The United States Government provides a special lack of leadership for world development toward a more utopian rather than dystopian direction. Yes special race mobility across borders and political power lines may be crossed, and of course gender lines transcended too in more ways than one, yet can we say that the United States isn't just becoming traditionally decadent?
While NPR and employed federal politicians are happier than flies in manure with foreign wars and pathos to report on, could alternative and intelligent directions be taken besides interminable nation building ala the Republic of Vietnam? Can the U.S. Government really be so stupid as to repeat that recent historical failure (yes!)? Would it really spend billions and billions to create a perennial civil war in a Muslim country so braggart pilots and drone bombers can have something to target? Does the Ivy League and yuppie artificial point of view require poor people always to blast to help or in Boston just confiscate earnings so homosexuals can wear the uniform in Gay Pride Parades?
The axes of human original sin take special weapons development to extremes. World competition to produce the best teams in sports or weapons developments globally requires individuals to dump blasts upon. Fortunately the original Al Qa'eda bargain basement box cutter assault squad has helped the rich find a way to spend an anticipated future public debt of 10 to 13 trillion dollars in perennial defense against the uncertain terrorist cells that are really training in today's foreign universities and perhaps Harvard as well.
For one dollar a foreign terrorist designer genius can buy a nice college ruled notebook and write up a hundred excellent terrorist mission procedures against U.S. targets. The designer can write up ten or a hundred such notebooks, distribute them to independent, unaffilliated cells and then retire from terrorism to resume work as a PhD in some corporation or government agency. The United States can respond to the first successful terrorist mission with another trillion or two of conventional military spending, and further transfer wealth to foreign corporations while American are given public debt owned by the Chinese Communist Party, Japan, Europeans, India and God knows who else.
The U.S. Government can make a second or third world nation out of the working class and poor, yet flood the nation with illegal aliens to keep wages down and cheap profits for corporations up. Then again, the 'defense' industry can produce a cornucopia of new weapons systems to use against poor people and rebellious working class people in first world nations eventually such as the U.S.A. should the people become restive with the foreign investments instead of national development. The U.S. Government and corporatist supervisors can keep a balance in weapons development such that no new technology dominates and revolutionizes the entire weapons manufacturing industry harmfully.
If a myriad new floating, stealthy, invisible air-to-air floating anti-aircraft platforms wear created to fire comparatively cheap rockets at very expensive aircraft for total air denial--that would be harmfully to the 50 million dollar and up fighter plane industry. If poor nations were able to afford high quality, cheap, anti-personnel robotic or remote control 'suicide' bomber platforms able to stalk soldiers, infiltrate bases and neutralize the effectiveness of many contemporary military concept structures, that just would be right would it? So the poor rather than the prosperous must always be the targets of the U.S. Government in unnecessary foreign engagements. The corrupt must rule those military juntas willing to play the role of democratic heroes, and religions that descry homosexual Defense establishment must be co-opted if the U.S. Government is to form a genuine global, depraved evil empire.
Well, it might not be that bad. The U.S. Government if destroyed could be replaced by one without a history of moving for depravity, treason, environmental corruption and disregard for human decency, security and individual rights. Yet that fiction scenario is unlikely to occur, and so those Americans that wish for a different approach to foreign and domestic policy built more on armed neutrality, strongly enforced border defense, ecological recovery, elimination of public debt and secure jobs with a minimum income for all U.S. citizens will need to look elsewhere than for the bolt of Thor to hurl vaporization upon the clave of corporate and federal bureaucrats from on high.
Perennial war upon the world's poor is a bad U.S. federal habit. National defense against terrorists can be accomplished with better spook and security work domestically and abroad. Investments in both U.S. ecological economics and full employment procedures at home and abroad would be a far better policy than the idiot media entertainment dullard's perpetuation of foreign government sponsorship. The U.S. Government cannot even do a competent job in the U.S.A.--how can nit hope to do so in central Asia? AS soon as the borrowed money reallocation is stopped, the more usual states of affairs will return. The U.S. Government could have de frapped the Taliban's tolerance for al Qa'eda through other means than war--they are simply too stupid to search for alternative means. Defense Secretary Gates should be fired a.s.a.p. obviously, yet the O'bomber is too busy sympathizing with the 50 or hundred billion gallons of oil released in the Gulf, and advocating for illegal immigration 'reform' instead of stoppage.
The President needs a more creative staff to innovate leading new ecological economic and defense policies that don't suck if this nation is to move ahead.
American issues of Christianity, cosmology, politics, ecosphere, philosophy, contemporary history etc
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