
Presidents Trump, Putin and the G-20 Disconformity

Because of the Russia probe started by Democrats for the 2016 election the President has been driven far to the right regarding Russia. He cannot seem to be reasonable or well informed about Russian history. With the Mueller probe going after the Trump lawyers (another raid in Chicago) and the Cohen plea bargain President Trump had to distance himself from President Putin.

The Sea of Azov is a Russian pond historically. Imperialists seeking to dismember Russia in a war through other means paradigm wrested away integral regions of Russia circa 1994 building a bone of contention to restart the Cold War. Democrats are totally bought in to the Master-Blaster Brits as the midget ruler controlling the U.S. beast warrior with the mind of a child and want to expand Europedic power into traditionally Russian areas like Crimea and Ukraine.

The failure of good judgment, common sense and historical reason has allowed Democrats and the media restart the Cold War making a sow’s ear out of a silk purse.

The Problem of Anti-Christs

Some may believe another Democrat President anti-Christ will be elected. One that supports making sin official U.S. law more fully than it already is (there are a few modest policies that qualify). There are already lots on anti-Christians in the world. Some Christians have an eschatological belief known as pre-tribulationism that believe there are special end times leading to Armageddon ahead with a special political leader of wickedness working for the Devil. Pre-tribbers are wrong i.m.o.


There are three Christian eschatological viewpoints that have existed since the second century a.d. The other two don’t have a future Armageddon in them. Post-tribulationsists believe the New Testament end of days occurred in the First century A.D. when Jerusalem was destroyed as the Lord prophesied it would be. He said that all the events he spoke of would occur while some of his generation were yet living and they did. Pre-tribbers ignore that and interpret the Revelation incorrectly as did Mohammad. Martin Luther said that the Book of Revelation had a lot of straw in it, and he was talking about brick making I believe. The Revelation written by John had veiled language so the anti-Christ (Caesar Nero- number 666 in Jewish number of the era) and contemporary persecutors would not have an easy time of understanding it.

The Kingdom of God is within you. Until the age of the Gentiles is fulfilled the Kingdom of God will increase. The thousand years or millennium in which that happens indicated ‘a very long period of time’- not exactly a literal expression. Actually it could go on for tens of thousands of years, I would think. What may wrap it up is the time when humanity just can’t go farther with its own devices and degrades human life with some sorts of technical morphing into horror. Then God may once more save humanity from itself, or at least the elect.

Why the U.S.A. Din't Help Ho Chi Minh to Assert Vietnamese Nationalism in 1946

The United States had a lot of work continuing in 1946 when the Viet Minh started a civil war of revolution against France. France owned Indochina then and Vietnam was part of it along with Cambodia and Laos. Communism was a problem in China and Korea also was a concern. MacArthur had to oversee reconstruction of Japan and a Marshall plan for Europe was needed to rebuild Europe.

A wiki article pointed out that U.S. Sect of State George Marshall warned France that its colonial policy was obsolete. Yet the U.S. would not have found supporting Ho Chi Minh to revolt against France o.k.

                     Image of O.S.S. Deer Team and Viet Minh leaders in 1945
Accompanying two Việt Minh leaders, the OSS Deer Team in 1945. From l. to r.: René Defourneaux, Ho Chi Minh, Allison Thomas, Võ Nguyên Giáp, Henry Prunier and Paul Hoagland, far right. Kneeling, left, are Lawrence Vogt and Aaron Squires
By Unknown - Stewart, Richard W. (2012), Deepening Involvement 1945-1965, Center of Military History, United States Army, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=36639845



The French Fourth Republic- a provisional government that existed from 1944 to 1958 may not have been the best to address the Vietnam problem. France had a lot of war damage and didn’t have a spectacular military at the time. After the Japanese left Indochina and the Philippines there was a lot of human strife to recover from. It is reasonable that the Viet Minh wanted to assert national sovereignty with Ho in a revolutionary government since all the foreigners were malodorously cruel it might have seemed.

With a global circus of the tragedy of war to recover from and the complexities complicated by communism, Stalin, Mao etc Providing U.S. military support to the Viet Minh just wasn’t in the cards. The U.S. had a policy of containment of communism that continued through the next few decades that sometimes was a blunt instrument of policy that produced collateral damage. Sometimes people overlook the bureaucratic inertia that takes root in U.S. foreign policy (and in other nations too) that works against clever individual solutions for different nations and situations. The present Democrat party efforts to reignite a cold war with Russia is a good example. Perhaps the different policy stream vectors that shape formation of foreign policy are too many sometimes for a political leader to have an opportunity to deliberate and select the best course of action.


Bernoulli Equation Applied to Dimensions (note)

The idea of Bernoulli's equation paradigm applied to dimensions in a cosmological context is interesting. Especially interesting to me is how dimensions at T=0 and plus time in any direction-even vectors of pre-thermodynamic determinism, would actualize with and/or without mass.

Relativity criteria objectively cohering within accelerated dimensional content of various numbers and scales are fascinating to consider as well.

Russia Owns the Sea of Azov

Apparently Ukraine provoked the Russian response. A month ago Radio Free Europe reported that Ukraine was working to increase its naval forces in the Sea of Azov. The Sea of Azov is a Russian pond that provides easy access to the soft underbelly of Russia for attackers. It is therefore not unusual that Russia would seize belligerent Ukrainian vessels seeking to enter it. Missile boats could threaten sites deep into Russia.

The United States often has very bad foreign policy largely playing to domestic media priorities with little solid political thinking involved. politicians are better at attacking than thinking and working in positive directions. Democrats are equally guilty as Republicans. With their fanatic attack on the President seeking to associate him with Russian election collusion they have driven him toward their side of restarting the cold war. For some people the reprobate new cold warrior antagonists make it challenging for those that valued ending the first cold war to work to stop the growth of the second.

Black Sea map.png
By Created by User:NormanEinstein - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=239407

I will reiterate that U.S. leadership fails to comprehend Russian sentiment and governance to quite a serious degree. Russia in the long run is as unlikely to relinquish the Sea of Azov, Ukraine or Crimea as the U.S. Government would be to give up Chesapeake Bay, Virginia Maryland.

The Democrat Party is the party of slavery and tends toward starting wars. For example World War Two, Korea, Vietnam and the Obama organizing of Arab Spring conflicts through pure daftness toward probable consequences not dissimilar entirely toward the Democrat restart of the Cold War.

I is useful to work for the construction of positive goals rather than to just create conflicts. That may be incomprehensible in D.C.


A Yellow Browed Bunting or Some Kind of Warbler?

I caught a photo- not a very good one, of a bird at Wrangell Alaska November 28. It might be a yellow browed bunting or a finch or warbler...I don't really know. Black and yellow head stripes; the breast feathers were slightly yellow too.

Democrat Presidential Candidate Advice- 2020

The next President should present a clear 2020 vision to the country. He or she should make a list of ten realistic goals to accomplish in the first four years in office. The second term if any is often slop time with pork piles.

Ten goals may not sound like much, yet actually modern Presidents seldom seem to get even two or three done. A rule for the public is that if the candidate doesn't have a list of realistic goals he or she won't get much done besides deceit and Hollywood if elected. Who hires a contractor without knowing what they will do if paid?

The 2020 President needs to relate ecospheric restoration leadership to ordinary economic practices. The next president should continue moon construction to place scientists and engineers in the real off-world construction and building laboratory. The next president should use new infrastructure to upgrade the nation instead of using old infrastructure that would be patched over. That might mean eliminating cars and highways for electric vehicles-even hovercraft- drawing power from lines suspended above the ground.

The next President should completely secure the borders against illegal human traffic and regard the civil rights of all U.S. citizens as of paramount importance. There should be a national minimum income tied in to all existing entitlement structures including disability and unemployment insurance. There should be no dark pools where citizens are trapped in poverty for decades for whatever cause.

The minimum income structure should be tied into the employment structure and employers should be given preferences for hiring those out of work longest as well as creating businesses that restore the ecospheric vitality and reduce habitat loss of degradation of the atmosphere's oxygen level.

The next president should transition public education into continuing free education with redesign of public pay and compensation for educators at all levels. Innovative support for college and post-graduate education might allow pay-per-student extra ad hoc independent education structures to supplement regular educator compensation for example.

Health care for all citizens including the transitive poor should exist. The V.A. hospital system should be upgraded and made to include existing and new clinics for the civilian poor around the United States. Very fast inter-urban and rural hypertubes should be built to allow the poor to travel to jobs and hospitals.

Adequate taxation on the most rich in order to prevent over-concentration of wealth and the inevitable repression of democratic self-determination that follows should be made to be in a new Congress. The nation should have an establishment for creating new business and manufacturing technologies following a complete democratization of the patent system that would make obtaining patents simple and uninhibited by substantive economic obstacles that benefit the rich with deep pockets.

The next president may choose to follow the racial, gender and perversion line of dividing and conquering the electorate in order to weasel in to enrich the rich and party elites that has worked so well in recent times. The best way to attempt to move away from the usual public corruption in high office would be to require that candidates actually enumerate ten goals and to let the public deliberate what they would accomplish if actualized, and of the chance that they could be actualized. Needless to say the public debt and annual deficits require rectification and it should not be the poor that bear the burden after decades of incompetent rule by the rich with those ineffective policies.

Jeff Sachs probably would be the best candidate Democrats could field, if he were interested. President Trump is likely to crush the usual all-pr, no real content candidate.

World Economic Forum from Cologny, Switzerland [CC BY-SA 2.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

On Golden Pond or Lake of Fire?

 I was wondering if a second Biden term would bring a Lake of Fire to the world with nuclear holocaust, or a golden pond for a reelected oc...