
No Extra-Terrestrial Life in This Universe: The Reasons Why

Super-string theorists exploit the anthropic principle to explain why the fine physical constants are 'just so'that this universe can support life amidst an infinite number of configurations that could not. The anthropic principle may also be used to explain why human life is the only life in this universe.

Cynics against salvation by God often point out that this universe is not perfect and has evil in it. Of course we reply. All of the intelligent life that might have been in this universe has left for other universes of the mutli-verse, and we humans are the only ones remaining here.

This universe could be one designed specifically for corrections; a 'held-back' universe for creatures dumb enough to fail the exit exam of conformity to the will of God in the ex-temporal Garden of Eden. I will post some of the physical, cosmological details that might be inferred non the topic as found in my recent science fiction book (a philosophical one) 'St. Novilistricka; Dimensions'.

"Lush was my own bright star in space-time these months. Her color changing compu-dress changed with her moods and reflected a prevailing environment of syntegration. It was an artwork of tensor calculus and aesthetics with constellations of a non-recognizable pattern.

A bizarre alien form landed suddenly on the platform in a squishy rush to Lush. In a fraction of a struggling second they fell off the platform toward the energy grid hundreds of feet below.

My reaction time was fast but not pre-emptively lethal. I did not laze the creature at first sight, yet its entanglement with Lush was immediate and decisively altered her compresence. The failure to shoot instantly at first sight was costly. If my peripheral vision where better I might have lazed the alien on the way down. When I arrived at the platform myself they weren’t visible.

I stared over the edge into the sea of electrons swelling in matrices pulsing with streams of input. It was a cold battery of Einsteinium plus reminding me of electride oceans of transcendent octonion ions. Cold drafts up-welled from the matrix. Lush of Gush, who I had shared many poems with, was existentially depleted. Neither was a form displacement outline evident.

In my thoughts simultaneous symmetries of tensor geometry groups with alternate futures flipping from identity to identity visually appeared in my subconscious sought to reach out for Lush. So many alternate dimensions might exist to enable dimension symmetry violating illegal aliens entry to our Universe. Had one exfiltrated Lush to one of an infinite number of other Universes for purposes unknown? I would attach my hook-up to the magnetic transport slide and descend to the closest approach of the Einsteinium for a view of the abduction or murder-suicide of Lush and the unknown X-normal agent.

In the history of mathematics it was demonstrated that many unsolvable equations emerged in the attempt to conform quantities and the solutions for the discovery of unknowns in self-consistent proportional systems. Irrational numbers, the square root of minus one, quintics and M and D-brane Theory generated countless investigations for the reconciliation of logical representation of unknowns to conformal systems in such a way that computational powers produced by known roots would be accurate, meaningful and functional. The process of dimension surplus inter-space addition allowed simultaneous solutions of Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometries, and eventually algebras and more.

The reconciliation of inconsistent arguments such as the sum of the interior angles of an equilateral triangle adding up to one hundred eighty degrees in the former and a greater number in the later could each be true with the difference located in an inter-geometric dimensional renormalization field. I employed the method in my own logic in order to relate known facts, or at least apparently known
facts to the unknown.

I descended the mag-tie toward the energy field. Platforms crackling with immense energy confined generally to the Einsteinium electrons were bound as an electride matrix under cold plasma. The possible locations of Lush raced through my thoughts like permutations and probabilities of monadic qualities in a high degree of configurations and relationships. She left this compresence so quickly.

Reaching the observation deck over the electride field, I saw the horizons painted artificially to resemble infinite perspectives through the arrangements of receding and concentrating channels of energy matrices. Green and roil-some, the distance was surreal in all directions and undetermined. I saw inward and outward through the weather systems clashing through spontaneous chasms of normal world beyond the library to the field of green energy within forming the core of the structure.

Rotating one hundred eighty degrees on the deck, the perspective changed suddenly with an anti-symmetrical symmetry breaking of vision. This was my first clue to what had happened to Lush.

This portion of the galaxy is trisected by a standing wave of gravity and relativity field effects making a seven hundred twenty-degree spin vector of the four normal dimensions. It is an open door to abnormal space-time, and it had intruded here. Lush and I had talked before of the access potential of spin matrices to extra copies of this universe formed as probability actualization of macro-structural formalities. It was only a theory.

Macro-quantum rotational symmetry breaking may have left the 180-degree trace in this space-time coordinate of a transformational spin matrix to open dimensions and universes.

Even now the residual spin superposition of dimensions was beginning to fade away to leave just a local, normal four-dimensional appearance of space-time and it’s variously eleven dimensional, or two hundred thirty dimensional neo-structure of nominal compresence.

Might this universe have tagents sewn through its hypo-loop extrusion placed by a higher intelligence? As space-time concentrates with speed of travel near light speed anisotropic ally, in a symmetry with the Heisenberg uncertainty principle of indeterminacy of knowledge of either energy and time or location and momentum, could the universe have a memory in some way of where each discrete particle and relational loop was in order to sustain the invariance of uniform application of physical laws?

Dimensions may be arbitrary constructions contingent upon given configurations of the shapes of pre-big bang minimal article conditions. Particular configuration of a particle-wave assembly duplicated en mass produces its own dimensional requirements of logic conformal to its intrinsic structure. An eleven dimensional object requires eleven dimensions of existence. The extension of adimension is in accord with the characteristic requirements for existence of the particle-wave forces within it. The infinite apparent destiny of extension of a four dimensional universe is a product of the forces of infinite expansion within it such as momentum and thermodynamic process.

Quantum super-positioning could be defeated and energy re-directed along the intergalactic nuclear forced artery to form N dimensional calculating engines of change. I had the suspicion that some Alien power passing through the infinite sequences of exponential dimensional constructions may have abducted Lush from the library of this Subductor world of stone souls.

Staring into the green field of electrons stretching into apparent infinity in warped dimensional wrappings of light the vortexes carried memories of Lush along with the transitioning moments of shapes of past and present ever living as corridors of power flow. I leaned on the alto-rail and felt the cold sweat of the loss of Lush.


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