
Why The Long-Range U.S. Economic Posture Is Bad

The long-range economic prospects for the United States seem rather grim. My point of view isn't that of an economist--perhaps more that of an historical perspective guides my thought. The United States has yet to collapse as all other older nations have. It must learn that its own economic fate is in a conservation of national interest and economic health rather than in the greener fields abroad. The Government should not just try to support the prosperity of global corproations--they are in the business of taking a profit rather than being ofn service to the citizens of the United States.

Toynbee and a number of other general historians noted cycles of civilization. The wax and wane, rise and fall, through good times and bad forecasters may predict an inevitable sprawl. We like to think on the contrary, that intelligent design may direct and economy in advance through the shoal waters or rough currents and rocks toward better than chaotic random trial and error such as insentient worms may pursue drift mining nuggets of nutrition. Planning ahead may afford nation zoning license for front lawn gardening everywhere with no exception. we can see that home grown potatoes and fruit still have real consumer value.

The United States with brilliant ex-patriots and a mostly unpopulated continent had a couple hundred years of good luck of development. Its industrial development occurred at a time of grace with waterfalls, wood and electric power giving way to horseless carriages. Yet its destiny is not guaranteed by any means such that it cannot fail. It can and will fail economically and politically if it hasn't interest in conserving and defending its blessings as they are. That does not mean wasting trillions in foreign wars against ad hoc insurgents. Stupidity in foreign war spending doomed several nations in the past. The Obama administration continues the stupid Bush II policies in that regard, perhaps in order to achieve a Nixonesque 'peace with honor'. If one isn't going to annex a foreign nation, or it doesn't share the same basic values as one's own already before the war, it is improbable that the defeated nation will give up its religion and culture after one stops spending billions and billions there.

The United States has lost track of its national values of its tradition largely. Like the Roman Republic it has outgrown its territorial limits in a quest of greed or power. Unlike the ancient Italian Republic it has much room--more than enough, for its own prosperity. It simply chooses to pursue reckless and profligate business practice equally harmful to the ecosystem at home and abroad.

In Afghanistan the United States is protecting poppy growing for heroin (President Karzai's brother), defending Chinese communist copper mining ventures, encouraging negotiations with the Taliban, training an army in the best U.S. military methods so they can train terrorists better after we leave Afghanistan and stop the financial hemorrhage.

In the United States the Sect. of Defense and Chairman of the joint Chiefs of Staff openly support and openly gay is o.k. military policy, the nation supports abortion, and the nation has accepted the creation of a half a million new federal jobs as 'economic recovery'. the Obama plan is to added ten trillion dollars more public debt before beginning a balanced budget--who is he kidding? The people of the United States cannot afford in some distant decade to pay interest on 20 trillion dollars to globalists who also own their mortgages. Instead the nation will become politically meaningless with flunkies loyal to global corporations that are no better than elitist collectives with totalitarian political control over the free speech and though of their employee-minions extorted by need for work into silence.

Europe has of course learned the hard lessons that political management of a good sort isn't superfluous and that manifest destiny does not often guide the political affairs of mankind. Without a care for restoration of a healthy environment, flooding the nation with cheap labor from Mexico and outsourcing jobs abroad, letting government retirees collect more than working people annually, being guided by a corrupt financial service sector that cannot readily restart its plundering of U.S. finance even with government guarantees because the accounts are already suffering from their predation--the United States faces many challenges ahead.

The Obama administration seeks to restart the Clinton cycle of plundering and outsourcing--yet that is the wrong course. It should instead turn to a national ecological economic refoundation of the U.S. economy and rectify the misguided social security system such that a means test is given and only those earning less than 2/3rds of the average income may receive benefits. The United States may have its mortgages owned by the Chinese,and destiny in 50 years decided by foreign mercenary military under global corporate rule if economy perfidy does not first destroy the present U.S.A.

Historical lessons are hard to learn from and even harder to correct in advance in order to keep the U.S.A. viable. Meaningful economic reform isn't a likely scenario given the sort of people in government and media. Neither socialism nor corporatism contains the remedy for American enterprise, individualism and a secure border and social safety net including health care for the poor. The federal government doesn't require a libertarian sort of archaist freedom for global collective of business to take over-nor even foreign corporations from Dubai or then Chinese Red Army, it needs a determination to prioritize and sort ecologically efficient U.S. businesses of less than 3000 employees, to limit the number of companies an individual may hold an interest in to three.

The government needs to reallocate the digital broadcast wavelength spectrum to citizen enterprise internet relayed broadcasts with local citizens prioritization for burst slots. The government has a need to cut the anticipated new federal debt to no more than 3 trillion dollars during the next decade, and in fact to start a major overhaul of governance something like that which F.D.R. undertook, yet without a socialist or corporatist collective drift. The United States needs much government defining of new ecologically economic parameters today rather than to try to plug the holes in a leaky globalist bucket that is a vampire upon the future sovereignty, prosperity and health of the citizens of the United States.

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