
Cod of the Gaps Theories

Some people would like a cod of the gaps to escape the gill nets of logic capturing schools of generalized incomplete theories swimming the sea of uncertainty. Cod of the gaps escape synthetic constructions from diverse fields that build several modal theories that might explain a given phenomenon such as being and advance just one straw man or reductio in order to support their sole purpose; a mission to escape accountability to God on judgment day. Though the cod of the gaps slips through the nets of salvation it is yet in the sea of evermore set into Higgs Field entanglement hosting the phenomenon of being.

God may have created an evolving Universe in an instant or billions of years. Consider this however,; time and space are of a unified field processing entropy like a drop of oil in water breaking up into smaller drops. Time has no reality beyond the field. 

For God the Universe is comparable to a rubber ball expanding in size from pea size to palm size; its internal relativistic time is less than substantial for the Creator. For Him a billion years of evolution wouldn’t be equal to a second of His eternal being and the time is a local phenomenon implicit to experience of sentients within the super ball.

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