
Perfect Personal Morality Doesn't Make One Bulletproof

Aretaic ethics are swell yet moral excellence does not confer immunity to oppression. Not even the Proud Boys could just be proud without consequences. It is good to be morally squeaky clean of course and one may rightly wear their authentic badge of purity on a sleeve and keep their head high.unless male pattern baldness is an embarrassment or bad teeth stops one from smiling at the one with perfect teeth.
If you are a female.living in certain nations, the wrong skin color for a given neighborhood or wandering about in a narco state unconcerned about gang rules, too prosperous in appearance for a slum, too badly dressed to visit some gated community, wearing a MAGA hat in certain California districts, walking or riding a bike while the majority drove internal combustion engines, etc keeping your head and face out there and being selective about what you publish may require some discretion.

Jesus Christ had perfect Personal Morality and he was crucified

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