Considering the condition of the economy and the Presidential policies in reply, we experience a moribund, conservative stuffed suit approach to the incumbency. Happy enough to be the first black Presidency in U.S. History during difficult, complex time of commercial and public debt challenges, President Obama has few new ideas to offer and simply appeals to his core constituency—what is that?
Homosexuals, supporters of illegal alien sovereignty, democratic women for multi-culturalism meaning anything besides white men, and perhaps 99% of U.S. blacks including Colin Powell. The President has largely continued the commercial debt increase policies of the Bush global agenda while adding an effort to form a cadre of military homosexuals, assault on states efforts to arrest some of the millions of illegal aliens and remand them to federal custody and mildly correct some excesses of the financial fraud industry of Wall Street.
Harvard globalism and the Boston axis of Federal political power plays a strange tune for the nation to dance to like monkey's on strings. Perhaps Boston offers global empowering liberalism and Texas supplies Presidents to enrich K.B.R. and Halliburton. Sometimes these power centers converge.
The post-cold war militancy to gay up the military is part of the natural effort of homosexuals to flank heterosexual males of a perennial nature manifesting from Sodom and Gomorrah to the Nazi Party S.A. and flaring up in the Cult of Bacchus of Republican Rome. If Pat Buchanan was right in the 1992 Presidential election, Bush I was a closet supporter of homosexual politics. The Marlin Fitzwater was rumored to be of such a close relationship that it was scandalous under the table. At least the Florida marlins were created post Bush I and one the World Series in their first season.
Alice Cooper has returned to radio in this year in which the President has structured a plan to force the end of don’t ask, don’t tell upon the U.S. military. Hits from ‘Cooper’s closet’ remind us that the Elton John saturation of radio is out of season except for his blatant homosexual declaration and the British era of homosexual marriages. We believe the Bush I lead in the Gulf war and the steady movement toward global corporatism were about oil wealth and homosexual hard cores. Halliburton, the Corporation former Vice-President Dick Cheney led, received contracts leading to 25 billion dollars from the U.S. Government for food and logistics services. Bush II’s Sect. of Defense continues in the Obama administration, and the profits from protracted, incompetent war continue to flow to former Texas corporations such as K.B.R. and Halliburton. This seems to be an axis of oil and homosexual politics of a Bush-Clinton-Obama axis that is harmful to the interests of the United States.
The Vietnam War and the Iraq-Afghanistan wars may have had righteous premises, yet the implementation and protracted prosecution were perhaps corrupted and unnecessary. The Texas corporations K.B.R. built most of the military bases during the Vietnam conflict and Halliburton was rewarded with huge Iraq war base contracts. With a Texas President in the White House in each instance an obvious conflict of interest arose. It is not impossible that a homosexual-oil industry axis of interest arose to protract these wars in order to profit special interests.
Reaganomics was a one-time emergency spending by Ronald Reagan to lift the United States from a post-Vietnam economic slump and it worked. The trouble with that is that emulation of the Reagan emergency spending policy is nearly fatal for U.S. political economy, and badly considered protracted war to win nothing except oil contracts and military supply contracts is destructive for U.S. economic interests. In neither case was occupation of the country following the war required for further U.S. security against terrorism, and if a reconstruction effort was to be made it required a plan of a rational kind that was short, sharp and effective.
If a military-industrial homosexual continuum is the Obama policy as well as that of Bush I, Bush II and partly that of President Clinton with albeit, a personally antipathetic such symbolism though he too advocated a gayed military policy, the near majority of support of a cross-party dressing kind may be more numerous than that of the former Bush I Republican oil fundamental such as Philips described in ‘American Theocracy’
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