
Surfing the Bubble

The precipitous drop of Wall Street averages during the novel corona virus era is a reminder that the stock market has been over-valued since the end of the cold war. It was a bubble investors surfed that collapsed with a little prick of foreign imported virus. Where the fall stops and stabilizes is hard to say. My guess is somewhere around 15,000. Full disclosure; I have nothing invested in it. 

Bubbles form in economics and investment markets. Investors ride the bubbles that sometimes seem like Chinese puzzle boxes with the core box size hidden somewhere within others. One bubble collapses and another grows within. Investors may bubble jump or exploit quantum super-positioning that allows a quick redistribution of location from a novel collapsing bubble to an inner membrane that is more stable and expanding. 

U.S. economics is based on non-sustainable, disposable ad hoc technical structures rather than the true farming of a century past. Lightning bolts of invention and innovations dump items to the market with legions of hands-on applicators on the payroll. Form and crop position factors, human crop factors, bring allegiance to methods as ends-in-themselves, such as automobiles. With the closure of automobile production lines presently, the opportunity to keep the closed forever, perhaps repurposing them to support electrical mass transit and local drone l.e.m. passenger cart intermodal links, arises as a start on transitioning the nation to an ecological economic new foundation.

 The primary obstacle to changing the bubble structure of U.S. economics is just the people. About three of four Americans are invested in the stock market and own at least one automobile. I don’t, and would seek ways to continue to not own one. When the bubbles of global warming and mass extinction break I can at least look at my fellow citizens and think; good job people.

People just aren’t going to change and expect government socialism for the middle and upper classes to bail them out whenever a bubble bursts. They want to call government supporting their businesses conservatism or neo-liberalism, as in recent times it has. Actually it is corporatism such as Hitler used. Macro-economics shakedowns happen periodically and usually result in concentrating wealth  with lesser businesses driven under networked power. The very poor and homeless are generally left out of the benefits of the bubble political economy. Corona virus 19 is the latest example. 

 In Oregon I found shelves in retailers had plenty of isopropyl alcohol. In the state of Washington retailers’ shelves were empty. Apparently panic hording wiped out the supply. Isopropyl alcohol-especially 59% alcohol is very useful for ordinary hygiene for campers, hikers and homeless people; it can replace showers completely for weeks, except for hair washing of course. It would be a courtesy if retailers limited individual sale of isopropyl alcohol to just two in order to leave some supply for homeless hygiene maybe an executive order should be implemented to make it so.

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