American issues of Christianity, cosmology, politics, ecosphere, philosophy, contemporary history etc
Pres Biden Might Create Unicorns and WW 3 From Nothingness
America's Lunatic President Authorizes Zelinski to Attack Moscow with U.S. Missiles
To celebrate the Sabbath Pres Biden gave President Zelinski a green light to attack Russia with USA supplied Long-Range Missiles. He should be impeached post haste lest he authorize nuclear war as well.
Some US provided weapons will be used to attack Moscow. ATACMS missiles fill out the ensemble for escalation
ATACMS have range of 190 miles and can carry nuclear warhead. The Army has a newer weapons system to replace ATACMS so Pres Biden is dumping the weapons with 2 months left in office. He does have one last chance to create World War Three after all.
President Lunacy will provide other weapons to attack Moscow.
The prospect of World War 3 catalyzed by a US President that may think he is on a crusade like the recoquista of Iberia is not silly. Megadeth is not silly. The conflict could yet be resolved by rational leaders sharing Ukraine with Russia. The blind are leading the blind.
Border Security 2025
Should get more bang for the buck and combine fresh water making canals filled with saltwater letting sunshine evaporate and transparent roofs capture condensing fresh water serve as Mexican border security barriers. Fresh water is valuable in the desert. Fences are sterile and easily breached. When fences become obsolete fresh water making desalination canals will continue to have value. Stop the senseless, myopic deficit spending waste.
If engineers on the US side prove up the concept and produce millions of gallons of fresh water from salt water piped uphill to Deming New Mexico from the Pacific Ocean it is probable that Mexico will ditto the project to generate water on its own side of the border. The Rio Grande river has a pitiful quantity of water even at Albuquerque
Progressive-Regressive Coins
College Education: Training to Keep People Stupid So They Can't Figure out How to Revolt?
Ca the US Medical System be Improved?
It tends toward being too expensive. Billing is also normally f'd up by agencies external to the medical side. The entire world is not provided basic health care as might be possible if advantaged thoughtful leaders found a way. Walk in treatment for poor homeless Americans without enough sedentary time in state rootedness to qualify for Medicaid should be a minor existing exclusion easy to fix. Biden-Harris had no interest in that
College education provides tools for thinking. Some of the practical get valuable training that pays well after graduation or even before. Anything medical, engineering or science pays isn't philosophy. One may learn vast quantities of stuff that doesn't count for practical training at all. It's worth learning yet not any kind of training that has compensatory prospects.
Reply to an Anti-Christian Blaming Christians for the World's Troubled History
The State executed or imprisoned captives for The Inquisition in accordance with local laws. The Catholic Church examined them to determine if they were Catholics or had foreign allegiance as some kind of heretic. US social median comprised predominantly of Democrats, atheists and wokistry purged conservatives and Christians from social media as best they could as heretics to Democrat Party political goals with less violent means since the Obama administration.The Inquisition was probably a motivation for the separation of church and state centuries later in the US Constitution by Protestant founders.
People need to learn from history and improve upon it. Protestants were also purged in the era. You might read Foxxe’s Book of Martyrs to learn of The St Bartholomew’s Day massacre and other events. The Habsburgs were trying to retain control of Europe and the Church was resisting reform from Protestants even as Mongol and Muslim invasions were being repulsed from attacks on Europe and Christiandom.
Illiterate peasants and opportunistic leaders often couldn’t discern the differences between theological points in Latin edition books they had never read and the sword points of foreign invaders; that is the peasants being killed by invaders with different religious beliefs were killed by swords rather than ideas. Spanish conquistadors had 500 years of war in their own country for practice getting rid of Muslim invaders as the inquisition commenced. Intolerance of foreign allegiance was realistic politics of that time.
People have original sin and only slowly discern the way of Jesus as far as numbers go... if they are blessed. Humanity is somewhat crude regarding environmental economics and Christian ethics including many of those affiliated with religion. Society in history is a work in progress.
The Origin of Religions
Strength of a State
One might want to define strength for this context and decide if it is in comparison to other states. Law is just one element of a state. Type and effectiveness of government, economic system, environmental management, education, military, non-governmental organization quality and quantity and relationships with other states are a few of the many elements determining the strength of a state.
Law is not a two-dimensional governor and ruler. Law is an arbiter and enforcer of social boundaries necessary to let individuals be self-determining. It can also be used to stop individual self-determination as in totalitarian states.
Logic is a discipline and tool for reasoning. Classical and symbolic logic are useful. Star Trek's Spock logic brought a lot of people to a warped notion of what it is. Emotion is non-rational though not necessarily bad. Children excel at emotion before reason. I think what is useful for mitigating the environment crisis is education and intelligence in the masses to get understanding for political support.
The mass extinction of the Anthropocene era eliminates most life eventually. It is an event of global habitat decline for life including humans. Chemicals and micro plastics in water, global heating, oceanic acidification... there are so many growing environmental challenges most leadership disregards that some people like Jacque Cousteau and James Lovelock said some years ago that humanity has just about 200 years left before civilization collapses and after that perhaps all human life.
Economic competition demands evaluation of others. Comparing abilities of others is as basic as private property in a capitalist economic system. Christian ethics are less judgemental, yet even sports requires evaluating competition. In a job app for example, people present the best appearance they can. Then a personnel manager compares resumes and hires the most suitable person. A more inclusive economic system could be made with less rigorous comparisons perhaps if broader social goals were common and any body could fill the role.
A Few Points on Cosmology
God is eternal and Earth is temporal. Two-dimensional waves embedded in the Higgs field get an apparent 3rd dimension. Matter is made of fermions and force carrying particles like photons are bosons. Space-time itself may be the source of gravity. Temporality and thermodynamics… Nothing that is matter is eternal. All of the dispersion of the original unified field in it’s sundry forms changes. Information may be eternal though, in some way…Shannon entropy or otherwise with God.
God is eternal and Earth is temporal. Two-dimensional waves embedded in the Higgs field get an apparent 3rd dimension. Matter is made of fermions and force carrying particles like photons are bosons. Space-time itself may be the source of gravity. Temporality and thermodynamics… Nothing that is matter is eternal. All of the dispersion of the original unified field in it’s sundry forms changes. Information may be eternal though, in some way…Shannon entropy or otherwise with God.
Why suffering exists? The coefficient of adversity is natural being alive. It varies in quality and quantity. Adam and Eve had zero adversity before the devil led them woke.
I lean toward Augustine's belief that human nature is totally depraved.God is perfect. Fallen mankind in a thermodynamic world/universe has an opportunity to be saved and that's what matters. If man lived forever without Christ they would create hell for others. Death limits the ability of mankind to do evil into others. There are acts of kindness sometimes. Those are phenomenal. The Universe physically presents a coefficient of adversity. People working together sometimes can overcome challenges so perhaps humanity learns something about caring for other before they go to hell or heaven as the case may be.
Bishop Berkeley's Idealism does not postulate that individuals create their own reality, just that the experience of reality could be like an illusion, or a holographic appearance created by God. For Berkeley, the individual views the world as did Sartre in Being and Nothingness.
Veganism Experienced Inflated Food Prices Too
Apparently there are two major branches of veganism; dietary and ethical. The first is for health and the latter to stop cruelty to animals....
Here and there pointillist continua build rowing the skiff clambering over the road staying in shadows until spring insouciant compact snow ...
Alaskan officials have cut down or banned King Salmon fishing in much of Alaska because so few of the large fish are returning. The Ancho...
Why do F-22 pilots lose consciousness and let their planes crash and burn? The air superiority fighters are designed to survive oppositio...