
Mind is Under-Appreciated

 Robert Laughlin, a winner of a Nobel in physics published a book named 'A Different Universe; Reinventing Physic from the Bottom Up". He described consciousness as an emergent property from the field it exists in as a fundamental phase change. The inference is that the Newtonian sort of causal relationships and the ability to predict the determined future based on the present positions of all known elements of the construction that is the Universe, if that were possible, would not apply to the human mind. Mind is a different than material phenomenon. People underrate and under appreciate how marvelous it is and the way that it differs from thoughtless mass. https://suno.com/.../67d4b343-b219-41f5-8c72-1fa6be8c20be

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Mind is Under-Appreciated

 Robert Laughlin, a winner of a Nobel in physics published a book named 'A Different Universe; Reinventing Physic from the Bottom Up...