
VP Harris Relies on Russia for U.S. National Security

Consider the way the Biden-Harris doctrine to prosecute Russia until it is brought to its knees militarily and economically also brought American national security to its worst state since the War of 1812. Nuclear, chemical and biological threat vector potential is greater now than ever before as a consequence of the hard, prosecuting lawyer approach of Democrat party leaders. In the fall of the Soviet Empire Russia’s attempt to recover integral Ukrainian territory was bit off when Russia’s soft Ukraine underbelly was exposed to Clintonista and N.A.T.O. hyenas tearing out its guts and still fighting to keep their gruesome prize with the comedian’s marshal law and hundreds of billions of dollars worth of weapons of war.

We learn from history that VP Harris does not learn from history. Her policy on Ukraine ( to negotiate with Russia is surrender and only victory is acceptable) is profound ignorance of history causing her to be dedicated to driving a square peg into a round hole until the world is destroyed. I served in the Cold War era and recall the strenuous effort required for peace to evolve. Signal jokes were made to thaw the relationship. A security officer on the roof of the U.S. embassy in Moscow was making hand gestures to a female Soviet security officer watch with binoculars from across the street. He made a series of hand gestures to her so she turned to a K.G.B. translator explain to what was said; “I want to f you until your eyes pop out!” Making love not war was an ideal of rational people once upon a time.

Politically speaking leaders need be adaptable and seek after truth and justice objectively and impartially if they aspire to be statesmen. That is not a difficult concept to understand. Acting on good intelligence and with a virtuous spirit- trusting in the providence of God and need to bring the pubic to a better place when required, if possible requires particular decisions rather than pre-packaged attitudes and platitudes, positions and stances. Frontier guides would not appreciate dissidents disputing there directions with comments that to go left or right is pacifism, fascism, existentialism, empiricism, communism or any other sort of ism. Directions and choices are should be made with education, experience and particular locations and informed, appropriate choices/acts in the flow of space-time circumstance and not abstract psychological/political forms as  actualization of commercial gestalt. Leaders should not be fish following currents of popular opinion leading into fish traps for fear of adverse opinions of influential fish.

 One cannot simply decide with gross superficiality that Putin is this and the Russian military presence in Ukraine is like that of some other historical event; one need have particular comprehension of the complete history and the present flow of global contemporary history to make informed leadership judgments. The book of Ecclesiastes explained that much better than I, and somewhat earlier  in eight famous verses from the third chapter; 

“1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

3 A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;

4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

5 A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;

6 A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;

7 A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;

8 A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

Solomon in Ecclesiastes Chapter one commented on the brevity of life. Human behavior presents nothing new under the sun. Verses 1-3 “2 Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity. 3 What profit hath a man of all his labour which he taketh under the sun? 4 One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever.”

Political leadership in Washington D.C. should love God with all their heart and minds, and their Russian neighbors as themselves. They should share the land on the border-the Ukraine, rather than warring, hating and litigating to have it all. Instead of becoming another Sodom and Gomorrah vaporized to cleanse immorality, developed this time with their own will to fight until vaporized,  Democrats should promote a just peace settlement along the Dnepr River and quit the hate and spiritual death consuming them. 

From the First Epistle of John chapters 4 and 5- “20 If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen? 21 And this commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also.

Chapter 5

1 Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and every one that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him.

2 By this we know that we love the children of God,

when we love God, and keep his commandments.

3 For this is the love of God, that we keep his

commandments: and his commandments are not


4 For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world:

and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even

our faith.

5 Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that

believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?”

When the Soviet Union faded out its conventional military power seemed weak and the nation vulnerable. The political challenge for the west was to complete the peaceful transition to a free market society, not to take advantage of the vulnerability of Russia and wrest the Ukraine for the west. Russia is probably the greatest storehouse of weapons of mass destruction on Earth. It has all of the former Soviet Union’s classified data on building WMD and much of the hardware. Biopreparat was working on weaponizing smallpox and the plague by reduction to a size communicable through lungs.  Genetic engineering enabled a new branch of biological weapons. Russia probably has continued to develop improved chemical weapons. Yet what has really changed through the stimulus of weapons development in the Ukraine conflict are delivery vehicles for weapons of mass destruction that can fly through forests, swim under the surface of oceans and icecaps and fly at low altitude to infiltrate borders. For Democrat Presidential administrations to find a way to convert a peaceful, free enterprise Russia into an enemy of the U.S.A. was to open the Pandora’s Box of Russian WMD to enemies of the United States and the west.

When Yemen launched a hypersonic missile at Israel recently that was a wakeup call for the Harris campaign (President Biden is napping until inauguration day next January). Russia provided those missiles to Iran and Iran provided at least one to Yemeni rebels that support war on Israel in collusion with several other Muslim nations of the Middle East and Hamas leadership. Russian can distribute advanced weapons systems to any nation that might use them on U.S. and allied nations with the same level of deniability as the U.S.A. can for its weapons used to attack Russia. 

If Democrats hadn’t been so determined to make an enemy of Russia and regard it as an inferior in power and had instead sought to make a friend of Russia, respect its transition to free enterprise and wish to recover at least some of its lost Ukrainian land, the distribution of weapons and potential weapons distribution would not have occurred. Because Russia has very advanced Nuclear, Chemical and Biological weapons and weapons researchers and is a pressured enemy of the Democrat Party the U.S.A. faces the most endangerment of its history; worse even than at the height of the Cold War 1.0

V.P. Harris may believe that Russia will not provide W.M.D.s, as it readily can, to nations and terrorist organizations that would actually use them on western targets. In short she relies on Russia self-restraint and perhaps fears of American retaliation to make attacks directly on the United States impossible. I believe she is entirely on the wrong track in that regard. If Russia is attacked and or economically devastated by U.S. sanctions it might at least enable some comparatively minor attack indirectly that would shut down the U.S. economy for a time as did 9-11 and COVID 19.

U.S. national security is already full of holes. A Canadian sailor or pleasure boat returning from Nantucket or Long Island could deliver a suitcase nuke to a diver offshore. Lightweight suitcase nukes could be flown across the Mexican border on a low-flying drown and delivered to a cultured, Lebanese-Hezbollah illegal alien terrorist getting a ride with a Mexican citizen migrant fruit picker with a Californian driver’s license to San Francisco-a sanctuary city, for a blast.

Flying in bottles of concentrate nerve agent by the gallon in drones is as feasible as imitators using Ukraine’s new napalm dropping drone tech to attack U.S. cities. I am not confident that even the regular military has considered the thousands of new ways of attack that have developed because Democrats have sought for a quarter century to treat Russia as an inferior. Russia may have already distributed hypersonic missiles and missile tech to Korea and China as well as Iran and Yemen. That dynamic alone could change the way other potential conflicts develop.

Ideas are more preponderantly more important than personality for Presidential performance. Salient Democrat platform planks in 2024 in effect are promotion of abortion, homosexuality marriage, dope, atheism and atomic war. Democrats just need people to blame and beyond that believe they are unquestionably the most powerful force on the planet. The trouble with that is the reckless disregard for reality endangers the rest of the people of the United States. Democrat lawyers use law as a tool to repress political enemies and ideas.

Historically a nation’s leaders may not be competent enough and/or focus on the wrong issues to keep a nation alive. If a leader can be elected by focusing on special interests of constituents that are irrelevant in the larger, international scheme of things in which they have no competence, or actually have harmful ideas, the nation may suffer. Abortion is candidate Harris’ way to win the heart of Democrat Party voters, yet in regard to reversing that party’s irrational drift toward nuclear war, abortion is as irrelevant as would be a Democrat desire to legalize sex on desktops at work. Such legislation would not restore good relations with Russia or deescalate global conflict. Politicians that may get elected by knowledge and promotion of specialty issues not too meaningful for national security, economics and environmental health are no bargain at all.

In the modern environment of weapons of mass destruction an arms race and bad international relations that lead to war harm national security. In primitive times getting more warriors with stronger arms and better weapons such as spears was a feasible way to improve tribal security. Stronger arms could throw spears farther. Today more nuclear, chemical and biological weapons harm security, as does war especially with nations like Russia. Politicians aren’t paid to harm national security, yet Neanderthal reasoning seems to prevail in knuckle dragging Democrat party leadership. President Reagan on the other hand sought to eliminate nuclear weapons; he was on the right track. If one compared the Earth to a large cruise ship with various nations occupying different floors and portions of the vessel one can more readily understand that bring more weapons; chemical, nuclear and biological aboard and inventing new ones in a never ending arms race wouldn’t enhance the security of the passengers. Other ways need be found to resolve differences and disputes rather than either war or assertions that one’s national law and those of various allies apply to everyone aboard. Blind prosecution of law enforcement by various powers with WMD aboard the vessel is likely to lead to the annihilation of all life. Elected crew members should be concerned with keeping the environment of the ship in good operating condition. 

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