
Democrats won't select their own presidential candidate in 2024

 Since President Biden dropped out of the race for President of the United States recently there won’t be any public vote to select a candidate. Instead special delegates will choose for themselves who will get their nomination for the November election. This is a rather amazing spectacle of not a singe ordinary Democrat casting a vote to select a presidential nominee, The Democrat Party has given up its choice to convention elites. democrats have followed the example of the electoral college and put it on steroids. Four-hundred seventy electors can vote whatever way they choose. Now the Democrat party of populism is now a party of elites in which the members votes are without value or meaning.

Democrats are opting for the most undemocratic process in U.S. history to select their next leader. Sure Joe Biden suggested Vice President Harris yet that is just his personal choice. Voters rejected the unelected President Ford in 1976 and are likely to do so in 2004. Presidential candidates should be winnowed from a large field by popular vote until the best qualified emerges; not foisted on the faithless after long, dark nights of back room deals.

In the 2020 democrat presidential primaries Kamal Harris did not finish in the top ten. Her most memorable comment in that campaign was when she said that her family used to own slaves. She is therefore a suitable choice for the party.

The delegates at the Democrat National convention at the end of August will choose a candidate for the Democrat party in an exceedingly exclusive process. Party elites using secret meetings and calls behind closed doors and negotiating deals will put up their favorite choice at the convention. There is no quest to find a candidate with quality ideas that could secure borders, environment and basic income.

The nominee will say something about the true nature of the Democrat Party. It seems to be one of special interests rather than one of generally intelligent issues affecting all Americans. It seems to be one with superficial environmentalism in order to get votes from the gullible and with an economic policy that cuts taxes on the rich instead of the poor and middle class.. For Democrats like Kamala Harris, homosexuality and abortion are more important than economics and national border security. The party seems like a shop steward for a corporate owned union dedicated to concentrating wealth and flooding the country with cheap labor.

If party elites had real concerns about the will of their electorate they could hold a virtual primary on-line before the convention to learn who the rank and file actually wants. Surely Democrats could devise a plan in a day or two that would find the right candidates for party members to vote for on-line. Alternatively Democrat political minds may have put their personhoods in a blind trust where the rich elites are pulling their strings. When they can’t win by cheating elites may get a good laugh anyway if their agenda and wealth are doomed to succeed.

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