
4th of July: Obama Supports Illegal Alien Citizenship and Poverty for Unemployed Born in the U.S.A.

Is Support for Illegal Immigration; Crazed Sex Poodles of Political D.C. Bling?

Purple prose in political writing isn’t desirable unless it more accurately represents political circumstances of wildly and inexplicably wrong concepts. President Obama’s support for illegal alien immigration as a way to achieve citizenship and good jobs deserves purple prose. I shall however, employ plain and honest language. President Obama needs political support from homosexuals and symps of illegal aliens to stand a chance for re-election 2012. The President’s policies are unaffordable and continue the parting-out of U.S. well being of his predecessor.

There has been demonstrated no human genomic factors thus far indicating a predisposition for support of illegal alien immigration into the United States by federal politicians, nor for simpatico posturing toward the nation sheltering the primary route for cocaine importation into the United States of America. Human genome mapping is still a primitive science. We do not know why President Obama used cocaine as a youth, nor how much; what we know is that he is against deporting illegal aliens-saying it would be ‘wildly expensive’. Of course he is dead wrong.

The fourth of July is a celebration of American political independence from the British. It is a time when a nation of laws regarding all citizens as equal before the law is celebrated. Today, America’s political, economic and environmental destiny is being determined more by illegal aliens and foreign symp political pimps of globalism than rational and enlightened election by the electorate. President Obama supports radically subversion of the integrity of the electorate through support of illegal alien immigration-as have all U.S. Presidents since the end of the cold war. President Obama has not stopped the British Petroleum oil effusion despoiling of the Gulf of Mexico. The President served in concert with the rejection of the Tea Party more than given real support to the effort for U.S. energy independence and independence form illegal alien, extra-territorial determination.

Rectification of U.S. border security requires building in triplicate a Mexican berm and barrier control zone—creating many jobs in the process. Attrition of illegals voluntarily returning home and unable to return will deplete their numbers without cost to taxpayers—if they aren’t replaced by new arrivals.

The U.S. Government is incompetent and deporting legal aliens overstaying their visas that become illegal. The President unwillingness to deport such people comprising about half of the illegals is an abandonment of the duties of the office of President. New and better legal alien turned rogue illegal alien needs to be developed. Some of those people are worse than federal politicians using cocaine or tobacco occasionally who have developed obsessive minds turned toward bling for-itself.

In the United States, the high unemployment rate is supported by illegal immigration swelling the labor market. The wealthy like such human bling. Poor, unemployed Americans would like the bling to return to Mexico so that labor-side wage advantaging conditions regarding supply could arise.

President Obama has said he wants the U.S. economy to grow at 5% or 6% annually, yet he adds growth-retarding public debt by the trillions. Besides, if the growth isn’t in quality instead of quantity; if the economic growth is not on an ecologically renewable economic basis, the future of the U.S. economy is doomed to cheap tricks progressively deceiving the people of the United States into loss of their political and economic heritage, environmental health, and hope for a better life for native born U.S. citizens not amongst the ranks of the privileged.

President Obama’s Harvard axis of globalism is of a milieu creating concentrated wealth for the wealthy. In a low-intelligence economic paradigm of unconcern for depletion of non-renewable resources, the corporate world tends to increase its wealth by increasing the quantity of consumers-including illegal aliens. Though the U.S. economy may expand eventually at a five or six percent rate, the national quality of life for the poor and middle class will be stagnant and the economic improvement will go to concentrated wealth and profits for the rich. Gross national product increase will be founded on disposable resources and a flood of cheap foreign workers. Such a quantity rather than quality national economic improvement is the same old politics that also supports financial fraud profit schemes by global corporations and public debt for the U.S.A.

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