
President Obama Fires Gen. McCrystal & Plans to Waste Billions and Billions More in Afghanistan

President Obama fired his top General in Afghanistan, General McCrystal. Gen. McCrystal's approach was military vestment heavy. The alternate approach is that of V.P. Biden. President Obama ignores Vice President Biden's advice on how to reduce U.S. costs in the Afghan rebuilding effort. Biden's less-is-better approach is better for U.S. financial continuity. President Obama for some reason believes that U.S. security is better defended by borrowing trillions from abroad and spending it on ineffective military efforts. President Obama hasn't sufficient reason or conviction to know what to do with the security issue evidently. He believes a moderate approach is good, yet there is no real moderate course.

Border security should be increased with berms, barriers and elevated patrol highways along the Mexican border. Better tracking methods of legal aliens that overstay their visa should be innovated. A U.S. special black ops force should be created with 150,000 special forces to quickly reply to adverse, threatening situations, and the conventional military buildup should be reduced by 25% across the board.

Afghanistan's newly found mineral wealth should be given to the people of that nation in a public corporation in which they are issued shares as any other corporation listed on stock exchanges. The people must own real equity if they are to support democracy and a particular government representation of it.

Central Asia has one lessons for foreign invaders and militarists; they will be outlasted by the resistance of millions and millions of people that don't have much else to do in the long run. If the United States has no plans to make Afghanistan the 51st states and populate it with illegal Mexican aliens to solve two problems at once, then it should fall back into a less financially damaging de frappe policy of just reply to with condign force to threatening, particular opposition force arrays in Afghanistan if they form. The U.S. financial outlays for military occupation and nation building are a victory for Al Qa'eda as the Obama administration ineptly throws good, borrowed, hundreds of billions of dollars after bad

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