
If I Knew a Half Century Ago What I Know Now

 I was considering what the world would have been like if I knew the future a half century ago. That is, if I knew then what I know now. Since I like to consider and write about contemporary history, wouldn’t the future have never become what it was if I wrote about events consistently with accuracy before they occurred?

In my opinion the greatest change would have been that of the Reagan administration. If I had written before the 1980 election that the conservative Republican President would change the political landscape so much in international relations and with the Soviet Union as to bring about the end of the Cold War then that circumstance might not have occurred. Imagine instead if the end of the Cold war in December 1988 when the Soviet began drawing down the Red Army from East Germany were replaced by a Clinton-Biden-Obomb-em-Harris, Yellin, Stoltenberg axis of mooning administrations elevating the world to the brink of nuclear war as at the present time in history.

Presidents intelligent enough to find ways to peace when the outlook is for the dark and stormy clouds of nuclear winter are rare. Snoopy writing from his dog house writer’s loft given a knowledge of the pinball courses of political relations with future knowledge; knowing the whipsaws of changes in presidential administrations and approaches to achieving a stable and peaceful world order where ecological progress and full, meaningful life opportunities for all within a freedom of spirit social paradigm, would be a paradox. Political analysis are limited in validity to a context of limited omniscience or rather, no omniscience at all  in regard to the temporal exstasis in which space-time flows. There is no Snoopy sniffing the future of world destiny that will bark at the approach of evil and wag for the good. Presidents instead need use rational prioritization of political concerns to actualize good developments instead of actualizing existential desires emanated from their own desires. Social reality isn’t an existential extension of personal egoism as it may seem for Democrat Party leaders, it is an interactive, heterodox fact where sharing of Ukraine is all that is required to restore historical balance for the time being.

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