
Anniversary of the Abortion of Liberal Abortion

 The Supreme Court aborted Rowe v. Wade a year ago with the Dobbs decision. Apparently the U.S. Supreme Court decided that abortion is a question states can decide for themselves and the federal government should not. The U.S. Government can’t tell the people of a state to take a pro or anti abortion stance in law or define morality. Morality for the Federal government can be a sticky wicket when it sometimes needs to supply missiles, cluster bombs, napalm and other ordinance to kill civilians overseas

Vice President Harris said that the U.S. Government should not take away control of a woman’s body from herself; a maladroit straw man argument. If she was as inaccurate driving nails with a hammer she would be frequently smashing her thumbs.

Abortions are primarily social interactions comparable in that regard to prostitution. The U.S. government allows states to decide if prostitution should be legal or illegal. Women could argue that states shouldn’t be able to take away a woman’s rights over her own body and ban prostitution. Yet others are involved besides the woman in prostitution even though it is her body being f’d.

When the constitution was formed moral conservatism was the rule compared to modern values. Even so federal law did not ban prostitution since whorehouses probably existed and banning them would have been unenforceable. Abortion was unmentionable and below the founder’s moral vision of possible actions to protect. Banning prostitution or abortion at the federal level, or permitting them by outlawing bans on abortion, prostitution and other questionable social activities, would have required moral legislating not really with the U.S. constitutions purview. That would have been something like establishing a government religion, even if today Democrats would have that be an atheist allegiance.

States will need decide for-themselves what moral values should exist for social behavior since the Dobbs decision, while in some cases allowing do-it-yourself mail order abortion pills to slip through the loopholes banning select social interactions; abortion pills are also made by others. It is possible that morality in the United States will be permitted to have some flexibility and differences from state to state rather than being forced upon the populous via federal law as elite decretal decides it should irreversibly be. Evolving and/or reviving correct moral values may require change and experimentation in the states.

Deescalating federal law compelling states to allow homosexual marriage may follow a similar logic to Dobbs. States should decide for themselves if they want to corrupt marriage and redistribute the phenomena to homosexuals making the with legal fiction the same as heterosexuals for marriage. A non-belligerant alternative approach to usurping marriage would have been for homosexuals to invent new forms of contractual entanglements among themselves that left marriage alone. With homosexual marriage the federal government forced a standard and corrupt moral norm on all fifty states.

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