American issues of Christianity, cosmology, politics, ecosphere, philosophy, contemporary history etc
Words to Print; Creativity
In writing a novel for instance, awakening from dogmatic slumber in the middle of the night given a subtle inspiration, one may begin writing it down as completely as possible before the inspiration vanishes amid other thoughts that may arise. The temporal phenomenon of time itself-even minutes, tends to disperse the thought like waves attenuating in scale as they pass away from a speeding boat.
What one writes from thought may be a fair representation of what was thought, yet it can also be somewhat different as the knowledge one has in the subconscious contributes emergent words directly to paper through consciousness so one may be surprised at the genius of creativity (not a self-reference lol).
Old Europe Uses Democrats Like a Toy
That European leaders have chosen to break with the USA on Ukraine policy shows that they as NATO members were doing nothing more than EU Eastward expansion. For them the US government was a pliable tool paying for their policy. They could have peace yet they want to continue war.
Russia is no conventional weapons threat to European NATO when the United States back them up. There is no reason or Europe to break with the USA and potentially splinter NATO except for pure greed for land and resources in Ukraine that should rightly be shared with Russia.
After the end of the Cold War the European Union gelled from the European Community. Unlike the EC the EU has become swollen enough with pride and power that they still regard Russia as weak enough to plunder its traditional Ukraine real estate. The properties are so listed for that France and other European nations would prefer policy disagreement with America and finance the Ukraine war on its own. If Europe attacks Russia and some day Russia nukes a few cities in Europe in order to defend itself it is possible the United States would not get involved. Instead of collective peace and security Europe uses lame excuses about Russian risk to invade far western Europe as an excuse to finance their war of expansion throughout the borderlands of Russia.
The rational course for Europe would be to settle the Ukraine war in Ukraine peacefully and directly and conserve solid relations with the United States. Otherwise Europe may need to completely rearm itself for a suicidal nuclear war with Russia that can’t be fought. Even if a European,- Russian arms race drafts in the rest of the world to build bigger, faster and better nuclear, chemical and biological weapons than have ever gone before that is a very stupid policy direction.
Net Guns to Take Down Incoming Drones at Close Range
Net guns invented for crowd control could be adapted to foul up drone props at close range. Civilian and military convoy defenses alike might adapt net guns- possibly making them of larger caliber than .308 to have a defense weapons able to take down small flying drones carrying explosives.
The Navy for some time had Aegis guns that fire a lot of bullets very quickly at incoming missiles. A smaller, cheaper, portable version that fires sticky nets at drones might be innovated for future conflicts. Maybe vehicles travelling as convoys through contested areas should be protected as if they were aircraft carrier battle groups with overlapping airborne protection; and possible some ground based anti-drone sticky net launching platforms with airborne motion sensors or optics analysis for fire control.
Public Debt- What Me Worry?
It is nice to expand government and charge it to a public debt card. Someday all that interest on the U.S. public debt will eliminate other programs for the public while presumably Democrats keep hiring more people for the government. I never could get hired by myself- not even as a census taker in a county where I had the second highest score on the test for that.
If the dollar crashes and inflation goes up 5000 percent that will affect the poor and seniors quite a bit I would think. Government need be reformed or taxes increased- can't ave your cake and eat it too. Today public debt is more than 36 trillion dollars. The Chinese economy is expanding and they don't have that scale of debt. Saudi Arabia already quit requiring purchase of oil with U.S. dollars. The Yuan or bitcoin could replace the dollar as the international currency. More public debt scaling up by the trillions each year is crazy. Interest payments on public debt went up 50 billion dollars from 2024 to 2025.
Make American Patents Affordable Again
Patent applications are too expensive for poor or young and poor, and seniors living on marginal incomes to afford. One may synthetically originate a novel concept for some item that could be patented and brought to market yet the cost is prohibitive. Potential inventions are thus suppressed or given away via publication on social media, books or wherever in the hope that some foreign entrepreneur will create the product, manufacture it for nothing in China and send it to Wal-mart where it can be purchased by the inventor for personal use.
Not only is the cost of patents far beyond the reach of those without a pocketful of large denomination cash, so is the cost of manufacturing that isn’t local. America outsourced so much production that the nation is no longer the center of effort for patenting and manufacturing new products. The poor, the young and seniors can’t afford to just hop on a plane to Beijing, live in the streets and go door to door soliciting manufacturers to produce the invention.
Plainly Democrats should have reduced the cost of a patent packet from several thousand dollars down to a couple of hundred yet of course they had no interest though I wrote about it for years. Elon Musk has a few patents so he might be able to get someone in government to streamline and make affordable the U.S. Patent System again-maybe using A.I, to cut labor cost. It is also possible to redesign the way patents are granted to multi-channels to allow up front some protection for inventors. Ideas could filter in like river channels from different sources to culminate in a new invention if shares are awarded in proportion to contribution.
Invention exclusivity for patents should be reduced to five years so inventions can be fielded quicker. After the exclusivity period is phased out inventors would receive five percent shared from producers of the product. To accelerate economic adaptability new idea need to be utilized faster as generic products- especially in environmentally related products.
Many cities invest million in wastewater treatment plants and pipes when some sort of waterless microwave waste disposal system should be less expensive and save on water use. If patent exclusivity microwave toilets like fuel cell generators for campers might be far more affordable.
Some Leftist Intellectuals Still Support Ukraine War
A few Western leftist intellectuals still support war with Russia in Ukraine. They may believe that helps expand homosexual, atheist and aborter hegemony Eastward while reducing overpopulation with war casualties.
Historically the west were carpet baggers taking Russian land when they were weak at the end of Cold War 1.0 That was hubris perpetrated by opportunistic legalists ill informed about real politik and the will of people to recover from victimization. Several historians wrote that a time of reckoning would come. Democrats only needed to adjust the land theft to a more fair and balanced position. Instead they swoll to expand N.A.T.O. Eastward expanding the new EU ego with it.
If Humans Learn to Travel Faster Than Light
That faster than light medium could explain quantum superpositions faster than light data transfer too perhaps if the information transfers through the extra-universal field, or if the substrata has dimensions intrinsically superpositioned to four-dimensions of the entangled field quanta of the universe.
I have thought that if people learn to exploit the extensional substrata they might run out of universe to travel in. There was a movie made out people traveling to hell beyond the edge of the universe; they should have read the warnings on the map ‘There be dragons’.
People are embedded in the universe sized to fit within. Exceeding the parameters of being such that the scale is transcended may maladapt humans for existence. They could become too big for it, and there may be nothing else or anywhere else to go. Even so people will try. Discovering what is beyond the Universe would be a philosophical discovery that would be noticed by the New York Times and the Times Picayune of New Orleans.
God did mention to Adam and Eve that having ate of the tree of knowledge He would make humanity mortal lest they eat of the tree of immortality and become as little gods/brats mucking everything up for eternity (I added that last part for pedagogical purposes). I suppose some people would like to live until the end of the universe- for a hundred billion years or more, growing tired of toileting they would make themselves into some sort of frozen photon processing configuration waiting for God to wrap things up.
2025 May Become the Hottest Year on Record
Environmental economics is a science tangled up with political economy. Sure that makes changing the fundamental way of social economic reality difficult. Yet Joe Biden was so far below the bar of competence that his election reflected on the competence or lack of for the entire party. They are spoilt globalists; not people who would transform the nation to a new environmentally sustainable economic footing.
Maybe the genius required to understand the challenges, and there are several that need be addressed concurrently exceeds the capacity of parties to present an able candidate.
A Comment on Causes of War During the Industrial Revolution
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