
Natural Law and Existentialism

 Sartre explained that his philosophy was a continuation of French rationalism. One has one's own window on being (existence) and may be aware, with an enlightened life, of how society acts collectively and interactively with serial behavior, ossified praxis (eg signs) and so forth that engages the lives of many people unreflectively. Virtue systems like aretaic ethics or deontology could be taken up by an individual for a reason yet Cartesian rationalism traces self-being to perception of self-perception and that is without duties or virtue seemingly on the face of it. 

If consciousness arises from an active subconscious processing perception and correlating ideas there may be an implicit natural virtue structure within the mind itself; natural law as it were, that influences conscious thoughts and decisions. Self-perception or self-awareness in conscious mind may create systems of virtue or ethics in part with intentional reason as well as with help from the subconscious network that is not at all entirely irrational as one might believe dreams to be at least superficially.

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