
Harris-Cheyney and Deep State War

When former Vice President Dick Cheney threw his support to the Harris presidential campaign recently that notable marker indicated the power of the deep state unified with the military industrial complex to transfer public money to the corporate private sector was fully functioning. Cheney and the late Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld had a political philosophy and an opportunity to use it that private interests should soak the public sector for as much money as they could. Plainly the Iraq war was an example of the transference of vast sums of cash via no bid contracts to corporations like Halliburton that Cheney once was chairman of. The Ukraine war has so far seen Congress send more than 3/4s of a trillion dollars to prop up the regime that is the leading edge of the theft of all of Ukraine from Russia at the conclusion of the Cold War 1.0. Even President Biden’s son Hunter was a recipient of pork kick backs from the endeavor via sumptuous salaries for being appointed to the board of a Ukrainian corporation.

The Ukraine was has produced something like a quarter million casualties so far and has ramped up the risk of nuclear war. Instead of pursuing a rational course to peace the deep state has pursued its self interests in fueling the war for weapons sales and other cash payments to insiders. V.P. Harris has vowed to continue the policies of the Biden administration and is recognized as the best way to keep the money and blood flowing to elements of the corporate sector supplying Ukraine with weapons to attack Russia and profits to politicians allied with the deep state war party. Donald Trump is in this election the peace candidate and therefor not a candidate that Deep State Dick  Cheney could support.

Following the Kursk area invasion of Russia recently, something Defense Secretary Austin apparently referred to as Ukraine “taking the initiative” Russia relocated its nuclear command center to Crimea. Though the Kursk invasion route was a failure in its goal to force Russia to redistribute troops from the Eastern front where they are taking land at a steady rate to the northern area Ukraine invaded, and the negotiating position of the west is degrading further the armed forces of Russia advance toward what probably would be the final rational line of combat along the Dnepr River, the deep state people of the Biden-Harris administration and their Defense Secretary tool have no intention of stopping the war machine and financing the reconstruction of Ukraine anytime soon.

The Soviet Union returned all of the land they had garrisoned during the second world war by withdrawing their military forces after about a half century of occupation. President Clinton levered Ukraine away from its historical ownership by Russia until the communists took over in the Soviet Revolution leaving Russia as the sole country that lost land at the end of communism when the Soviet Union collapsed. A war of reconquest was forced upon Russia and political leadership f the west was only too happy to build up conflict and rhetoric to justify war. Even the far right in Germany has gained more support as the west has resumed the Nazi outlook of military expansion to the east. The fundamental deep state policy direction has short term profit for select government insiders and corporations yet is quite harmful to U.S. national security as well as that of the planet.

The Biden-Cheney-Harris deep state military-industrial complex has roots going back further even than the Vietnam conflict when Brown and Root were given contracts to build military bases in Vietnam by Lyndon Baines Johnson, whom had received financial support from the Texas oil people Brown and Root during his initial run for the U.S. Congress. Halliburton eventually bought Kellogg Brown and Root and bailed them out of bankruptcy during the Bush-Cheney war in Iraq- another conflict initiated with a false premise. The military industrial complex deep state axis of interests developed its persistent form during the Cold War when rival nuclear powers faced off around the globe. The deep state would not be well disposed to tolerate a permanent end to the Cold War posture that had brought such great profits to so many.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have fully invested in the blood and treasure axis of conflict with military violence as a way of life instead of peace, prosperity and a healthy environment. Kamala Harris is the new face of the deep state, albeit possibly an ineffective one. However competence in executive political management is not required for a Presidential deep state operative.  

It may be that the time period cycles  between war crests and peace troughs is decreasing since the deep state depression of peace during the Reagan administration.  President Reagan secured peace by diverting present war outlays to building a military for future conflicts. A five hundred ship navy and the Star Wars developments fed the deep state beast for a time even though peace broke out with the Soviet Union too. The Balkans war of the Clinton era  N.A.T.O was a quick way to discharge some of the weapons build up of the Cold War instead of just leaving it hanging yet it was the 9-11 attacks on the U.S.A. that engaged the Deep State military-industrial-political complex in perennial war and a need to find a continuum of opponents to attack in order for federal dollars to continue to flow.

It is entirely possible that the time between wars will continue to decrease from the former 20 years through the common ten years to the new normal five years right up to a stage of constant conflict and perennial wars financed with deficit spending, tax and government spending on the civilian sector cuts. Since there isn’t presently a draft and military personnel needs are filled with a professional army Democrat voters tend not to care at all about engaging in unjust and counterproductive foreign military conflicts by supplying weapons to proxy armies that is good for deep state business.

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