American issues of Christianity, cosmology, politics, ecosphere, philosophy, contemporary history etc
College Education: Training to Keep People Stupid So They Can't Figure out How to Revolt?
Ca the US Medical System be Improved?
It tends toward being too expensive. Billing is also normally f'd up by agencies external to the medical side. The entire world is not provided basic health care as might be possible if advantaged thoughtful leaders found a way. Walk in treatment for poor homeless Americans without enough sedentary time in state rootedness to qualify for Medicaid should be a minor existing exclusion easy to fix. Biden-Harris had no interest in that
College education provides tools for thinking. Some of the practical get valuable training that pays well after graduation or even before. Anything medical, engineering or science pays isn't philosophy. One may learn vast quantities of stuff that doesn't count for practical training at all. It's worth learning yet not any kind of training that has compensatory prospects.
Reply to an Anti-Christian Blaming Christians for the World's Troubled History
The State executed or imprisoned captives for The Inquisition in accordance with local laws. The Catholic Church examined them to determine if they were Catholics or had foreign allegiance as some kind of heretic. US social median comprised predominantly of Democrats, atheists and wokistry purged conservatives and Christians from social media as best they could as heretics to Democrat Party political goals with less violent means since the Obama administration.The Inquisition was probably a motivation for the separation of church and state centuries later in the US Constitution by Protestant founders.
People need to learn from history and improve upon it. Protestants were also purged in the era. You might read Foxxe’s Book of Martyrs to learn of The St Bartholomew’s Day massacre and other events. The Habsburgs were trying to retain control of Europe and the Church was resisting reform from Protestants even as Mongol and Muslim invasions were being repulsed from attacks on Europe and Christiandom.
Illiterate peasants and opportunistic leaders often couldn’t discern the differences between theological points in Latin edition books they had never read and the sword points of foreign invaders; that is the peasants being killed by invaders with different religious beliefs were killed by swords rather than ideas. Spanish conquistadors had 500 years of war in their own country for practice getting rid of Muslim invaders as the inquisition commenced. Intolerance of foreign allegiance was realistic politics of that time.
People have original sin and only slowly discern the way of Jesus as far as numbers go... if they are blessed. Humanity is somewhat crude regarding environmental economics and Christian ethics including many of those affiliated with religion. Society in history is a work in progress.
The Origin of Religions
Strength of a State
One might want to define strength for this context and decide if it is in comparison to other states. Law is just one element of a state. Type and effectiveness of government, economic system, environmental management, education, military, non-governmental organization quality and quantity and relationships with other states are a few of the many elements determining the strength of a state.
Law is not a two-dimensional governor and ruler. Law is an arbiter and enforcer of social boundaries necessary to let individuals be self-determining. It can also be used to stop individual self-determination as in totalitarian states.
Logic is a discipline and tool for reasoning. Classical and symbolic logic are useful. Star Trek's Spock logic brought a lot of people to a warped notion of what it is. Emotion is non-rational though not necessarily bad. Children excel at emotion before reason. I think what is useful for mitigating the environment crisis is education and intelligence in the masses to get understanding for political support.
The mass extinction of the Anthropocene era eliminates most life eventually. It is an event of global habitat decline for life including humans. Chemicals and micro plastics in water, global heating, oceanic acidification... there are so many growing environmental challenges most leadership disregards that some people like Jacque Cousteau and James Lovelock said some years ago that humanity has just about 200 years left before civilization collapses and after that perhaps all human life.
Economic competition demands evaluation of others. Comparing abilities of others is as basic as private property in a capitalist economic system. Christian ethics are less judgemental, yet even sports requires evaluating competition. In a job app for example, people present the best appearance they can. Then a personnel manager compares resumes and hires the most suitable person. A more inclusive economic system could be made with less rigorous comparisons perhaps if broader social goals were common and any body could fill the role.
A Few Points on Cosmology
God is eternal and Earth is temporal. Two-dimensional waves embedded in the Higgs field get an apparent 3rd dimension. Matter is made of fermions and force carrying particles like photons are bosons. Space-time itself may be the source of gravity. Temporality and thermodynamics… Nothing that is matter is eternal. All of the dispersion of the original unified field in it’s sundry forms changes. Information may be eternal though, in some way…Shannon entropy or otherwise with God.
God is eternal and Earth is temporal. Two-dimensional waves embedded in the Higgs field get an apparent 3rd dimension. Matter is made of fermions and force carrying particles like photons are bosons. Space-time itself may be the source of gravity. Temporality and thermodynamics… Nothing that is matter is eternal. All of the dispersion of the original unified field in it’s sundry forms changes. Information may be eternal though, in some way…Shannon entropy or otherwise with God.
Why suffering exists? The coefficient of adversity is natural being alive. It varies in quality and quantity. Adam and Eve had zero adversity before the devil led them woke.
I lean toward Augustine's belief that human nature is totally depraved.God is perfect. Fallen mankind in a thermodynamic world/universe has an opportunity to be saved and that's what matters. If man lived forever without Christ they would create hell for others. Death limits the ability of mankind to do evil into others. There are acts of kindness sometimes. Those are phenomenal. The Universe physically presents a coefficient of adversity. People working together sometimes can overcome challenges so perhaps humanity learns something about caring for other before they go to hell or heaven as the case may be.
Bishop Berkeley's Idealism does not postulate that individuals create their own reality, just that the experience of reality could be like an illusion, or a holographic appearance created by God. For Berkeley, the individual views the world as did Sartre in Being and Nothingness.
The Energy of Space-time?
People are part of space-time. They do not possess it. Humans are privileged or, alternatively penalized to experience time.
Energy may be a measure, yet it can refer to mass changing form; E = m c2 as in radiation from uranium for example. Semantics for non- scientific lexicons can make practical discussions difficult. People sometimes call electrons flowing in a wire ‘energy’.
Fields exist, and the Higgs field exist with two dimension particle-waves slowing and entangled in it seeming to have a third dimension, so energy measurements are contingent selections of the relationships of apparent yet not actual energy?
I don’t know if the total quantity of energy in the Higgs Field ever changes due to the conservation of energy. Gravity may be a space-time curvature attribute or a residual of the unified field, while the strong force, electroweak and Higgs field are in some way joint progenitors of the quark era? One might wonder if quarks are energy, or strings and if there isn’t some kind of solipsistic barrier physically at some level of reduction to fundamental substance-matter-energy.
Mass is the amount of matter of an object. Energy is the amount of work it can do. Quarks are classified as fermions with half not zero spin. In some ways they seem like circular descriptions for noumena at the core of matter. It's hard to regard a field of massless particless as matter- like photons carrying force in an eng field
Quarks are fermions. Mass, like energy, is also a measurement. Photons have zero mass and are classed as bosons because they carry force. Apparently matter is the only 'substance'. Gluons and quarks are classed as fermions because they build matter. Fields existed prior to gluons and quarks. Those fermions put on mass in the Higgs field. I believe the interaction of two-dimensional particle-waves in the Higgs field including photons with their 'timelessness' is interesting to consider.
I believe some would like to regard space-time to be the source of everything in-itself that in various phases emits or allows divisions of packets of virtual energy to become temporally existent independently leading to universes with ‘mass’. I cannot say where all that space-time in-itself evolved to…probably nowhere I think of a soul as information. God backs up that data perhaps…ssds haven’t enough storage capacity
About Christ in Collossians 1- "For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:
17 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.
18 And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence. 19 For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell."
God always existed, yet the universe has time and had a beginning.
Shanghai had Troubles Prior to the Revolution
Etymologically instinct means an impulse toward something. People tend toward acceptance of select word paradigms as nouns and facts in-themselves a bit too readily. Such descriptions are nominal.
Learned behaviors are sometimes described as instinct or second nature. An SAS operator may shoot a thousand head shots a day on the range (maybe) at proper targets until the right response to stimuli is instinctive, yet self-defense is itself somewhat ‘instinctive’ in a more natural example of the common understanding.
On compassion vs degradation in social history. Is there a cause for optimism philosophically?
Hobbes’ main idea in The Leviathan was the absolute power of the king. He was the brain and the people the body of the state. Life was nasty, brutish and short in his day. Camus’ The Plague has a lot of nastiness in it. The Stranger has the protagonist vomiting on a beach. Camus died in a car accident at a fairly young age. Frankl’s logo therapy was a response to the complete degradation and loss of humanity experienced by inmates of Nazi concentration camps. The only mass philosophy that easily comes to mind that killed millions is communism. Capitalism is more an economic system than philosophy, though basic greed and the will for political power plus minions are the main causes of war.
People can invent their own opponents in politics these days, ignore existential challenges and destroy social well being in the blundered quest for power. Philosophical works sometimes should be understood in their historical context. Would one for instance use The Prince as a role model for poly sci students today?
Communism worked as a revolutionary philosophy because millions of poor people were oppressed by royalty with most of the wealth. China today is better off than they would be if the Imperials had persisted.
If Democrat Presidents hadn’t taken all of Ukraine from Russia and expanded NATO Eastward Russia would be an ally and China more democratic in the political philosophy sense. The poor suffer more than the rich and around the world haven’t got free universal health care That’s a political rather than a philosophical problem
Instincts and Nominalism
Etymologically instinct means an impulse toward something. People tend toward acceptance of select word paradigms as nouns and facts in-themselves a bit too readily. Such descriptions are nominal.
Learned behaviors are sometimes described as instinct or second nature. An SAS operator may shoot a thousand head shots a day on the range (maybe) at proper targets until the right response to stimuli is instinctive, yet self-defense is itself somewhat ‘instinctive’ in a more natural example of the common understanding.
On compassion vs degradation in social history. Is there a cause for optimism philosophically?
Hobbes’ main idea in The Leviathan was the absolute power of the king. He was the brain and the people the body of the state. Life was nasty, brutish and short in his day. Camus’ The Plague has a lot of nastiness in it. The Stranger has the protagonist vomiting on a beach. Camus died in a car accident at a fairly young age. Frankl’s logo therapy was a response to the complete degradation and loss of humanity experienced by inmates of Nazi concentration camps. The only mass philosophy that easily comes to mind that killed millions is communism. Capitalism is more an economic system than philosophy, though basic greed and the will for political power plus minions are the main causes of war.
People can invent their own opponents in politics these days, ignore existential challenges and destroy social well being in the blundered quest for power. Philosophical works sometimes should be understood in their historical context. Would one for instance use The Prince as a role model for poly sci students today?
Communism worked as a revolutionary philosophy because millions of poor people were oppressed by royalty with most of the wealth. China today is better off than they would be if the Imperials had persisted.
If Democrat Presidents hadn’t taken all of Ukraine from Russia and expanded NATO Eastward Russia would be an ally and China more democratic in the political philosophy sense. The poor suffer more than the rich and around the world haven’t got free universal health care That’s a political rather than a philosophical problem
I suppose NDE means near death experiences. I wondered if sometimes God edits reality a little to keep some people alive where they would have died, and they aren't much aware of the edit though they may be thankful for remaining alive.
Don't know about theoretical sentient beings. They may have different views on death.
Conditioning like learning languages is a social context...filtering that out would leave one imbecilic I would think. Behavior is partly learned from experience and that too conditions. Filter out that placing your hand on a hot stove burns.
Evidence and Beliefs
One may believe facts and/or things evident. Power is however a relationship to things other than itself. One perceives relationships about things, not about noumenon. That need be an inference.
Then of course one may want to consult Socrates’ ideas in The Meno.
Is God in and without the Universe?He is non- contingent Being. Consider the relationship of a programmer to a program running. The programmer is outside the program because it is his ossified praxis, so his thought values are in it. If programs were live and written by thought interfaced with code the relation would be more challenging to delineate. Maybe a creative AI will model that paradigm eventually, if not presently.
Exist etymologically means to come into being, such as a Universe or Multiverse Alternatively God is eternal and always is.
Exist etymologically means to come into being. Alternatively God is eternal and always is.
Democracy, Corporatocracy and Republics
Corporatocracy does develop hybrid forms in different circumstances. There is also plutocracy
There are real issues that voters care about Mass illegal immigration was one this time. Voters cast ballots for candidates agreeing with their will. Of course one might like better candidates however the people might get what they deserve. The rare, smart, well balanced candidate with great ideas never makes it through the filters of common averageness that dominate American style democracy.
I should mention the R word (republic). The demos is represented by elected individuals. Direct, live voting on all political issues of a nation doesn't exist anywhere. Some few people would be needed to make issues for people to vote on and they would probably need to be elected. Pure democracy might work in small groups, yet for nations it would need to be reactionary rather than creative, because advancing in new directions would not arise spontaneously as referenda on election ballots.
Philosophical Miscellane
I wondered why people aren't more civil. Atheists post a lot with occasional abuse on the web and that is interminable. A lot of superficial verbiage pro and con various religious opinions.
Are people more civil now than during the 30 years war and respectful of the opinions of others about religion? The thirty years war was between the Habsburgs and other European powers that sought political and religious independence in some cases. German princes had sought to be free of the Hapsburgs since Luther and the Smalcaldian war. 8 million died during the 30 years war. Toleration of different ideas is valuable for a free society.
I enjoyed reading much philosophy and history and understood what philosophy is eventually. It is a learning tool. Questions about cosmology and being are perennial though. Even those with faith may wonder about the nature of things and how that relates to God. An example would be the relationship of omniscience and omnipotentence to a Multiverse; is it a necessity for God to create every possible universe, and do those exist from eternity with God, or are they known yet not actualized until some function occurs.
When Aristotle wrote "The Politics", he was describing the way societies change, and the behavior of the polis. Political philosophy is part of social philosophy. In order to understand human society and politics a philosopher requires actual information, such as the willingness of people with different ideas concerning religion or many other topics to tolerate the expression of those concepts. Societies may have challenges and responses such as Toynbee described in his 'A Study of History' that prompt transitions in political cycles of society, and Toynbee's paradigm in a way is a broad expansion of paradigmata of Aristotle's Politics, yet one must understand real contemporary human behavior if one is to comprehend why people including leaders make the decisions they do, such as the Biden administration's fanaticism for war with Russia over Ukraine via proxies, One would like to know if such characteristics are common and will continue and combine with other Toynbean 'tells' such as vast public debt toward a cyclical progression toward general collapse of civilization (perhaps through W.W. III or if rationality still exists in sufficient measure to delay that. These are philosophical concerns.
Reason and the Quest for God
Most everyone uses reason-it isn’t a rare skill. Reason can lead one to God for a number of reasons, though the spirit must draw one to Christ. A good old classical and symbolic logic text named The Art of Reasoning set out methods for distilling arguments…even so content of knowledge, learning and experience may take people to different destinations. It’s not like an arithmetic problem with one correct answer that can be found with a particular skill set.
Adam and Eve...
They had eternal life (in one direction) before the sin of disobedience. Elsewhere in Genesis it says to be fruitful and multiply. Maybe it's where and when they had sex, although it doesn't say that they had sex. Instead they became aware they were naked. Animals have no sense of that. Might have been an IQ test to determine if A and E were fully sentient. Consider the dog...does it knows it's naked (unless it has a cute little sweater)?
Sin means 'to miss the mark'. Since mankind has original sin having missed the mark of what they were supposed to do, and are hence in a fallen state replete with thermodynamics, there are sundry ways to continue erring not following the righteous course with the grace of God and the salvific work of Jesus. To follow the will of God and to be regenerated by the Holy Spirit with the Lord Jesus as one's personal savior is the way
Reflections on Olber's Paradox
Olber’s Paradox is interesting to consider. The Universe probably isn’t static nor “filled” with stars since they are so far away. Visible light requires sentient eyes to view it and regard it as visible anyway. Before eyes existed the Universe might have been in effect without light. One knows at any rate that light is an excitation or phenomena in an electromagnetic field and photons travelling in space are affected by the spatial curvature of the Universe because of gravity, or perhaps spatial curvature itself is a reciprocal of gravity as it were and that varied over the course of the expansion of the universe. Photons are nearly mass-less particles and their timeless journey can end or transition as they encounter different fields and mass or energy in the Universe.
“Olbers’ paradox is a cosmological paradox that asks why the night sky is dark if the universe is infinite and contains an infinite number of stars“
I suppose that it is possible that photons could encounter a kind of anti-virtual particle phenomena wherein photons disappear from the Universe into whatever field virtual particles emerge fro as the Universe flexes it’s quantum soup of some kind of tomato bisque. I don’t know why for that matter that a virtual energy field should be evenly distributed through the Universe and not for-itself associated in some way with a ratio to real fields and mass of the Universe. Perhaps they model the distribution of gravitational fields of the Universe, although nothing can travel faster than light that is subluminal. Of course mass-less 2 dimensional particles travel at light speed. Quantum entanglement could occur between photons and virtual energy. I have thought the concepts of timeless, mass-less particles and a Universe of time and space something of a paradox itself.
The Harris Meme; "What can be, unburdened by what has been"
Perhaps the phrase Kamala Harris uses (‘What can be, unburdened by what has been’) isn’t a quote from Karl Marx. It does require a little examination though. For in an historical context the past and present are a continuum. what has existed in the past often exists in the present; such as national boundaries in some cases. It might be useful if warring with Russia over Ukraine to ignore the burden of history of Russian ownership of Ukraine for centuries if one is a Democrat obviously. The past is not so easy to dismiss.
Everything that exist in social reality-physical infrastructure for example, immediately becomes part of the past as the present moves on. Yet buildings built yesterday or last century remain part of the present-even with the persistence of memory in a few after they are demolished. Plans implemented in the past were designed with the future in mind sometimes requiring decades to mature.
And there is the matter of special and general relativity and parameters for a finite speed of light- 186,282 miles per second. Given the expansion of space-time and the vast distance scales of the Universe photons flying about and reaching Earth nearly entirely originated from the past to impact human senses as the present; that is the past is what arrives in to be the present appearance of starlight- and even sunshine.
I tend to regard the Universe as being simultaneously monistic and pluralistic. It originated and in a deep sense continues to be made of one phenomenal thing- even if that is energy in motion and of an inexplicable ultimate form. What was, is, substantially speaking, yet the forms have changed. If everything is spirit and an emanation that upsurges into being within protocols of form and change that apparent pluralism exists on the surface of the monism that is the foundation of phenomenality.
Why should those present be burdened by public debt or bad decisions of the past such as entering into war via the Zelinsky government over Ukraine with Russia? It’s convenient for politicians to ignore the past-sometimes even their own political record. The past is not a burden. Public debt of 33 trillion dollars from bad political choices by party leaders is a’burden’, as are the failure to conserve the ecosphere’s nine critical areas for human livability on Earth with six already surpassed and a seventh edging closer. One cannot simply declare oneself to be unburdened by the past when it exists in the resent.
What is possible is to maximize efficient use of present resources and opportunities; politicians rarely accomplish that.
Does Harris or Trump Know What the Nine Planetary Boundaries for Eco-health Are?
It is worth mentioning that neither presidential candidate of Republicans and Democrats mentions the nine planetary boundaries for a healthy Earth and how six have been passed already. Apparently a seventh- ocean acidification- is also approaching.
Degrading the environment to such an extreme extent requires sound ecological economic competence to change. It is my hope that if Mr. Trump wins the 2024 election and gets the wars to stop across the pond a Democrat challenger in 2030 might appear with a competent plan to at least try to push back the degradation with a completely different approach to economics and environment since they are integrated in a destructive way presently. For the Harris campaign to operate with a what me worry blissful disregard for the status of the ecosphere is disheartening. Humans should do better than that.
Maybe it will require a Republican to actually get anything done. it would be good to fill the drying up Great Salt Lake with desalinated sea water too. Such hopeless day dreaming is all that may develop concerning either prospect.
Will AI Replace Nobel Prize Committee Next Year?
Maybe it's just a matter of time before Artificial Intelligence monitoring world scientific developments replaces humans on the Nobel Committee to select prize-worthy achievements. Maybe they would be more accurate. Perhaps the prize for literature would go to someone writing a graphic novel (a cartoon book) like Magnus Robot Fighter.
One might want Magnus Carlsen to defeat all those 4000 rated chess engines and for a math genius to out-calculate quantum super-computers yet each aren't too likely.
Faster Than Light Travel with Zero-Dimension Shortcut
Science fiction writers like to fold space for faster than light space travel. Maybe Frank Herbert in Dune was the first to use the concept. It is attractive, clever and improbable. I shall explain why and suggest a different approach for science fiction stories.
The four dimensions of the Universe happened someplace without any dimensions- and the four dimensions coincided with expansion,. So what do you think about that? Parmenides and Heraclitus considered the spatial volume. If the number of dimensions was variable at the start then it must have had zero to start with.
Space doesn’t exist. What does exist is a unified field that unfolded in four dimensions from a compact singular condition. Space in the universe is a thin part of the energy and other forms of stuff that the Universe is made of. One can shape electric fields and gravity seems to be everywhere yet space of the Universe is also a part of the field. True nothingness is not the same as space. True nothingness that existed before the Universe and in which the Universe and its four dimensions exist probably has zero dimensions.
If the Universe might have had more or less than four dimensions (if it were designed for example) it probably would need to have appeared in a tabula rasa environment with zero dimensions. The Universe field differentiated with four basic forces today (plus unknown forces such as dark energy and dark matter perhaps) is grounded in zero dimensions. Instead of folding space or in other words folding fields with all of the problems that would follow reshaping portions of the Universe and all of the fields within portions of it, science fiction writers could simply have faster than light four dimension travelers in some way slip through to the zero-dimension/four dimension point of contact where distance does not exist; yet simultaneously does.
That paradox could be why select quantum particle and waves can convey information faster than light to entangle distant particles. At some level below the Planck length, the four dimension entangled state of mass and energy may contact the zero-dimension paradox and exchange information faster than light because there is no distance from A to B in zero dimensions. The interface of four dimensions with zero dimensions would be a quantum shortcut where everything in four dimensions has no distance apart. Exploiting the interface area would be challenging of course. To remain a four dimensional entity stepping somewhat beyond to the zero dimension ‘point’ where distance and other forces do not exist (such as gravity) might be comparable to exploiting the surface of a microscopic black hole that exists without gravity yet warps space (this is only a metaphor because space doesn’t exist- it is just field phenomena that are reshaped to a warp paradigm by gravity) so one could abridge distances down to near zero for the purpose of expediting travel time. Traveling around the Earth is faster near the poles. Consider zero dimension travel to be like the north pole (or south) that continues curvature to infinity and allows access to all locations of four dimensional spacetime without distance because of the topology.
Before the singularity existed in space-time there were no dimensions. For some reason the Universe expanded with four dimensions arising, although string theory posits smaller 'hidden' dimensions. There may be no necessity that a Universe must have four dimensions instead of ten. Some cosmologists speculate that the universe may exist on the surface or event horizon of a hyper-dimensional black hole in a Universe that actually has five or more dimensions. In order for the original empty space or void that pre-existed the Universe to allow a Universe to arise with x dimensions it need have no dimensions to start with, and the appearance of dimensions in the space-time expansion of a singularity is phenomenal. Though the Universe arises, it does so in the area or volume that has no dimensions. No dimension void is the host for all possible dimensions that might appear. If all of the dimensions that exist re-existed the Universe then they would have filled the true void unto infinity and would not allow more or less dimensions to exist. I suppose that is the basic presupposition of some who regard the singularity as expanding within a four dimensional void thereby sinking string theory.
Capitalism and Ludwig Von Trump (Science Fiction)
Laura said; “Yes, I want confirmation. That extrusion of new space is at the edge of the Ludwig Von Trump galaxy forty million light years from the end of the Sagittarius arm of the Milky Way. Alert the crew of the finding and take us to Ludwig Von Trump and a habitable cluster of stars with planets on our way toward, yet not beyond, the galactic habitation zone.”
Laura considered what she knew about the Ludwig Von Trump galaxy. It was named for the inventor Ludwig Von Trump of the original Earth-Mars Plutonic solar system. Trump invented a way of streamlining and accelerating patents applications with the vetting and granting of patents with a broad tree diagram of free induction slots to place a patent idea in-the-market and let it flow through the system toward potential emergence as the one, true idea returning standardized royalties to inventors from producers.
Human societies, Trump believed, needed to encourage and support intellectual inventions from everyone rather than to repress them. Often the rich could afford to restrict or co-opt ideas of poor inventors trickling up creativity with massive hydraulic pumps. Von Trump’s humble, liberating thought stimulated a cascade of new ideas bringing swiftly to market a wealth of inventions that became salient components in the drive to comprehend the cosmological mechanics of Meta-universal configurations.
Laura Thought regarded Von Trump’s ideas concerning liberation of the marketplace of ideas inadequate to inform the human race about the inability of capitalism to apply good human-sense management in democracy to promote ecospheric conservation and natural resource sustainability under classical human economic assault. For Laura, primitive, predatory, unreflective capitalism was comparable to ravenous insects landing on the leaves of tasty plants and mafia taking over police unions eliminating society of dissidents to mafia control of government with unions.
She knew that capitalism was the fundamental premise of evolution with species, and even mass under the power of gravity seeking to build up as much capital for itself as possible. It is the gravity that builds up planets and galaxies, the power that builds molecules and draws forests competitively upward. Yet reason must prevail as well as pluralism Laura thought, lest capitalism produce nothing more than black holes.
Directed capitalism like directed evolution requires intelligent design of structures to arise and exist in space-time. Capitalism and the invisible hand of Adam Smith weren’t repositories of human wisdom or political responsibility such as might exist across more enlightened societies with their own market wisdom limited in scope and utility. Human societies far too commonly replied on Adam Smith’s capitalist paradigm to replace environmental responsibility with the belief that the invisible hand of capitalism would provide the best of all possible worlds so long with royal supervision.
In actual fact capitalism is an expression of human values concerning supply and demand, lacking in-itself environmental wisdom or cognizance as one should expect politicians to have. Capitalism is a natural and consistent urge to swell in scale and power amplified with technology that will destroy the natural order unless it is carefully directed with intelligent human design. it cannot be more than a reflection of natural forms. President Franklin D. Roosevelt showed wisdom in political leadership is required to moderate irrational capitalist exuberance that puts on environmental blinders in an insatiable smirch for proplits.
Ensuing human abandonment of environmental and political reason brought humanity to environmental self-destruction with no environmental captain running the ship. The environmental crash of the first global civilization of Earth left survivors on Mars and Pluto; mostly rich elites and their breeding servants. While Chin Chi Wang led the Martian survivors through a protracted period of civil war toward unification, the second great Earth planetary civilization arose from the ash heap of history like a spring seedling in a scorched Earth forest. A greater trans-planetary system civilization grew with a library of intellectual capital to build upon, sending explorers and settlers beyond local Universes to the Metaverse.
The Shibboleth’s A.I. programmed a special relativity coordinate tensor to the Von Trump galaxy star system Drizzle and planet Drizzle Three. The ship’s pilot engaged the Higgs field decoupler and three-dimensional data transfer to send the S.V. Shibboleth faster-than-light across two dimensions as data into the Troposphere of Drizzle Three.
Paradigms for Reducing Atmospheric Heating
Arresting and correcting global warming is a huge, challenging task possible too great for a nation of suers rather than doers to get done. Democrat party politicians can’t just sneak a lawyer’s Rube Goldberg environmental bill under wraps through Congress with a one-party majority vote and actually get the job done even if they are elected and spend half a billion dollars on day care as a partial remedy. The challenge is quite large and is likely to need vast changes in the economy and human tool kit. That will require a publicly reviewed and engineered approach; one that the Democrat Party could sign on to and support before their next presidential primary season.
In 2020 one of the Democrat candidates in the primaries advocated building aa great sun screen at L-5, while another had some kind of complex, unknown plan that journalists who reviewed it said would cost more than 50 trillion dollars. Approaches to solving the global atmospheric heating crisis require input from a host of disciplines including physics, biological, sociological, economic etc. There will be consequences for the world to any approach taken. Such a once-in-a-lifetime political action needs peer reviewed vetting of the highest order. Reducing the amount of sunlight reaching the Earth could have vast unintended consequences that need be considered.
During the Eisenhower administration the nation could still get large physical infrastructure projects accomplished. In recent decades the nation has failed at such large projects with vast cost overruns and even cancellations mid-way. Bureaucracies and legal challenges have rendered the feral government unable to accomplish projects like the Interstate Highway System, the T.V.A., the Grand Coulee Dam , the Apollo Missions that had great scale and investment and complexity. There was even a plan to extend the Inside Passage from Alaska to Portland Oregon with a canal from Olympia Washington. That would have made western Washington State an island and provided a two-state solution with Washington’s blue voters on the Western Island and the Red voters on the mainland decades ahead of time. Not all projects turned out to be environmentally, and there is a lesson in that for any potential environmental bill to knock out global warming. It is not certain that any large, costly (if necessary) global warming reduction project would amount to anything more than a costly swamp for partisan spending.
Private enterprise has added some technology to capture and sequester CO2, solar voltaic panels have become more affordable and will reduce acceleration of warming gasses from the sunny parts of the world that might otherwise be emitted from electrification powered by fossil fuels. It is plain that government should provide leadership for example, in developing road surface material that reflects rather than absorbs sunshine to warm the atmosphere during the day and after dark. Asphalt manufacturers aren’t likely to invest in research to develop new materials; that is a task that government could accelerate by offering a 100 million dollar prize for a practical, pragmatic way to convert asphalt to have a high albedo character or to convert photons into electrons traveling in circuits. A remedy to asphalt caused heating would cool cities and eliminate developing nations paving millions more miles with asphalt.
If one wants to build a salt-water canal across the southern border to let sunlight evaporate fresh water that would be condensed and collected with sloped polycarbonate roofs to collection canals in order to fill the Salt Lake with fresh water the job would be nearly impossible to get done today. If one actually wanted to build a tin foil hat sunscreen at L-5 to keep out intelligent ideas from reaching the Democrat party, after the research was done to determine the affect on the world; its oceans, plankton etc and to determine if it would cause a new ice age very quickly it would be reasonable to use the thing for multi-tasking. That is, the sunscreen could be used as a dish to receive programming from distant alien civilizations in other galaxies far far away, or to collect sunlight and focus it to a collector node t heat a trapped gas to power a laser to particle beam that would in turn be the power line for space-transport modules racing at very high speed throughout the solar system (i.e. 2 months travel time Earth to Pluto at ¾ the speed of light).
Affecting global warming’s arrest and correction may be the largest challenge western civilization, or rather world civilization faces (along with mass species extinction and natural resource depletion. Arnold Toynbee said that a civilization does experience challenges that it overcomes or that alternatively end it. Recognizing and addressing empirical challenges successfully is a skill that political leadership should not fail to keep in its skill set. The Democrat party has failed to order its political agenda in such a way that a transparent and publicly reviewed plan to end the global warming and mass extinction challenges along with a political economy that works to support the plan exists.
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