 2028 Presidential election.

If President Trump includes the policy directions mentioned above in his operating political package the next term he could set the stage for a more updated Republican Party. The majority of the world population is in warm sunny countries and those people will want to buy lose cost Chinese electric cars and solid state batteries. For the United States to be viewed as a leader in liberating humanity the Republican party will need to support rapid expansion of low cost electric car exports with solid state batteries while demonstrating that a healthy ecosphere can be kept for wildlife in developing nations. Of course it will help if President-elect Trump can restore peaceful relations with Russia and settle the Ukraine-Russia boundary dispute.


Would a Harris Win Enable a Chaotic Crash of the Dollar?

  A Trump win might generate fairly predictable consequences ( good economy, compiling public debt, peace with Russia etc). A Harris win alternatively could start a series of chaotic challenges to American leadership competence with consequences for the poor as well as average Americans.

The Harris commitment to pursue conflict with Russia over Ukraine and her lack of historical understanding of the nation's position in the currents of world political evolution might engender the crash of the dollar while global warming accelerates. Secure borders and a commitment to excellence and supporting the development of every American citizen to be the best they can be is necessary if the country is to have much control of it's own political destiny in one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.

Kamala Harris major selling point is that she is female. She has of course signed off on the Democrat's party platform, yet I am not aware of a single new idea she has. Low expectations need to be adjusted downward.


Wittgenstein, Cohen, Quine, Kripke, Language, Wars etc.

 Wittgenstein's Blue and Brown books presented a simple anthropology of language development. It was a somewhat more pragmatic approach than Heidegger's investigation of language and concept meanings with depth in etymology. His thought about language was a part of the development of linguistic or analytic philosophy yet very early. Realism and nominalism questions about words were better understood toward the later half of the 20th century Applying logic to language and meaning as elements of epistemology developed later with people like Cohen, Strawson, Quine and Kripke. 

A thought about wars of the distant future... Weapons like scalpels will be applied to scale of conflict. To destroy a planet or galaxy different tools would be used than to excise opposition forces amid some friendly forces. If people remain stupid enough to have wars they will probably annihilate themselves anyway.

Apparently scientists already bred an ape with a human and aborted the foetus, otherwise there would have been a better alternative to Joe Biden. Seriously though, 16 million years ago a major eruption occurred- with vast left-wing lava extrusion (The Columbia River Basalt Province) from the Yellowstone hotspot and before that the Deccan Traps extrusion 66 million y.b.p. Humans have been around from about 100,000-200,000 years ago and no they wouldn't naturally evolve to a super-being in just 100,000 more years. Many people including James Lovelock and the late Jacques Cousteau have said that humanity will probably destroy the livability of the Earth within 200 years. It does seem likely.

Unicorns in the Old Testament. Apparently Re'em was a unicorn as well as the rhino mentioned earlier ( "the scientific name for the Indian Rhino is 'Rhinoceros Unicornis") It had to do with horns. Stipes was the upright stick Jesus was crucified on and the unicorn was a symbol of Christ. I will quote a relevant piece on unicorns from a google search... "The Hebrew word re'em is mentioned nine times in the Bible and is often translated as "unicorn" in English translations. However, some modern translations use the term "wild ox" (aurochs) to describe the re'em, which is the correct meaning". I tend toward being a KJV only reader myself so far as Bibles go, because I like the language, although the Good News version is sometimes interesting too.


Biden Harris Management to Direct World toward Nuclear War is Exciting

 Nothing like the world advancing toward nuclear war to get the heart pumping. Apparently the generations changing have forgotten the down side of atomic bombs and see only the good. maybe nuclear war is as unreal as the U.S. public debt to Democrats and one can keep escalating toward it without any problems.

Some believe that the Zelensky claim that he can go nuclear with his own bombs to attack Russia is another bad development. Actually the only viable solution to the Ukraine conflict is to settle it along lines of each side gets 50% of the nation- the Solomon option as it were. The baby won’t be relinquished by the real mother though so cutting it in half is the only way the Ukraine can be saved.

Russia will never quit fighting to recover its land and the U.S. choice to be unable to compromise western claims so far as to recognize the legitimacy of the Russia point of view will continue to develop counter-productive global economic as well as military developments that a rational political party would seek to avoid. Perhaps good sense is an externality to the legalism of greed relying on bogus historical claims to ownership for Ukraine as an historical independent nation equal to that of England, France or Germany.

One can better understand why the Lord Jesus Christ was crucified by humans through the lens of the Ukraine war and the way original sin rules political thought of select leaders in D.C. and Western Europe


The Harris Meme; "What can be, unburdened by what has been"

Perhaps the phrase Kamala Harris uses (‘What can be, unburdened by what has been’) isn’t a quote from Karl Marx. It does require a little examination though. For in an historical context the past and present are a continuum. what has existed in the past often exists in the present; such as national boundaries in some cases. It might be useful if warring with Russia over Ukraine to ignore the burden of history of Russian ownership of Ukraine for centuries if one is a Democrat obviously. The past is not so easy to dismiss.

Everything that exist in social reality-physical infrastructure for example, immediately becomes part of the past as the present moves on. Yet buildings built yesterday or last century remain part of the present-even with the persistence of memory in a few after they are demolished. Plans implemented in the past were designed with the future in mind sometimes requiring decades to mature.

 And there is the matter of special and general relativity and parameters for a finite speed of light- 186,282 miles per second. Given the expansion of space-time and the vast distance scales of the Universe photons flying about and reaching Earth nearly entirely originated from the past to impact human senses as the present; that is the past is what arrives in to be the present appearance of starlight- and even sunshine.

I tend to regard the Universe as being simultaneously monistic and pluralistic. It originated and in a deep sense continues to be made of one phenomenal thing- even if that is energy in motion and of an inexplicable ultimate form. What was, is, substantially speaking, yet the forms have changed. If everything is spirit and an emanation that upsurges into being within protocols of form and change that apparent pluralism exists on the surface of the monism that is the foundation of phenomenality.

Why should those present be burdened by public debt or bad decisions of the past such as entering into war via the Zelinsky government over Ukraine with Russia? It’s convenient for politicians to ignore the past-sometimes even their own political record. The past is not a burden. Public debt of 33 trillion dollars from bad political choices by party leaders is a’burden’, as are the failure to conserve the ecosphere’s nine critical areas for human livability on Earth with six already surpassed and a seventh edging closer. One cannot simply declare oneself to be unburdened by the past when it exists in the resent.

What is possible is to maximize efficient use of present resources and opportunities; politicians rarely accomplish that.


Does Harris or Trump Know What the Nine Planetary Boundaries for Eco-health Are?

 It is worth mentioning that neither presidential candidate of Republicans and Democrats mentions the nine planetary boundaries for a healthy Earth and how six have been passed already. Apparently a seventh- ocean acidification- is also approaching.

Degrading the environment to such an extreme extent requires sound ecological economic competence to change. It is my hope that if Mr. Trump wins the 2024 election and gets the wars to stop across the pond a Democrat challenger in 2030 might appear with a competent plan to at least try to push back the degradation with a completely different approach to economics and environment since they are integrated in a destructive way presently. For the Harris campaign to operate with a what me worry blissful disregard for the status of the ecosphere is disheartening. Humans should do better than that.

Maybe it will require a Republican to actually get anything done. it would be good to fill the drying up Great Salt Lake with desalinated sea water too. Such hopeless day dreaming is all that may develop concerning either prospect.


Will AI Replace Nobel Prize Committee Next Year?

 Maybe it's just a matter of time before Artificial Intelligence monitoring world scientific developments replaces humans on the Nobel Committee to select prize-worthy achievements. Maybe they would be more accurate. Perhaps the prize for literature would go to someone writing a graphic novel (a cartoon book) like Magnus Robot Fighter.

One might want Magnus Carlsen to defeat all those 4000 rated chess engines and for a math genius to out-calculate quantum super-computers yet each aren't too likely.


Why Destroy the I.S.S.?

 Why destroy the Space Station instead of moving it to L-5 or L-3 for storage? Why did Biden-Harris give Space X a contract to destroy the I.S.S. by burning it up in the Earth’s atmosphere instead of lifting it up to L-5? Should N.A.S.A. have Boeing take up bodies for cremation on the station during its fiery descent in order to make a profit? At L-5 would the I.S.S. be useful as ballast for a tethered new station or for wreck ‘diving’ for future recreational astronauts? Is it as simple as putting up and taking down a pup tent? Does N.A.S.A. have so many places in space where people can live that they don’t mind destroying actual existing structure? What about sticking an ion engine on it for a slow boost upward to L-5?

N.A.S.A. seems to lack a high frontier psychology regarding camps and safe emergency places in case something went wrong and optimal plans didn’t develop without a hitch. Pioneers don’t treat frontier posts as disposable items to jettison as soon as they can build a new one somewhere else. Like old spare farmhouses of the west that were abandoned decades before when a new home was built, old forts and farm homes and space stations should remain in existence as just in case facilities.

The I.S.S. in safe storage at a Lagrange point might be used for some presently unforeseen purpose like being an anchor point for various kinds of telescopes or communications devices. Like an old English mansion in might have additions some day to give it a new use. One might set some housekeeping and construction robot to work in it and let out the atmosphere while new components are added. Just throwing away past projects is the mind set of urban consumers of a disposable culture rather than of those accustomed to frontier challenges. What would the first explorers of Antarctica have given for a safe, warm place with a food supply on their return from the South Pole?

Kamala Harris Wants a Soviet Approach to School Security


With another Democrat era school shooting in Georgia Vice President Harris has advocated for the Soviet state security apparatus of internal security including schools. That is to disarm the public and terrorize political opposition throwing them into the Gulag whenever possible. The late Soviet Union had great internal security because the public were too frightened to commit crimes. Democrats may admire the living in fear lifestyle with everyone effectively locked down. Plutonium was kept on shelves in an unguarded warehouse near Moscow with just a padlock on the door for security. With strict wage and price controls, being found with an unauthorized crust of bread in one’s coat pocket was enough to merit a five-year sentence.

One-party systems seek total control of the external social world as a way to enforce the absolute power of the state. Schools have great security with no violent crimes. Yet the approach is abhorrent to free people and one the U.S.A. should not follow. School security in the United States can be made emulating the way federal buildings across the nation developed security after the McVeigh bombing of a federal building in Oklahoma City.

Democrats cannot be serious about school security with a King Canute approach to rolling back the tide of the Second Amendment with a command. Democrats are so myopic on their approach to politics that they fail to understand the consequences of their political acts when taking rash, short-term proplits. When the Soviet Union restored to national control all of the nations and properties it have taken after they came t power a half century after the end of the Second World War the only nation that was left out was Russia- President Bill Clinton arranged to wrest the Ukraine from Russia and deem it an independent nation, that it never before in history had been. That rash, importunate act was reinforced by following Democrat party U.S. Presidents unto the present day, compelling Russia to fight for its homeland when other nations including East Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Serbia etc had it given to them with the support of the West and N.A.T.O.

Perhaps Democrats sought to neutralize the nascent free enterprise based Russian state and turn it back toward communism by forcing it to defend itself against the encroachment and terrorism of the west. Russia had no choice besides renewing strongest possible relations with Socialist China and North Korea while Democrat Presidents in the United States were trying to rebuild union membership numbers and power. Democrat politicians have a Closer my atheist Utopian Soviet Union god draw I unto thee fatal attraction.

Vice-President Harris’ husband recently said, in so many words, that now is the time for Israel to surrender to the demands of Hamas to return to power and to have control of the Gaza-Egyptian border in order to reload with weapons for another round of war in a year or two in exchange for the return of 100 Israeli hostages. I believe that spouses of political leaders generally should not be unelected loose canons on deck weighing in on political matters. Yet the V.P’.s spouse did provide a window into the unreasoning of the Democrat presidential candidate for 2024 who probably shares the same opinion as her bigger spouse. Restoring terrorist hostage takers to political power must be the dumbest possible choice. The hostages unfortunately aren’t likely to be returned unless Hamas is beaten and they are returned in exchange for safe passage to a country without extradition. political opinions can have disastrous consequences for future Israel. Another Hamas administration probably would have more drones than it could find space for in its vast tunnel network to send in a while to blow up Jews in Israel. Iran is pretty good at manufacturing drones.

Ecologically Renewing Old Building Like the Former Wrangell Hospital

 I have given some thought on what to do with the old Wrangell Hospital that is apparently costly for the city to keep in its inventory because of electrical and other costs. I ride a bike past the hospital sometimes when I am in town for shopping and hate to see the property’s neglect; it is aesthetically unsatisfying. It seems a fair item for a web blog. Sometimes repainting houses the exterior of the old building seems to be in pretty good shape considering that is might not have had any work on it since it was new. The fascia could be covered with marine plywood and some sort of metal because it seems to have worked like a drip edge ans is rusting away.

Environmentally speaking it is better to recondition and upgrade old buildings than build new ones generally. If a building is dangerous with unsound components it should be entirely replaced. Otherwise the manufacturing and transport costs of materials for something entirely new is greater than an upgrade. Refurbishing old buildings requires custom thought, innovation and design intelligence that isn’t necessary when building cookie cutter new units, so most people op for the later although it is environmentally and economically wasteful. The $50 per sheet. Building materials are quire expensive these days.

One can make old buildings very modern. The city might need to find some incentive for a party to become interested in investing in the old hospital when they presently haven’t a business revenue return model to do so. The Stikine River Wilderness, decline of fisheries and Old Growth forest might provide an incentive for some environmental non-profit to develop the property with ultra-modern green energy production and insulation technologies to convert the structure into a showpiece for green technology while providing a base for restoration of fishing and enhancement of forest and water quality. Maybe just getting someone like the Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) of Amory Lovins to entirely convert the old hospital to green tech would require the property to be donated in exchange for fulfilling some contract to refurbish the structure.

The City need be cautious about selling the property at a discount to anyone that says if X then Y such as building N units for housing will follow Z conditions. Once the title is transferred, without some formal contract the owner needn’t do anything. For a city assembly the lure of dozens of new housing units could be an attractive bait. I Pink salmon are in the water presently.

Th 36,000 sq foot building out to have room for 15 apartments of a thousand sq feet each with ample leftover space for storage units. Maybe it could be the Jay Hammond Center for Environmental Research, or another Pioneer Home or a place to move Wrangell Law Enforcement, Fire Department and other government offices. The present Wrangell Police and Fire station is a better site for business or some kind of transportation hub and intermodal connectivity.

Vice President Harris said that if she were elected president she would build three million new homes to alleviate the ‘housing shortage’. That would employee hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens working as construction crews and drop quick proplits to Democrat party donors and building developers. Consider for a minute the environmental and economic consequences.

Rapid tract home expansion is an amazing thing to watch. While riding a bike 35,000 miles around the country looking for a job I repainted quite a few buildings. In a new suburb of Houston I rode each morning past a new home being built by a crew. After the concrete set it took just six days to put the building up, and it was a large home selling north of $300,000. From framing to setting down tresses with a cherry picker and roofing specialized crews completed a phase of construction. Its nothing like the way carpenters of old would build a home with an apprentice or two.

That style of housing is boom and bust. Refurbishing old homes is sustainable and done with local workers creating jobs in the U.S.A. to replace so many lost overseas. Millions of workers specializing in upgrading old homes is a different approach than expanding into near urban farmland with new housing tracts while leaving old homes to become new slums, ghettos and barrios closer toward urban cores.

Everything in an old home can be replaced by entirely new materials with the limit being the intelligence of the redesigner. Perfectly clear, transparent roofs could replace old ones and plug in to new support tresses wherein wiring for plug in solar voltaic roofing would go, Roofs could change color as if they were adaptive optics to let in or filter out light. Creating new materials that can upgrade old homes is a good way to sell environmentally rational materials for export to second and third world nations looking to upgrade to a western style quality of life. What cannot serve global interests at all well is the idea of using the old housing ways favored by the Biden-Harris people to clear-cut undeveloped foreign forests and build new tract homes with asphalt absorbing streets across Africa, South America and Asia.

It is important to put intention on present political actions toward present and future structural designs. Scaling up old housing patterns nationally and globally can have disastrous consequences environmentally as well as economically. Building new subdivisions requires substantial investment of public resources, probably with inefficient technologies such as flush toilets instead of solar-powered electric toilets installing miles of pipe, electrical wires, water flow management and so on. All of the new instant lawns placed by the square yard and the lawn mowers, weed eaters and chem lawn treatments are completely avoidable when old buildings are refurbished to better-than-new condition with advanced tech.

Harris-Cheyney and Deep State War

When former Vice President Dick Cheney threw his support to the Harris presidential campaign recently that notable marker indicated the power of the deep state unified with the military industrial complex to transfer public money to the corporate private sector was fully functioning. Cheney and the late Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld had a political philosophy and an opportunity to use it that private interests should soak the public sector for as much money as they could. Plainly the Iraq war was an example of the transference of vast sums of cash via no bid contracts to corporations like Halliburton that Cheney once was chairman of. The Ukraine war has so far seen Congress send more than 3/4s of a trillion dollars to prop up the regime that is the leading edge of the theft of all of Ukraine from Russia at the conclusion of the Cold War 1.0. Even President Biden’s son Hunter was a recipient of pork kick backs from the endeavor via sumptuous salaries for being appointed to the board of a Ukrainian corporation.

The Ukraine was has produced something like a quarter million casualties so far and has ramped up the risk of nuclear war. Instead of pursuing a rational course to peace the deep state has pursued its self interests in fueling the war for weapons sales and other cash payments to insiders. V.P. Harris has vowed to continue the policies of the Biden administration and is recognized as the best way to keep the money and blood flowing to elements of the corporate sector supplying Ukraine with weapons to attack Russia and profits to politicians allied with the deep state war party. Donald Trump is in this election the peace candidate and therefor not a candidate that Deep State Dick  Cheney could support.

Following the Kursk area invasion of Russia recently, something Defense Secretary Austin apparently referred to as Ukraine “taking the initiative” Russia relocated its nuclear command center to Crimea. Though the Kursk invasion route was a failure in its goal to force Russia to redistribute troops from the Eastern front where they are taking land at a steady rate to the northern area Ukraine invaded, and the negotiating position of the west is degrading further the armed forces of Russia advance toward what probably would be the final rational line of combat along the Dnepr River, the deep state people of the Biden-Harris administration and their Defense Secretary tool have no intention of stopping the war machine and financing the reconstruction of Ukraine anytime soon.

The Soviet Union returned all of the land they had garrisoned during the second world war by withdrawing their military forces after about a half century of occupation. President Clinton levered Ukraine away from its historical ownership by Russia until the communists took over in the Soviet Revolution leaving Russia as the sole country that lost land at the end of communism when the Soviet Union collapsed. A war of reconquest was forced upon Russia and political leadership f the west was only too happy to build up conflict and rhetoric to justify war. Even the far right in Germany has gained more support as the west has resumed the Nazi outlook of military expansion to the east. The fundamental deep state policy direction has short term profit for select government insiders and corporations yet is quite harmful to U.S. national security as well as that of the planet.

The Biden-Cheney-Harris deep state military-industrial complex has roots going back further even than the Vietnam conflict when Brown and Root were given contracts to build military bases in Vietnam by Lyndon Baines Johnson, whom had received financial support from the Texas oil people Brown and Root during his initial run for the U.S. Congress. Halliburton eventually bought Kellogg Brown and Root and bailed them out of bankruptcy during the Bush-Cheney war in Iraq- another conflict initiated with a false premise. The military industrial complex deep state axis of interests developed its persistent form during the Cold War when rival nuclear powers faced off around the globe. The deep state would not be well disposed to tolerate a permanent end to the Cold War posture that had brought such great profits to so many.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have fully invested in the blood and treasure axis of conflict with military violence as a way of life instead of peace, prosperity and a healthy environment. Kamala Harris is the new face of the deep state, albeit possibly an ineffective one. However competence in executive political management is not required for a Presidential deep state operative.  

It may be that the time period cycles  between war crests and peace troughs is decreasing since the deep state depression of peace during the Reagan administration.  President Reagan secured peace by diverting present war outlays to building a military for future conflicts. A five hundred ship navy and the Star Wars developments fed the deep state beast for a time even though peace broke out with the Soviet Union too. The Balkans war of the Clinton era  N.A.T.O was a quick way to discharge some of the weapons build up of the Cold War instead of just leaving it hanging yet it was the 9-11 attacks on the U.S.A. that engaged the Deep State military-industrial-political complex in perennial war and a need to find a continuum of opponents to attack in order for federal dollars to continue to flow.

It is entirely possible that the time between wars will continue to decrease from the former 20 years through the common ten years to the new normal five years right up to a stage of constant conflict and perennial wars financed with deficit spending, tax and government spending on the civilian sector cuts. Since there isn’t presently a draft and military personnel needs are filled with a professional army Democrat voters tend not to care at all about engaging in unjust and counterproductive foreign military conflicts by supplying weapons to proxy armies that is good for deep state business.


For Sale; Decommissioned Wrangell Alaska Hospital

 For the price of a used home a 36,000 sq foot former city hospital with a great location just a mile from the airport and a half mile from a salt-water port may be had for purchase (if the price agreed to with the last developer who wanted additional properties free and let it fall through when he didn't get them still holds). I would think a non-profit could refurbish the building with a great metal roof and not pay property taxes. An estimate of the cost to build a new one like it is 14 million dollars U.S.

Apparently the city wants to sell the building in order not to pay for utilities annually. It is not a bad looking building at all though the city has let the grass go un-mowed and the exterior needs to be maintained. The inside could be gutted and just lad bearing elements retained so one could make numerous small condo units and a few stores within it, and outside on the grounds. There is adequate parking space and garages for storage.

Instead of heating the building while empty several quality dehumidifiers might have been place to keep the humid environment dry for less cost. I specialized at repainting buildings so I am completely amazed at the unwillingness to maintain it or convert it into some other purposed public structure.

Od hospital buyers might not see the throughput of customer volume sufficient to support commercial purposes. Wrangell has fewer than 2000 people although the cruise ship industry is rising annually while fisheries are in decline. The site might be a good place for a remote small resource based technical college annex, executive retreat two hours from Seattle etc. A Large wind generator could supply off grid power occasionally (it should turn slow enough to not bother common bald eagles and ravens flying past.

The former Wrangell Hospital is at any rate an excellent place for a retirement project to make a few stores and condo spaces. With the passing on of the boomer generation there will be millions of existing buildings that will become vacant that need be refurbished rather than destroyed so new homes can be built. Getting rid of perfectly fine structures to build new ones is quite a bit costlier and wasteful of human and material resources.


Faster Than Light Travel with Zero-Dimension Shortcut

 Science fiction writers like to fold space for faster than light space travel. Maybe Frank Herbert in Dune was the first to use the concept. It is attractive, clever and improbable. I shall explain why and suggest a different approach for science fiction stories.

The four dimensions of the Universe happened someplace without any dimensions- and the four dimensions coincided with expansion,. So what do you think about that? Parmenides and Heraclitus considered the spatial volume. If the number of dimensions was variable at the start then it must have had zero to start with.

Space doesn’t exist. What does exist is a unified field that unfolded in four dimensions from a compact singular condition. Space in the universe is a thin part of the energy and other forms of stuff that the Universe is made of. One can shape electric fields and gravity seems to be everywhere yet space of the Universe is also a part of the field. True nothingness is not the same as space. True nothingness that existed before the Universe and in which the Universe and its four dimensions exist probably has zero dimensions.

If the Universe might have had more or less than four dimensions (if it were designed for example) it probably would need to have appeared in a tabula rasa environment with zero dimensions. The Universe field differentiated with four basic forces today (plus unknown forces such as dark energy and dark matter perhaps) is grounded in zero dimensions. Instead of folding space or in other words folding fields with all of the problems that would follow reshaping portions of the Universe and all of the fields within portions of it, science fiction writers could simply have faster than light four dimension travelers in some way slip through to the zero-dimension/four dimension point of contact where distance does not exist; yet simultaneously does.

That paradox could be why select quantum particle and waves can convey information faster than light to entangle distant particles. At some level below the Planck length, the four dimension entangled state of mass and energy may contact the zero-dimension paradox and exchange information faster than light because there is no distance from A to B in zero dimensions. The interface of four dimensions with zero dimensions would be a quantum shortcut where everything in four dimensions has no distance apart. Exploiting the interface area would be challenging of course. To remain a four dimensional entity stepping somewhat beyond to the zero dimension ‘point’ where distance and other forces do not exist (such as gravity) might be comparable to exploiting the surface of a microscopic black hole that exists without gravity yet warps space (this is only a metaphor because space doesn’t exist- it is just field phenomena that are reshaped to a warp paradigm by gravity) so one could abridge distances down to near zero for the purpose of expediting travel time. Traveling around the Earth is faster near the poles. Consider zero dimension travel to be like the north pole (or south) that continues curvature to infinity and allows access to all locations of four dimensional spacetime without distance because of the topology.

Before the singularity existed in space-time there were no dimensions. For some reason the Universe expanded with four dimensions arising, although string theory posits smaller 'hidden' dimensions. There may be no necessity that a Universe must have four dimensions instead of ten. Some cosmologists speculate that the universe may exist on the surface or event horizon of a hyper-dimensional black hole in a Universe that actually has five or more dimensions. In order for the original empty space or void that pre-existed the Universe to allow a Universe to arise with x dimensions it need have no dimensions to start with, and the appearance of dimensions in the space-time expansion of a singularity is phenomenal. Though the Universe arises, it does so in the area or volume that has no dimensions. No dimension void is the host for all possible dimensions that might appear. If all of the dimensions that exist re-existed the Universe then they would have filled the true void unto infinity and would not allow more or less dimensions to exist. I suppose that is the basic presupposition of some who regard the singularity as expanding within a four dimensional void thereby sinking string theory.

Capitalism and Ludwig Von Trump (Science Fiction)

 Laura said; “Yes, I want confirmation. That extrusion of new space is at the edge of the Ludwig Von Trump galaxy forty million light years from the end of the Sagittarius arm of the Milky Way. Alert the crew of the finding and take us to Ludwig Von Trump and a habitable cluster of stars with planets on our way toward, yet not beyond, the galactic habitation zone.”

Laura considered what she knew about the Ludwig Von Trump galaxy. It was named for the inventor Ludwig Von Trump of the original Earth-Mars Plutonic solar system. Trump invented a way of streamlining and accelerating patents applications with the vetting and granting of patents with a broad tree diagram of free induction slots to place a patent idea in-the-market and let it flow through the system toward potential emergence as the one, true idea returning standardized royalties to inventors from producers.

Human societies, Trump believed, needed to encourage and support intellectual inventions from everyone rather than to repress them. Often the rich could afford to restrict or co-opt ideas of poor inventors trickling up creativity with massive hydraulic pumps. Von Trump’s humble, liberating thought stimulated a cascade of new ideas bringing swiftly to market a wealth of inventions that became salient components in the drive to comprehend the cosmological mechanics of Meta-universal configurations.

Laura Thought regarded Von Trump’s ideas concerning liberation of the marketplace of ideas inadequate to inform the human race about the inability of capitalism to apply good human-sense management in democracy to promote ecospheric conservation and natural resource sustainability under classical human economic assault. For Laura, primitive, predatory, unreflective capitalism was comparable to ravenous insects landing on the leaves of tasty plants and mafia taking over police unions eliminating society of dissidents to mafia control of government with unions.

She knew that capitalism was the fundamental premise of evolution with species, and even mass under the power of gravity seeking to build up as much capital for itself as possible. It is the gravity that builds up planets and galaxies, the power that builds molecules and draws forests competitively upward. Yet reason must prevail as well as pluralism Laura thought, lest capitalism produce nothing more than black holes.

Directed capitalism like directed evolution requires intelligent design of structures to arise and exist in space-time. Capitalism and the invisible hand of Adam Smith weren’t repositories of human wisdom or political responsibility such as might exist across more enlightened societies with their own market wisdom limited in scope and utility. Human societies far too commonly replied on Adam Smith’s capitalist paradigm to replace environmental responsibility with the belief that the invisible hand of capitalism would provide the best of all possible worlds so long with royal supervision.

In actual fact capitalism is an expression of human values concerning supply and demand, lacking in-itself environmental wisdom or cognizance as one should expect politicians to have. Capitalism is a natural and consistent urge to swell in scale and power amplified with technology that will destroy the natural order unless it is carefully directed with intelligent human design. it cannot be more than a reflection of natural forms. President Franklin D. Roosevelt showed wisdom in political leadership is required to moderate irrational capitalist exuberance that puts on environmental blinders in an insatiable smirch for proplits.

Ensuing human abandonment of environmental and political reason brought humanity to environmental self-destruction with no environmental captain running the ship. The environmental crash of the first global civilization of Earth left survivors on Mars and Pluto; mostly rich elites and their breeding servants. While Chin Chi Wang led the Martian survivors through a protracted period of civil war toward unification, the second great Earth planetary civilization arose from the ash heap of history like a spring seedling in a scorched Earth forest. A greater trans-planetary system civilization grew with a library of intellectual capital to build upon, sending explorers and settlers beyond local Universes to the Metaverse.

The Shibboleth’s A.I. programmed a special relativity coordinate tensor to the Von Trump galaxy star system Drizzle and planet Drizzle Three. The ship’s pilot engaged the Higgs field decoupler and three-dimensional data transfer to send the S.V. Shibboleth faster-than-light across two dimensions as data into the Troposphere of Drizzle Three.

Paradigms for Reducing Atmospheric Heating

 Arresting and correcting global warming is a huge, challenging task possible too great for a nation of suers rather than doers to get done. Democrat party politicians can’t just sneak a lawyer’s Rube Goldberg environmental bill under wraps through Congress with a one-party majority vote and actually get the job done even if they are elected and spend half a billion dollars on day care as a partial remedy. The challenge is quite large and is likely to need vast changes in the economy and human tool kit. That will require a publicly reviewed and engineered approach; one that the Democrat Party could sign on to and support before their next presidential primary season.

In 2020 one of the Democrat candidates in the primaries advocated building aa great sun screen at L-5, while another had some kind of complex, unknown plan that journalists who reviewed it said would cost more than 50 trillion dollars. Approaches to solving the global atmospheric heating crisis require input from a host of disciplines including physics, biological, sociological, economic etc. There will be consequences for the world to any approach taken. Such a once-in-a-lifetime political action needs peer reviewed vetting of the highest order. Reducing the amount of sunlight reaching the Earth could have vast unintended consequences that need be considered.

During the Eisenhower administration the nation could still get large physical infrastructure projects accomplished. In recent decades the nation has failed at such large projects with vast cost overruns and even cancellations mid-way. Bureaucracies and legal challenges have rendered the feral government unable to accomplish projects like the Interstate Highway System, the T.V.A., the Grand Coulee Dam , the Apollo Missions that had great scale and investment and complexity. There was even a plan to extend the Inside Passage from Alaska to Portland Oregon with a canal from Olympia Washington. That would have made western Washington State an island and provided a two-state solution with Washington’s blue voters on the Western Island and the Red voters on the mainland decades ahead of time. Not all projects turned out to be environmentally, and there is a lesson in that for any potential environmental bill to knock out global warming. It is not certain that any large, costly (if necessary) global warming reduction project would amount to anything more than a costly swamp for partisan spending.

Private enterprise has added some technology to capture and sequester CO2, solar voltaic panels have become more affordable and will reduce acceleration of warming gasses from the sunny parts of the world that might otherwise be emitted from electrification powered by fossil fuels. It is plain that government should provide leadership for example, in developing road surface material that reflects rather than absorbs sunshine to warm the atmosphere during the day and after dark. Asphalt manufacturers aren’t likely to invest in research to develop new materials; that is a task that government could accelerate by offering a 100 million dollar prize for a practical, pragmatic way to convert asphalt to have a high albedo character or to convert photons into electrons traveling in circuits. A remedy to asphalt caused heating would cool cities and eliminate developing nations paving millions more miles with asphalt.

If one wants to build a salt-water canal across the southern border to let sunlight evaporate fresh water that would be condensed and collected with sloped polycarbonate roofs to collection canals in order to fill the Salt Lake with fresh water the job would be nearly impossible to get done today. If one actually wanted to build a tin foil hat sunscreen at L-5 to keep out intelligent ideas from reaching the Democrat party, after the research was done to determine the affect on the world; its oceans, plankton etc and to determine if it would cause a new ice age very quickly it would be reasonable to use the thing for multi-tasking. That is, the sunscreen could be used as a dish to receive programming from distant alien civilizations in other galaxies far far away, or to collect sunlight and focus it to a collector node t heat a trapped gas to power a laser to particle beam that would in turn be the power line for space-transport modules racing at very high speed throughout the solar system (i.e. 2 months travel time Earth to Pluto at ¾ the speed of light).

Affecting global warming’s arrest and correction may be the largest challenge western civilization, or rather world civilization faces (along with mass species extinction and natural resource depletion. Arnold Toynbee said that a civilization does experience challenges that it overcomes or that alternatively end it. Recognizing and addressing empirical challenges successfully is a skill that political leadership should not fail to keep in its skill set. The Democrat party has failed to order its political agenda in such a way that a transparent and publicly reviewed plan to end the global warming and mass extinction challenges along with a political economy that works to support the plan exists.

Scenario 2- VP Harris, N.A.T.O. and M.A.D. Policy

 Mutually assured destruction was the basic deterrent for the use of nuclear weapons during the Cold War 1.0 Nuclear brinkmanship occurred several times over the years including one when the Soviet Missile Defense System had a bug with a false reading that said the U.S. had launched on them. Premier Andropov had 3 minutes to decide to retaliate with a full package of nukes on the U.S.A. and decided that it might be a false reading- and so he did not launch. President Biden and Vice President Harris have tilled the soil thoroughly in preparation for a global thermonuclear war.

Since the recent Ukrainian invasion of Russia in the Kursk region with a new front possible toward Belgorod, the arrival of F-16s in Romania- a N.A.T.O. country to attack Russian target in Ukraine and inexorable scalar increase of war the prospects for nuclear war have been enhanced. If Russia were to lose ground and territory because of N.A.T.O. participation it is likely that the Kremlin would decided to use tactical nuclear weapons to offset the disadvantaged position. What would follow from that?

Because Russia probably would prefer to attack Europe and not the United States because that would upgrade to M.A.D. policy directly with a full scale nuclear exchange, it is likely that N.A.T.O. member countries would experience atomic attack. Would that mean that a Harris administration would need to decide to retaliate and upgrade to M.A.D. implementation directly?

N.A.T.O. doctrine is for an attack on one member being an attack on all. Would a treaty obligation with N.A.T.O. obligate a President Harris to in effect destroy all human life on Earth? Alternatively could she step away from the N.A.T.O. paradigm and not retaliate upon Russia after Stockholm, Bonn, London, Madrid and Budapest were incinerated?

The Democrat Party is a wise-guy one-party system of conflict and war to force the world to acquiesce unto their social agenda for complete social structure makeover. The threat of nuclear war was an inevitable consequence of their confrontational and belligerent political way of being.

U.S. Politicians Fail to Fix Global Warming

 U.S. and Mexican politicians will fail to reduce global warming. Some like kamala Harris are afraid to suggest anything that wouldn’t gain more votes for election. Donald Trump is of a genre of business people focused on the throughput velocity of money. For those global warming concerns are an economic externality. Trump however is for world peace and prosperity while democrats prefer war in Europe and irrationally, peace in the Gaza to allow Hamas time to rebuild its military capacity.

N.A.T.O. is largely a democratic organ of the European Union with the U.S. being the blaster. Like a criminal gang members cannot demure from the wolf pack attack on Russian Ukrainian land. The European Union wants a to-state solution for implacable unilateral enemies (Hamas is the party dedicated to Israel’s destruction while Israel acknowledges the Palestinian’s right to exist in the Middle East) and categorically reject a two state solution for Ukraine. Candidate trump at least understands that the Democrat party gang insanity will likely lead to atomic war; bad for business. War though is an easy thing to sign aboard for gang members and anyone that wants out may be erased (for N.A.T.O. the equivalent would be leaving them exposed to possible attack with the same kind of perverse reasoning as affected the Union war vs the Confederates at Chickamauga when a Colonel with a peeve against a fellow officer failed to convey a message that would have moved troops and closed the gap that let Confederate forces surge through to rout Union forces.

The Democrat party should be plain and simple first in acting to reduce global warming. That is incompatible with truth and scale for party politicians wishing to hide from taking real action since they might not be elected. One simple plan would have three parts

1) remove millions of miles of asphalt streets that absorb and release solar heat.2) eliminate fossil fuel engines and other egregious sources of carbon monoxide/dioxide to the atmosphere3) ban coal burning power plants

Simple yet effective at great slowly anthropogenic climate change. Each measure would have detailed plans about how to accomplish it without great economic harm to those displaced by the change. Plainly a simple, realistic plan will complete fail to appear on party agenda the next 50 years.

Democrats will have bait and switch atmospheric heating reduction schemes and even some that have a positive effect on reducing greenhouse gases and asses (such as eliminating cattle grazing for the meat market on federal land) and designs for no-net loss of biota housing and zoning instead of providing free cash for the poor and middle class to make huge down payments on new homes that the poor and middle class will default on payments on in a couple of years when they can’t afford monthly home payments. The Harris housing scheme would probably cost 75 billion dollars at a minimum.

The 2007-2008 home mortgage derivatives banking failure and economic crash followed the Clinton administration’s drive to expand housing with loans to people with bad credit and the lower middle class. Bad money follows good; repeating the mistakes of the Clinton may well combine a perfect wave of some sort of unknown financial failure and tax cuts with a cascade of public debt default. Then N.A.T.O. might ask for a half trillion dollars as America’s share to help rebuild western Ukraine if that war is concluded without atomic conflict.

It would be better to provide cash to those that live in poor rural, non-electrified sheds to upgrade their properties with micro-wave, waterless toilets and saturate them with solar panels and free insulation, yet practical economics that reduce global heating is eschewed by the Democrat Party. One could build a dozen decent sheds for each $25,000 given for a down payment on a ‘starter home’. Many people on the planet would be happy with a good ten by twelve foot shed with an electric Incinolet toilet and solar panels to live in (those cost extra) to start and finish with.

Wouldn’t three million new homes demand 50 to 500 gallons of water apiece every day. A bath runs about 30 gallons and flush toilets a couple gallons per flush. Some people use dishwaters and water lawns besides. That new use adds up from 150 million to one and a half billion gallons of water every day. Environmentally speaking that is a disaster. Does the Colorado River have spare billion gallons of water for new western homes?

Won’t every scammer in the nation sign up for the free cash down payment and end up pocketing the cash after selling the place without making a single payment? Wouldn’t the poor without a good job that would qualify for a home loan of even the cheaper ‘starter’ $300,000 (yuppies will expect to move into a mansion after several years of hardship living in starter models) be excluded. Democrats often talk about the middle class (a class in decline) and sweep the poor under the rug. Many of the poor would be happy to just buy a decent length airstream trailer with their $25,000 if they would qualify. The prosperous and welcome often believe the poor are lazy not understanding that life doesn’t go equally easy and breezy as it might have been for them. Head bobbing sycophants sometimes find things go easy economically. Others are just well positioned and experience life without so many challenges; the ‘let them eat cake’ mentality is not uncommon. Will the homeless and unemployed have the free money those with sinecures get?

I did like the 2020 primary idea from a Democrat in the primaries about reducing global heating directly with a large sunscreen at L-5 in space. It would in effect be a vast tin foil hat constructed to keep harmful intelligent ideas from reaching the voters. The consequences to the Earth are of course entirely experimental and theoretical. It’s fun to consider the mass disasters that could result from that. Yet one must first consider some of the great number of variables for how the screen is deployed, designed and applied.

Would the screen be as large as the moon in diameter? Would it be adjustable like Venetian blinds? Would it partly block sunlight or entirely block it a few days a year like an eclipse? Would it reduce light all year or just a few months annually? Would the filter affect the entire planet or just part of the planet? The affects on global weather and ocean temperature and currents might produce drastic whipsaw events and a cascade of change that are irreversible. It is fun to consider the idea though and it would require a lot of government financed investigation and consideration by excellent scientists from a number of discipline for at least a decade before even considering build the thing.

Financing a vast sunscreen at L-5 would be challenging as would construction. Does one hire Boeing to get it done? The N.A.S.A. effort to return astronauts to the moon is going kinda slow. Would the 1000 mile tin foil sombrero get built faster?

Regarding Colin Wilson's ''The Outsider'

Nice statement and photographic presentation; Clint Eastwood walking away from the philosophical showdown a winner. There are a few more tha...