
Colorado Flees to Join Pac-10, Other Mid-West and Atlantic States May Follow

I am somewhat amazed by the decision of Colorado to join the Pac-10, yet Americans are famously bad at geography. Texas, Texas Tech, Texas A&M, Oklahoma State and Oklahoma may also move to the west coast or the Pacific 10 league.

The Pac 10 leadership has failed to bring in Miami (of Florida). That would be a good recruiting prospect as more mid-continent and Atlantic states want to get as far away as possible from deficit spending policies of the East Coast (by default) at Washington D.C., or the BP oil infusion of the Gulf of Mexico.

The trouble began when Arizona and Arizona State were allowed to join the Pac-8 several years ago. The federal government has since allowed Arizona to be flooded by illegal Mexican citizens, as well as Texas and Oklahoma--how could those state's Universities not want to move to the left coast (viewed from Mexico)?

Alaska and British Columbia are also good states or provinces some distance removed from the District of Columbia. Sheldon Jackson College (closed a few years ago) at Sitka Alaska is still for sale as an Iowa University decided to opt out of making a purchase. Some of these ocean-challenged mid-American colleges may decide to buy into the Alaska league or even the International league for football travel locations.

Reasonably, the Dallas Cowboys should not be in the NFC East, but in a Mid-American league that also rightly should include schools such as Colorado, alternatively a mostly landlocked southern and mid-American league might be formed profitably with Arizona, Texas and Oklahoma and Colorado if they could be induced move away from the Pacific league.

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