
The Ordinary Human Super-Power

Thought trumps evolution; it is the ordinary human super-power. Human thought is a higher power able to overcome evolution that rules mass and material objects. Matter and energy flow in the order of physical forces of nature. Talus slopes form at the base of crumbling cliffs and mountains when small rocks flow downhill in the Earth’s gravitational field; humans are able to move the rockpile upslope or even fix them back on with concrete patches if they wish; thought overcomes the blind physical forces of nature.

Human thought occurs in a higher level and fundamentally different order than insentient matter. Human thought isn’t deterministic in the same way that matter and energy are determined to exist in and part of physical forces of nature; gravity does not manifest itself much without the presence of matter and the energy locked in to mass.
Evolution occurs on Earth as reconfigurations of the forms of matter and energy. The human body is a part of that field of evolution yet thought is not. Thought is in the world yet not of it. Spirit is a higher super-power than thought. God is spirit and precedes the realm of thought, perhaps comparable to the way quantum reality and super-positions precede the steady state field of matter and energy.

The planet’s ecosystem challenges caused by humanity can be overcome with thought. Though that comprehends right configurations and uses of economic infrastructures and natural resources. Human thought does compile in a way that is analogous to material evolution, yet the analogy is weak and inexact as human thought may compile and constructions ideas and images in any way it likes or envisions. Not all humans evolve thought in a similar way or at the same pace. Thought is comparable to a construction project in mind that puts together structures and relations, orders and assemblies sometimes fortuituously with graceful inductions or methodically with plain work effort.

Humanity tends to seek after its own well-being as individuals, families and groups. It shares a doggish or wolfish trait in desiring the bone in the den and snarls when the employment bone seems ready to be snatched away. After the two great wars of the 20th century and the rise of communism to statehood a large portion of humanity took to the practice of blaming nationalism for conflicts and selfishness. Communists found better welfare and well-being in a socialist paradigm theoretically; their bones and dens as individuals were thought incorrectly to be safer within the socialist paradigm. The human trait of not-thinking enough and satiety with simple unreflective doggishness remained. The fault was not in nations but in ourselves an in our leaders.

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