
What Goes on Mars, Stays on Mars?

There are possible signs of microbial life on Mars recently photographed by a Mars Rover. Microbes are everywhere on Earth. Most microbes are harmless or positive and some cause sickness and/or death. Martian microbes could still exist in ice or wet drip collection places underground, yet even dead microbes in dust could potentially end human life on Earth. Why gamble on decontamination that's 100% effective 100% of the time?


The U.S. Government may want to consider developing a plan to stop return missions to Earth from Mars until after that planet is thoroughly explored and tested for hidden microbial life given its extreme potential danger. What goes to Mars should remain on Mars.

While Martian exploration is early experimentation with remote control stone cutting and shelter construction could be done with AI and robotic mechanism designed to cut stone, move in and build infrastructure for community halls that could be covered with stress-tensioned fabrics in some cases, or stone. The first large human shelters built 14,000 years ago provide some ideas that cold be adapted for Mars habitations above ground in addition to cave dwelling.


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