
Gov. Rick Perry's Prospects for Winning the 2012 Republican Presidential Nomination

Texas Governor Rick Perry entered the 2012 Republican presidential primary race today. His chances for winning enough primary elections to run against the President in November 2012 are largely contingent on voters forgetting that the last three Presidents from Texas allloaded up on foreign wars in countries with oil reserves. Avoidable protracted wars seem to be jumped on L.B.J., H.H.W. Bush and G.W. Bush.

Gov. Perry has the problem of sounding quite a bit like G.W. Bush, whom they would rather forget for the protracted nation rebuilding costs of Iraq.Gov. Perry was G.W. Bush’s Lt. Governor though so the resemblance is not genetic. It is the Texas oil culture and war production business influence that has shaped Gov. Perry’s ideas.

In speaking about his run for the White House Gov. Perry used the sort of Bushite ineloquent adverbality instead of using simple, plain sentence structure that made G.W. somewhat dulling upon the national I.Q. He mentioned the generational tax as a problem today. A generational tax isn’t like a security tax on foreign imports to pay for adequate inspections against terrorist paraphernalia, nor is it a progressive tax or even an income tax. One cannot really be sure if the tax is on the next generation, the last or who should be accountable. The voters will find the generational tax as amorphous as some of the tranching policies of Wall Street financial firms in assigning collateralized debt obligations to insured parties with vagueness sufficient to allow short selling when things seem dangerous possible changing the credit rating of the CDOs to the benefit of those programming best.

There are several taxes weighing heavily upon the present generation and those of tomorrow. The worst tax is the killing of the biosphere by idiot development, the next is the saturation of the ecosphere and oceans with carbon dioxide from industrial and ranching development, another is the annual interest payment on the federal debt because the rich don’t want to pay realistic taxes to pay the debt off quick, another tax is when the rich snap off the cultural legacy of the U.S.A. in its education and business and relocate manufacturing to China and India etc. Gov. Perry seems to believe the only meaningful generational tax is that which would fail to make royalty of oily Presidents and work against the concentration of wealth in the U.S.A.

Governor Perry will faces difficult times in persuading Americans that the poor are to blame for the nation’s current accounts deficits and relocation of jobs overseas or of the global heating problems (the Arctic icecap is having another record melting year, the U.S.G.S. is starting a seven week mission to study the concentration of carbon dioxide in the Arctic Ocean next week), inefficient prosecution of foreign nation rebuilding for a decade and so forth. Gov. Perry may be set to resume foreign wars in the Middle East if President if necessary, for few in the administration or in Gov. Perry’s camp have said what they expect to happen if the Syrian Government is forced out of office or what America’s policy responses might be to an Iranian invasion to Syria to reinforce the Assad government. American politicians seems to have little ability to foresee a move or two ahead logically on current international relations situations except to consider how many barrels of oil or gas might be located in a given nation. Gov. Perry would need to build trust on environmental and international relations issues if he is to capture the Republican Presidential nomination.

Most voters are aware that none of the Presidential candidates offer political platforms that would logically result in an elimination of federal debt, restoration of full employment, recovery of the nation's ecosystem and full health care for the poor. Since the wealthy own the broadcast media they are free to dispense whatever rhetoric they choose even if it is no more than political dogma without valid probabilities of rectifying the nation's real economic and ecospheric concerns.

The poor cannot afford medical care and the public should expand the V.A. hospital system and include the poor within that. It would provide be a good national emergency hospital capability as well. The middle class can afford medical insurance and yet with declining real wages for the middle class, jobs being outsourced and corporations cutting health benefits at work more middle class also look to the government for remedies; whatever-that is a different problem than that of the poor, without health and without hope of a good job.

There are people in America that slept outside on the ground ffour or five months last winter with the high temperature for the day below freezing. It can be somewhat irritating to hear a comfortable, rich Republican Presidential candidate speaking as if his only concern was to enrich the rich. Personal values are in part formed by personal experience-it is thus counterproductive for the nation to vote for warm weather candidates with cold-blooded hearts. They need intelligent political leaders with realistic ideas rather than partisan baloney. Gov. Rick Perry may be such a candidate.


One Size Fits All in New Electronic Order

Cell phone pictures of small things
orange mushrooms, purple flowers, mountains and majesties
digital pictures of the single moose
the dead one slaughtered for horns
meat rotted, fuzzy hide collapsed in snow
freeze dried trees snapped like wind vains
all photos the same size
neither dirt nor abstract electrons
speak the idiom of life's experience
shimmering in the language of time's photon-graph gun-slingers

Small pictures of large things too
pixels of cities and oyster beds
racing cars and train station sheds
uploading data costs more
for galaxies cast in red
yet somewhere in the cloud's future
the pictures might remain
attached to server circuits
droplets on window panes
unemotional lattice sorters
casting to bins
echoes of ideas
aliens would make nothing of
beam splitters fiber optic sheaves
ones with deeper colours and darker clouds

Giving way to rainbows
reminders of God
pouring paint colors
over glistening green leaves in bright white light
from the star (that requires a filter to become small) shining a forest's shadows beyond nothingness to somethingness
wonderful with blue sky and space

Clouds moving away to small things
captured with maximum storage allowed
whales, balloons and red copper mines, crispier cartoons, arithmetical signs
over-heating oceans with acidic in-flow
desertifying a North Pacific gulf
in small jpg angstroms
recovering structured seasonal cold
things like muddy tire ruts, saw-slashed clearcuts and newer highways from congress
efficiently reduced too
digital gps.


'The Doomsday Key' by James Rollins and End of World Scenarios

This action-adventure end of the world novel is quite well written. The author writes in a Clive Cussler style with the technical knowledge and historical insights a reader enjoys. Its fun to have some vitamins amidst the cereal.

There could be a new fiction writers genre of end of the world or nearly end of the world novels. End of the world scenarios have been with us since at least the ancient prophecies. Before those there were oral and later written histories of end of the world floods that cover vast areas of land suddenly.

End of the world scenarios today often are developed within over-population parameters. Malthus was the first of the west to formalize the relationship of human population to an inadequate planetary ability to produce enough food. Today there are redundant end of the world criteria simultaneously stimulating interesting yet plausible fiction scenarios in which the human population of the world is about to be culled by about 99%.

The Doomsday book has it all; history, pagan symbols, Christian Saints, Norway, high tech spooks, several continents, water, caves, tombs, thermite bombs, Viking ships, a U.S. Senator and a clock ticking down on the survival of the human race.

One of the paradoxical things about these nearly end of the world novels in which evil villains, secret societies and misguided would be benefactors of humanity fail at getting rid of most of the human population in order to prevent humanity from perping cataclysmic global warming or over populating the world and destroying Gaia or just overstripping the food supply is that when the plot is thwarted humanity continues on its march as lemmings to the edge-if there is an edge to the world metaphorically speaking. Thus the paradox arises that the good guys are really dummies and the villains are actually good with 'tough love' or 'good hatefulness for mankind.

The way the cookie crumbles if humanity continues its mass extinction of species and the world ecosphere deflates and shrinks to a small enough area that only maybe 100 million people could survive on Earth-that is thought to be a long way off yet-maybe 100 years ahead I believed Lovelock's Book 'The Vanishing Face of Gaia; The Final Warning' mentioned as a distinct possibility is hard to predict. It not necessary as a component of any of the world's major religions that humanity destroy its own ecosystem and collapse the world population and prospects as an eschatological event. When the time for the end of human experience arrives it won't be avoidable, yet that could be a trillion years ahead-space-time is malleable. Probably when humanity becomes really dumb and useless for anything beside ignorance and self-destruction God will wrap it up.

Sometime it might be useful to develop a checklist for end-of-the-world content for novels in order that readers might find the sort of end of the world things they like in the book they consider buying. It is useful to know if the villains are secret societies, left-wing, right-wing, or from other space-time continua. One should know if humanity will suffer famine, plague or be enslaved by apes, eaten by insects or turned to stone with a particle beam.

If there are heroes or heroines that save mankind and some chimpanzees so they may live in peace and harmony or go on normally in corporate fealty with a robust rate of global economic growth we should be able to see that in a checklist sticker on the cover. The 'Doomsday Key' would have a lotta checks.

Perhaps the optimal solutions to the end-of-the-world scenarios because of the destruction of Gaia, pervasive pollution of our precious bodily fluids, overpopulation and wars and chaos with famine, global warming and etc. require not just defeat of the villains that seek to cull humanity in order to save a remnant of it, but a kind of ecospheric hero-a Dmitri Ecoskoy figure- who finds a way to defeat evil global villains and also eliminate federal debt, create full employment and restore the ecosphere with brilliant macro-engineering projects paid for with tax dollars or not.

The 2012 Republican Presidential Race/Iowa,New Hampshire/Moral Qualifications/Philosophy/Ritual Purification-Bathing

I will stipulate that none of the Presidential candidates running seem to have the manageable competence on the economic and environmental challenges facing the United States, yet neither does President Obama seem to have a clue even though he expects to have a billion dollar re-election campaign to reclaim the right to enjoy parties with celebrities in the White House and make excellent speeches with little substantial content that puts Americans to work and reduces federal indebtedness to China, Japan, India and whomever.

With the vanishing face of Gaia we get the idea that the environment may suffer a decline ahead equal to or greater than the economic decline of middle, working class and poor Americans. Politicians have taken to supporting mass media owned by corporations and concentrated wealth outsourcing and degrading the future prospects of Americans and their ecosphere on the North American continent. The President has achieved gaying up the District of Columbia, the federal bureaucracy and the U.S. military and created a national corporate medical insurance care hybrid with corporate snares into government provisioning of services that is designed to benefit the middle class instead of the poor.

An F.D.R. kind of President would have created a national medical service for the poor and let the middle class able to buy insurance pay for it themselves. Otherwise they have no reason to unionize demands for better health benefit packages.

The Presidential primary season affords us the opportunity to speculate about the moral purity of the candidates and who will fall from political grace through ceremonial impurity such as the media may reveal. Purification rituals have evolved over the millennia reaching today's political standards.

A Presidential political candidate should have some powerful religious organization or priest attesting to his or her moral purity during the primaries. Only the morally pure may qualify to order war upon poor foreign people sheltering terrorists and hire wealthy corporate contractors to prosecute battle for decades through proxies from poor countries paid 2 dollah an hour. Only priests supporting high political standards could affirm President Obama's moral qualification to order that gay sailoring for the U.S. Navy is o.k. There are differences on abortion and worship of money and oil in public schools with the equivalent of religious colleges holding opposite opinions yet right purification ceremonies make candidates ready for political battle without suggesting that Congress take a pay cut to help balance the Federal budget. What sort of moral purification will serve to prepare a President to support use of corn to produce gasohol when the corn needed to produce a gallon of alcohol is said to be enough to feed a starving soul for a year?

If we are to understand the political reasoning for the moral value candidates in the Iowa Republican straw poll we must understand the criteria for maintaining ritual purity in matters concerning the Temple in first century Jerusalem.

Jews in the precincts of the Holy Temple were required to be clean in respect of God. That meant they had to follow select paths of conduct that would not make them impure or unclean.

Bathing was an important part of ritual and actual purification before meals. Certainly on would keep regular ablutions for ordinary cleanliness, and before eating important meals (not political brunches) immersion in a special ritual bath was required.

In the dry middle east keeping water around during the dry seasons was tough. Stone baths might have a minimum of water standing in them, slowly evaporating. Rules were made about how much water was needed to make an effective ritual purification.

Reusing that water meant that menstrual blood would disqualify an individual from using the special ritual cleansing pool, so also would other substances that would pollute the water, and lepers as a class were regarded as unclean-the ritual cleansing pool would do them no good.

In the modern era the CDC might designate some people as ceremonially unclean analogously, if they are regarded as transmitters of lethal or even bad diseases. With more sophistication than the ancient Jews (except for Jesus and Paul and Peter too) we may think that individuals or classes probably are not unclean from a caste point of view yet even so we would not want to share the same bath water for purification purposes anyway. Luckily for us Americans are much more sophisticated today on matters of purity.

Jesus washed the feet of his disciples after they ate rather than before providing an example of service unto the brethren a they venture out into the world on their ordinary lives; the true place for ritual purification being in one's conduct toward others rather than in washing up for dinner. It is easy today to confuse washing up for dinner with religious devotion I suppose if one has an idea of social hierarchy and leadership as the true meaning of Christmas or the new fall television line-up.

In Iowa Mitt Romney has wisely remained at a distance rather than have his Mormonism put through the hierarchy of fundamentalist scorn. He may win in New Hampshire though and even get gifts of honey glazed hams along the campaign trail. Romney seems the best conventionally prepared economic issue candidate unenslaved to the oil industry with a chance to get elected. Where is the Ralph Nadir of our time the electorate should ask, yet they do not.

Rick Perry, the Governor of Texas is also entering the race and seems to have the right ceremonial political-SUV drive in church hierarchy credentials. He probably gets lots of top quality potato salad and barbecue and knows many people in the oil industry.

Long ago, far away in a cave; The Suba Cave of the forerunner John the Baptist several miles from Jerusalem, John would immerse people in a ceremonial bath-pool, and they would have oil place on their right foot to sanctify it. We learn from Jesus, Paul and Peter that the entire idea of outward forms of ritual purification have little value-it is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ the Son of God that is required. Today church hierarchical practices continue to displace the personal relationships of a community of faith. A special church priest-the word priest is never used in the Bible as a role for Christians and is only mentioned twice in a different context in the New Testament. The priesthood should be that of the believers with Jesus Christ as the sole actual priest, and even the Christ being the High Priest as described in the Book of Hebrews is used once to indicate the finality of His sacrifice-himself.

Today churches should be the reinforcement to each individual Christian's pilgrim's progress through the vicissitudes of life. A life account for each Christian should be maintained regardless of where he or she goes in the U.S.A. They should be regarded as equals in the brother and sisterhood instead of separated in a caste system of clergy and laity.

The Iowa straw poll may provide us with some candidates that feel specially anointed to be incompetent and economic affairs and interests of the nation. It will be comforting to know that they also get it wrong on religion. Well, at least the F.D.A. assures the ritual purity of the food when it isn't contaminated with e coli or salmonella. Too bad they can't do much for the pollution of the Gulf Waters. The creature from the black lagoon must have been supercharged by the Gulf Horizon spill.

The public basically realizes the financial sector of Wall Street takes about 35% of Wall Street profits and it plays the global account with computer program trading programs to skim value. None of that is very helpful for the U.S. economy and doesn't employ many in the U.S.A. In fact too many people not manufacturing anything in the U.S.A. and investing abroad create a cartoon like circumstance of trillion of dollars of abstract profit taking off of one laborer actually working someplace. Maybe the entire global currency gets a little bit inflated-although inflation or over-valuation of a currency could be a kind of monetary relativism that might be described with special theory of relativity criteria better than with currency indexes of value. abstract, monetary value is not a value system equivalent to actually important things like the world ecosphere. Wrong value judgements in the popular sector can definitely lead to deleterious eventualities.


Patrick Voevoda Encounters The Slorpisvald (fiction excerpt from St. Novilistricka; Dimensions)

The Universal library of ideas with pre-determined meanings liberated humanity from re-learning each generation, each life, the entirety of human thought that might otherwise be restricted to a simple orally communicable database.

The library of ideas that was the content of language allowed each user of the library access to the vast collections of ideas as construction tools helping to invent new material things. Rational word lexicons with ordered meaning enabled discovery of new sciences and scientific content, and solutions of existential challenges that presented to human society and individuals. Access to the library and to its content could be denied to all through termination of dissemination of the language in which the library’s words were encoded.

Raving and insentient stone soled sleepers reposed in mass burial that might yet remain consumers were a kind of ideal of the reigning Corporate hierarchy. The downloaded were a product design model for research through a variety of breeding approaches synergistically combined with inhuman and inanimate material synthesis. Some forms of artificial life were fused into union with synthetic elements.

Intellectual capital and the freedom to conserve it for-oneself was an essential item for philosophers of the Free Martian Academy. I valued it quite highly myself, and would reject renormalizing coercion to ignorance attempted by any governing, collective, corporate or individual power with prejudice.

A naturalized idiocy is no place that philosophers should want to go. Language access though writing enables learning of ideas through other means than that of observing behavior or from just a simple learned database. In a way something like numeracy, through which one learns the decimal system and might understand any number however large simple through have learned how to read numbers zero through nine and recombine them in order, the learning of alphabets, grammar, syntax and meanings for a given starter vocabulary enables an individual to increase, with readings in the library of knowledge, his comprehension of ideas so far as the content of the library exists to provide knowledge.

The symbols and language of this entry to new dimensions was perplexing. Why the brainwashing of Oswald and his training by the K.G.B. in Moscow followed by a post-cold war erasure of the history in order to forestall a needless and illogical global war over an historically dead past?

Potentially there are an infinite number of ways to represent in language any particular object or object cluster. If five apples sitting upon a fence could be called 2 + 3 in two groups, 1+ 4, 5 and so on with the same purpose in mind of enumerating the number of similar red objects on the fence, the coordinates of every possible location in space-time starting from some initial reference point also might be given as a named place and object or content in a virtually infinite number of methods and with an equal number of labels. Quantum field theories are dimensional, group nominalist representations.

Such determinate labeling of real objects would conform with appropriate coordinates and referent objects regardless of the behavior or language used by individuals or collective intelligences pertaining to objects. Euclid's math formalizations, and those of Riemann, would be equally true and self-standing a priori whenever and whoever happened to discover such methods.

Determinism does cohere in language when language is a product of the environment. It seems that it is in the separation of mind and body, or of behavior, environment and reason, that confusion arises that would make of language an irrational accouterment of behavior, reducing it fundamentally to a phonetic level with behavior assuming the linguistic axis of meaning.
With the ending of the second cycle of films the gates of dimensions seemed to appear in mind and space simultaneously, and to move as warped lines of infinite lengths. They over-rode content and colors, space and time, like macro-structure strings.

No-space suffused the dimensional boundaries as an afterglow of string potentials subtly drifting. Pointillism's Dalian painter of super-strings and membranes set Higgs bosons on end to appear as singularities of quarks running their zero-dimensional membranes into sampling of dimensional potentials above aninfinity of worlds of four and more dimensions. The signs of the four were replete with angels and demon shadows and reflections from lower reality acting like bacteriophages in unrepentant non-conformal relations to the will.

Occasionally they sought to actualize and escape their inter-boundary area existence and appear smiling unto residents of a Universe. In one possible Universe, Earth was said to exist; yet I saw many more that were pretenders to a rightful claim of being.

I had difficulty considering the life in the temporal worlds below when they were reruns of worry with hands upon looking glasses searching for ways out, or methods of continuity. They had little faith that spirit exists anywhere, or even within some places.

The empty space was a mind, but whose was it? Paint pots of quark colors full of shimmering potential reality were mud dried in cracked desert plains dimly lit by dark red kinetic sculptures morphing to ultra ocher gluon'd photon clumps encased in Einsteinium—

On the horizon were seven samurai extra dimensional Ronin making chop suey from artificial downloads of The Machine that is the beast of power. The flypaper space-time mind suffused with a new Universe expanded continuously ripping apart the coherence of space-time. Frames of reference struggled to be free of mass attraction downward into an intensification of time in gravitational fields.

What is it to be a mass-less particle without time as a kind of ageless freedom trapped by boundaries of space-time surface tension and field? If the Universe did not expand at the speed of light the photons would eventually catch up with the event horizon depleting the Universe of mass a little bit at a time as missing information yet they have all of the time in the Universe that seems so slow paced after the seventh day of rest.

Thought about thought emanated from the absolute. Forms and material were directed from the thought of the One into dimensions and shapes, into becoming and being and change. The thoughts of the One are unknowable, and perfect. An Intelligence of spirit providing actualized thoughts of The One is itself impeccable and without extension into permanence of dimensions and space-time. Structural protocols are well thought out and book marked in absolute theory as being.

I watched scenes unfold from a reality tuned in by remote control. A marmalade sky began raining five dimensional salt nails into variegated patterns with increasing strength of metal storm intensity. Those outside foolish enough not to have heeded universal weather warnings written in the sky were pitilessly shredded by an emotionless nature. Ephemeral crystal skywriting clouds in high cirrus drifts warned from all bands of change. In the ordinary life of dominant species change generally occurs in phase transition.

These were Crudh creatures of Soghglor actualizing deeply cannibalistic government consuming hopes, dreams, identities and all material assets of slug-worm subjects. Some slug-citizens left final slimy trails when hit by ten-inch nails of the metalstorm. With no social concern they would curdle, shriveling in place desiccating under starlight following the clearing of the weather with the setting of Terror moons.

I learned more of the strange world of Soghlor and its relations with galactic Corporate forces from a distance in an atemporal, undetermined state of existence. The Soghglor leadership is a local branch of Corporate affiliates experimenting with weapons of war upon slimy subjects. Galactic exports of war tech artifacts are the main source of income received from off-world. Dunkan Holes remains Liege Kahuna of the Soghglor Privy Council.
Sitting with smug self-confidence of dominance, he thundered his ruling stick down upon the square table of nep-tunes sending mind-snaring resonance throughout the hall. His Slorpisvald looked at him with frank fear.

Dunkan Holes comprehended the mess of toadies before him smirking with pleasure that they all feared him, even without encouragement of the ruling stick of death. Four hundred economists with Corporate monkey-do had designed specialized economic models to use as fiction scenarios for the Crudh of Soghglor privileged to choose from multifarious models many to build up Trojan-horse economic inertia. Subtle weapons of export war for hostile takeover grew on many planets.

Corporate Trojan-horse economic models could be built up from cores provided by monkey-do with blessing of a potentate Monkey See in pure accretion from spray on computer graphed economic geometry.

Monkey See received a pre-determined economic inspiration to contract out development of economic models and -export designs to the planet of the Crudh in order to place imperfections in the models and draw credibility to the gems.

Like natural emeralds with flaws, and unlike flawless machine-produced emeralds, human designed economic theories had flaws and provided much wiggle room when actualized in planetary politics. They enabled the corrupt to transform the entire structure into gratuitous formation of an oppressive ruling class with a servile under-class, even if they were excrement-eating slugs with a happy smile on the intake areas of their alimentary canals.

Dunkan Holes demanded 'How much has production increased on output per worker?'
The Slorpisvald said timidly 'Nine per cent your majestic. Stiltwood fabrications downsized nine percent of the thought-force and sold them for a profit to the slug-citizens as delectable morsel-snacklets in pretty consumable skin-wrapped packaging.

'An economist in every pack' was the promise, and we did meet corporate legal criteria by including at least one part per billion of actual economist in each snacklet.'

Holes asked 'What was the take?'

With pride the Slorpisvald replied 'A trillion Corporate Juan, majestic'.
Dunkan Holes erupted inwardly, in his most innard guts with a spontaneous release of satisfying gas. The special sloshing and squeaking noises appealed to his specialized inner sensory system added by ancestors in laboratories long ago to his neo-humo-G-nome. Elite government neo-G-nomes assured caste supremacy so long as Stiltwood dominated the economic engine of production providing sufficient earnings for the Crudh creatures of Soghglor to stay above the level of primordial dew-ooze beneath.
Ordinary Slug-citizens made slimy trails of history immersed in corporate synthetic dew-ooze. Financing corporate upgrades to their G-nome caste supremacy was a never-ending cost requiring exorbitant fees to Corporate G-nome specialists able to install, interpret and operate complex instructions for processing quantum computing neo-G-Nome sequences allowing real-time morphing corrections and guidance control for bio tensors through space-time.

Language structures evolve through levels of meaning that might be considered as abstract structural composition with discrete packets of meaning embedded within interconnecting protocols of form. It isn't simply a coincidence that brain neuron and quantum mechanical wavelets have a comparable paradigm for existence with that of language. Language structure may give meaning through the 'behavior' of parts of the given language more so than of the individuals and groups that use them. Meanings are creatively built with appropriate connectors and references from innumerable hierarchy levels and dimensions.

Because the structure is holistic and simultaneously determinate and indeterminate the hierarchical levels transcend dimensional coordinates and fall within an holistic, evolving egalitarian trans-dimensional structure. Every language meaning and ability must possess the potential for direct application by users in actual reference to a real universe.
Extra dimensional meanings added to the existing dimensions of a language become renormalized as quickly as possible for access by existing dimensions of language. Hierarchical levels of remoteness are reconnected in order to bring access to immediate, transcendent potential while simultaneously individuation of new terms and dimensions are recognized and defended as individual meaning units with rights against insult and corruption by other units of language unaware of the recent addition of new dimensions.

In the actualization of perception concurrent with an upload of dimensions from some non-dimensional state, I experienced house-shaking and quaking walls vibrating. It threatened continuity as if under assault by earthquake and tornado.

Opening my eyes from donated mud coating everything immediate, a transparent energy field descended with air-braking violence under a marmalade sky with Twin Moons ebbing above a planetary horizon. In moments orange sky blazed with deep red august blood as a tetrahedral energy packed field of transparent and unknown elements crash landed into a magnificent government building notable for the universal symbols of a golden carrot and a spike encrusted club of enormous scale atop the hierarchically round dozens of layers of opulent material.

Screeching, splintering of timbers and compaction of charitably named bodies of odd shapes splattering through my mind's eye as the tetrahedron came to rest. Invisible through dust and oppressive cloud of smoke, fire and debris was the outside world. I picked myself up and cracked off some of the unusual mud, finding a way from of the muck.

How to open the tetrahedron was next. Amazed to be alive, sore yet out of the extra-dimensional antechamber, I had crashed into a new world. This new world looked like Soghglor from what I saw of the rainy, pestilential plain.

Crawling from the wreckage and making my way through the smoldering debris I could smell a fetid crèche of stench beyond the edge of obfuscation of smoke. It repelled me and drew me forward toward it simultaneously. Sucking and liquid sounding noises at a low level could be associated with that general direction. I learned such indicators are signs of perverted life forms occupying the lower reaches of nature. Perhaps it was so.
Moving through the edge of the distant haze were dozens of bulk hulking forms rather round-shouldered. These plainly were slug-citizens rather than warriors. Each drawing slowly closer had opposable eyestalks indicating the presence of advanced intelligence. To allay their fear I walked toward them with my opposable thumbs in front of me held facing. The slugs responded with a kind of gesture encountered in many galaxies--the alimentary canal tightening partially open.

'Zqlistrdulop' a slug spoke. His wrinkled blubber and shining slime trail indicated it was an elder. Four smaller slugs advanced in formation and declined stature into positions of what could be construed as sleep or genuflection. With some time passing I learned that their language was rudimentary existential environment description. Later I discovered that I had crash-landed upon the oppressive ruling council of Soghglor killing the leadership including the predatory Dunkan Holes and his Slorpisvald.
This planet-full of leaderless slug-citizens of an evident Crudh species was very grateful. The elder offered to forestall eating me if I preferred to exchange precious bodily fluids with a female phase hermaphroditic slug. I declined the honor and realized that I must soon walk away at a speed of more than a half-mile an hour to escape further encirclement by the band of slimers.

The question of how such a species could rise to have a mildly advanced leadership culture with structures that weren't half bad before they were wrecked set me to wonder.

Precipitation enclosing musty drizzle wrapped as dusk settled upon Soghglor brought numerous questions. It would require directed thought, time and effort to resolve. The information could prove useful. It might be a key to transport from this pit where humans seem to be the prey of trivial, significant and persistent slugs.

Soghglor's mysteries lay deep within the world at the edge of the star system's comfortable habitation zone. Like most decadent worlds its semi-intelligent native life forms had fiddled with the global atmospheric heat-cooling thermostat through incompetent external industrial excretion of gasses and depletion of climate cycle moderating resources that generally were alive.

On the Earth the carbon-silicate cycle was discovered in time to conserve enough of the rainfall, ocean temperature, phytoplankton, carbonic acid system intact along with other living elements to allow a renormalization of half million year time minimum natural feedback mechanisms to continue regulation. The orange marmalade skies of this world and the warm temperature favoring slime life were obvious signs that they had broken the cooling phase of the cycle in order to wallow in the muck of the natural order of slime.

Inside the office of the Liege Kahuna might lay answers to the technological paradoxes of the planet. How did a superior sluggish ruling caste split off from the race of citizen slugs naturally and retain such a close possimite language group association?

Surely this process must imply the existence of neo-G-nome intervention before neonate phase with sprinklings even before conception of weakon form molding of scheduled D.N.A. structures in addition to completely arbitrary determinations of chemical compound group medium? My knowledge of who might have the databases for that wicked industrial technology is limited to Universal Corporate and its evil empire of network affiliates.
I struggled inward toward the core of the collapsed wreckage of the building that had been efficiently sapped to find a chaos of mess and death strewn about with body parts of supremacy slugs everywhere. There were unusually sophisticated bits of technology amidst piles of walls and ceiling with implicit plastic conductors for power, communications and heat.

I first encountered such materials in Martian pygmy pioneering astronaut corp colonists of the dark side of the Mont Negro and Valles Dessicum. These Soghgloric supremacist corpses hadn't any political requirement for unlimited free circuits for personal communication. Taking a few wires I have sampled several segments and found no personally free circuits for individuals.

From the Olduvai Gorge of Africa millions of years ago primitive ancestors of human beings discovered how to make stone tools and lash sharp shards onto wooden handles. Eventually they discovered how to make wireless Internet for public libraries. These slug-slime supremacists had not yet reached that level for political reasons.

That it required hundreds of thousands of years of human evolution to achieve significant species differentiation and genomic specialization in sets best adapted for various topographical and climatologically environments of the Earth was an historical fact. Though 20th century human beings began a process of exterminating human species differences and specializations through inter-breeding such hard won changes away, it yet irked me quite a bit that the slug slime vermin might have benefited from accelerated unnatural evolutionary design changes provided by Corporate neo-G-Nome laboratories.

On Earth the human genomic sets were naturally evolved for environmental supremacy of humans to adapt to an environment geophysically. It was the extermination of racial differences through compulsory inter-breeding concurrent with the destruction of environmental health and local specialization of biota that synergized global climate radicalization and artificial redesign of the human genome for purposes of comfort and social supremacy at a micro-social level. When humanity self-domesticated itself breeding people like canine species voluntarily, the die was cast for the eventual ontological unraveling of the artificial human genome and the universally maladaptive human being.

Fortunately the universal ontological autoimmune rejection of humanity was entirely necessary, and a local Imperial aspirant--Warp Prissy, precipitated an early decisive engagement on both the Earth and Mars. The practice of human genome modification was halted in the aftermath.

Galactic, then Universal Corporate resumed the practice of genetic engineering for purposes of profit and power. Usually, Corporate limited the recipients of genetic redesign to races that Corporate sought to conquer or toy with for sadistic entertainment industry revenue.

Meanings in languages depended upon the environmental or existential reference tie-in to objects and external structures perceivable to others. Internalization of meanings made subjectively is an interactive language and logic phenomenality that every user of a language has. The frame of reference for a language corresponds to its largest general parameter of associating references. In the case of the Universe Alpha in which I and the present human race developed originally, the largest reference frame traditionally has been a time equals zero moment when the hyper-inflation of the Universe began from the perturbative vacuum field from which a near infinity of universes may have sprung from a similar process of quantum indeterminacy.

I think it's a nearly infinite number because it’s very large and probably has occurred for a very long time, yet of course it too might be some sort of an inflatable phenomenality originating from some unknown source. Of course the theory could be entirely wrong. Yet the communication systems of the Universe

Alpha reference frame have many dialects all relating to the organic design of the Universe-whatever that really is.

A fundamental aspect of languages is individuated communication commensurately capable of describing detail in addition to investigating the unknown with a creatively infinite or very large number, of language concept tools. In order to continue the particularized, individuated development of language concept and word levels within the Universe Alpha language structures of words and logic, the security of private communications systems is understood as being vital.

Private communications networking comprise the transmission of personal free-thinking. In theory the optimalization of liberty would be actualized simultaneously with an order of secure private communications able to access a vast, universal field of public ideas at their will without ever experiencing an unwanted intrusion of corporate or mass network communication into their private space.

Concatenations of private communications about similar topics would be the basic form of mass selection and mass communication, while the interests of the general public are presented in the public sector through the individual presentation of ideas as individuals choose for-themselves. On Soghglor public communication was the basic form I found within the plastic conducting wall fragments. The channel was virtually mono-linguistic probably in order to serve the Liege Kuhuna's utterances to the masses, with just a little counter-directional flow permitted to exist. Communist and corporate authoritarians inevitably cut down freedom of private existence and private communication, as in the case of this slimy slug of Soghglor that had learned to sit upright with the neo-G-nome changes of corporate.

A residual slug image field cascaded my mind with explosive packages of putrid concepts. Somewhere in my course toward Dunkan Holes’ control region,a latent power system I found retained charge.

With my brain battered by sonic pain penetrators and distracting neural hoop loose-nag-chems sent bound up as convoluting loops of thought fractalization made to kill or disable slug-citizen thinking I bumped into broken objects and slipped into a monolithic cold stone fallen over in a slippery pool of libatious thought enhancer.

It was cold, stinking even more than the slug citizens. I made it beyond the end zone of mind sapping in to Dunkan Holes' control area with several squashed super-slugs extruding from beneath the black stone.

A dusty patina of pulverized masonry lay over the black stone enfilading its cryptic miniature writing in universal pictographs. It related that at one time before the arrival of corporate emissaries as neo-gods the dominant race of Soghglor were proud snails living in an egalitarian society.

Corporate had transformed social values of the snails and brainwashed them into believing they would be better looking without the crudity of a shell. The new and improved snail cosmopolitan doctrine taught that a shell is primitive and uncouth. It is also easy to maintain social control of snails if they are without shell.

The snail language was hyper-extended and broken into dis-individuating segments splicing rave accretions. They were collectivized under corporate political appointees and their fates formed from the quagmire of acquiescence into a slippery slope of graduated decline downward as the universal slug condition.

They were convinced to come out of their shells and wear sensual body fitting garments. Nakedness was held to be a titillating sensation marketed by corporate image products and slug orgies encouraged as procedures for social equality. The introduction of off-world Corporate G-nome enhancers enabled selected slug generations for elite neo-G-nome lines of political rulers. The ascent of slugs to upright command aristocracy began with the permanent underclassing of citizenslugs designed by corporate.

Individual slugs of an independent nature were corralled into subjugation with micro-sanctions in coercive applications broadcast and subtly networked. I wasn't surprised about the change into the Crudh slugs; it was a common story in the Galaxy. They at least were lucky enough to survive the global warming-cooling dangers that accompany the rise of planetary civilizations decimating so many species. To fall under Universal Corporate or local totalitarian political control was nearly as bad.

The temperature has started to grow noticeably cooler, which for Soghglor is really quite improbable. I believed it could be reaching me from outside through broken walls. Across the room is a glimmer of natural light. Everything else is glowing from the plastic conductor debris with the packed electrons doped inside. If I take a few careful steps out of this slimy pond toward the natural light I may find a way outside. Later on I may get lucky and discover a way to get a jump on another dimensional course through alternative space-times. I have some ideas about that.

I knew I must step carefully. Even this broken technology may have live potential. Somewhere ahead under the slumping ceiling, over the mess of furnishing and a wall, going opposite the direction the fine suspended dust was flowing I made it outside of the structure.

The sky is no longer an orange marmalade color and composition. It is instead a pale blue and milky white with charged kinematic potential. A battlestorm was threatening. The slugs crawled away to whatever warm shelters they could find. The ugliness of materializing legions of Corporate Zip Zap is never pretty.

The most advanced weapons, the best physique Corporate can design in a given volume, the most fast and lethal dependent kill clauses possible. The wind increased and began to howl with the displacement ratio of local and space-time actualization. This time I would need to look for a faster way to jump closer to the free area of the Galaxy. I turned away from the battlestorm growing outside to look for a multi-dimensional transition technology inside. Dunkan Holes must have had one as a donation from Corporate in order to receive downloads unnoticed by the citizen-slugs.
Making my way back to the heart of the local version of the evil empire there was a five dimensional scene playing out atop the black monolith.

A tall, dark haired guy with pointy ears that seemed evolutionarily selected to withstand constant, heavy rainfall spoke to an agitated man standing on an outside ledge of a tall power structure 'Step back from the ledge Jim. Jim it's not logical, step back!'

Jim said: 'No Maslow, I must fight the Clunkon spider-bats in the sky! They are coming to take over the world!"

Maslow replied; 'No Jim, it’s the d.t.'s from all the single malt scotch you've been drinking. It's not logical Jim! Step back inside away from the ledge."

The hyper-reality scene continued from a bottle of single malt scotch on the supine monolith. I swiftly walked up to it and kicked the bottle sending myself into entry within a vortex of space and time. I had entered the trilight zone of N-dimensional refracted space. I was thrown violently through a few hundred dimensions of detached branes in a sequential array as an associate observer of change. It wasn't what I'd wanted.

Something like an ancient Luftwaffe of flies as Junkers bombers buzzing around breakfast swarmed. Sometimes I have thoughts of Mars and the highlands recurring when away, and when home, thoughts of distant places such as Soghglor or Subductor. Lush was never far from my thought either.
Words from opposition chatter had fried many minds. They might recur as parallel streams of replacement pre-emptive text with derivative dissociation and neo-homophone substitution words and phrases. So much of that can build up in the subconscious and haywire memory. In practice, orderly thought input creates orderly reasoning from the already somewhat anarchic realm of the subconscious.

In the final phases of the United States of America before it was purchased by globalists and parted out to China, Saudi Arabia, Japan and other nations, the thought processes of citizens were decohered through dissimulator media broadcasting following the pre-emptive positive word provisioning model of computer programs written for search engines and Nash equilibrium control conditioners.

The negative anti-rational decoherence training helped the public fail at critical political thinking synergistically with the failure of the government to balance it's budget, defend it's borders from illegal immigration, invigorate its ecosystem and provide an example of a nation with democracy, universal safety net features for the poor, and liberty from corporatism and state authoritarianism. Neither were the people able to comprehend complex topics such as ecological economics. The decoherence training brought the populous to easy degradation postures ripe for exploitation by corrupt global corporatists.

I seemed to think without an immediate physical extension of a body, like I feel when standing in a fast food restaurant line in Novo Lundinium for a long time before reaching the counter to order, just before I have to speak. The dimensions themselves rolled over in difficult to describe shapes and forms with colors and speed relationships quite askew from normal perception in the four-dimensional world. Evidently no time passed in the process.

With the background big bang residual thermal temperature of the Universe being somewhere about three degrees Kelvin, it is obvious that like Boyle's law about the distribution of gas in a given volume equalized with values of entropy, the background energy of the universe has a generally even distribution in a given volume of space-time. Local variations caused with gravity indicate a difference between being and nothingness.

It's dissociation from concentration concurrently and proportionately with the expansion of space-time may be used as a comparative logic paradigm for the ideas of absolute position of coordinate reference points in the history of space-time in variegated temporal Einsteinian field relativity, from the time equals zero when the singularity phase of the Universe was at it's most minimal before the inflaton and after the black hole phase of the pre-big bang era.

It may also be used as a paradigm for the idea that the equal distribution of virtual particles in the pre-big bang era perturbative vacuum isn't logical except in an era of stagnation of a preexisting physical system with a given equalized distribution of energy even if it is of a virtual nature. Why should the appearance of virtual particles in a vacuum follow no particular pattern or frequency, and what might randomize it?

The pre-big bang era vacuum state and its distribution of virtual particles entering into it following the laws of quantum mechanics is one of the more intriguing points of the potential history of an absolute initial coordinate reference system with known space-time phenomenality as the frame of reference to consider.

It has seemed to me for some time that there isn't a reason why the appearance of virtual particles in any given dimensional or non-dimensional state of vacuum or space ought to be at random. Instead I have thought that the characteristics of virtual particles statistically modeled should follow a pattern derived from some non-apparent meta structural or trans-dimensional reciprocal intrusion. Obviously that creates an infinite regress logically; all universes and dimensions would be connected in some way to all others, and yet an absolute hierarchical coordinate system would still exist beginning from where one places one's true universal history.

Logically the regression of historical sources of interaction of space-time dimensions and mass-energy structures should have an end if the universe is not just one example of an infinite number of universes existing in an infinite volume of space-time universes in an infinite vacuum.

Logically the concept of an infinite system presents the problem of how an initial heterodox virtual particle pattern and statistical symmetry breaking sufficient to create a first universe could have emerged as well as the mind-boggling sorts of questions about what a really infinite number of universes in a finite volume would be like if there wasn't some kind of a higher reality containing it all.

Some hypothesize an initial, donated single field in which bubble universes might form. There are innumerable avenues of theoretical regress to perhaps match experience or ideas that are surpassed by unanswered questions. Another improbable question of how the finite but vast series of universes could have arisen in time from a null state the first time is equally challenging to answer, yet given the premise that it did and grew to produce perhaps trillions of universes, the subsequent and obvious question to answer is what hypothetical limit exists to the amount of virtual particles and consequent mass that can be created in the null state of the perturbative vacuum?

The perturbative vacuum and the virtual particles from nowhere that appear without end to give rise to black holes and universes of mass seems the cornucopia criterion theorists require for a happy answer to government budget requirements but find unavailable at such a mundane level. I had hoped to budget time to find Lush while remaining alive and healthy, yet discovered that circumstances presented a coefficient of adversity that might require tempering of my expectations.


Quantum Set Emergence & The Cave of John the Baptist

Set theory replete with brackets serves to illustrate for some the concept of quantum creation of a Universe de novo (from nothing). Some mathematicians have actually found that through logic one might create subsets of an original empty set and end up with the appearance of something. So obviously one might postulate that virtual particles emerging from the jitters of quantum uncertainty might emerge to create enough mass and energy space flow to create a universe.

If that isn't an exact description of creation-oh well. For God the entirety of creating a universe from a null set is likely to be a significant issue. Transcending empty sets the infinite being of God may be free to regard all of creation and the universes that might ever be as something like any given period at the end of a sentence. All scale would be relative.

Of course some things cannot be scaled up or down and still exist we might believe without changing the essential nature of the elements used to comprise the things existing in a universe. Shrinking down a human to the size of a pinhead wouldn't work because of the comparatively absolute value sizes of atoms, neurons and the forces of nature. Shrunken down they would not function. We might expect God to transcend that sort of limit and if sending a universe into any particular space time with its temporal and expanding nature He would make things with constants or variables appropriate to the criterion.

Any sort of abstract representation of constants and variables of mass-energy and or space-time made mathematically could be regarded as comprising a local subset of any possible or potential enclosing metaset of constants and variable values that might encapsulate the constant and variable values of space-time, mass and energy that coincide with the physical description of this Universe. A comparatively finite set of values within the observable universe and a potential infinite number of sets beyond that would allow the variables and constant values of this universe to exist collaterally.

So that brings me to the topic of the interesting book on the cave of John the Baptist-he had to have a cave you know. The archeologist Shimon Gibson actually excavated a cave in the year 1999 and in subsequent years a few miles west of Jerusalem that very likely was used by John. The hills were then regarded as a wilderness.


There are some carvings on the walls of the cave that were made I believe during the Byzantine era by a monastic of the evangelist. The book that Shimon Gibson wrote 'The Cave of John the Baptist' on the excavation has a lot of really fine material on the region that the author is familiar with from youth.

God may set any sort of detail into any given universe ever willed to exist I would think. The entirety of the realm of quantum uncertainty would be his quantum computing capacity if it were significant enough to represent even a fraction of His infinite construction capability. That implies neither that the Universe or all possible universes are determinate, nor indeterminate. It is simply reasonable conjecture extrapolating from the given knowledge of existence floating about the modern world.

So God chose to send His Son to what is effectively the crossroads of the world at an important time in the evolution of mankind on Earth and of Gaia-the short name for a self-regulating ecospheric biosphere. If people were able to use even a fraction of the good nature and intentions of God they could overcome their demographic and biochemical environmental abuse problems easily and move on to points beyond in good speed. Yet we know how that goes and though striving to work for the best are too aware of the sort of apocalyptic potential fundamentally innate in the phenomena of human life concatenated on Earth as all are somewhat insecure and striving to accomplish a large pile of wealth and security before dying without enough philosophical thought.


No Sign of Life on Mars/Gaia Criteria

Findings of what appears to possibly be flowing water on Mars, seasonally in small rivulets does not much stimulate the odds of life existing on that planet now or in the past. It is interesting to consider though, within a quantum Gaian paradigm though.

Not being a scientist these comments are not to assert a scientific opinion-just my own. Since I recently read James Lovelock’s ‘The Vanishing Face of Gaia; The Final Warning’ it seems reasonable to apply something of his life as a quantum field that moderates its environment including the atmosphere point of view to the Martian criteria.

Mr. Lovelock mentioned that living organisms emit gases that show up in an atmosphere. Quantum levels for the existence of planetary life may exist that allow just select quantitative ratios of life to environmental resources to occur-somewhat analogous to conditions required to create hydrogen atoms and more complex elements.

The initial starting conditions for the growth of a life field should be quantitatively favorable to copious production of life even of a simple form. That environment ought to take a substantial time to develop, and it should have some stability to it. With the inception of life and its increase in a favorable environment its presence may immediately begin shaping environmental balances toward its own benefit.

Observing bacterial cultures growing on a uniform medium is not the same as growing cultures in a mineral and resource diverse environment. Perhaps it is possible to produce modular environments in which bacteria moderate their atmosphere, environment and its temperature substantially selecting to convert select chemical reactions from amidst a range of alternative possibilities.

The biosphere project of several years past that tried to have a sustainable enclosed environment for a few people-perhaps to model a future space station habitat for humanity, might be used a paradigm for creating miniature Gaia self-regulating life/planetary ecosystems so far as possible. I suppose they might be constructed in a variety of sizes and with various permutations of organic components, inorganic material and moisture as well as differing amounts of sunlight. Manufacturing such self-regulating biospheres might enable replication on Mars within geodesic domes constructed by robots. In the event that global heating increases to make a Gobi desert in the Midwest the production of self-regulating ecosystems in enclosed spaces-perhaps hollow artificial mountain ranges-might is of some value.

If Mars ever had life its planetary life field must have died a long time ago-maybe Earth’s life field-the quantitative concatenated presence of all life on Earth and its quantity and quality-is dying or on the downward slope. Lovelock points out that in regard to its age and likely maximum life span it has already used up 88% of its time-life on Earth is old, and on Mars it was probably aborted maybe a billion years past.
Human investigators and scientists of the past have considered individual portions of things rather than complete systems-necessarily so as the complete system was unknown while the piece was present.

Boulders rather than complete mountain ranges and time-elapsed progeny (mountain building) were easy to examine. Particular plants rather than the cellular profusion of life over billions of years as a field were considered. The relationship between living things and the minerals were set aside as secondary to the primary functions of a plant itself. The relationship of the plant and of the field of all plants and mobile living things to the inorganic status of the Earth and its atmosphere were for later scientists to regard.

The advance of science toward the study of complete, holistic bio-chemical life fields, and of quantum, discrete planetary Gaia self-reinforcing for a viable habitat biosphere units within the Universe is a process of advancing the frontiers of knowledge to integrate knowledge of portions of a unified field to a quantum level analysis of structural functions. Even quantum mechanics moves toward understanding of a field of quantum uncertainty and of all possible place or velocity that in some way allows the emergence of mass from the unknown concurrent with space-time. Even in the field of cosmology reductionism tends to produce models of an infinite profusion of separate evolving universes growing from roots in a primordial vacuum providing emergence of virtual particles. A holistic view of the infinite field of all possible universes is set aside, as is the study of complete holistic planetary ecospheres, as a little too difficult to describe mathematically or biochemically for now.

Shell Oil Eco-Pirates Set to Plunder Alaska’s Arctic Ocean (Beaufort Sea)

Shell oil was given permission by the Obama administration to drill three wells offshore in the sensitive, critical habitat of the Arctic Ocean (Beaufort Sea region) on the northern Alaska coast. The extrusion of foreign oil extraction interests in Alaska’s rarefied arctic waters is an example of polyanthroponemia driving the world politicians lemming-like toward the environmental survival global over-heating edge-of-night.

Since the Dutch East Indies revolted throwing off their tribal oppressors (the event is annually celebrated) international natural resource extractors have scrounged the world for new backward places to plunder. Over time, after whales were decimated, and carbon rich crude oil was discovered to be a substance valuable for wasting energy, powering expensive, inefficient SUVs and producing global greenhouse gases, new oil deposits beneath pristine wilderness landscapes awaiting despoilment, drilling, pollution, toxic chemical dumping, unnecessary tramping roads, noise and light pollution, killing of local wildlife for sport, opening of cathouses and corrupting of politicians were sought.

Alaska fits the criteria today as an ecospherically uneducated people unaware of the encroaching doom of Gaia poised by ecospheric oil despoilers wasting the oil on riotous foreign banking deposits opportune for purchasing political influence and increasing the acidity of world oceans killing its algae.

Spooky political action at a distance is a result of dark pool; computer guided trading transfer beyond public review even with a Cray super computer and splices into fiber optic routing stations. Concentrated global capital means concentrated global political corruption. Shell is one of the planets most rich extraction organizations.

Like oil fume-intoxicated cormorants staggering atop a bouncing fuel oil barge, local peoples react like pinballs on a fire warped plastic 4-dimensional slope to the development flames of powerful global oil corporations killing the hopes of rational, sustainable, alternative energy powered well insulated economic development with liberty and justice for all. Releases of carbon dioxide from burning tundra and the confusion of narwhales with engine and drilling noise are subtle possibilities of increase hyper-exploitation of chthonic resources.

If Shell does exploit Alaskan or Federal oil along the arctic littoral it should be required to pay for construction of a new M.I.T. quality scientific and arts college addition at the University of Alaska Fairbanks for Gaia research contributing 100 billion dollars to start compensating for its ecologically deleterious influence.

All high latitude drilling worldwide should pay a 90% tax for Gaia geo-engineering research and development to defeat the destruction wrought by corporate oil drilling wraiths. Shell oil is a significant environmental subversive sapping the Earth’s resources, leaving disaster in its wake as in its oil spills in the Niger River delta. It may issue public apologies or provide inadequate compensation to victims of its oil disasters, shift blame to the poor and deny its responsibility; yet private individuals that perpetrate equivalent environmental crimes would not be likely to get off so easy. If Shell oil makes a Deepwater Horizon or Exxon Valdez sort of spill they make expect to get a Judge Holland to adjudicate their case. Shell has said that it will seek to keep its Nigerian spill litigation out of British Courts and in Nigeria where they can have much influence since they provide a lot of cash as well as oil spills and social chaos to select people and locales.

Perhaps litigation against offenders perpetrating oil spills that are transnational oil corporations could be heard in a special world court as an option for poor nations with easy to corrupt judiciaries. With quant stock and securities trading transnational corporations find speed of light dark pool bribery of foreign officials of nations with weak S.E.C. oversight simple. Who would notice in country A if someone’s relative in country B has a trading account that made a profit from a dark pool temporal short selling of holdings in country C if the poor country’s global trading integrity surveillers have insufficient Supercomputers and analysts to monitor millions of trades and account transactions every day that might concern their own judiciary through foreign relatives?

Shell, BP and Exxon might be more accountable for damages to a national or world environment before an international court for environmental crimes against individuals, nations and humanity. The Special Environmental Court should not be at The Hague or Rotterdam where Shell may think it would get special treatment. Zurich Switzerland might be a good place to try environmental crimes by world corporate environmental perps-for it may survive the desertification growing like a dark cloud of doom over much of the Earth in the hot decades ahead produced by burning fossil fuel and keeping cattle, sheep and swine for food products.

Oil gives up 1,822.0 pounds of carbon dioxide per Mwhr of energy it produces. There are numerous far less dangerous to world temperature heating increase resources available.

The world’s atmosphere already is far over stressed with carbon dioxide, the oceans ability to absorb and sequester it nearly used up, and there isn’t even a very high progressive tax on drilling offshore- as there should be- to discourage it-since it is an environmentally high risk region especially for the Arctic.

Of course the only reason for the activity is for cash profit-no rational soul would offer the opinion that establishing oil wells and offshore drilling islands, burning more fuel and emitting more greenhouse gases in the high Arctic would is good for the ecosphere of the Earth.

In as little as 15 years there may be no summer polar ice cap; sea level may continue to increase, acidification of the world’s oceans probably will increase and make much of the oceans about void of life. Holland may find its dikes overcome by rising sea level and hurricane surges drowning their country.

The environmental effects of burning so much oil on global heating may be irreversible and the world temperature may rise 9 degrees and stay there by the year 2100 according to some scientists.


''The Vanishing Face of Gaia'...comments

James Lovelock’s ‘Final Warning’ published in 2009 is a reminder of the high level theory of life on Earth regulating climate to maximize life. I suppose life acts on climate as a kind of bell curve of moderation interacting with geochemical processes at it base to bring temperature to the optimal range for growth.

Dr. Lovelock is a respected biotheorist who for decades has regarded the world biosphere as a complete monism in-itself while traditional bioevolutionist researchers have considered mostly the individual bio-elements as organisms. Dr. Lovelock’s approach regards the earth biosphere as a living body while the traditionalists see no body but only a concatenation of cells.

Dr. Lovelock foresees a drastic reduction of the biosphere ahead in response to human insults to its health. That will pose grave challenges for human survival. Humans are perhaps supposed to be the proximal conscious brain-thought unit of Gaia, yet it seems politically to be getting dumber and dumber with existential moral relativism and free market libertarianism creating an ethos of yippee idiocy.

The biological theorist Richard Dawkins was an early, existential, meaningless critic of the Gaia theory along parameters of phenotype properties. Dr. Dawkins role actualizes as field marshal of the atheist ideological offensive in the transfinite battle front of biologists against God. Select bio-evolutionists enjoy twitting the intelligent design crowd who they seem to believe encapsulate the essence of Christian theology-in error. Value critics of the intelligence or design of the Universe are phenomenal for-themselves. An infinite recursion of varieties of possible universes would comprise an inadequate basis for comparing their implicit, individual designer’s intelligence. If all universes are actualized which ones would be dumb ones and which are the smart? What meta-universal gradation would exist to give an ‘A’ or an ‘F’ to any specific universe? The value of universes actualized if graded may be assigned variables and constant on the curve of general relativity’s temporal, corresponding solid state actualizations from the field of quantum uncertainty. The Daisyworld model of life’s interactive role moderating atmospheric temperature seems worth a prize or two. At any rate, designs, like questions, are for those that are not omniscient and omnipotent. God is.

Human experience and reason are inadequate for apprehending the concept of an infinite being of infinite goodness for some, therefore no such being could exist in those communication string thought formations of finite null set subset biological phenomenality the narrative goes. The Gaia hypothesis must seems like an ideological threat to atheist theorists for being something of a metaphor of the relation of God to all possible universes. Theorists might speculate that God plugs in values of physical constants and variables in universes to make them able to evolve life eventually-why not one might ask? The topic has little possible relevance to the function of the Gaia hypothesis. Biological atheism as an unintelligent, discrete phenomenality has nothing to fear from the Earth’s transcending regulatory role with life of moderating atmospheric temperature to benefit itself. The Gaia hypothesis does note require acceptance of G.W.F. Hegel’s phenomenology of the spirit evolving itself and consciousness through biological processes. Dr. Dawkins warred on Gaia as well as God instead of making intelligent designs to green the moon and Mars by 2070.

It is possible to see that life at many levels interacts with elements and minerals of earth sea and sky in a natural equilibrium rather than as an anisotropic dependency. The Gaia theory is simple, a work of genius and seems useful for basic, intuitive comprehension of life as a self-bailing cockpit as it were making its own healthy living conditions from the basic exophysical inputs available.

Today the concept that the whole may be greater than the phenomenon of the individual parts is an accepted system analytical premise. Pluralism may be simultaneously founded within monism. Evo-biologists have found evolutionary vectors of life synergizing the promulgation of more life of different forms, the intuition that all of life itself may be a regulator of climate temperature adapting the world’s atmospheric temperatures range eccentricities from straying outside optimal life atmospheric comfort zone changes such as are caused by volcanism and increasing solar output back to a range optimal for life seems quite elegant.

Mankind unfortunately attacks life on Earth as the basic optimal predator or super-moderator of the ecosphere. With mankind’s best-on-the-planet number of high speed neuron connections-10 to the 77th power it should be possible for human beings to maintain a viable ecosphere and themselves in a comfortable life simultaneously, yet it isn’t so.

I have enjoyed reading Mr. Lovelock’s no frills explanations of his scientific theory. It has made ten testable predictions that have generally been confirmed. He is skeptical about the prospects for the prospects for the environmental movement to turn back the damage it has inflicted upon Gaia.

I will thus provide my own objective theoretical parameters that might serve to recover some of the health of Gaia even though it is politically impossible and certainly not the best possible way to organize human society-that would be entirely voluntary on founded in smarter and more conscientious people generally.

Dr. Lovelock writes of nuclear power as the best practical way to reduce carbon production for sustainable energy. The problem with nuclear power is that when it fails it is catastrophic. When population pressures push up world population to 9 billion by 2050 and as human demographics sprawl to destroy healthy wild areas wars, plagues, designer virus death and even accidents may bring cataclysmic destruction of some or all nuclear plants. It is much better to become geniuses at new ways of staying warm and cool, of new and healthy ways to produce food for all in minimal area-perhaps growing food in zero g or on the moon and sending it down to Earth, or creating better artificial indoor growing areas and space utility. The difficulty- probably one that can’t be overcome, is getting people to voluntarily accept basic culture revisions or upgrades to a modern land and resource use criteria and letting most of the Earth go fallow for a thousand years.

Humanity ought to devote itself to making the most possible efficient productive efforts of invention and quality living while maintaining the dignity and freedom of all for all people. The liberty of the human spirit that Jesus Christ brought to the people of the Earth needs to be reinforced by human actions in the well being of everyone and of life itself. That would require a new renaissance, a new age of humanism and that within a spiritual recognition of the infinite extent of the Universe and of potential universes and all that encompassed within the infinite mind of God. That all is a tall order.

Some practical yet impossible to politically implement possibilities-simply move all human living environment away from all coasts and use just a third of the land it does today on continents for living. Allow no ocean shipping or commercial harvests of seafood. Let no pollutants be added to any area or water supply reaching the oceans.

With a new zoning and land use principal of zero loss of biota it might be possible to support a little more geographic distribution of human population while still letting a minimum of 50% of land area of the Earth rewild.

It seems that biodiversity may be necessary for Gaia’s health. Otherwise the collapse of the web of life and its processing abilities may make Gaia run hot. A hotter atmosphere with far reduced life may have no people on it either allowing Gaia to recover and slowly expand its planetary coverage and optimalization of temperature for the benefit of life.

If two-thirds of the Earth is rewilded and species evolution allowed to continue directly letting Gaia (not a conscious being itself or demi-urge/just a useful concept term) moderate the climate, and if the asphalt heat absorbing roads are removed, if new high quality, super-insulated, low energy human dwellings are made for all, if population growth is just one kid per family and if universal health care for the poor and a guaranteed minimum income exists for all, if free enterprise is forced to exist within the boundaries of human use of Gaia-sharing the planet as it were with the monistic climate regulation of life, humanity may have a chance to build a moon base a peace at a time and eventually elsewhere too improving quality of life on Earth and in space with the most efficient practical use of resources, and in creating rather than destroying life.

Fundamentally creating life rather than destroying it may be the greatest challenge for humanity on Earth. To create life rather than destroy it is in contradiction to our social history of destroying life, displacing life, killing other human beings and so forth. Millions of pollutants, complex chemical compounds and insults to thermal and biochemical continua are the normal products of a society given over to the production of comfort rather than of health for itself. Humanity thus poisons itself in a variety of ways every day failing to value life in its own engineering principles well enough.

It might be fun to continue writing this way along in the platu nicto barata school of useful gortisms. With the Hatfields and McCoys in Congress over the debt ceiling recently one can imagine that hillbilly feuding would be humanity’s may concern even if their days were numbered. As a Christian I believe humans still have a responsibility to be as bright and effective at stopping the killing of Gaia as they can. They must be more than funky monkeys mobile with spray deodorant and personal digital assistants. Maybe they can’t though, and perhaps the two basic alternatives of rule by the corrupt rich or by a dictatorship of the mediocre won’t work. Well then, writing dystopian science fiction might be the third alternative while turning down the temperature on the thermostat.

Even in Alaska the changes to natural thermal balances are created anew by politicians annually. Our Governor has funded a study to build a large hydroelectric dam on the Susitna River. If it is ever built the water in the reservoir will be heated up under the summer sun and then add warm water to the river and to Cook Inlet. Just another small change foe Gaia to adjust to along with auto exhaust, new roads, high arctic machines, oil drilling and spilling, coal mining, urban areas absorbing and emitting heat, loss of forest cover, loss of arctic sea ice and heating of Beaufort Sea waters, killing of land and sea life that are part of the naturally balancing Earth ecosphere. It just hasn’t got the ability to naturally balance and moderate the temperature changes that are harmful to the propagation of life. Maybe lots of jobs could be made fixing the problems accumulated through the historical dumb war upon Gaia.


Brain Size & Global Warming

An article on brain size in animals and the correlation to intelligence is good reading in the July 2011 issue of Scientific American. Douglas Fox describes a relationship between the number and size of neurons in a brain as well as the axions or connecting wires between neurons. There seems to be a maximum size of brains and intelligence efficiency. Making a brain bigger creates problems in scaling its size up-it won’t necessarily function as well.

The processing speed makes the difference. With more wiring less space exists for neurons-what a problem! It’s like the problem of increasing the size of axions and neurons with greater spacing slowing down processing time. Dr. Fox may be skeptical about the prospects for evolving a better human brain yet I am not. It won’t be necessary to burn heavy, heavy fuel to make the brain run cool either.

Human intelligence of course has to design something intelligently and evolve the brain along to increased efficiency someday if it wants to accomplish that. The human brain and body exist within a complete, complex of physical compresence with all kinds of extra things that work sometimes and others not. It has the potential for adaptation in 4 dimensions.\
One might discover a way to interface quantum computing within individual brains some day being careful to screen out data overload. Ten to the 77th power neuron connections could be filled up right quick with quantum calculations and suitable infinities.

Brain engineers might want to make model brains (they probably already are) and experiment with increasing the efficiency of existing brains-its not like a space shuttle that needs to be junked and cannot be improved or upgraded at all; the human brain won’t belong in a spaced museum anytime soon.

It may be possible to introduce faster infrabrain communications circuits in addition to adding different molecules at various locations to enhance processing speed. Obviously potential changes should not be made to an entire species, but compartmentalized because of the risk inherent within any unitary architecture.

If the human brain gets smart enough it may be able to slow down global warming. Another article in the same issue-one by Lee Kump-describes the last significant global warming era on earth (56 million years ago). Today’s global warming input is far worse, and has much greater potential for the end of human llife on earth. Well, that may not matter much to those with good SUV’s and beachfront property on the Arctic Oceaan, yet to those that don’t want warmer oceans to release the methane hydrates on the seafloor, or that don’t want carbonic acid flavoring of their fish the release of 25 petagrams of carbon each year now compared to the 1.7 petagrams per year that got the last global warming, mass extinction era rolling is discomfiting.

Large brains adapted to quantifying the stock market may help the invisible hand of random selective adaptation to solve the problem after all the permafrost has melted and burned or been eaten by carbon burping microbes.

Necessity of Ecological Economics

Ecological economics has qualitative rather than quantitative growth. Actually I believe dead reckoning competence by political economists i...