
A Poet's Uniform


 A roulette wheel with a rainbow of colors
spun with a moon around
reminding the poet of a timely notion
where oceans came to rest
politicians chorded sounds of the mess
where sand isn’t grit on polished halls
at the exact point of nowhere

Covered with aesthetic patterns
shoulder eponyms of iambic pentameters
lines inscribed ranked hexameter formations
battalions of airborne poets considering motions
existential descriptions of everywhere
transparent uniforms color over time
morphing to glorious algorithms

  A  poet’s uniform was standard issue
in past days training to war
a great opaque, corporate one
with battery bearers, Starlink’d antennae carriers
and splendid report-worthy deaths in store

  Poets in stock have special structures of words
where with to observe absurd
colors and smells in tire rut runes and guts of hells
splattered with smatterings of drone-speak shells
spelling exceptionally resonant words

Caduceus slathered with patriotic blood
pools of mud and ghouls of golden rules crud
newspeak curdles of hunches of lunches
where enemies could fork left and right
miles of spicy blue grueled tripe

Red, white and blue somethings flumped news
camouflaged culls changing dark brown to green
things inflated and crashed sour mashed grounds
hated so subtleties severed from ideas mean
nothing and nothing more for never

  End of days work apocalyptic rays
heralds revelation denied
fried programmed codes for loyalist nodes
leaders promoting  Armaggeddon's revival lied
riding thrones to crooked levers

  The poet’s crisp threads needed to honor the dead
manufacture of standardized lines of verse
each stanza and worst of horror stories terse
enabled with war widgeted political minds
birthed another contrapositive endeavor
with staccato drum beats of yore that tore
a cornucopia of tropes dropped from the sky.

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