
Why the US Women's Soccer Team Should Not Get Equal Pay

Equal pay is a phony concept for pro sports; teams should get paid what they're worth for winning as a percent of company profit. Equal pay with the plumber's union or some other abstract body of people out there is unrealistic. If women's soccer brings in more people to watch than the men's team they should be paid more.

Former Vice President Biden has said there are many more genders than two out there. Some might reasonably be worth more in working some particular task, yet in others the matter is not relevant to what the pot boils down to. As one mucks over the fine residue at the bottom, one discovers equality is not determined by abstract performance. Instead production is determined in show business sports through revenues for the organizing and managing body.

The women's team apparently brought in more viewers than the men's team by far. Equality is just silly- they evidently are worth more. Pay should be tied in to production that for show business is viewer-consumers buying the product. If some women's soccer star walks in to a bar and punches an old man in the side of the head who is sitting down minding his own business, then her pay should suffer as viewers are turned off. Yet if she is a good role model, the business value should rise.


Sometimes it is a bad idea to gouge as much as one can. Dak Prescott, the Cowboys brilliant young quarterback recently turned down a $30 million a year contract. He should have taken it yet limited it to three years. Tom Brady once took a pay cut for the team and Prescott should have been a leader and done that too, If the Cowboys win a title or the Superbowl his next contract could be worth $50 million annually. Neither is it a good idea to shrimp the women's team and pay them less than the perennial loser male team. It's the box office that counts; women's soccer is far more valuable in some venues than than men's soccer. 

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