
Christianity, Evolution and Digital Universes

There are numerous paradigms concerning cosmology, epistemology and belief that transcend others sometimes. If mass is two dimensional massless particles entangled in the Higgs field and space-time is entirely relative embedded in the timeless field hosting the Higgs it is like a holographic Universe hosted in  a virtual reality box. That changes assumptions about evolution and physicality more toward Bishop Berkeley's side. God could create reality in any sort of order in that regard and it would all be true and consistent with the Bible.

Interpreting the Bible and terminology from ancient meanings to modern can lead to misunderstandings. Was Eden near Iraq and was the timeline beginning in the neolithic one that continued from a lost first civilization submerged under the Persian Gulf because of sea level rise withe the end of the Wisconsin Ice Age  Though my ideas about the topic continues to improve with time here is a recent(free) book I wrote on the subject.  https://www.lulu.com/shop/garrison-c-gibson/christianity-evolution-and-digital-universes/ebook/product-wnddgd.html

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