
Scene 4: Inventing Content for the Hyperbook

 The scene in which a science fiction author designs content for a new book might occur with the traditional paper book morphing into a book with pages that collect photons for recharging, has transparent and flexible blank pages that display content uploaded from implicit storage. The book pages would be as programmable as any video display screen. The reader would buy just a book or two of different sizes per decade and binding might store thousands of titles to fill out the pages as desired.

The programmable book would have the traditional ambiance and full size, lasting display qualities of hard and soft cover paper books without wasting forests. Adobe PDF format ebooks could be a model for content that would fill out pages with traditional pagination (numbers, font, size, paragraphing, illustrations, photos, etc.

In the hyper-book one would never make the error of judging a book by its cover since one would choose the cover for-oneself. The cover would be as programmable as the content of the book. The science fiction writer would liberty for different concerns such as how to represent quantum indeterminacy in three or more dimensions on two-dimensional pages.


E.S.A. Image of Glacial Action in Martian Past

The European Space Agency's Mars Express orbiter is returning some good pictures of Mars. The image below is a computer enhanced synthesis designed to show perspective of mountains and a volcano that were scoured by glaciers in the remote past. I have posted a photo of an Alaska glacier below for comparison.
Computer enhanced image credit - ESA/DLR/FU Berlin (G. Neukum)

Mendenhall Glacier


Hot Air of Obamanomics Attempts Inflation of Bush II Policy Balloon

 President Obama has continued George W. Bush's economic policy since 9-11 of tax cuts and deficit spending to pump prime the economy. Reliance upon kindling to start a fire can be expensive when there is nothing to burn besides because the wood wasn't chopped. The U.S. economy may have a hard time catching fire with so many drafts, constraints and dangers to the environment and its resources from that internal engine of combustion.

President Bill Clinton's intelligence failures led to the sacking of Glass-Steagle and the rise of Moslem terrorist threats to the U.S. and eventually 9-11. President Obama continued that failure with his present foreign intelligence team in Benghazzi and depleted the intellectual capital inherited from the Bush II years that developed the capture of Osama Bin Laden and wrapping up of the Iraq troop deployment.

It is President Obama's continuation of G.W. Bush's economic policy of tax cuts and deficit spending that is the major threat to U.S. economic stability ahead. Perhaps there will be a natural readjusting downward economic collapse ever decade or two cycling the deficit spending based economy.

With the immediate economic slump in the U.S. following the twin attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon the two wars against Iraq and Afghanistan stimulated the U.S economic without being paid for with increased taxes. Like Obama deficit spending the wars were economic stimuli added to the U.S. public debt. President Bush did not know of the flimsy Clinton era reforms of banking and home mortgages well enough to anticipate better than most Wall Street forecasters that the U.S. economy could not survive the economic stress of two wars or tax increases. President Bush cut taxes to stimulate economic growth and in December 2010 President Obama was the head cheerleader for renewing the Bush II tax cuts for the remainder of his administration.

With twelve years of deficit spending to stimulate and economic that transitioned from bloated no-competition defense contractor outlays to quantitative easing (printing dollars to buy U.S. bonds) with trillion dollars annual federal budget deficit the U.S. economy cannot even keep pace with population growth in job creation or environmental inspiration. The hot air of deficit financed growth paying down trillion dollar annual federal budget deficits is a failure to recognize the continuity of an economy misfiring since 9-11 that needs fundamental reform and a different economic approach.

I would like to point out that the United States could be a leading example in showing how democracy and team enterprise can lift all citizens out of poverty rather than circling the wagons around a declining middle class attacked on all sides by their own lack of political intelligence. A real perpetual democratic revolution in the U.S.A. would renormalize from the growth of large stable and ad hoc elitist organizational hegemony to one of individualistic enterprise and legal egalitarianism. The United States should assure that no citizen lacks the basic food, transport, shelter and minimum cash income needed to get the citizen out of circumstantial economic whirlpools of oppression that cannot be escaped.

The pursuit of enlightened self-interest and the concurrent pursuit of happiness require that individuals have the actual opportunity to do so. A modern democracy should limit the size of corporations and the number of corporations an individual can invest in to let government and political expression per citizen be more meaningful. The broadcast media should be reallocated to individual citizen podcast slices. If the media at the time of the revolution were owned by just the rich it is probable that less support for the revolution would have developed.

For democracy to mature as a political form it must trust its own citizens enough to not feel a need to repress them in place trough economic oppression. For many modern intellectual enterprises economic stability is required even for basic ventures such as writing computer programming or other intellectual capital development investments of time. If an author must go without electricity and live in the stone age of a yurt annually his or her productivity will decline-and that's simply socially extravagant profligacy.

If the United States cannot mature in governance to reform democracy such that it really works for all citizens (and secure no-immigration borders are requisite of rationing governance) it isn't likely that any nation shall. The citizens need to be encouraged to be active, healthy and intelligent all of their lifetime. They should be able to be reactive to environmental challenges and arrest the decline of life on Earth. U.S. citizens should also have the intellect to create better lifestyles and dwellings without displacing the ecosphere in which human life coheres. If the United States cannot run a balanced budget and improve the lives of their citizens from the bottom up then who can?

The down side of being a nation of immigrants is that they can be fair seas sailing opportunists steeped in avarice that flee from significant changes and challenges that require if not sacrifice at least diversion from unreasoned consumerism. If the economy and environment are in decline in then U.S.A. well heck, why not just invest over the border?


One Theory About Too Much Government

There have been many theories about too much government being the problem for American economic health. Sometimes that is so, sometimes it isn't. The neo-narco state of Mexico has too little governing law enforcement in some respects, while a Soviet style state of insider party apparatchicks can be too much obviously. It is not only the quantity of government that is an issue, it is also a matter of government quality and orientation.

Petro-state governments have a cadre of insiders with cynched earnings from oil sales. The width of the dispersion of wealth may be decisive on the economic opportunities of the masses.
Government jobs in a variety of forms may be broadly available to many purchasing in effect social compliance and legions of followers with no interest in getting their head from under the hood of the machine especially if the resources are high and population low, and especially if there are opportunities for global corporations to outsource much of the natural wealth as the locals have been paid off. The insiders need to limit competetive private sector developments to maintain their power structure and a happy camp develops including payments to educational facilities and revenue sharing to municipalities. That social structure is intolerant of actual competitive economic development.
Some may regard the development of oil and gas resources in the U.S.A. recently through fracking as a movement toward pertro-statehood and the alternative economic development retardation that follows. A nation of oil followers burning fossil fuels moving toward 500 p.p.m. of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere globally seems a phenomenal trend. Instead of intelligent political leadership the nation since Bill Clinton has moved toward corporate statehood-even the Premeir of Communicst China's family has taken billions of dollars in lifestyle enhancement evidently as the urge to surge toward resource consumption and pure material production without intelligent limits has corrupted many social ecosystems.
Too much government can occur without a petro-state though. Simply building up state unions and bureaucrats with too large of numbers can require that very little social changes besides enhancing union benefits occur. The primary goals for ad hoc bureaucratic socialism arr to redistribute wealth from the corporate world to government workers, dependents and contractor friends. Too much redistribution can be a daylight vampire predation upon the corpororate herd of course bring low economic growth and high unemployment as anemia is pervasive.
We know though that government is an ad hoc networking in several respects these days. Bill Clinton's termination of Glass-Steagle let the People's Liberation Army buy in to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac so many Americans can pay rent to the Red Army for being such nice landlords indirectly. They were tolerant of all the mortgage defaults and have stayed with the Federal Government through these hard times.
Too large of corporate size in wealth and employees works against competition and free enterprise. Social organization from communist parties to corporations let social collectives become intimidatingly powerful over the rest of the unaffiliated citizenry. The solution isn't to end corporations and take away their status legally as individuals since some social corporate structures are necessary for larger and complex economic projects to exist. The right direction to take, and one that is unliked by government or corporate sectors would be too limit the size of any corporation to 3000 employees and the number of corporations that anyone could invest in to three. If large development structures are needed it would be possible for temporary corporate relationships to develop to produce faster than light widgets or whatever.
To restore competition and to prevent the large organizational inertia that resists economic changes because of vested interest and cynched lifestyle mass social organizations of a private nature in business should be limited in size. Government without being wrapped up in spirals of interaction with too large size businesses might be able to downsize itself and perhaps, one day become responsive to real environmental and demographic challenges the nation and world face while yet searching for general social justice and equal protection of the law. Petro-states tend to function like soft authoritarian states where the rule of law is second in value to keeping class interests dominant over the state.

Language Exchanges Increase Membership

It seems like a good idea-going online to converse with someone in a language you are learning. At the University of Alaska S-E. a group of students traveled to Cuba to learn some Spanish recently-it would have been less costly and air polluting to just go online and talk with people directly. The exchange below has a million members.
There may be improvements in the software that will make casual conversation work as effectively as playing chess at chess.com with selections of language level and number of minutes to converse face-to-face with various topic choices. If I need to learn a language to communicate with those with vast social distance in government or media I may consider using 'the language exchange'.

President Obama's Council of Export's Policy-Outsource Jobs to Mexico!

President Obama's Council of Exports Chairman- a Boeing Executive from Chicago, has urged suppliers to outsource jobs and production to Mexico. Boeing is holding an outsourcing strategy session in Chicago November 15, 2012.


Fried Planets at N.A.S.A. Sciencecasts (YouTube)

N.A.S.A. Sciencecasts at YouTube have presented a new video on planets fried by their star's expansion in the red giant phase. Its quite good.
Since the discovery (very probable) of the Higgs particle confirming the existence of the Higgs Field it does make one wonder if gravity is simply a change of charge (flip flop) of local areas of the Higgs Field from positive (space expands) to negative (space-time contracts) in the presence of mass or energy.
Stars such as white dwarfs and neutron stars approach the quantity of mass that creates a black hole (formerly known as a Mitchell dark star) have enough quantum degeneracy pressure to resist the complete inward collapse of mass in gravity. Space-time is quite warped by such mass density. Stars like the sun that expand into a red giant phase in a few billion years through the process of burning up their hydrogen then helium and so forth fuel singe planets in orbit nearby.


Possible Complications in The Syrian Civil War

The tragic Syrian Civil War that developed as a result of Arab Spring momentum has so far cost more than 30,000 lives and has edged toward expanded conflict in Lebanon. Early on President Obama repeatedly called for President Assad to give up leadership of his  nation and that perhaps stimulated the organization and support for the rebellion that is largely sectarian. The end of the tunnel does not seem to be in sight yet we may anticipate a couple of additional scenarios that could develop.

If with the support of 'The Friends of Syria' and copious donations of money and material for the rebels from a few nations as well as transient terrorists visiting from several fundamentalist Moslem jihadist movements around the region the Assad-Alawite Government of Syria begins to falter, there could be international support arriving from the substantial military capacity of Hezbollah of Lebanon and Iran.
A Hezbollah intervention in the Syrian conflict would not occur before the Assad was on the ropes because of the damage to the prestige of the Assad Government that was for decades a supporter of Hezbollah of The Lebanon. In the Israel-Hezbollah conflict the Shiite irregulars demonstrated significant capability that would surpass that of the present anti-Assad rebels in Syria.
The potential for a Shia-Sunni proxy conflict in Syria does exist, as power abhors a vacuum and taking over Syria would be desirable for several Moslem elements and variants of Shiism. It is difficult to say where Israel would fit in all that-perhaps Israel would need to occupy Syria at the worst of the civil conflict in order to make a protectorate of it until the U.N. can find some way of fairly apportioning the property to individual deserving citizens. As unlikely as this last scenario is, it is probable that a simple transition to a post-Assad Government isn't inevitable.

Hecklers Attack President for Rape and Murder of Ambassador to Wazzoostan

 Hecklers interrupted a Presidential fundraiser for failing to rescue the Ambassador to Wazzoostan from a Lawrence of Arabia special before being killed last month. The administration viewed the developing events from a Predator drone for seven hours and confirmed there was nothing they could do to help.

 Critics say that seven hours was enough time for rescuers from the Elta Force to put their boots on, pack a lunch and rush to Wazzoostan aboard American-built Osprey troop aircraft to bring cookies and milk to the terrorists in exchange for the Ambassador's release. The administration said a sacrilegious educational video desecrating the role model of the Rebel Organizer For Liberation of Butch Power made in the States of Debt required human sacrifice to Moloch and further, the Ambassador to Wazzoostan was that sacrifice.
Administration supporters point out that in this election year confusion develops while in the fog of war about what really happened the last few weeks neither confirming or denying that it did exist. They also said that Ambassadors being raped and murdered are nothing to be concerned before an election. Even the perfect may let security lapses happen


Anomolous Monism and Quantum Neurophysics

I thought I would write a comment on an entry in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy on Anomolous Monism. Its an interesting theory uniting psychological tokenism and physical causality within a monist paradigm without requiring a direct physical cause of mental events (i.e. ideas). perhaps I didn't express that very well. Here is the url for the entry...
The absence of discussion about quantum mechanics and its role in comprising the neural network of the brain, its synapses and chemical memory and thought processing is notable. A a deeper level of discussion I suppose that some philosophers look in to that sort of thing.
It is interesting that the brain and its memory seems to work a little like a computer memory keeps its impressions and ideas on various subjects until they are updated or changed by new data. Not simply facts about things but ideas about facts about things tend to remain as they are until new information arrives-what else could one do with data if there isn't anything to replace it (write science fiction?)
The brain like everything else seems to be made of particle-waves in various atomic clusters of molecules-and all that based in force quanta in orbital, string,  loop or membrane increments permitted by force protocol. Each bit of quantum force seems as if it has mass in its energy equivalence. By the time force-energy-mass is ossified in stable structure cohering like knots in a string made in a Higgs Field it is named by some 'physical'. Mental and physical events  are made of the same particle-wave foundation in different structures, so it is there that one gets to the monism of anomolous monism I suppose-though the language is of a different protocol level of description.
Spirit is a more mysterious thing. It make be regarded as donated by God to human beings because they are conscious yet it is easy to find like Spinoza a kind of pantheism in monism.  That's simply a simpler, earlier philosophical understanding of matters though.
While God may be the ultimate spirit that provides energy and mass to occur in Universal deterministic temporality., that is the force energy may arise from His will and so in a deep level everything is of God, there is a difference between God and emergent phenomena in the same way that a photon is an emergent phenomenality of an electro-magnetic field and human beings are an emergent phenomenon of a different and more complex series of fields. Though the D.N.A. of a plethora of biologically living beings shares many common bases it is the subtle difference and structures that enable one to say convincingly that a seal is not an turtle or a crab a sparrow. One may have a finite group of numbers yet the organization of the numbers may not be the same say in 1 through 10. These differences are phenomenally meaningful though they are just temporal and emergent characteristics of deeper, transcending events, processes and forces.

Necessity of Ecological Economics

Ecological economics has qualitative rather than quantitative growth. Actually I believe dead reckoning competence by political economists i...