
Cranked Choice Presidential Election Format


Alaska for one has cranked choice presidential voting. I haven’t seen the ballot yet and can’t verify its composition. That is reasonable of course since one doesn’t want to show what cards one is holding in Texas Hold-em poker. Cranked choice is a Gay New World Order initiative to take back to the one-party system the problem of voters marking ballots for candidates besides Democrats.

Cranked choice lets Democrats twist the arms of voters to conform to the Gay New World Order. Voters are forced to rank candidates with their most preferred in first place and their least preferred in last. Republicans did have input on the design of the system and advocated an alternative ballot structure with the preferred candidate on the right and the most hated on the left. A super-advisor with more input equality to the process than other members responded with a counter-structure that was too advanced and made a way to resolve traffic flow issues instead that I will describe below, in a roundabout way.

Democrat plans to force Republicans to vote for Democrats-even as less preferred candidates ranked last made all political platforms theoretically acceptable rather than hated. Combined with the elimination of politically antipathetic speech proscribed a s hate speech, the ranked choice structure advanced the Gay New World Order closer toward its goal of perfect, unified, one-party rule. A simplified version example would have two candidates. If Trump was first and Harris preferred second and last, then Republican votes for Trump without a vote for Harris too would count less than Democrat vote for Harris first and Trump second when tie-breaks were considered. One of the deplorables; an illiterate Neanderthal voter named Neener Sharem  selected to vote in an experimental election trial, refused to make a mark for Harris  in second place, claiming he could not understand why he had to vote for two candidate in a campaign with just two candidates instead of just Trump, even if given a sumptuous piece of cheese as a reward from the voting machine for doing so.

 A.I. saturation of all areas of society required left-leaning think tanks to pose alike Rodent’s sculpture named The Stinker in order to contemplate  government regulatory fixes to the problem that won’t disturb investors. The same stink tanks developed ranked choice Presidential election voting as well. In those one need rank opposition candidates last or one is de facto voting for them when leaving one’s ballot empty beyond a single choice. For example; in the present election if there are five candidates; Donald Trump, Iliad Glomar, Colonel ‘Agamemnon’ West, Jill Stein and Pamela ‘Humpy’ Harris; people writing in just Trump’s name votes will have less weight than Democrat votes dumping Humpy first and Trump last. Think tank insiders disclose that ergonomic deficiency is the most popular ranked choice for structuring security issues where complexity is slathered on to over-simplify important political questions. 

There is of course a ranked ‘Border Czar’; an eminence gris under-boss behind many of the suggestions. The legacy operative was on the steering committee of several recent campaigns. He or she is mostly known for transforming traffic quagmires in California into roundabouts inspired by the Cyclotron made in Leningrad in 1941 that was buried in the soil during the Nazi attacks and relocated by train to Moscow in 1943 when the Nazi-Werhmacht siege was broken. The transformist political advisor adapted the atom smasher circular collider to traffic control intersection design sending conflicting automobiles and trucks in clockwise and counterclockwise directions around a roundabout merging into one lane to generate head on collisions in what is known as the auto smasher promulgated into law by promulgayshenikki in the Auto Smasher Reduction Act. Traffic volume and global warming were reduced significantly with implementation of the device.

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