
On Synthetic Ethics

 I thought I would write something about ethical systems and the way one might combine four or five different ethical systems to aggregate a useful way of viewing the social world. I happened upon ethics while reviewing my contemporary philosophical fields of interest.

After reading classical Eastern and Western philosophy from Socrates, Sakyamuni and Confucius through to 20th century philosophers like Sartre, Wittgenstein, Russell, Husserl, Heidegger etc., I realized after reading Hegel and formal logical systems such as Quine, Strawson and Kripke described, along with epistemology, empiricism and French rationalism that much of philosophy is comprised of reasoning tools and methods for viewing the experience of life. Venerable philosophical explanations of or accounts of the Universe such as Hegel and even Marx and Pierre Telhard D’jardin provided seemed continuations of the way pre-Socratic philosophers such as Thales, Anaximenes, Parmenides and Heraclitus viewed the Universe. Modern physical cosmology continues along those lines of examining all of the Universe of experience, how and why it exists.

Philosophical cosmology differs somewhat from physical cosmology somewhat. It isn’t so technically rigorous and may consider massive quantitative relations between elements and structures theoretically. One may also involve God as part of those reflections if one is theologically inclined.

There is another field of philosophical interest- that of classical wisdom concerning experience, aging and meaning of life and death that may at least provide meat for writing verse on those topics. One thus has ethics, cosmology, wisdom and formal logic as of live philosophical interest, resting on the background of readings in Western and Eastern philosophy in the past. When philosophy is a support for reasoning rather than a provider of ultimate answers it welcomes theological speculation and respect for God and Jesus Christ.

Christian ethics are part of the synthetic ethical aggregation I mentioned. The others are classical ethics aka aretaic ethics, pragmatism and act and rule based utilitarianism. Yet utilitarianism rather than being a how to system for objectively quantifying and impersonalizing particular social relations might be better used as a mechanics with variables for good and bad effects in addition to objectives as variables too (such as greatest good for the greatest number one might use the greatest bad for the greatest number). One might also consider with Socrates the matter of what the good is in-itself.

Utilitarian as a way for abstract equations for addressing mass social quantification can be a useful tool within a synthetic ethical approach, yet a purely objective ethical system that need be completely impersonal runes the real risk of being unethical and inhuman. The ten commandments to love God first, and to love one’s neighbor as oneself are required elements in beginning a human ethical system to filter the inhuman element out of various utilitarian forms. Perhaps ethical synthesis is comparable to sailing and dead reckoning navigation points with pragmatism required in order not to miss the mark.

Most individuals haven’t much occasion to apply utilitarian criteria on a large scale. Plainly one might assume that politicians could possibly have occasion to use neo-utilitarian mechanics, though for a large number without either the ethics of virtue or Christian ethics as elements. Perhaps many feel that politicians have poor ethics and simply make decisions on what would bring them votes for election victories.

Perhaps ethical values are sublimated over time after research and help individuals better evaluate conduct of mass social behavior.

Secret Biden-Harris Plan? N.A.T.O. Invades Russia via Ukraine Sock Puppets

 The Armed Forces of Ukraine invaded Russia last week advancing several miles north and west with special force and F.P.V. drones to attack and destroy numerous Russian military vehicles while killing or capturing personnel. The action must have been disclosed before the attack to President Biden and Kamala Harris and of course their N.A.T.O. partners in war on Russia. The secret plan to invade Russia presented brilliant plausible deniability for the United States and N.A.T.O. Evidently the attack was waiting for N.A.T.O. F-16s to arrive in Ukraine to get advanced war rolling. The F-16s reportedly fly combat missions in Ukraine on Russian targets from bases in Romania-a N.A.T.O. country. If that is true the fiction that N.A.T.O. is not at war on Russia will be losing credibility especially as it coincides with the new invasion of Russian.

A danger of weak incompetent U.S. Presidential leadership is that the administration becomes a sort of tag-a-long of corrupt foreign gangs in Ukraine and N.A.T.O. The decision to invade Russia was a Gulf of Tonkin Resolution moment; seeming to declare that from now on N.A.T.O. can at any moment attack anywhere in Russia including Moscow when it deems it expedient The U.S.A. will just supply weapons, cash, logistics and intelligence support for now in addition to some military personnel helping out here and there. Foreign governments can and will exploit stupid U.S. leadership.

I have no confidence in Vice President Harris’ military strategy skills nor knowledge of world history. Probably if she were elected in November she would believe whatever the hidden advisers have told the president and herself so far in regard to the war. Unelected President Zelinsky and N.A.T.O. leadership assuredly had no respect for the administration when it invaded and kept them in the dark risking further nuclear war brinkmanship with the U.S.A. as a primary target of the wrath of Russia. The Harris-Waltz team may believe it can walk on water half of the year, yet for the rest of the year it would be bobble-the headed yes-persons agreeing with the sweet nothings justifying war on Russia from Ukraine and N.A.T.O.

The attack in Russia’s Kursk and Sumi area was symbolically bad; the largest tank battle in history happened their during World War Two between N.A.Z.I. and Russian forces. It’s a good place to get the third world war started, although most likely Russian will end Ukraine forces combat capability that don’t retreat within a week or two. Saturating the area with F.P.V. drones Russians will cut off Ukrainians even from retreat and isolate the Ukrainians in a kill zone.

Maybe the attack was purposed in part to draw in more Biden-Harris support for the war, if it wasn’t their idea for the invasion of Russia, farther into the rabbit hole toward nuclear conflict before the November election. The Myrny diamond pipes and unfracked Russian oil fields may be greatly attractive to N.A.T.O. leaders.

Plausible deniability is important to top Democrat working Ukraine’s armed forces like a sock puppet to expand Western European hegemony eastward toward the meat of vast natural resources in Russia. Ukraine was saturated with hundreds of billions of dollars of advanced weapons systems to attack Russian with. For the west, Ukraine is a primary tool for laundering taxpayer money, supplying the world with body parts for organ transplants and supplying weapons to guerrilla and terrorist movements in African nations. Democrat party methods of creating a continuum of attack on those regarded as dissidents to Democrat Party political agenda with money guns and lawyers may encounter a ripple on their tranquil sea of political empowerment though.

With the advance of drones and A.I. into the battlefields of Ukraine and Russia because of full U.S. and N.A.T.O. funding the potential exists for development of A.I. piloted drones on-board, and of hackers taking control of drones. Without humans attached to control weapons platforms and other military equipment blitz attacks and wars may start without anyone knowing who the warring device controllers are. That might be a problem for Democrats and N.A.T.O.

While the war continues weapons development and innovations accompanies the conflict. Given a few more years of advancing weapons tech civilian life globally may experience a sharp downturn in its prospects for a peaceful life. Like the slow build of the Vietnam war the Ukraine was too is experiencing a slow build toward what will likely be a dissatisfactory conclusion. While peace and restoration of normal diplomatic relations is the best possible outcome, with Democrat and N.A.T.O. leaders as they presently are a more likely outcome is for a settlement somewhat resembling the Korean War conflict followed by protracted Cold War and enmity between N.A.T.O., the Democrat Party, Russia and China.

The Biden-Harris administration have placed restoration of Union power and numbers at the center of their economic plans. Labor Unions in the 1970s were at their summit of success before the collapse of Detroit’s auto industry and a cascade of losses that followed. When the Cold War ended after the work of the Reagan-Bush administrative efforts the United States and other N.A.T.O. countries experienced a flood of cheap labor competition from the entire world that was moving toward a level labor field. It is possible that a Union labor planner like Joe Biden or Pamela Harris is to restore the labor ecosystem of the 1970s when Chinese factories produced nothing at all for Wal-mart. Labor protectionism using a new Cold War and sanctions to eliminate foreign labor competition would not be effective at raising Union numbers and wages in the U.S.A. Other areas like India for instance are increasingly productive and willing to be factories for U.S. consumers. A.I. and robotics may also be regarded as new 24-7 rivals to U.S. labor unions.


Submarine Hosts for Nuclear Drone Swarms

 One of the down sides of the protracted Ukrainian war prompted by continuing military and financial support from the Democrat party is the necessary development of drones by both sides to supplement conventional forces. It would be better to be on friendly terms with Russia rather than insisting upon adverse relations.

Probably an inevitable upgrade to naval drone warfare will be submarine drones with conventional engines that don’t need to surface for air. They would host swarms of smaller drones and long range torpedoes able to carry suitcase nukes for attacking U.S. coastal cities.

Developing drones made to refuel drones near the ocean floor and counter-submarine drone war will take the lethality of war to a new level that won’t require ICBMs for littoral attack.

Before Joe Biden’s war in Ukraine upon Russia cruise missiles, Shkval super-cavitating torpedoes and ICBMs were the primary vectors for nuclear attack on the United States, thanks to making Russia a lasting adversary there are potentially thousands of hard to detect drones over or in land sea and air to add to that list. Kamala Harris has expressed her desire to be a war mongering, field fracking aborter of the unborn leader Walzing to war for more years.

A Philosophical-Economic and Cosmological Post (with video)

The text of what I read in the video from 'A Thought of Infinite Being...

“Those are troubling histories Sapere Aude, yet consider that atheism and avarice are normal elite characteristics, even if it is avarice and lust for power and control of everyone. They may emulate the sadist’s pleasure of controlling the interior of others- the thoughts and minds of sentient beings - in order to support their self-conception as ontological gods.

I don’t know if you have given it much thought; but there are an infinite number of possible economic configurations for a world, a galaxy or economy locally; humans tend to select those that are less than optimal.

People myopically hate egalitarian allocations of opportunity and fail to comprehend the advantages of team effort. Instead they chase individual maximization of potential profit in too narrow of self-interest paradigms. That lets the planks of the economic ship rot if it doesn’t immediately threaten their own portion of it. The masses select politics as if they were entertaining soap operas administered by elites. That is deleterious to ecospheric health.

Lacking economic egalitarianism, imperial elites gravitate toward an existential policy of eliminativism. Each regards himself as a golden island sufficient unto himself. Social and physical reality are regarded as poor existential externalities of no concern when not threatening. The environment can burn and the majority of people become poor and that isn’t worth a damn moment of concern to them.

Prioritizing elimination of impediments to personal consolidation of power is a mainstream trait of confluence for political philosophies selected by those elites evolving an absolute concentration of wealth and moral values culminating in the rule of one individual over all. They advance pyramid schemes growing a modern Leviathan.

Humans are their own monkey wrenches to the ecosphere. As they develop comfort, power, intelligence and technology the ecosphere and social environment decay. Eventually elites wrench social development and concentrate power nearly entirely to themselves, sometimes developing their own false consciousness concepts; they believe they are benefactors of humanity and societies by enslaving them.

The work of the Dwindled Worlds is to offset that historical bias and support works sustaining reinforcement of individualism, free enterprise and freedom of religious thought in addition to philosophical and theological poetic license.

We believe the Universe has an infinite number of independent sub-universes arising through eternal inflation or at the least appearing to be so if, perchance, the entire affair is just a Bishop Berkeley style of ideaism in which we as spirits without bodies simply experience a reality presented by an omniscient being. Nothing is eternal though; time occurs within material change, temporally. Even if creation goes on forever, time is a relationship between events, an order or ordinal relationship especially concerning subject substances inclusive of space as energy, rather than space as true nothingness.

Space may be an unknown field of energy stretching thin as it expands with vast gaps between constituent virtual particles. That theoretical field is comparable to the Higgs field that may be embedded within the meta-field in the way the strong and electro-weak force act upon gluons, quarks and atoms respectively Thermodynamics envelop the cosmos. Material compositions require particular predecessors. Time comes to an end yet may have a forever recurring beginning, if that is what the Spirit of God willed or wills. I use that term with a little ambiguity because for an omnipresent God the past, present and future may occur in an eternal now. So it is challenging to say that God did something in the past, when the past is always one with the present of the omnipresent being. Instead it is possible to refer to the past in the present tense for Him.

I know that the Old Testament of the Bible does use past tense in having God communicate in places. That may be a convention since humans do experience temporal exstasis of past, present and future. Even so it is not improbable that God as an eternal omniscient and omnipresent being is subject to time as well; the ancient of days probably does not age. Time would be subject to His will and somewhat objective to him comparable perhaps to the way ancient snow globes discovered by exoarcheologists could be held in a human hand to regard.

Wrong ideas of elites repressing human free enterprise and thought may have consequences for religious ideas concerning spiritual awareness and truth. It’s probable that the entire Universe with its infinite branches is cardinally inferior to the spirit of God.

Humans can only know an abstract structure of a theoretical Metaverse; they haven’t accurate or complete knowledge of its boundary conditions; that could be spirit converted with built up complexity and ordinality to appear materially in contingent form. The Lord Jesus Christ did say that mankind must be born again of the spirit.

What is the shape and form of spirit, or even of a Universe infinitely packed within infinite dimensions of Hilbert space that could occur within a singularity that is theoretically infinitely reducible? Quality economics requires intelligent economic design with free thinking, enterprising, spiritual beings, Sapere Aude. Environmental economics need increase in order to expand and fulfill its purposed destiny from the singularity of conception.

So we of the Dwindled Worlds have constructed neural networks of planets amid galactic wildernesses to bring into being syntegrity with our artificial and human intelligence enterprises on a grand scale that may be able to investigate regions of the Metaverse that are hard to reach. Eventually that may catalyze restoration of our dwindled natural resources. It is devastating for us to have the material avarice of elites stuffed with delusional ideas, when they picture themselves as evolutionary leaders and the best of all possible intelligent beings. They act like networked universe conquerors with a license to steal our intellectual capital and redistribute it unto-themselves.”

“Sure, I agree Laura. I believe that for Multiverses to exist infinitely- quantitatively speaking, a necessary inference is that the void contains an infinite amount of energy, or potential energy, that can appear from nothing or some unknown source to become energy for another Universe. I don’t know of the theoretical limit in size of a given universe in regard to the mass that can go into it at the beginning, or if a constant relation exists for the proportion of virtual energy to nothingness and void either before or after the beginning of a universe. I can’t even say what quantity of virtual energy can appear in a universe after it has been created.

You know my coyote has been gone a little bit too long and his location transponder has gone dark. Do you mind if I go off for a while to find him?”

“No, of course not Sapere Aude. Go find your coyote. I will look into the vault for residual evidence.”

Sapere Aude wandered off into Golden Plumb’s darkness, probing its farther reaches for a sign of Zvim. Arriving at an edge of town he found an unusual three-dimensional hologram presenting a standing wave image of a luscious female coyote in the ruins of a police station. At the base of the holograph was one of Zvim’s power boots. Sapere Aude walked over to it. Not wary enough, Sapere Aude reached for the boot and was snared himself; falling headlong into the Else-when trap.

Sapere Aude whirled through confusion space while visions of his readings in basic astrophysical structures popped into his mind amid a melted-down abstract art stream of synthetic images. Else-when traps connect alternative universe threads into one of infinite numbers of infinite dimensions with infinite numbers of universes themselves. It’s highly recommended that even desperate explorers should not use Else-when traps for transportation; Else-when traps are commonly used by aliens from alternative fractal universe permutations to snag unwary sentients and take them downward to alien regions of habitation.

Often dimensional matrices of universes trapping humans were close to our own. Sapere Aude therefore believed it reasonable to leave a breadcrumb trail of altered string scaled ideas along the course of travel to the new unknown universe. He branched through modifications of inflation origin space ideas. They were characteristics that would hold shape for a while before fading yet leave permanent formation traces upon pre-big banging incipient universes associated with local inflation spaces locked in constant values relative to what Sapere Aude thought passing through Else-when. Else-when fields are minimal phase scalar sphere fields of fields key to the singularity of singularities blowing bubble universes into being.


Crytpo for War Finance Flummery

 Cryptocurrencies are marvelous anonymous monetary media for moving wealth silently. One wonders how many of the hundreds of billions of dollars sent by the Biden administration to fund its war on Russia in the Ukraine have found their way in to hidden accounts and the international anonymity of Bitcoin and other lesser known crypto coin. Crypto may be the state-of-the-art venue for political kickbacks and bribes with untraceable secret accounts rivaling those of the Swiss.

The government of Ukraine has been rated as one of the most corrupt on Earth. With so many billions of dollars flowing to a variety of channels the U.S. dollar is probably building up new hidden powers of perfidy as well as paying for vectors of death to kill Russian and Ukrainians forced to the front line of combat.

The Trump candidacy proposes to end the Ukraine conflict and settle with Russia through negotiation; probably Russia would split the wealth of Ukraine land resources in half with the government of the west so long as N.A.T.O. agreed to say away from the Russia border on West Ukraine. Mr. Trump has also suggested that the U.S.A. ought to invest in Bitcoin in a large way in order to reinforce the value of the dollar. That is a good insight since the dollar is potentially subject to destabilization as the rich divest from the dollar and move into crypto currencies and the money of China.

Saudi Arabia decided to allow buyers of its oil to pay for it in currencies other than the U.S. dollar. The Biden administration preference to make war on Russia via Ukraine and divide the economy of the world as collateral damage to U.S. economic interests was inexplicable. It seems as if there must be some hidden force compelling N.A.T.O. and Democrat party leadership to act so rashly and divisively on the world. Of course there public reasoning is that Putin is Hitler seeking to restore the Soviet Empire and to conquer Poland, France and all of the west. That Napoleonic fairy tale is not credible at all for those well read in world history. BRIC nations have some incentive to move defecting from the dollar and on to the Chinese yuan than before the Biden term of protracted war on Russian forces seeking to recover some of its historically Russian Ukraine land stolen by the Clinton administration when Russia was weak after decades of Soviet rule.

Crypto currency is a two-edged financial sword that can fundamentally alter the world balances of economic power. Since vacating the gold standard U.S. dollars have been backed by the solely by the power of the U.S. government to tax the wealth of the nation. Investing in crypto currency is a similar paradigm, since the value of Bitcoin is based on what people are willing to pay for it- and it is backed by nothing else. I wonder how many trillions of dollars the Federal Reserve will invest in Bitcoin, and how many billions of tax dollars from federal funds sent to corrupt Ukrainian accounts have already found the way there.

Beekeeper vs Bad Political Offspring

 The Beekeeper was buzzing with his bros in a Camilatown hood when he got a beep from his news alert on foreign collusion. His eyes grew wide and he let out a puff of smoke from his fanny pack becalming the hive of A.I. drones. A report that SCOTUS had been given term limits requiring justices to resign after Republican administrations sent waves of crypto reality agitating his tick tocs and electrifying his toes so he buzzed off to seek and destroy additional politically defective offspring of a queen even if he or she was childless. The beekeeper was a queen slayer and the onerous task of restoring world peace, prosperity and a healthy ecosphere flumped manifestly before him.

U..S. dollars were taken off the gold standard during the Nixon administration and became a floating currency backed only by the ability of the government to tax the wealth of the country, in theory. Then arose crypto currency backed only by anonymous owners of Vipcoin willing to pay to own them. Vipcoin was an excellent way for elites such as dope peddlers and billionaires to squirrel their money safely beyond accountability and vulnerability to the political problems of sundry nations- especially those with vast public debt such as the United States. The U,S, government itself began to buy into Vipcoin as a hedge against the collapse of the dollar in response to its protracted war in Ukraine to expand N.A.T.O. eastward to Russia and reliance on fossil fuel infrastructure instead of the Phoenix Solar Initiative.

The Beekeeper recollected the words of his instructor Obi Wan Ken-o-bee running through his mind before entry of the dragon into an octagon for mortal combat in a South American jungle; “Grasshopper-fear is the peace slayer”. The Beekeeper knew N.A.T.O. believed Hitler would invade Poland and France again since Vladimir Putin wore an impossible whopper mask to hide his full-cloned Hitler body. Though Russia was fighting in great detail, yard by yard in Ukraine at high cost of lives and treasure to recover a semblance of its historical land taken away at the end of the Cold War in the Von Clinton-Yeltsin-Molotov Pact, it was obvious to the ingognoscenti that Russia was preparing a blitzkrieg upon western Europe to follow the easy win. Only the beekeeper’s hairdresser knew for sure if he could protect Europe if the prospect of invasion was real and from fear if it wasn’t. The beekeeper therefore flew to Kingsland GA to sip cool drinks under an umbrella on beach to contemplate the placid blue infinity of unregulated waves.

The Bridge to Nonsense

Like a bridge over troubled nonsense
politics sent in the clowns
like a widget flumping stellar faux pents
foggy days brought inverted frowns

Gray days smiled at me
nothing but gray days do I see
cloudy skies arise from now on
bring the dark clouds banging a gong

Never saw a rain ever so dark
must have been made from dark matter quarks
in drenching rain sun don’t shine at all
the bloody contrast wicks exogenous sprawl

With Thales, Anaximander and Anaximenes
God is the one
when a Universe begins
not the house of the rising sun

Thesaurus vs thesaurthem
by hook or by crook
darkness yearns into light
why should pollution sleep easy at night
when liberal craze of autofrackin days
brink plants to survive death rays aright

What is the mist bugged by the west
small drops of moisture to deserts in quest
of ink on lost parchments
directions could be
enclosed right inside
resurrection of the blessed.

Quoth the Raven

 Talking with one of the fortunate five-hundred ravens calculating moves against chess engines of the business cycle I asked if he had any good prospects in mind.

He related that directed energy weapons to take down drones were being short sold since they had a better application powering electric cars and spacecraft than taking down ground hugging, forest flying drones bearing quarts of nerve agent for surprise attacks on American cities. The loquacious bird said that during the summer’s hot weather he had ventured sufficient capital to corner the market on knitted shawls across the nation.

I said that shawls probably were not much wanted during the hot weather. The big bird informed me that was his strategy; ‘buy low and sell high’. Evidently the bird with warehouses of shawls would engineered a shawl shortage letting Democrat voters begin to shiver around the time of the fall election and he would not release any for sale until November, and then only in his new fast comfort foods franchise restaurants from sea to shining sea.

Quoth the raven; “The masses will line up in pre-dawn darkness to take a seat in my Comfortable Fast Foods restaurants to buy authentic knot shawls. They will pay premium prices for cantaloupe stuffed with guacamole, whip cream and delicate, tiny shrimp, baked egg plant filled with tapioca pudding and pay as much as Democrats do for gourmet canned cat food . Chardonnay Smoothies served in genuine steel lined plastic comfort cup replica Republican skull mugs will draw the majority in like flies.”

So I asked what he thought of the quest to make Phoenix the number one solar powered high albedo city I the United States.

Quoth the raven; “Solar powered drones flying in weapons of mass destruction from Mexico like nerve gas and viruses to underground W.M.D. dealers are a down side to buying in to the whole Phoenix big bird thing. Alternatively, it is a good opportunity to invest in my pyramid line Pterodactyl wish bone water-finding division since the boundary salt water desalinization canal and albino asphalt projects fell through congress again. Event so, research continues at my Albino  Asphalt and Feather Company  to boldly fly where no raven has flown before”

An electrifying caw.

A Drone Arms Race

The Ukraine-Russia conflict accelerated field testing and technological development of flying and mobile ground drones for war. It is the era of a drone arms race letting a thousand forms of drones bloom. Extensive field testing and upgrades for efficiency adaptations taking down opposition force armored vehicles, personnel and other point targets honed the sharp edge of the military technology.

The United States for decades enjoyed a lead in development of drones for war. Drones like the Predator and Global Hawk required a skilled remote pilot. Next generation drones will be flown by A.I. chips in the aircraft. That upgrade will free up paramilitaries from needing a pilot for each drone. Instead of having 100,000 soldiers flying drones there will be none; saving a huge investment in personnel and support while building a more lethal, efficient and cheaper combat environment for humans. Drones have barely started on their course of evolution to revolutionize the planetary battlefield; they will become more than flying land-mines and missile launching spycraft.

Conventional military forces and infantry had a form of specialized soldier tasks and deployments of large numbers of coordinated personnel to meet enemy forces in combat. The U.S. Marine corps has planned to change it force structure to use fewer yet more highly trained warriors to defend the pacific regions against larger numbers of Chinese aggressors. In theory the Marines would control high-tech weapons to attack Chinese troops from a distance. Drones tech changes that. The Red Army not only makes personal computers, they can manufacture millions of drones guided by A.I. chips to seek and destroy Marines without risking casualties of the Red Army. Drones will radically changed the way wars are fought, when people are stupid enough to fight them instead of investing in peace, prosperity and a healthy, recovering ecosphere.

The next Hamas war on Israel would have 100,000 A.I. guided drones targeting specific addresses in Israel using ubiquitous g.p.s. for guidance in a sneak attack before the g.p.s. satellites are turned off by Israeli allies. Hezbollah and Yemen would also send waves of drones flying at night. The reason that A.I. chips are more useful that F.P.V. drones is that the A.I. controlled drones can continue to attack if jamming of waveform signals to remote drone controllers blocks control of the aircraft. A hundred thousand drones launched from some third world’s air force warehouse flying about without control would be of little military value.

The security of airports was greatly tightened and very effective after the mass of hijackings of the 1960s and 70s. The 9-11 hijackers were the primary exception to phasing out hostile takeovers of aircraft. The 9-11 hijackings were designed by an American college trained engineer and hijackers trained in U.S. flight schools during the Clinton administration to fly aircraft. Schools and cockpit doors were screened better after that. Terrorists that wanted to blow up civilian aircraft needed to sneak explosives aboard thereafter and that practice too was curbed. Richard Reed who tried to detonate his shoes flying over Chicago after 2001 was the last serious nearly functioning terrorist attempt. F.P.V drones have changed the criterion once more. It will be ridiculously easy for terrorists flying F.P.V. drones to attack European aircraft near runways. No longer do terrorists require direct physical access to aircraft to place explosive on the fuselage, engines or wings.

Drones are very cheap in comparison to regular state of the art fighter and bomber aircraft. Some aircraft cost as much or more than half a billion dollars. Mass produced drones of various kinds may cost as little as $50. Thus even the smallest nations will be able to afford an air force with meaningful attack capability, and the aircraft may be launched from any place in the world such as submarines, oil tankers, balloons and carriers of various sorts.

Armies will field hundreds of thousands of solar power scout drones of very small size to search for opfor soldiers in forest, desert, mountains and plains to transmit locations to A.I. drones coordinators able to dispatch larger ordinance carrying drones to attack. Scout drones may use optical, laser light to signal high altitude relays with data if jammers of radio waves interfere with communications. Conventional troop concentrations and even small, squad size components will be quite and risk in the drone-saturated new world military order of battle.

Terrorists and guerrilla forces will obviously exploit the ability of drones and their low cost to attack cities and military vehicle. The recent Iraq and Afghanistan wars has improvised explosive devices yet very few flying drone attacks, so far as I know. In the future drones will saturate areas of conflict to attack military bases, convoys and civilian targets regarded as of value to the enemy.

None of this speculation involves much change from present capabilities. It is simply a matter of scaling up from the demonstration of the practical of drones for war in Ukraine. If political leaders and the military industrial complex continue to downgrade environment and social welfare globally in preference to manufacturing weapons and ideology for combat the prospects for a radical upgrade in the lethality of the global battlefield looms large.

Candidate Trump Shouldn't take Zelinsky's Calls

 Candidate Donald Trump received a phone call from Ukraine’s political strong man Zelinsky recently- perhaps to congratulate him for surviving an assassination attempt. That raises the question; should Donald Trump take calls from Ukraine’s unelected wartime leader? The Democrats Shiff and Madler might accuse Donald Trump of Ukrainian election collusion if he is elected in November.

Mr. Zelinsky’s term of office expired some months ago and he hasn’t allowed another election to be held because he might stand a good chance of losing. President Franklin Roosevelt allowed elections during World War Two (and he was reelected) so there is a precedent for having elections during tough times. Mr. Zelinsky need not act like a martial law dictator to remain in power and could gracefully step aside to let the public elect someone who would negotiate peace with Russia rather than to extend the war.

If President Trump were to supply weapons to an non-elected Ukrainian leader waging a bloody war with Russia; a leader than has used land mines to prevent draft age citizens from escaping Ukraine and has sent convicts, handicapped and the elderly to the front lines (up to age 45), he might be in peril of being view by international war crimes tribunals as an accomplice to various crimes against humanity. Unelected citizens empowered by martial law that enable mass killing of citizens through combat have a dubious position in regard to morality and legality.

The Ukraine war should be brought to a peaceful, negotiated end with Russia’s peace plan being the best presently available. If Ukraine were to have a free and fair election perhaps a peace candidate would rise in that sad nation.

Zelensky and Euro Leaders Lack the Holy Spirit

President Zelensky’s abusive visit to the Oval Office demonstrated the problem that fleshy, worldly minds have in finding the Holy Spirit. T...