
Clinton, DNC & Prevailing Muslim Terrorists of the Era

The D.N.C.'s selection of a slain Muslim soldier fighting for the U.S.A. in Iraq was a rather low-life effort to promote the values of Muslims to U.S. culture. Rational people know that Muslims comprise the vast right wing majority of global terrorists seeking to kill the American way of life as well as that of Europe. Jihad is a Muslim way of life for Al Qaeda and ISIS etc. Democrat efforts to promote Muslim values simply to seem to have something to oppose Republicans and Donald Trump with is simply low-life, crass, dishonest and wrong. If Hillary Clinton were to be elected her Muslim secret service agents or her Muslim pastry chef would probably kill her ala Indira Gandhi and her Sikh bodyguards.
Sure the constitution ensures equal rights of all citizens yet frankly the founders were all Christians and European ancestry males...no Muslims, no Africans, no Mexicans, Other people have other ways of life that don't need the constitution of the U.S.A. and Muslims are high on that list.  Without the insulation of pre-electronic and ocean travel time of months distance the melting pot is more of an anarchy and assimilation plot to disperse historical American culture. Immigrants remain connected to their own homelands with phone, Internet, jets and buses. There is no reason to expect they are just Americans now. Some even have foreign foreign terrorists for relatives.
Many people are fine with godless, atheist scientific bureaucrats running society in accord with their allocation of biomass opportunities with B.F. Skinner as their demiurge. Others would like a theocracy, others a Caliphate and some monarchy or dictatorship. There are even nihilistic anarchists that would simply like it all blown to hell and gone with survivors having the pick of the leftovers. And some do want a hypothetical democratic society from any background even though oligarchs might pull the strings. It is known that Islam has been a rival civilization for more than 1400 years.
The U.S. military is a prime training agent for future terrorists attacking the west and the U.S.A. unfortunately. Ancient Rome trained lots of soldiers that would attack it later including Goths and Attila the Hun. Serving in the U.S. military and even dying is no guarantee of acceptance of American values. Lee Harvey Oswald was also an American. Hinkley was paroled just this week...one might  think some Democrats are glad.
Donald Trump hasn't advocated permanent ban of Muslims from the U.S.A.-just a moratorium on their immigration during this time of increasing terrorism from Muslims across Europe and even in the U.S.A. When an opposition force cadre wants to build up a terrorist infrastructure it must needs increase its numbers. Hillary Clinton would help increase the numbers of Muslims in the Unites States-a religion with a Dar al Harb vs Dar al Islam doctrine that probably should qualify Islam as a recognized terrorist organization itself.
The Byzantine Empire lasted about a thousand years. It was attacked by Huns and Muslims yet it was crusaders and lack of support from Rome in the west that weakened it so much that Muslims finally destroyed the last of direct ancestor of the classical western civilization. Hillary Clinton under the supervision of Bill would play many of the roles of destroyer of western civilization herself. She would personify the immoral decadent policies of homosexual marriage and abortion that are characteristics of a rotten civilization. She would form her own Byzantine bureaucracy that is corrupt and unresponsive to democracy and she would weaken her own society sufficiently to allow an increase in domestic terrorism. Western civilization is not bomb proof.

Utilitarian 'Inventions' New to Me

Two ideas occurred to me recently that I believe would be socially useful. The first is an air-conditioned bicycle helmet. In hot summer weather a foam lined crash helmet is unthinkably hot-it can overheat the brain and possibly damage it.
There should be many ways to manufacture a cold helmet without the foam. One could make a rechargeable battery pack that attaches to the handlebars to power a helmet fan or music player. Instead of styrofoam one could use blue ice packs that are frozen overnight before being worn in the helmet next day.  There may need to be a new baffling structure to let it collapse or liquid to pop out with an extreme jolt. These were my first thoughts-good luck in visiting China to have manufactured.
The other is a camera sensor to watch for pedestrians in crosswalks to keep them from being run over by cars.  When it sees an actual pedestrian in the crosswalk it could light a strobe visible to all drivers. Many drivers just ignore the walk-don’t walk signs and drive on through sometimes believing it empty. The strobe would let them know when someone actually is walking across the street.

Anemic U.S. Economic Growth is New Normal For Obama-Yellen-Clinton

For the past three quarters U.S. economic growth has been only about 1%. Three percent growth traditionally was regarded as the minimum for a healthy economic. Janet Yellen believes that low economic growth may be the new normal; that it just doesn't get any better than this. Seven years after the recession economic growth is comatose.

For Democrat party babes in toyland in might seen pretty good. the Fed can just keep printing free or very cheap money for big banks so they can mint five times more and that can be invested overseas with so much else of the leaky economy's vitality.

Low, high quality economic growth would not be a bad thing with full employment and good jobs, that isn't the situation though.

The investment of wealth overseas with more exploitable consumer-producer markets while the minimum goes into the U.S.A. is not an environmental economic policy with low entropy. The global economy can be just as wasteful as the old economy yet with wealth being cast upon the waters of the world rather than into the U.S.A. the growth rate domestically is necessarily low. It is still a dirty, unsustainable economic system that it is more diffuse.  Wealth owning is being concentrated while investment is comparatively dispersed.

Notably the Federal Reserve claims to have exhausted its ability to stimulate economic growth with monetary and lending policy. Keynesian economic deficit spending actually appears necessary along with lots of free or very cheap Federal Reserve money to even keep the expansion alive. It seems a kind of corporate life support policy. Clinton-Bush II, Obama economics have nearly killed the health of the U.S. economy and Zillary wants more of it.


The Glass Ceiling; Harvard Alumni, 1% and Everyone Else

Hillary Clinton hopes to move above the glass ceiling to the one percent deck in the office of the President. The Clintons have consistently worked to concentrate wealth for themselves and the 1%l to the detriment of ordinary Americans. Clintons prefer Britain and globalism over America first policy.

Hillary would like to prove that the Presidency is simply another government bureaucratic position that women should graduate to equally with untalented, bureaucratic insider men. In theory that job was supposed to be that of dynamic, visionary leaders of outstanding moral character rather than Harvard alumni insiders. No more though in the Democrat Party vision of the Presidency that expects a corporatist socialist to dump welfare benefits while the leader concentrates wealth and kickbacks for the elite.


American voters would be sorely misused to have to look up Hillary's skirt high above the glass ceiling on the observation deck four years.


Americans Stopped Growing in Obama-Clinton Years

Science reported that the average height of the people of the United States stopped increasing during the Obama-Clinton era. I would guess that is a result not only of genetics with shorter people arriving and currents citizens maxed out on increase due to adequate food, it may be a result of immoral political choices, poor diet and bad music lifestyles that dwarf the human spirit.

The Dutch are the tallest people on average, and they have a rather immoral culture, yet sex tourists may help increase the average height with women selecting to breed with tall guys guessing they would usually earn more money. Hard to say about the Dutch though.


Clinton's Media Prop Machine Attacks Trump Again

Donald Trump made in effect, a joke about Hillary's 33,000 missing emails from her private server when she was unlawfully doing state department business off official and secure channels. Trump being aware that the Russians have been blamed by the Clintonistas for the leak of former DNC head Wasserman-Shultz and other Democrat Party leaders apparently conspiring to sabotage the Sanders primary campaign for President asked for the Russians to provide Clinton's missing emails. The unsaid premise is that if the Russians could hack the secure D.N.C. site then it should have been effortless for them to hack Hillary's low security private email server. So, if the Clinton people have deleted or lost the emails maybe the Russians have their own copies.

That's a funny yet true possibility that someone should have said. Trump did. Here are just two of the responses by Clinton media organs...



Thatcher Led to Britain's Rise, Hillary is for America's Decline

Margaret Thatcher is sometimes used in error as a reason why vagina qualified candidates should be elected to break a glass ceiling so ordinary people can look up the skirts. Thatcher brought England back from the loss of empire to a new age of financial empire that inspired others such as the Clintons to over-deregulate Wall Street and precipitate the financial crash of 2008-9.

The Brits aren't idiots as American voters seem to be. Thatcher running as a woman could win power for the conservatives who then denationalized the nation. She also appealed to women in the Soviet Union making it easier to move toward glasnost and periscope (troika joke). That is Thatcher was the right conservative dude for the job at hand and she executed it well enough to help Reagan move toward transcending the cold war political ecosystem.

The Clintons alternatively are like a case of mold on the underside of a cutting board that smell bad and cause financial botulism. Clintonistas say that the wide of a former somewhat immoral President would break a glass ceiling. There is no mention about a reason for electing another liberal from the past to provide a third term for her husband besides that. American women should distinguish between electing a politician for good reasons regarding public interest such as concern all Americans and simply electing a class representative as in the case of skin color, vagina or boobs. Voters should instead elect individuals especially qualified for meeting the challenges of the day and era presenting to all citizens of the nation. If Jackie Robinson had been a .150 batter there would have been no rational reason to bring him to the American League except to promote a new era of incompetent playas.

The nation needs a new direction away from that of the past that since the cold war was bungled by the Clintons, Obama and G.W. Bush. Democrat voters should seek ways to make the nation strong and without debt, to stop illegal immigration, not promote it, and look for good candidates to run in primaries rather than brown nosing would be royalty from the past.

On Golden Pond or Lake of Fire?

 I was wondering if a second Biden term would bring a Lake of Fire to the world with nuclear holocaust, or a golden pond for a reelected oc...