Gravity is a mysterious, wonderful force that seems to cross the universe even if the space-time of the universe is expanding. Experimenters from Galileo to Newton and Einstein and pondered the nature of gravity, how it works and what it is. Modern theorists continue to search for its elusive definition.I will provide my own unscientific ideas about gravity here.
Some scientists seek to explain gravity's power through inclusive of it as a particle-wave in the standard model of physics. A quantum field theory with gravity would be like an electro-magnetic field theory and bring the explanation of how gravity can act at a distance as the weakest of the four basic forces of nature.
I wonder about gravity too. The anthropic principle is a recurring phenomenon of contemporary physical cosmology; how is it that in this universe everything just happens to be fine-tuned to produce a field enabling life? The Universe easily could have different fine adjustments that would deny even the existence of matter much less life. The anthropic principle also applies to history in a way (of course it does because its about people)--Because so many philosophers, physicists and experimenters have thought about gravity and written about it, so can I although with the technical rigor of a scientist. So I have several questions about gravity created by recent reading.
1) If a graviton-particle exists, would it have nearly zero mass like a photon in order to travel intergalactic distances?
2) Wouldn't the graviton be subject to the conservation of mass and energy such that it is neither created or destroyed in the universe (in a finite structure)?
3) If gravitons are formed as a product of mass-energy, or are implicit qualities of mass-energy, when gravitational concentrations arise would the proportionately remove 'brakes' on the acceleration of space-time as mass=energy and gravity is concentrated unequally in the volume of space-time?
4) If a faster than light inflation of the Universe occurred, was it something like the collision produced in a particle accelerator with the mass-energy of the visible universe being the after-effect eventually coalescing with gravity?
5) If a gravitational field exists universally inclusive of the entire universe something like that of an electro-magnetic field, what would be its meta-universal power source? Would the field characteristics determine the rate of allocation of mass-energy in the universe? Could the field be predetermined in space-time?
6) Must hyper-dimensional shape of a universe expanding outward necessarily have no limit in time, as time limits would need to coincide with spatial limits? Must a space-time boundary necessarily have a smaller or confining shape such as the point at the end of a cone approached from inside the larger, open end? Would the cone travelled from the small end to the large end in a static field increase speed of apparent expansion as it moved toward the open end in a progressive yet proportionate series rate of increase?
7) Space-time may expand at an increasing rate like a drop of water in a calm sea produced a wave that increases area at a faster apparent pace viewed from the point of space-time origin in the water-field because its wavefront continually increase in area.
The wavefront is a structure started at a small scale with fore that increase progressively in area and volume because it expresses itself within the medium of water or space-time such as exist. That reasoning produced the aether theories of a background medium for the universe. Space-time might be regarded as something like an aether in which mass-energy and gravitons might express themselves. Yet if space-time exists apart from mass-energy then it must have some kind of a field-energy itself. Space-time could be regarded as previously existing as a background independent space-time field into which mass-energy were thrown. That does not seem like a very scientific approach though. Cosmology today enjoys something more of an existential criterion for the standard model and a unified quantum theory of gravity I believe.
8) One wonders why gravitons ever left their point of origin associated with mass? Why would they journey over space-time at all to contact other mass-energy?
9) if gravitons have any mass, why don't they form their own clumps of matter midway between larger object far apart--such as a new clump of mass midway between the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxies?
Maybe that is the best argument for gravity as a macro-field--gravitons seem like neutrinos just to flow through everything of space-time except space-itself that they seem to warp or curve in proportion to their number. They seem to function at the speed of light in warping space around a clump of mass-energy, and have a finite area of application diminishing in power in accord with Newton's law something like an expanding wave increasing its area yet diminishing in height or proximal size.
10) If gravity is a field that might be described eventually by scientists with a quantum field theory, would the gravitational field be local or part of one unified gravitational field with local variations of space-time?
11) So one may wonder what the binding power of a graviton is? Does it cohere to any form of mass or energy just some? If its field is one-directional; why?
When the moon circles around the Earth perpetually bound by the gravitational field of the mass of the Earth even though it tries to go in a straight line away (and vice versa to a lesser extent), what is the factor giving the 'curve' to space time?
Do gravitons occupy quantum states like those of the valence shells of atoms that only permit simultaneous occupation of so many? With the information of the gravitons of the larger mass filling all those valence states of the local space time is that how the 'curvature' of space-time is selected locally in favor of a slope toward the larger mass (because it has more numbers of valence state shell positions of space-time filled than a smaller Local mass?)? Perhaps space-time itself has intervals and spacing characteristics like those of quantum field theory. This would be a democratic theory of gravitational selection.
Well, so much for my thoughts about gravity this morning. I will perhaps continue these observations another time.
American issues of Christianity, cosmology, politics, ecosphere, philosophy, contemporary history etc
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