
On the Relationship of God to A Multiverse

As a Christian I believe there is a lot more to the Universe, Multiverse and God's support for their contingent existence than one could possibly learn in a lifetime.

God may have created an infinite multiverse, yet even so He is eternal and the entire multiverse may occupy not even 1% of God's potential or actuality. All temporality may recur eternally for God relativistically as He understands these sub-routine multiverse loops as they spin on forever. That I think is why he wants humanity to achieve a spiritual dimensions besides the obvious material dimension as embedded thinking fields of molecules within the greated multiversal field phenomena.

On Rebsamen's Translation of Beowulf

Beowulf is the first great poem of Old English written between the 6th and the first third of the 9th century. Rebsamen created a new translation of the classic heroic saga of the Geat (pronounced Gate?) hero Beowulf (pronounced Baywolf) and his battles with three monsters-Grendel, Grendel’s mother and The Dragon). This version published in 2004 restores a better poetic sense to the ancient literature.

Beowulf the epic story brings a sense of history with it. We read of his mano y mano swimming in the ocean contest with a peer through seven days of wintry waves wearing nothing besides a sword with which Beowulf final battles seven sea sprites before being tossed onto the beach. One learns something of the sociology and culture of the day, and of the job of the coast guard.

Beowulf deliver’s the Danish King Hrothgar’s fine beer hall from the power of Grendel-a predatory monster eating the Danish thane/warriors partying there nightly.

The introduction to this translation of Beowulf presents an excellent summary of the history of Anglo-Saxon England from the 5th century until the Viking invasions after about 930 C.E. The district of Kent was converted to Christianity in 597, and the poem has numerous references to God. The first Church in Sweden at Uppsala wasn’t constructed until 1000 a.d. Maybe the invasion of England returned something of the word of Christ to those previously pagan people regarded in antipathetically by Dane, North Germans and Angles of the era.

One finds an example of the relationship of the illiterate warrior class to God as the omnipotent power controlling the allotment of reality. I would think that the Moslem development of a warrior relationship to God was somewhat similar in Muhammad’s 6th century Arabia though tempered by more Judaic scriptural references. In Old English there were more than sixty different name-references to God.

Rebsamen mentions that more than 30,000 lines of Old English poetry remains. The era of Angles, Jutes and Saxons migrating to England brought the North Germanic form of poetry along. The hymn of Caedmon was one of the first to bring Christian ideas to North Germanic verse structure in Anglo-Saxon England at this time. Another early poem- The Poem of Holy Rood was carved in runic on a large, elegant stone cross at Dumfriesshire Scotland in the 8th century. Beowulf was composes sometime in this era as well by an unknown court poet before the Viking invasions.

Reading this poem aloud in this translation brings it to a story normal expression without the stumbling along verbal cadences of inexpertly trying to read Old English. Beowulf is a no-brag just fact destroyer of monsters-even those descended from Cain such as Grendel-who journeys over the whale-paths through the wave-rolls of the sea and time to meet destiny from the wyrd. This book is worth shelving for its intrinsic value as well as the fact that it was the first epic poem of this scale written since the fall of Rome.


The U.S. Military as an Agent of Ecological Adversity Ecological Adversity

The Pentagon has reports on everything, yet it has been one of the larger factors of ecospheric detriment over the decades from radiation dispersion, nuclear weapons, chemical weapons, defoliation, agent orange, egregious gasoline and flight fuel use, deisel gas pollution etc.

The disruptive effect on the Iraqi ecospheric portion for instance, has been devastatingly polluting. Good post 2003 war planning could have defeated the protracted chaos, conflict and civil war that followed with U.S. troops leaving only later this year. Vietnam also experienced ecospheric devastation. In some regards the U.S. military approach toward the ecosphere has been comparable to that of the communist party of the Soviet Union and that of Vietnam on its Mekong River drainage downgrade.

U.S. diplomacy fails to direct commerical interests and synergetic defense and economic planning domestically and internationally toward coordinated and ecospherically beneficient outcomes. The 1990 Gulf War stimulated Saddam Hussein to set his oil wells taken from kuwait on fire polluting the air. U.S. policy that will deploy the military must be competent to comprehend the green axial dimensions and not just the coaxial box of bullets.

The United States occassionally talks tall on environmentalism yet most of its commercial leadership seems to be plain stupid or indifferent. I think chimpanzees could drive SUVs if taught-that can't be the final state of human progress and the human way of life needs to become ecospherically benign or even friendly. The military pace of ecosphere recovery would make all of America prisoners of war doomed for unfair execution by some ecomaniac in charge of the forces for global warming.

A Brit with the name of Lord Rees wrote a book anmed 'Our Final Century'. I guess he is less optomistic thatn the late Jacque Cousteau who gave humankind 200 years to live before the dummies paving things everywhere fry the plant life into desert condition.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qF26MbYgOA Lord Rees' Talk on 'Our Final Century'

As a politically correct federal entity the U.S. military must try to appeare to support rational policy, yet the socialization the military gives to its recruits and even officers does not create an ecospheric ethic at all.

The military may 'call' for action on ecospheric recovery yet it's inertia does little to support an ecospheric recovery in practice. the military industrial complex is led by CEOs and generals, Admirals and bureaucrats that are perhaps the driving force in a non-rational human relationship to ecospheric recovery integrated with business in the United States.

One might believe that a chimpanzee can drive an SUV to a simple job and back, pave the world with asphalt and find the meaning of life at Wal-mart, yet the ecosphere is in decay and very few employees of the military industrial complex seem to have a clue from the lack of public advocacy, of how to transition to an ecospherically recovering, sustainable eco-business synthesis.


Moamar Khaddafi Terminated in Libya-Foreign Policy Challenges for Next President

With the death of Moamar Khaddafi the United States will have a few new foreign policy challenges in the future years. president Obama's policy to remove the former dictator in Libya and the President of Egypt, along with his advocacy for the removal of Syrian President Assad has brought an element of uncertainty regarding the redistribution of weapons, explosives and political loyalties in the middle east and North Africa. The next President of the United States should adopt a policy less of spend and dump weapons to new strong men and not over-anticipate development of new social reality in those nations.

Certainly the dynamics for support of new terrorist organizations exists in the neo-democratic chaotic interregnum of secret police force in Libya and the development of new power centers in Egypt also presents the prospect for alliances perhaps seeking to advance an agenda against western secularis in its morally decadent phase.

The arguements about the reality of moral norms in a western civilization experiencing population decline and rise of non-theistic amoral secularism might readily be transcended by fundamental Moslems agitating for population power expansion over their own and foreign nations. I suppose neither globalists of the jihaddist or corporatist ethos have concern about the ecospheric decay of the Earth.

President Obama cannot substitute foreign corpses of dictators for a good domestic ecospheric and economic policy; his new jobs program is mostly a way to fund local governments and government projects with borrowed money from China that will cost twice the price to repay-a tax on the next generation to pay for government today.


The Industrial Gnostic Excuse for Global Warming

A new excuse for global warming has been broadcast by some contemporary radio political-religious evangelists that finds a theological premise that acquits mankind from causing or increasing global warming; only God can create the sun and warm or change the atmosphere. That false alternative argument dangerously chops logic short. I believe God created things within His will yet uncertainty and contingent freedom of motion and choice exist such that industrial gnosticism cannot aquit excuse mankind from being a willfull sinner or agent causing global warming.

That erroneous notion is a product of an hierarchical priesthood that has too close of a political and economic relationship with a certain military-industrial oil complex. If a more egalitarian priesthood of believers derived from the venerable friends efforts of the 19th century were popular and upgraded to modern networking liturgucal and Christian welfare status replaced the put ourselves first above the laity approach these sorts of conflicts of interest would be less likely to develop.

As a Christian it is useful to take a stand for clarification of a contemporary maladroit excuse used by some hierarchical ministries in opposition to global warming. Global warming is opposed by some on a vaguely gnostic basis such that mankind can not effect the environment or the atmosphere but only God can. The same reasoning might be equally well applied to inebriation as an excuse for drunk driving; God created mankind therefore drunkeness is natural and man can not be at fault for getting tanked. The Bible of course relates that drunkards will not inherit the kingdom of heaven.

premise one; God created the Universe

premise two; God created mankind and all is predetermined

Conclusion; Mankind can do no wrong

Plainly the reasoning is faulty. global warming is not a crank scientific hypotheis but a measurement of temperature, temperature history of course, yet also a measurement of the amount of carbon dioxide in the world created by mankind, the ability of the ecosphere to process carbon dioxide and the effect of carbon dioxide on increasing atmosoheric temperature.

Exploitation of a gnostic heresy formerly applied to excuse sin to excuse corrupting the atmosphere and world ecosystems with excess carbon dioxide that will make the oceans more acidic and increase atmospheric temperature is a disingenuous attempt by those in oil producing and polluting industrial relationships to curry favor from there wealthy patrons.

Mankind is responsible for his/her ecosphere of the Earth. mankind can change the environment from logging forests, using cobalt bombs to annihilate the atmosphere or just nuclear bombs to create global winter or simply melt the Antarctic ice cap along with Greenland's to raise the level of the ocean. Fossil fuel burning automobiles and lots of heat absorbing asphalt can accomplish about the same things-though not instantly end the existence of the atmosphere.

God has created the universe and universe of universes and given mankind the ability to alter elements of its composition substantially. Denial of the responsibility of mankind to regulate the world's atmospheric temperature so far as possible and not to destroy what God has abundantly provided for human existence and health is the most rank sort of misguidance industrial gnosticism can dump on the people of the U.S.A. and even the world.


The Jobless Job Stimulus Plan of President Obama

President Obama has developed a plan to create jobs for government workers without explaining how that creates sustainable jobs in the private sector. The plan for a job bill of about half a trillion dollars borrowed from China seems designed just to pay for local government salaries along with some special contractors. There is nothing sustainable in that sort of borrow money from China to pay for local government.
A right thinking jobs stimulus would provide grant money to small business start ups evaluated as probably viable by qualified people. New private sector jobs need to be created outside government that would hire additional people and have a chance of lasting for years with new economic production.

Producing new material goods in the United States is one way to create sustainable new hires. An example might be...

A guy in Wasilla or Wrangell Alaska wants to make trimaran sailboats in a new wood chip and glue process to make a vessel faster, lighter and cheaper than with fiberglass-the cost of that material is high today. The innovator even imagines building ultra-light aircraft from the new lightweight woodchip and glue material. He can get the wood chips, the glue and can make the molds yet he needs 200,000 dollars to jump start the process. -This particular example is a fiction that I invented for illustrative purposes.

Borrowing money from China to add to the national debt to pay for local government projects is not an intelligent way to stimulate job creation. In fact it may be necessary to develop posse' to replace lost police funding, and to outsource public education to private schools. Plainly modern technology should be used to enhance education and self-education/independent study projects from students to compensate for inadequate human teachers when needed. There might be a better way to use wireless internet opportunity for education that would reinforce public education delivery that would surpass localization that developed in the days of the Little School House on the Prairie that then grew into the Big Urban Prison School in the Ghetto.

There might be a role for funding local government new business projects though if developed creatively. An example would be the West Texas draught and dry farming phenomenology that suggests creating a solar powered desalinization and steam power generation infrastructure perhaps from Sergeant Texas water intake-processing facility to Lubbock. Fresnel lenses and fields of mirrors used to heat up Gulf of Mexico saltwater to create vapor for condensation capture then steam for pumping the water uphill 2500 feet to Lubbock from whence it might flow downhill to San Angelo irrigating cotton fields on the way could create more employment in the farming, solar and wind power sectors as well as others. Realistic economic stimulus needs to create sustainable development.

West Texas farmers should be required to allow green wild spaces between farms instead of ploughing the entire countryside so it’s nothing besides cultivated dirt awaiting wind and rain. Wildlife needs some boundary margins to exist within after all.


Anthropic Synthetic Chancres Drive Whales Over the Edge

Government propagandists seldom come out of the closet to disclose themselves as Satan’s evil minions. Politicians of doom dump a number of organizational incursions into private realms, make the public realm their own resource nugget and advocate interests corrupting a citizen’s quiet enjoyment of life and pursuit of happiness. Liberal use of force is the road more travelled by a surfeit of advancing agencies of evil.

So three Orca whales perished recently swimming in the fresh water of the Nushagak River and why one might ask, did they venture beyond the salt water safety of Bristol Bay. In the dangers of shallow water, seasonal river freezing and skin disease not to mention bear attack two adult whales-one pregnant late term and a juvenile whale swam to their deaths from unknown cause-perhaps stress or some unknown virus.

Orcas have been forced by human action out of their traditional homes all along the west coast of the U.S.A. In Alaska the issue of developing a vast copper mine in the salmon stream headwaters of Bristol Bay is a contemporary political issue-one might like to think the whales were a Buddhist monk-like suicide protest of the mine development.

Orca whales have experienced population decline and habitat changes as new chancres of industrial development trashing their habitat. Orcas’ main food sources-larger whales, fish and pinnipeds have all declined in numbers from human over-predation. The Orcas have scraped the bottom of the barrel for food amidst a century of engine noise assaulting their sensitive sonar acoustic hearing, oil spills, toxic waste dumping, mining affluence and human direct assault for sadistic pleasure. Swimming upriver to protest Bristol Bay becoming another Puget Sound practically dead to whales was perhaps a worthwhile gesture considering the futility the Orca species has in hoping to exist as healthy free beings into future generations.

The people of the Untied States also experience the savage logical, progressive annihilation of their own ecospheric habitat as a consequence of unreformed capitalism’s domination of politics and ecosphere destruction. Herman Cain’s relationships with the AFP; a billionaire founded agitation group for tax cuts for the rich and deregulation of ecospheric defense-is exemplary of the war on the ecosphere today littering political thought.

Federalism precludes any state border control or limitation to population control by state officials. An acceptable policy when unity promoted economic strength instead of economic and political weakness.

If S.E. Alaska became an independent state rid of the oppression of Anchorage, the Alaska Public Radio syndicate and habitat destroying road builders it could sustain a small population in a healthy ecosystem like a small nation-yet federalism would make immigration control impossible so the effort to become the 51st state would be worthless. Population would flood in as it became prosperous, ruin the ecosphere and then move away when it became a wreck.

All of the 50 states ecospheres are doomed by federal power preventing state border and immigration control. Liberal interstate commerce and migration deregulations were fine in a frontier era when everyone had their head up their ass on environmental science. Today such policies are promoted by rich agents of retardation and of ecospheric destruction and their entourages.

The policy of force overcomes that of defense of human ecospheric security.

On Golden Pond or Lake of Fire?

 I was wondering if a second Biden term would bring a Lake of Fire to the world with nuclear holocaust, or a golden pond for a reelected oc...