
Determinism, Teleology and Cosmology

 Plainly one may present numerous paradigms for deterministic systems without teleology. There is no necessary relation between a deterministic system and purpose of the system (or is there). Do some believe that a deterministic system must necessarily have a purpose and that from a Creator of the system? It is possible to imagine a computer program as an entirely deterministic system itself that generates deterministic algorithmic programs as sets that have no purpose, obviously.

Given a finite set of construction components there may be a necessity of a determined number of configurations of a system with an initial set. Someone mentioned constructing a square with just three lines. With three lines one may build a triangle in a certain configuration that when viewed seems like it is a square, without being one. With the alphabet one can’t construct hieroglyphs or build an automobile with raspberry jello.

Deterministic systems may certainly exist. The question people with antipathetic positions toward faith might have that they cannot exist is absurd. The effort is to deny that the entire Universe is pre-determined, and that it freely evolves without constraints or limits in it’s course of evolution. It does appear that at least parts of it’s fate is predetermined. Stars have a limited life span of several billion years more or less, the entire initial endowment of mass that is apparently finite will reduce with entropy to either a cold dead condition near absolute zero or be recollected with gravity to a singularity. In either case the temperature might have a phase change to absolute high temperature.

There may be an argument that a predetermined fate of the Universe is not known by humans yet that doesn’t make it so. The fate of the entire Universe is already set; nothing people or other sentient beings living in it can change that.

Of course some might regard the Higgs field entanglement of two-dimensional massless particles given the appearance of three dimensions occurring in space-time as indicative of an unlimited source of Universes and other structures that happen rather like a dream generated by a bubble maker, and those could be regarded as non-determined. Yet of course once they are brought into being they became determined with a set future. The phrase ‘the die is cast’ encapsulates the notion.

Free will may coexist within determinism. Life is a complex phenomenon physically and there is a vast degree of uncertainty regarding physics. It does seem plain that deterministic elements exist and that degrees of freedom exist while the entire Universe phenomenon may itself be determined since its foundation. One doesn’t have answers to the questions about the structure of the Universe or Multiverse that are exhaustive. Christians at least have faith in a Creator.


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Determinism, Teleology and Cosmology

  Plainly one may present numerous paradigms for deterministic systems without teleology. There is no necessary relation between a determini...