
The Drill Press By Another Name


A drill press is a useful tool to have around, as is a compound miter saw for cutting and drilling 2x4s properly for assembling a Starplate shed. Accuracy matters quite a bit in making dimensional lumber match up with Star-plates. What if one doesn’t want to spend the cash for a one-use dill press? The portable drill press frame might be useful.

That device to hold any portable drill and make it act like a drill press should cost about $19.95. There are numerous ways to configure such an assembly to hold and lower and electric drill. It’s very easy to imagine such a structure. Perhaps some have already been produced. They should be lightweight although a heavier, five pound version might be sold as well. 

I suppose one could also make frame to hold a skill saw and make it serve as a compound miter saw. That’s a little more clever of a design, yet still easy enough. It should also sell for $19.95. Just saying.

Someone ought to invent a new patent system that uses A.I. to sort things out and virtually works for free or at least without any up-front charges. The present system is quite unaffordable and time consuming for most people. One could have A.I. sort out different types of invention and even their complexity. Simple inventions should be easier to patent. It would help some inventors to have the option of letting anyone produce their invention for a 5% royalty returned to the patent holder instead of developing the invention themselves. The patent office could offer different kinds of patents; perhaps five or so, to keep things simple. Pharmaceutical corporations want more years of patent protection because of the time required for making a drug. Some people invent something in five seconds and don’t need lifetime patent protection and would select the 5% royalty option for non-exclusivity as a practical choice.

Many are unwilling to gamble money on the security, uniqueness, originality and patent defense costs in addition to time on a novel idea. I Democrats should have done something about that during the Obama administration and of course didn’t.  Five years after an idea is published the idea becomes non-patentable in the public domain. If using a computer research corporate data mining and google probably would get some sort of an idea of what was going on before the patent was granted. Look up ‘portable drill press for any drill’ or something like that. Maybe there are thousands of varieties already. Google is cool of course except for all of the excess signing on required every time one restarts a computer. That method is less than efficient.

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