
Beekeeper vs Bad Political Offspring

 The Beekeeper was buzzing with his bros in a Camilatown hood when he got a beep from his news alert on foreign collusion. His eyes grew wide and he let out a puff of smoke from his fanny pack becalming the hive of A.I. drones. A report that SCOTUS had been given term limits requiring justices to resign after Republican administrations sent waves of crypto reality agitating his tick tocs and electrifying his toes so he buzzed off to seek and destroy additional politically defective offspring of a queen even if he or she was childless. The beekeeper was a queen slayer and the onerous task of restoring world peace, prosperity and a healthy ecosphere flumped manifestly before him.

U..S. dollars were taken off the gold standard during the Nixon administration and became a floating currency backed only by the ability of the government to tax the wealth of the country, in theory. Then arose crypto currency backed only by anonymous owners of Vipcoin willing to pay to own them. Vipcoin was an excellent way for elites such as dope peddlers and billionaires to squirrel their money safely beyond accountability and vulnerability to the political problems of sundry nations- especially those with vast public debt such as the United States. The U,S, government itself began to buy into Vipcoin as a hedge against the collapse of the dollar in response to its protracted war in Ukraine to expand N.A.T.O. eastward to Russia and reliance on fossil fuel infrastructure instead of the Phoenix Solar Initiative.

The Beekeeper recollected the words of his instructor Obi Wan Ken-o-bee running through his mind before entry of the dragon into an octagon for mortal combat in a South American jungle; “Grasshopper-fear is the peace slayer”. The Beekeeper knew N.A.T.O. believed Hitler would invade Poland and France again since Vladimir Putin wore an impossible whopper mask to hide his full-cloned Hitler body. Though Russia was fighting in great detail, yard by yard in Ukraine at high cost of lives and treasure to recover a semblance of its historical land taken away at the end of the Cold War in the Von Clinton-Yeltsin-Molotov Pact, it was obvious to the ingognoscenti that Russia was preparing a blitzkrieg upon western Europe to follow the easy win. Only the beekeeper’s hairdresser knew for sure if he could protect Europe if the prospect of invasion was real and from fear if it wasn’t. The beekeeper therefore flew to Kingsland GA to sip cool drinks under an umbrella on beach to contemplate the placid blue infinity of unregulated waves.

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