Showing posts with label cosmology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cosmology. Show all posts


More Bang for the Buck with Enhanced border Security

 The porous border portion in Arizona should be secured with a large berm with solar panels covering the sunny side to charge electric-self-driving patrol cars moving along the top. If one wants double security one could build a pair of canals behind the berm. One would carry salt water piped up with solar powered pumps from the Gulf of California/Sea of Cortez to New Mexico and the continental divide where the salt would be removed through condensation and capture under clear polycarbonate roof panels shaped to collect the water and let it flow to micro-canals on the sides where it is further directed in pipes to the fresh water canal that is underground.

Congress needs to return to the practice of multi-purpose constructs that get more value for the buck and actually improve matters physically when they are invested in and built. The southwest could use more freshwater.


Merry Christmas on the Son's Birthday Commemoration

 Merry Christmas; I tend to agree with a theory of an infinite, omnipotent God having infinite Universes in His pocket. What He does with them and who is allowed access to them is the question. Thank God for His infinite wisdom and for sending the Son to save at least some of the lost.

It's sort of an implicit assumption about God that He is omniscient. If God created everything then he knows everything as well. Imagine that one could create an AI that was self-learning and infinitely so compounding it's knowledge at a scalar pace until it had learned everything that could exist, God comparatively always existed and was not created. Everything that does exist He knows before it exists. I don't think it easy to surprise God on the Son's birthday with a special present if one had one to give.


Dems Political Crock-Pottery Begins Removing Trump from 2024 Ballots

 Following Colorado’s lead in removing Donald Trump from 2024 election ballots the obvious next step further down the road of political madness is for all blue states to remove the winner of the 2016 election from 2024 ballots. Maybe Red states can emulate the Democrats and remove candidate Joe Biden from Red state ballots so only contested purple states elections would be required to select the next target of litigation and criminal charges to lead the nation to bad politics and legislation that creates vast public debt, lasting poverty for some senior citizens, youth stuck in a work/unemployment cycle that makes it impractical to always have housing or long-term investments, foreign wars and an expensive moon settlement program that just doesn’t seem to get anything built there.

Neither party cares enough about fixing the ecosphere and atmospheric heating to get it done and the re-entry of wolves to Colorado is probably just a PR show that will result in the pack being crushed one at a time on freeways by diesel trucks and shot by ranchers after being spotted by drones.

The brilliance of the Democrat method of upgrading conflicts was proven during Trump’s first term when specious Russian collusion charges eventually evolved to impeachment and a legendary insurrection that was something less than a Guy Fawkes try and more like a ‘Trump is the marionette in chief who pulled the strings for a mob conquest of congress show that was supposed to overturn election results’. Now the mythical insurrection is the cause for Democrat state supreme court judges to ban Trump from being re-elected; truly a triumph of political crock-pottery of the first order.


Should Colorado Ballots Be Banned for Banning Trump from 2024 Ballot?

 Colorado recently banned candidate for President Donald Trump from being on the ballot. Donald Trump isn't a convicted felon nyet, so should Colorado be banned from participating in the 2024 election itself since it's getting jiggy with it.

One doesn't want courts subverting democracy.

Concerning Evidence for the Soul and Shannon Entropy

 The soul may be simply information- the coordinate patterns of all of the quantum comprising an individual, he body, mind and history over the course of a lifetime. Information is conserved. With the data it would be possible to reconstruct any or all of a being for ever if an eternal being wanted it to be so. God may have better or more subtle ways of keeping track of sentient beings though.

Evidence is things and relationships evident. I wonder why it is that people leap towards ‘nothing evident’ these days…for political purposes I would guess. One shouldn’t overlook the evident. People exist, they have a structure made of quanta and it has a form. People know about Shannon Entropy and Deictic references I suppose, about patents, designs that outlast individual products because there is a record kept somewhere; of Plato’s realm of forms. I am presently taking a course on the Archaeology of Africa, one learns various techniques for interpreting the material present and its theoretical use in the culture long gone. One has evident matters like rocks, lithic artifacts and micromorphology, one uses reason to attempt to interpret the unknown, and what tools one has available, such as to interpret marks on ancient bones. One may ask oneself; how would scriptural references to something like a soul be understood or said today in modern terms. What part of human existence does according to modern physics last forever? That which does is information. Hawking theorized that information even escapes black holes. The criterion of Shannon entropy that information is conserved is the obvious association for what a soul is.

New EMG Generator Said to Use No Fuel

 A no-fuel new device causes one to wonder how it works.

One might be able to use magnets like batteries? Instead of moving a coil through a magnetic field (or vice versa to push electrons down a wire could one use AI switching on and off magnets in some way, like a form of wheel motor can, or a linear electromagnetic accelerator/rail gun, push electrons down a wire? If the amount of electric needed to switch the ‘gates’ on/off were less than the energy that flows because of the field strength it might generate positive electricity surplus. The magnets have stored energy. I wonder why magnets can store energy, how much and for how much time before they wear down. The magnet would be the power source for the system. Maybe one would need to kick start it in a manner of speaking.

Magnets can be used to ‘induce electric currents’. The electromagnetic force is one of the four basic forces of nature as you know. Hence a standing magnetic field is a kind of battery in that it can induce the flow of electrons comprising a current. It is like a standing wave of force that need be discharged by moving through a conducting medium like copper wire to induce electron flow through a medium, rather than storing electrons in a box. I wonder if a magnetic field will run down at a particular rate when used as a force field to push electrons/charged particles. If the inventors have found a way to simulate motion of a medium through a magnetic field with gate switching then they are clever. Magnetism converts one form of energy to another very effectively. It is a force yet has no energy. However a force field is a power- a kind of battery. Photons exist in an electromagnetic field and can be converted to energy with voltaics for example.,Cohen%2DTanugi%20SM%20’12.

Moving that force field is a tool that may be underutilized though it is used for 99% of nuclear, fossil fuel power plant conversion of mass to energy. One might put powerful magnets on some tidal float/barge per example to push electrons as it rises and falls with the tide past some kind of coil. I like the idea a lot of using emg field for something comparable to a battery for storing force to make energy. Kind of like a lighter that isn’t a fire but can be used to ignite a fire if the conditions are right (such as oxygen being present). Exploiting electro-magnetic fields is something I have been interested in for some time in order to deploy vast fields in micro-gravity to accelerate charged modules toward the outer solar system much faster than chemical rockets. It is interesting to consider using a star to power an electromagnetic field of a few million miles in size to push charged modules to perhaps 3/4 the speed of light to Proxima Centauri.

A Comment on Photons and Time

 Time involves mass and change; photons have zero mass for time to grab on to. It is interesting to consider gravitons as zero mass particles; maybe they acquire mass and that is the gravitational effect. Google says that “The vacuum speed of light is not a valid rest frame, because it’s a frame that can never be at rest.”

Gravity also travels at the speed of light. Light speed seems to be the standard speed of zero mass particles, that all at any rate seem to be elements of a field when measured at a particular location. It’s funny that the wavefunction collapse doesn’t apply to massless particles unless they interact with matter.

The Higgs Field; Aristotle and Primary Substances

 Trying to associate primary substances with massless particles given the appearance of mass and a third dimension in the Higgs field is difficult; mass is contingent being so my answer is no. Everything that is mass is emergent and apparent being and half of a phenomenal event of massless particles appearing to have substance because of the effects of travelling through the Higgs field.

Rectifying S.S.I. and Basic Income Policies for US.Gov

 S.S.I. has a program for poor seniors citizens over 65 that includes a monthly payment. yet the policies for the program were not designed by poor people with actual experience at living a life in poverty so there are implicit unfair structures in it. There are some criteria that need be rectified. Some native Americans have for thousands of years maintained a winter and a summer residence instead of living year-around in one dwelling. S.S.I. eligibility criteria disqualify people that own two residences- even if it is simply a warm winter place and a cool summer place and the total value of each property is fewer than $10,000. S.S.I. would allow those better off and able to afford a $150,000 condo where they can live annually with electricity, running water, toilets and a road eligibility if their other resources were less than $2000. S.S.I.'s eligibility criteria drive Americans to be poor and to not help themselves. Because some poor Americans have two lots instead of one nice house the very practical low-cost living solution of camping on private property year-around in two places where the weather is tolerable is a disqualifier for the S.S.I. cash supplement program.

S.S.I. eligibility criteria should not penalize Americans for trying to help themselves. If they are on S.S.I. for being old or being disabled they should feel free to look for employment or try self-employment without worry they will lose S.S.I. if the job doesn't last and they won't be able to return to the program quickly. S.S.I. might better be regarded as the core of a national basic income that kicks in for the old and disabled first if they have fewer annual earnings than something like $20,000 and makes up the difference. Especially in this era of environmental and A.I. challenges and changes to employment prospects and stability it is important to create a national basic income infrastructure that is effective. It would enable Americans some lifetime security against losing all of their possessions and investments the next time there is a high unemployment rate and inflation.

Actually there are many poor Americans that would buy land in different climate zones to survive each year if they would not lose S.S.I. eligibility. The policy is implicitly unfair and a remedy would be just to allow one eligibility if they have less than $30,000 in multiple real estate possessions or a single residence worth fewer than $100,000. There is no reason to compel Americans to become poorer- seasonally homeless in order to receive S.S.I. and have a livable annual income. Neither is there a good reason to penalize ingenuity at finding practical solutions to where one can live in retirement affordably.People do discriminate actively against age for employment, and there is also race and gender discrimination from some quarters that everyone experience regardless of race or gender. Therefore making objective programs from the government that work for the poor should be a goal for rectifying implicit federal iniquities.


A Soul May Just Be the Quantum Data-Identity for an Individual

A soul may be just the quantum information/identity of an individual. Back in the day they didn't use physics concepts for spiritual terms that wouldn't be understood for two or three thousand years.


Pope Francis Appears to Give Blessing to Sin (homosexual relationships)

 In a move that will renew pejorative descriptions of the Pope as The Anti-Christ, Catholic Pope Francis gave Catholic priests the right to bless homosexual relationships : "that don't resemble marriage". He has made an apparent conflict of interest with the New and Old Testament reproofs against homosexuality even if he has some sort of Jesuit technical legalist exoneration for himself.The etymology of 'blessing' means to 'sprinkle with blood'. Since the context for Christians is the blood of Christ, it may require copious quantities since blessing present and new sins appears destined to conflict with even more portions of scripture.

One might expect a partial breakup of the Catholic Church to follow as has occurred already in numerous Protestant sects.

One can make a lot of anecdotal arguments that disregard scripture. One may have false hermeneutics. The seven churches of The Revelation were warned about corrupt practices and bad behavior. Evil dogmatics simply evil. From an historical point of view one realizes these periods of social corruption and decadence are not new. Some day reform will occur or a new society will form without moral decay for a while. Then it will discover deficit spending as if it were rediscovering the ability to eat fruit forbidden in the Garden of Eden. A church that stands for nothing is a self-negation. A car dealer that sells just fruit is no car dealer.

Keep in mind what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah and what Paul wrote to the church at Rome; the Roman Pope has plainly disregarded scripture and gone his own way. I Corinthians 6:9-11 KJV""Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate (malakoi), nor abusers of themselves with mankind (arsenokoitai), nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God." People may persuade themselves of whatever they like yet in so doing fail to be saved in order to have worldly comfort or tax cuts (lol). A gospel of hedonism or sexual license is not the Gospel of God. Romans 1:27 "27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet."

Comparing the Pope's decretals to Paul's apostolic letters to the churches is silly. Paul met the Lord on the road to Damascus. He received words directly from the resurrected Christ. Catholics may believe in continuing revelation while Protestants traditionally haven't. The Revelation warns about adding anything to it. (Revelation 22:18-19). The Pope has no Apostolic authority whatsoever. "Rev. Billy Joe Schmoe said today that he will bless sin from now on because there are a lot of sinners that want to be considered to be following the word and kosher. As leader of the First Church of What's Happening Now he said that since most of his flock are thieves ,yet trying to change, so long as they don't take nothin from him he will bless thievery" You are of course free to believe what you want. People that continue to egregiously sin are supposed to be put out of the Church until they change. I will reiterate the point that a Church leader is not supposed to bless sin. "Matthew 18:15-17 "15 “Moreover if your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he hears you, you have gained your brother. 16 But if he will not hear, take with you one or two more, that ‘by the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.’ 17 And if he refuses to hear them, tell it to the church. But if he refuses even to hear the church, let him be to you like a heathen and a tax collector." The Vatican might want to start an impeachment inquiry into the Pope's conduct and replace him with someone with a square, solid moral foundation. He may move to liberalize abortion next, and then dope for the Catholic Church. It shouldn't be that difficult to just say wrong is wrong yet not hate or persecute people doing wrong. One should not bless what is wrong. Christians are supposed to be trying to live up to what the little books (biblos) relate, not trying to corrupt them, adulterate them, make sinful conduct OK and etc.

Global Warming; The Coefficient of the Concentration of Wealth?

 The atmospheric heating phenomena may be the coefficient of the concentration of wealth. Wealth concentration has a narrow point of view oriented toward profit that regards non proximal profit elements as beyond its range of interest, or externalities that are not too meaningful.

Concentrated wealth can afford to purchase support for policies that decrease taxation and environmental remediation. A more liberal tax basis that raises the rate of taxes on concentrated wealth probably would pay for a higher percentage of global warming reduction through government policy.

With overly concentrated wealth the electorate become stifled to a large extent in regard to expressing political opinions on taxation antipathetic to the preferred alternatives of the very rich. It may not be possible to effectively slow or reduce global warming without a near-term large tax rate increase on those earning more than $250,000 annually.


You Should hate the word 'Noble'

 I hate the idea of nobility referenced as superior (noble). Some fairly scummy characters have been nobles; they didn’t get there because of virtue. Often they were just the best killers amd/or the most conniving schemers. Mankind had a hard time overcoming those with superior political rights. freedom includes the right to hate things like obnoxious songs, bad politics etc. It is necessary for a democracy to be vigilant against cults, classes and concentrated wealth that would make mankind spiritless jellyfish-sardines malleable to their will.

In the Bible; Revelation 3:15-16″“15“I know your works; I know that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either cold or hot. 16* So, because you are lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, I will vomit you out of my mouth.” Also consider Luke 14:26 “
“If any man come to Me and hate not his father and mother, and wife and children, and brethren and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple.”

One must be wary of government and corporate ideas about hate speech and psychological and political control of the masses for they have always been too happy to exercise thought control. Wrong, reprehensible acts can fairly be proscribed, and language plainly intended to cause harm may be countered but people need be free to thin and to hate things, and that basically means to reject things, that they do not like. Freedom of thought and speech are essential human rights for a life that isn’t subordinated to a superior class by force.

Besides Processing Memories

 Some believe that consciousness is primarily a phenomena to process memories. Consciousness does a pretty good job at evaluating threats like flying objects that were thrown at the brain housing unit. I believe it does more than process memory; consider people with amnesia due to organic insult who nevertheless have a full working consciousness. Socrates might have liked the concept though. In The Meno Socrates demonstrates that a slave boy has built in math memory. I read a refutation someplace of that Socratic experiment yet I would disagree with it anyway since it seems silly and contra to the way things are. If one can compare knowledge and percepts that are always arriving in the brain via senses, or even to falling into cold water, and even compare that accretion of data and sorting it out to atomic and molecular process of adding and radiating mass, there is more than an introverted regurgitation of memory going on.


Judeo-Christian Theist and Scientific Approaches to Origin from Nothing-

 Each posits the eternal existence of something or someone, and each has the Universe appearing at some point from nothing. God issues light into the darkness- and I have no difficulty imagining God creating or hosting a void an issuing matter into it in some way, while science has a void with a singularity that expands into it.

Science has an infinite chain of Universe spawning more Universes-like an infinite fractal branching, and it has a singular Universe arising from a singularity that was perhaps a universe collapsed into a black hole that became a reversed white hole and inflaton. Alternatively a field may fill all of the void so it's only an apparent void, and it has energy that emerges as virtual particles, and those virtual particles may entangle and become mass that in enough quantity can become a black hole that in turn becomes unstable and explodes as a big bang.

There are of course more scientific cosmology theories; like the one about membranes that collide and make a big bang like two symbols clashing and making sound waves. There is a good one about this Universe being located on the event horizon of a five-dimension black hole. There is one I like about every possible Universe already existing and human minds switch t the appropriate Universe that fits each though they have, so a human without being aware of it switches to as man Universes in his or her life as they have individual thoughts.

I like that idea because it fits so well with free will, determinism and everyone controlling their own fate and not trusting Jesus Christ choosing their own way to go to hell, All paths may lead to hell without the Lord guiding them.

God is omnipotent and omniscient and foreknows every possible Universe-an infinite number-in his own thought. The intriguing question that Plotinus asked is why The One (aka God) would trouble to create anything since his power is absolute. Well, He did for some reason and sentient human life is the result or fact. Science and Christian faith have many points in common though each side is generally unaware for numerous reasons.


The Son was in the Higgs Field (a poem)


  God isn’t embedded in the Higgs Field
like humans
though He sent his Son
caught like a ram in the bush
sacrificed like Isaac would have been
except for the substitute provided by God

  God isn’t imperfect
like humans with temporal minds
constructing thoughts in sequenced
phrases, geometries and numbers
colors phasing in with photons
providence from an eternal designer
the Lord's work

  Each day of eternity
is one for omniscience
with every possible Universe foreknown
and structure designed
forms from the formless
points never pointless
massless acquiring mass
future becomes the past
being forever becoming.


Differences between Philosophy and Science

 I wonder if you are familiar with the development of rationalism from Descartes to Sartre, and linguistic philosophy aka the philosophy of logic?Scientific method can be used for sundry applications and is obviously valuable, yet philosophy is more than technical applications of a method. It is interesting to contrast Berkeley's ideaism with the 'Prolegomena to any Future Metaphysics' by Immanuel Kant; noumenon with speculations about infinite Multiverses or even being-in-itself of quantum fields. These are philosophical speculations for those that like philosophy, and a waste of time for those that regard empiricism and scientific testing of theories as the sole means of credible inquiry.

I believe philosophy to a considerable extent, is what one makes of it. There is a lot of the inductive side to it, unlike science that is more deductive and methodological. Philosophical inquiries have innumerable potentials and interdisciplinary synthetic recombinatorial potentials yet that is of course contingent upon the philosopher. There is a good reason why doctorates of philosophy are given to scientists too, for they may venture into areas that are interdisciplinary, original and far more than methodologies of plain science. 'Reinventing Physics from the Bottom Down' by Robert Laughlin is an example of an approach to science that rises to the level of philosophy. Laughlin won a Nobel for solid state physics I believe it was, and he is obviously an inventive guy.

Philosophical thought is analytical and inductive building synthetic new lines of inquiry. That process has continued since the pre-Socratics Thales and Parmenides, yet philosophers that developed science such that it became methodological had their 'knowledge' aka science, become an ossified technique no longer part of philosophy except as phenomenal tools.

Philosophy isn't a settled technique or method; instead it is a pursuit of wisdom often able to generate new thought with discovery. On the other hand science can be bureaucratized and has millions of ardent defenders placing themselves at the center of the Universe of meaning.

It is comparable to a vast colony of ants defending their empirical turf. If humans can be compared to ants with organizational skills, structures and leaders to a limited extent, rather than more independent polar bears hunting for seals, philosophers are individuals that consider the entire phenomena from numerous angles with various filters, as well as the island Universe where they find themselves living.

Linguistic Epistemology (a poem)


Theories of knowledge in countless Universes
filled with sets of words
nominalism vs realism
lexicons for what is said

  Never filled with dread
what s said
rises with red blood
tides of where the spirit led

  To imagination electro-magnetics’
accelerators in space race
shattering speed to near light
inertial reference frames and gravity tight

  A solar system wired with e.m.g. routes
Earth to Pluto in two and a half months’ time
overcoming ‘lethargic chemical rocket doubts
pushing the envelope to fastest sub-luminal rhymes

  Worlds built in a literal day
one can’t sleep while A.I. makes hay
crushed rocket cycled to Dyson Sphere lines
somewhere, someplace, progress is more than a sign.

Philosophy in Comparison to Science (with Linguistic Epistemology)

 To contrast philosophy vs science, consider Husserl's 'Logical Investigations'; philosophy as rigorous science. Frege, Bretano, Whitehead and Russell, the 'Principia Mathematica and the Tractatus Logico Philosophicus'. Aristotle's classification system was rather useful in the day as well as his expression of logic. Leibniz also invented mathematical logic although he didn't publish it and speculated usefully about monads...and that 'atomistic idea of one dimensional bits of pure spirit equivalent to strings really is somewhat apropos for the contemporary description of quanta or energy units at the smallest scale- at least it isn't obviously refuted.

I believe that science is about physics and philosophy somewhat more concerning greater and speculative physics (aka metaphysics). Logic is a field of philosophy too. One field that is active is that of ethics and why it is that people can't get along in a practical way (such as in the border dispute in Ukraine). The parameters are a little too large for simple science experimentation to solve.

There are scientific investigations of the brain that are great of course, and also sociological observations of the behavior of individuals an groups yet packing together different fields and data, ideas and considering possibilities for ad hoc remedies to political choices that result in very harmful social outcomes is more the realm of philosophical activity I.M.O.

I enjoyed reading the Philosophy of Logic. Examples of good works are W.V.O. Quine's 'Word and Object', Strawson's 'Individuals' and Kripke's 'Naming and Necessity'. Wittgenstein's 'Blue and Brown Books' are also about language, and nominalism in a sense- quite philosophic. Also known as linguistic philosophy, the philosophy of logic is a primary tool for contemporary epistemology. When contrasting realism and nominalism having an idea of the values of words and what sort of lexicon they arise in is useful. One might consider The Critique of Pure Reason in light of the philosophy of logic and an emergent field that I would name 'Linguistic Epistemology'. That primarily would be simply the philosophy of logic.


Biden Seeks Re-Election to Have Four More Years of Proxy War with Russia

If a Democrat President were to be elected in 2024, U.S. foreign policy would be likely to follow the crazy, counter-productive course of hostility to Russia four more years. Instead of peace and a robust, satisfying reconstruction of a borderland tax free, ecological economics free trade zone that could arise along the Deeper River the US party of slavery wants to enslave taxpayers to buying HIMARS rockets to kill Eurasians and enrich defense contractors, dark pool arms dealers and politician’s pockets.

On Golden Pond or Lake of Fire?

 I was wondering if a second Biden term would bring a Lake of Fire to the world with nuclear holocaust, or a golden pond for a reelected oc...