American issues of Christianity, cosmology, politics, ecosphere, philosophy, contemporary history etc
A Sort. of Monophysitism and Arian Heresy Persist
Christianity, Evolution and Digital Universes
Post-Tribulation End TImes With Jesus and YHWH
A Baptist minister said to me once that The Revelation was like a newspaper written for Christians of the time of John of Patmos. It needed to be slightly coded because Nero probably would have had John executed instead of just exiled if John had described Nero as the Beast. I like the partial preterist interpretation of John with the apocalypse occurring in the first century A.D. with the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70 and the terrible persecutions by the world government of the region that was Imperial Rome.
Post-tribulation interpretations differ from pre-tribulation interpretations popularized by Charles Ryrie. Remember that end times pre-tribbers have existed since the first century and they tend to be wrong- except for the one that Jesus said would occur and that did within that generation. Jesus will return some time yet it will be different from the pre-tribber version that some Christians have, comparable to that of Muslim Shi'ite 12ers that believe the hidden imam will return before Armageddon and Jesus will lead the Muslim troops. One might read He Shall Have Dominion by Kenneth Gentry to learn about post-millennialism.
I enjoy being reminded of Christian themes amid all the clutter. I took a two year graduate course in reformed theology on-line in theology and my mentor lost my work. I published my papers in three volumes free to download at my web page. I read people like Thomas Brooks and Shaff’s multi-volume History of the Christian Church (free to download at several sites)
The post on the meaning of the tetragrammaton was a timely and good topic that led me to learn a little more about it. I found an article on it at The with a quote from that below.,%2C%20desire%2C%20or%20passion.%E2%80%9D
“God reveals his name to Moses as “I am,” from the Hebrew root ה.ו.י, “being.” The name YHWH, however, originates in Midian, and derives from the Arabic term for “love, desire, or passion.”
שמות ו:ב וַיְדַבֵּר אֱלֹהִים אֶל מֹשֶׁה וַיֹּאמֶר אֵלָיו אֲנִי יְ־הוָה. ו:ג וָאֵרָא אֶל אַבְרָהָם אֶל יִצְחָק וְאֶל יַעֲקֹב בְּאֵל שַׁדָּי וּשְׁמִי יְ־הוָה לֹא נוֹדַעְתִּי לָהֶם.
Exod 6:2 God spoke to Moses and said to him, “I am YHWH. 6:3 I appeared to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as El Shaddai, but I did not make Myself known to them by My name YHWH.
Necessary Being in relation to Contingent Being
Can Humans Know What's Really Real?
The blind man and the elephant seems an apt comparison. Humans can only know what is given, and that given is reality for humans. When other humans have similar experiences and when mathematics provides information concerning the structure of reality as knowable there is knowledge of the reality that humans encounter being formalized. That is pragmatic and useful.
Explorers could ever only discover phenomena and not noumena. They may use an associahedrons to find the scattering patterns and models of new particles yet not see with their own eyes the quantum realm of fermions.
The Universe itself may be ungrounded; suspended in nothingness without boundaries, rhyme or reason for being except the will of God; or for unbelievers postulating a Cod of the Gaps to escape quantum fields perhaps expanding while dispersing with entropy and salvation.
Uncertainty and gaps; spacing intervals, being and non being, form and substance plus colors in some light allow the common experience for humanity. Human reality could be inside a kachinka doll or recursive puzzle box with greater and lesser realities.
People need understand first what is given and proximal and perhaps non-local too sometime and speculate with metaphysics from the known; like Plato’s troglodyte prisoners, with logical inference, science and with whatever revealed knowledge from a superior being may be provided.
A question; how is an 'absolute' truth different from a truth? Kierkegaard hated Hegel's use of the word absolute. He thought it wasn't meaningful. Maybe he would have used Hume's metaphysical non-sense shears on it.
What I know of the Higgs field, massless particles beyond it, a pluralized unified field with finite content and non- locality brings me to a point of reserve and a little optimism about increasing understanding of the evident. If mind interacts with shaping experience there might be an order to.that as well. Standard forms seem like an ordinary presentation of the known.
I like some of the explanations for how optical organs developed finding light. So for whatever reason bodies that are entanglements of fermions configured themselves within overlapping fields derived from a unified field and sought energy. Sentients in time thought about the quanta that comprise substance then became skeptical about what reality is.
Entangled in the Higgs field like the goat in the bush that substituted for Isaac as a sacrifice, the question arises of the extent that observation collapses the wave function of elements comprising the observed since non- locality was confirmed. Can one have an organic naive reality simultaneously with one viewed more from a quantum relativity paradigm in which mind is determining much of what it observes simply because it observed. Can that be consistent with organisms just inputting energy in a natural order. Do fire ants eating meat stop biting if one sleeps?
Bishop Berkeley's ideaism criterion remains possible even within a concurrent natural order. The Higgs field phenomena may be contingent to an unknown extent. Ideaism on a quantum, non-local form is ponderable.
Cod of the Gaps Theories
God may have created an evolving Universe in an instant or billions of years. Consider this however,; time and space are of a unified field processing entropy like a drop of oil in water breaking up into smaller drops. Time has no reality beyond the field.
Unscientific Generalities on the Etiology of Religion
I am very cool on archetypes of collective subconsciousness such as Jung developed as a theory. The concept of projections is equally dubious today. As applied to God it conflates history at a massive scale positing a common cause for events and ideas that are mostly lost from history. One tribe may have had a different reason for beginning an idea than another. In the case of Abraham, that wasn't a collective experience. It was an individual, personal encounter. David Rosenberg wrote a biography for Abraham that is a very interesting read.
The Tower was one of Jung’s archetypes as well as a novel by Stephen King. People today ought to be able to sort out their ideas about reality and know what they think about particular aspects of it. There is a tendency toward postulating a common explanation without much basis for a panoply of events that are selected and lumped together. Conscious ideas about reality differ from those of the subconscious and tend to arise from experience and education. There is a field of study called the history of ideas. Generally they require pretty good support for the origin of ideas in order not to be myths themselves.
Consider the Japanese Shinto religion for example. Where did the idea of Tori-spirit gates arise? I don’t know. Here is a good mythical account though that differs from some sort of common human projection…
A warlord made an heroic last stand in the gate of a wooden fortress on fire. His clan saw his dedication to defeating the overwhelming power of the enemy, yet at last, overcome by wounds he fell to his knees and was then beheaded. His forces were being driven back at the sight of their fallen leader. Just then a great eagle descended from the sky amidst the battle landing atop the gate and the warriors of the fallen hero knew the spirit of the warlord had returned. They rallied and drove back the enemy to the sea. Thereafter the spirit gate was recognized as a place where the spirits of the dead returned to help those still living in the world.
Pagan religion may have each had a different origin. In some cases kings simply declared themselves to be a god. Jews, Christians and Muslims share a common origin of their faith through Abraham and successors that wasn’t a projection of consciousness comparable to the origin of polytheists and numerous other belief systems. It is easy to construct a generality as an explanation for the unknown, yet unscientific.
The Universe Isn't Made of Algorithms
Algorithms occur in an incomplete paradigm where a sum or answer is wanted. Much of the Universe may be in a Algorithms are structures; structures used to process information or data points presented within someone’s lexicon universe. Like D9 caterpillars AI can push a lot of stuff. Is the Universe made of algorithms? No.
Algorithms exists in the universe though, in some way.
I like the new structure associahedrons used for calculating particle interaction. Quantum entanglement that occurs possibly even at billions of light years distance isn’t likely to perform algorithms, unless a designer made it so, instead there should a direct relationship. rather than a calculating continuum although change seems perpetual from a human perspective.
There are responsive structures in the Universe at some scale greater than the four dimensions of space-time. I don’t believe that is machine learning or deep learning or neural network algorithmic structures.
Fate or Joss
I tend to think of fate as joss. That is whatever occurs happens. My regard is to consider it a post hoc description of what happened.
The Chinese derived joss from a Portuguese term for God. In the Chinese culture it can mean fate or luck.
So I regard fate as a kind of gestalt or complete complex of compresence. A scene such as that in 1812 where Napoleon views a corpse resplendent in an officers uniform on a battlefield and declares “voila, a splendid death!”. That is joss or fate.
Yet as a Christian I believe God has an intention for the world. Details are beyond my pay grade.
On the Kingdom of God
There won’t be a perfect world political order until the Second Coming. Worldly systems are made by sinful humans and they eventually fail.
I like to write on a variety of philosophical issues yet sometimes feel a response to attacks on Christians is warranted, especially since they usually aren’t erudite or scholarly in nature and can use a modicum of edification.
Pragmatist Truth Parameters
A Pragmatist Truth paradigm seems to be somewhat of a verficationist paradigm. Socrates said that true belief and knowledge are equivalent. Truth values are found with verification and usefulness of something asserted as fact. That is not the same as saying that such a thing as truth-in-itself exists as a realist entity. Instead it is a neo-realist description.
If one says that AX is Z, and then tests the proposition finding that AX necessitates Z commutatively, and Z works in algorithms just like AX then it is true to say that AX and Z are equivalent.
Nature Gets Rid of "Things That Do Not Work"?
Why Pantheism is an Incorrect Assumption
Faith vs Original Sin/Matthew 18:2-3
Sin means to miss the mark of.
The famous analogy is that of an archer missing the bullseye.
Humanity is in a containment facility for the sin of the first people. They came to reach self awareness and were as little Gods. That is the learned the difference between good and evil unlike animals that simply kill and eat without sin. Humans were given a temporal existence with brief life spans. God did not want people to live forever with their willful disobedience.
Children are born with original sin and are in the thermodynamic field inputting energy to exist. Most perped sins besides the original are related to that.
Children though have naive trust in their parents and faith in them (unless the parents are wicked, abusive or neglectful). Becoming as little children probably means having true faith in Christ-regardless of what sophists and scoffers say.
Matthew 18:2-3, which says, “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven”.
Some Want Scientific Proof of God
Free Will in Relation to Consciousness and Subconsciousness
Will is contingent upon consciousness. If one has consciousness one may choose to act or not. Some say conscious decisions to act are not made by consciousness, instead they believe conditioning subconsciously determines conscious decisions.
The will exists in the sub conscious and it is free. Otherwise there would be a lower level, more primary set of instructions controlling the sub conscious and a superfluous deceived consciousness.
Consciousness exists supported by the subconscious. It is not possible for human consciousness to keep all of their experience, memories, judgments and history active in conscious thoughts. Instead there is an innate middle ground of intellect that retrieves data from the subconscious in accord with conscious thought and the lesser intelligent yet active and closer related to emotion will.
Will exist as a modified reflection of conscious thought that needn’t be mentally, internally expressed in order to be present and act. It can retrieve subconscious information for consciousness and may also join with conscious thought and be directed by it. An aware mind freely chooses to act. Thought is in harmony with the will and subconscious usually, yet on some occasions they may not. An example may be a conscious choice to act peacefully while the will is to punch an offender as memory informs the mind of dire consequences of taking the latter course
I have heard a song or thought of something I can’t recall like the title of that song, and directed my subconscious to find it. Some time later the right idea appears in my conscious thought.
A human mind is a continuum of conscious, will and sub-consciousness that each have intelligence. Will and subconscious work for the conscious mind. It is a trinity that works.
Humans May Have Evolved From Rats; Adam and Eve Were Spliced In
Humans May Have Evolved From Rats Named Purgatoriuos 65 Million Years BC
I had a concentration in history in college and learned a lot from the past. I wouldn’t suggest people can’t learn from the past-
Agriculture developed when hunting and gathering couldn’t sustain concentrated populations in towns. The transition period was 10,000 to 15,000 years ago. Hunter-gathering was the way of economics before that going back to when people started eating meat as the human line may have evolved from rodents circa 65 million years BC (Adam and Eve were spliced in to an existing human line).
When people sustained with agriculture could sustain civil organizations with rulers organized wars began. Raiders had something established to attack and civil wars could occur as well for regime change. Organized wars started during the late Neolithic Age too.
An excavation of Cohokia in St. Louis showed that the preceding ruling dynasty members were ceremonially killed when a new ruling family took over. So it’s an American tradition too.
Metaphysics; What It Is
Metaphysics is an activity. It can use many kinds of tools. It is bigger and smaller, simultaneously, than a bread box while being for-itself.
Free Will; A Binary Question
To be or not to be; that is an example of a binary absolute.In logic and programming there are disjuncts. A logic gate tests for a condition to be on or off. Schrodinger’s cat could live in a state compatible with life and death simultaneously, in theory, until collapse of the wave-function, however that super-position status doesn’t work for all mortal philosophical questions. Either/Or, Neither,/Nor are disjuncts of a sort. One shouldn’t expect philosophy to invariably provide weak, vague, uncertain answers and represent them as Truth because political correctness suggests that constructing ideas that will appeal somewhat to everyone returns the most demographic support.
Free will seems to be a question that cannot support affirmative and negative conditions on the same level, or on all possible dimensions.
It is also the case that people want to defend what they believe and sometimes strongly when they don’t realize they are wrong and are duty bound by themselves to defend their wrong, godless atheist opinions.
In Reply to A Few Good Ad Hominems
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