
Thirty-Three Billion for Ukraine is Wrong

 The President’s request for 33 billion dollars in war money for Ukraine is just about crazy. Buying everything including victory in restarting Cold War v 2.0 and charging it simply isn’t responsible government. Spending 33 billion on a lunar base, or providing 33 billion for small checks to homeless people, spending 33 billion on a project to reduce the cost of EVs from the GM Hummer EV's  $109,000.000 to something the poor could afford; maybe a soap box derby style EV for urban transport in special lanes for very light vehicles, might be a good enough reason to pile up more national debt. Funding a foreign war that rightly should have been avoided with competent government from Democrats for a change as if that were possible, is wrong.

 Ukraine’s investment in Hunter Biden really is paying off.

 The Obama administration stimulated wars in the Middle East that resulted in hundreds of thousands of casualties and that sort of approach for Europe is wicked and perhaps stimulates arms sales for U.S. businesses yet has great opportunity costs, should not be the Biden policy too.



The first quarter of this year was one of recession (1.4%).  Dividing the world along Cold War 2.0 lines is harmful to the economy, implicitly has potential to stimulate the collapse of the dollar as investors perceive better growth prospects in Asia, and that threatens social security that is barely enough for some to afford food at inflated prices and a fair tent and bed roll for homeless winters. Stimulating intelligent ecospherically green growth is more important than making protracted war in Europe or forcing a nuclear conflict.

I have a different point of view about the administration's investment in Ukraine; I beliueve the Democrat Presidents since Bill Clinton are the aggressors that victimized Russia to steal Ukraine in 1994 after President Bush 41 eschewed doing that. Thus the Ukraine conflict is about Democrats trying to reward aggressors (themselves) by keeping 100% of Ukraine from its historically legitimate owners - Russia. The conflict should and could be settled asap without leaving anyone besides the physical casualties inhumanly worse off.

 Russia presently has a pretty good chunk of useful waterfront property and farmland in south and east Ukraine that it could keep in return for a lasting peace and an end to sanctions by the administration. Then world business could try to return to normal and Europe could get its natural gas and learn to recognize historical Russia. I believe Russia should stay out of Moldavia and at most advance no farther than its border where it could have an informal aqmicable and supportive relation with ethnic Russians and others.

President Biden is a litigious, combative lawyer perfectly willing to fund a war to reinforce the aggression of cutting out Russia 100% from Ukraine as some sort of a Cold War victory celebration for the west that Republicans were not rash enough, nor ignorant enough to take. President Bush 41 might have known that taking Ukraine while Russia was very weak would make a future war to take it back inevitable, while the Democrat lawyers would have been clueless or willing enough to spenbd lives and treasure to expand the global reach of their power.

Russia ought to be satisfied with its present area of recover and agree to end the war and sanctions in-place if the U.S. Congress can pressure the President into making peace rather than war. The world has too many serious problems presently to continue a renewed hot conflict and protracted Cold War 2.0. Someone should regenerate some brain cells and get out of the bureaucratic- lawyer loopiness of battle.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAVs1-HH5Mw war map

Florida's Sovereign Power of Mickey Mouse

 Learning that Florida’s Disney-world was established as a kind of semi-sovereign governing authority in Florida several decades ago provided the remarkable information that Mickey Mouse was able to tax those within its demesne. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis moved to take away the sovereign powers of Disney-world and that may throw Mickey unto hard times or worse, life as a commoner.

 Government usually is regarded as the sole authority able to legally tax subjects or pile up trillions of dollars of debt. Mickey apparently was the exception to that with a sort of royal prerogative to put its will-to-power into action for-itself. Corporatism is the present form of government in the United States; democracy is its front for plausible deniability, yet the plain power of Mickey Mouse to tax or run private prisons, censor dissident expression to its jungle theme park rides or provide unequal access to those wishing to climb the mountain to see the promised land made one pause to consider all things. The revelation for a moment brought sunshine to the dark cave where Mickey, Goofy, Snow White and the gang of dwarves gang live when not taking a break in Havana. People could plainly see the power rodent super-heroes have over the masses.

 One wonders if Mickey will take over operations of Guantanamo Bay to reeducate dissidents to its social media, search engine listings and defense policies or if President Biden will have a seat at the table, become a stake-holder or receive an appointment as master of cliches.


The Logic of Fields (a poem)


The logic of field
vectors flowing one direction
bi-polar input, throughput, output
circle unto themselves
opposites attracting to consolidate
connecting fields better
would gravity be an opposite
of mass drawing unto itself
the steady state of entanglement
comprising reality?

Tightened the vector of opposites
know lines of energy flow
transferring potential
from some point
to another point

A same-pole field
black hole of input
without leakage
need have gravity to pack it in
breaking down other field vectors
or expand fatter and farther
biggest belly of being
digesting reality
until Universal input is exhausted
excreting nothing

Gravity as a normal bipolar field
may circle through other dimensions
stitching itself to rhyme
- a dimension without space
or time.


A Comment on Cold War 2.0

The Biden administration’s Cold War 2.0 strategy apparently includes a time paradigm lasting a decade, and with sanctions on Russia continuing after some sort of conflict saturation stability and political division demarcation lines mature in Ukraine. Some U.S. political partisan tacticians have mentioned a decade of Cold War 2.0 ahead. 

 So I wonder about North Korea and its missile and nuclear weapons development continuing during Cold War 2.0. until it has perhaps 1000 nuclear warheads with sufficient missiles to join the ranks of nations able to incinerate the United States. In a decade Iran too should have developed an off-the-shelf missile program able to reach Europe and the United States with nuclear warheads when those finally appear in their inventory. Russia and China are likely to upgrade their nuclear arsenals, super-cavitation torpedoes with nuclear warheads, hyper-ballistic missiles with nukes and stealthy drones with tactical nuclear weapons. With a hostile relationship with Russia and a frosty one with China I fail to see where U.S. national security would be improved  since the end of Cold War 1.0 when the movement was toward inclusion rather than exclusion.

In my opinion reaching a stable and permanent East and West Ukraine configuration ending sanctions on Russia ought to be prioritized in order to move in a positive direction toward an undivided free market economic amicability for the planet. Unlike Cold War 1.0, Cold War 2.0 hasn’t a communist vs free enterprise foundation as Russia and China moved toward free market economics quite substantially. Claiming that the issue is nothing more than authoritarianism vs democracy is quite disingenuous for a number of reasons including yet not limited to the rise of corporatism and demographic facts of life. At some point competence in the U.S. government would be useful, especially if it included people with comprehension of environmental economics, the academic disciple.

The west lacks the moral footings it had that brought support to its side in Cold War 1.0. That is, the west has become the godless entity itself seeking to impose Darwinian evolutionary cultural values on the world, rather than being a nation with leadership like Ronald Reagan’s respectful of God, freedom of worship an family. That is a very large change- since most of the people of the world have some degree of belief in God instead of belief in godlessness with its amoral evolutionary stratagems of personal egoism, avarice and advantage to the end of concentrating wealth and power.

Cold War 2.0 and Conservatives; The New, the Old and the Ugly

During Cold War 1.0 popular conservatives and aristocratic conservatives had common cause against Communism atheism. Today that relationship is dysfunctional for popular conservatives and practical for elitist 1% conservatives. The white middle class from which popular conservatism built its base were beneficiaries of President Roosevelt’s (F.D.R.) progressive taxation policy that continued until the end of Cold War 1.0 in reasonably good form. When Cold War 1.0 ended in December 1989 they failed to adapt and adjust their political relationship to the rich conservatives they were loyal to.

 Capital increases faster than wages. Capital in the 21st Century by Dr. Thomas Piketty- a French economist, examined that facticity historically.  All things being equal, wealth concentrates as capital compounds and increases faster than the rise of wages. For example, if capital rises 7% a year, wages simultaneously average increases of 2 or 3% a year. If one inherits a couple million dollars and invests it in a market index fund the value rises faster than worker wages, So one may never need to work, and if one does work in a good-paying job and invests capital in an indexed stock fund, the capital increase beats average worker wages in a landslide fiscal levitation updraft. The largest capitalists tend to buy up the lesser with the pace of wealth increasing faster with greater concentration of capital. In other words, modern popular conservatives are sold out by their rich political patrons.

 During Cold War 1.0  when the entire principle of free enterprise was being defended by most people in the west, as well as traditional, non-communist-atheist social values, popular conservatives could find political support from elites who in turn were paying higher progressive tax rates that kept the differences between the rich and middle class more or less in check.

  With the end of Cold War 1.0 popular conservatives continued to support political causes of elite conservatives such as tax cuts for the rich while the elite conservatives tended to move toward formerly communist moral values (not economic values) such as abortion, homosexuality, equality of women in the workforce in regard to wages, dope use for the masses. Promiscuous sex (communists had tolerated the concept of the commonality of women for sexual use outside of the parameters of marriage). Popular conservatives did not understand the function of capital increasing faster than wages concentrating wealth to the elites and continued to support the Republican party platform of tax cuts.

  Democrats like President Biden and President Obama permitted tax cuts for the rich and were in agreement with most moral paradigms of the formerly elite conservatives that became known in some respects, as Rhinos (Republicans in name only). For example, while popular conservatives might be strongly in opposition to illegal migration to the United States, Democrats and 1% Elite Republicans tended to support it for different reasons; Democrats because it brought in support for an anti-white conservative voter base, and the rich because it brought in cheap labor that increased  corporate profit while undermining popular conservative ability to have political influence that might  keep wages for conservatives high and rising proportionately as they were in the golden post-World War 2 era economies with high Roosevelt tax rates on the rich.

 Democrats were able to characterize popular conservatives as racists and fascists after Cold War 1.0 concluded and bringing more political power to masses they could mobilize to support their political agendas that included race rights, expropriation of marriage from heterosexuals to homosexuals and bi-sexuals and lately, efforts to re-unionize the corporate world. During the initial modern era of integrating the national economy labor unions had been in decline. With the availability of a world of cheap labor after the Cold War 1.0 the logic of unions competing against foreign cheap labor where formerly American made products where relocated for production to became even less. Unions took over most U.S. Government operations for their primary residence, and apparently media broadcasting and Hollywood too that in turn served as platforms to promote a leftist agenda that also was an agenda useful for elitist conservative economic ideas concerning American labor and political power control of the mass electorate.

 Interestingly the seeds for starting Cold War 2.0 were sewn by a Democrat President Bill Clinton when he supported seizing the traditional Russian Ukrainian homeland as a settlement with Boris Yeltsin to end the former Soviet Union. Russians would never accept the loss of their homeland to the west even as an independent nation.  Soviet President Boris Yeltsin, like Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, gave up land for peace to end hostilities and buy time for his nation to reorganize, kicking the can down the road. The recent war in Ukraine formalized ossification of Cold War 2.0 that had pre-started with Russian annexation of Crimea. I never anticipated that a line up of Clinton-Obama and Clinton would be on the same sheet of music regarding Ukraine as the Kaiser, Molotov and Hitler. History does have its ironies; in Hebrew the transliterated word ‘ha’ means ‘the’. Tripling that for the Ukraine conflict fails to make anything funny about it, though the Ukrainian President is a comedian.

In dividing up the world economies between East and West, union labor will experience diminished foreign competition and possibly factories relocating to the United States from abroad as the U.S. and European Unions sanctions regimes compel nations to choose to align with east or west and to not remain neutral and trade with both sides. Overall though, a unified world economic system with careful checks on the over-concentration of wealth through progressive taxation and investment in public goods such as ecology and atmospheric restorative mediation and basic welfare programs eliminating poverty, providing free public education through graduate school is a better bet.

 Popular conservatives in the developing Cold War 2.0 zeitgeist may find it easy to align with the elite conservatives that share leftist moral values such as anti-Christian atheism, illegal migration to the U.S.A., tax cuts for the rich and so forth. Democrats will continue to excoriate popular conservatives as racists, dinosaurs with anachronistic ideas about fossil fuels and God (lumping God in with fossil fuels is a notable enormity for evolutionists) and find tacit support from the elites that continue to draw on declining popular conservatism for political support. Because the social media and broadcast media are controlled by leftists and financial elites too happy to demonetize (demonize) and censor or delete antipathetic authorship expressions, a phenomenon of political software programming the masses in closed, limited, finite loops of political development is a dark polluting mists enshrouding national American democracy. Free and new political directions or reforms are precluded from the stank cloud of control.

 The historical problem with political labels and their use in controlling mass opinions and ideas is present today stronger than ever. Hitler’s 3rdRreich Storm Troopers were comprised initially mostly of former socialists. National Socialism of which Hitler became the leader is regarded today as the most conservative of organizations of the modern era to which national populist conservatives are forever compared. The Germany the 3rd Reich developed in was a Weimar Republic with weak moral values that followed a popular German revolution to end the first world war that forced the Kaiser to abdicate and ended the German royal aristocracy. The former aristocrats sought to recover lost ground in alliance with Hitler-led national socialists that used Mussolini's new political economy of corporatism. Those political elements are present today in the United States in many ways though the comparison is no ,more than 50% accurate. New technology and demographics have made the old labels fairly dysfunctional and serve more to antagonize the labeled, motivate opposition to keep the masses politically stupid than anything else.

The Philosophy of Crude and Fine Art

What comprises art, much less fine art (rather than crude), is a perennial question, a somewhat stilted one perhaps for snobs exclusively limiting the term fine art to political contributors adept at sliding payola under the table from offshore banks, etc. When I was in college I took an independent study philosophy course on aesthetics that eventually morphed into the philosophy of art after I made a trip to the Louvre and the Parthenon to look things over. People have asked if art is symbolic and representational, one or the other or both at one time or another.

Art has differed into classes of those comprising graven images of real or imagined persons or creatures and those that are representational, yet not necessarily of animate objects including people, and those that aren’t, as in certain Islamic art.

In Oregon the Portland Art museum had an unusual art piece set like a table that was a lifelike statue of a naked man named The Gaul.  It would have been representational art, representing a human obviously, as a model airplane or a carving of a bear might represent an airplane or an actual bear. The Gaul was a graven image or not, depending upon one being a humanist, sociopath or cynic perhaps, and to what degree one worshiped human beings as a kind of center-of-the-Universe, mankind as measure of all things, instead of one with God or at least other beings of equal stature in a hierarchy of man and his place in the phenomenal Universe. 

I’d learned that just 1% of the marble statues carved in ancient Greek- Attic Greece, by sculptors such as Phidias, and of Roman statuary too, survived the ravages of historical recycling into use in building or were lost to history through other causes not excluding iconoclasm and artillery I would guess. In their day those statues were painted with lifelike colors and would have been a remarkable sight.  Art can be symbolic and representational simultaneously as might Rodin’s sculpture The Thinker  represent a human in a posture of thought yet also symbolize the characteristic of being human differentiating humans from animals. If one encountered The Thinker  in an extra-terrestrial art museum with sculptures of many sorts of animals one might guess that humans can think abstractions or regard them as slow and stupid pondering simple things before moving as deliberately as a sea cucumber might if it could think or a wood chuck would if it wanted to calculate quantities before chucking wood.

  One learns from history that artisans were craftsmen. Sculptors and painters of the renaissance often were one and the same with artists like Michelangelo and Leonardo DaVinci working in both fields. We learn that youth skilled in sketching were apprenticed to the building trades and craft works including painting. If showing exceptional ability they were trained with the materials for what classically is regarded as artistic painting. Great murals such as cover the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel were made, yet there were probably thousands of lesser quality wall coverings in villas by sundry artists that preponderantly didn’t survive. Numerous other artisan’s works such as tile floor murals and tapestry utilized inter-craft skills.

 Over time the term art  became detached from its initial meaning grounded in building trades and decorating surfaces that were aesthetically satisfying and became an eponym for things-in-themselves that were decorative, yet made with skill for an aesthetic thing-for-itself. Portrait, landscape and historical paintings were regarded as art. 

Opera too became regarded as of the arts because it combined painting scenes, costumes, plays and music together in a superfluous production. Art had the quality of being fundamentally superfluous and non-functional in comparison to practical skills like farming, medicine, soldiering, engineering or educating others with ideas of best ways to think (philosophy). Apologists have countless times defended the superfluity of art by saying that mankind needs music, paintings and other distractions for relief from the mundane etc. There are basic arts though, that require no defense; such as the art of building a fire below zero or sailing a boat through a storm, that may save one’s life if only in the temporal. I believe that an expanded, practical paradigm for the meaning of art formed the core of the expansion of the range of the word art. The Art of Peace is more valued than the Art of War  in its season.

  Modern art changed the idea of what art is. Jackson Pollock's splattered paint on canvas exemplified the idea of aesthetically pleasing images without forms.  French impressionists and other modernist painters had changed the nature of presenting images with new techniques, and Cubists such as Pablo Picasso presented the subjectivity of perception and ideas of others externally. If Picasso had known Freud well the result might have been some odd collage of Jungian archetypes in a macabre El Greco dreamscape infused with special relativity.

 With the evolution  of art to formlessness as well as forms, and to atoms, ideas and nominalism lapping on the shoreline of universals, art returned to its roots as a general term for  structured aesthetic presentations in  building trades.  The term art  wasn’t limited to aesthetic surfaces for the eyes. It expanded to include architecture like that of Antonio Gaudi’s La Sagrada Familia and Pei’s glass pyramid at the Louvre and etchings like Malcom Escher’s paradoxical images of architecture and landscapes.

Like the word professional, art became universally applied to describe any sort of activity well done from cake decorating to reasoning. Is fiction writing an art? Language has two basic elements; the syntagmatic and paradigmatic axes; structure and meaning. Like prosaic constructions in contrast to artistic, ordinary language may be skillfully worked to an artistic level of expression.

I read a book on classical, predicated, propositional and term logic several times named The Art of Reasoning. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance was a famous written work toward the end of the 20th century. Herman Hesse’ Steppenwolf  probably tipped the scales toward Hesse be awarded a Nobel prize for literature. Fiction writing is art in fact and perceptible in great works such as Stendahl’s The Red and the Black or in Sollszhenitsyn’s August 1914. Words are an art form capable of expressing ideas in-themselves rather than representationally, although words have a synthetic, nominalist-realist character necessarily interpreted in part, subjectively.  With Jean Paul Sartre’s The Condemned of Altoona one experiences; one sees where captives are kept awaiting execution and discovers their thought. Not only in fiction is art in writing present. It is found  in non-fiction works such as Solzhenitsyn's Gulag Archipelago. 

Writers may work on their writing project for a lifetime and never capture the aesthetics or ideas they wished to convey in the form they want  (I wrote five novels and five books of poetry while unemployed and unable to find work-for-others without being satisfied that I couldn’t have done much better).

It is somewhat amusing that several sectors of society including government do not recognize writing for-oneself (rather than working for an industry or employer doing technical writing) as work or an occupation.  Some states and alumni associations do not recognize writer as an occupation or an art.  All of that creative activity, editing and developing structure for contemporary electronic publishing is what, unskilled idleness?

 If Shakespeare’s plays were not fine art, would they at least be a sort of granular art as The Art of War  might be regarded? Should writers consider themselves to be not artists or even workers if they don’t turn out products like War and Peace or Brothers Karamazov up to a government standard book of the month club? Writers could alternatively regard themselves as actors in real life like Vladimir and Estragon playing in Waiting for Godot ;  trying to rhyme like broadcast journalists and politicians and perform to keep an administration’s minions happy with very fine art.

The art of boxing and of counter-punching would be an art if Floyd Mayweather Jr. was using it, yet not so if a less skilled fighter was putting up a defense. If Carmello Anthony or Kobe Bryant were shooting jump shots that might be an art, yet not Wilt Chamberlain shooting free throws as line drives to the hoop. The art of constructing a universe from a concentrated and undifferentiated monistic field that expands in pre-determined ways inclusive of an element of uncertainty when observed from within the universe seems quite artful, yet in retrospect Einstein’s discovery pf special and general relativity seem artful and aesthetically satisfying even if not being the Dictum de Omni for every possible configuration of fields, waves or pluralism that could ever arise in cosmological theories or observations within mathematics or without.

  Some people need be satisfied with the art of cooking and basic elements such as meat and potatoes as much as delicate novelties concocted by a French chef infusing carbohydrates and sweets with special sauces into game birds. Fishing and hunting have elements of art, yet so do optimal social designs for progress, prosperity and environmental health when they escape from the jaws of censorship into the body politic.

In the modern world mystics and romantics still see art in nature; in particular in sunsets, mountains, flowers caressed by a breeze and in life itself. Philosophers and experimentalists advanced knowledge of design so an art of design arose as if Gregory Mendel learning of plant genetics worked with Ludwig Van Beethoven to synthetically combine variations of abstract structures to solve every encoded natural construction from sound to light;. And further to formalize heterodox recombination of Aristotelian substances as genetic dialectics in all positive compositions. 

 G.W.F. Hegel’s 19th century work The Phenomenology of Mind  advanced a teleological thesis of God evolving; perhaps dialectically evolving, to realize himself through natural and social history. Plato’s work The Republic , more fully articulated by Plotinus in The Enneads, advanced the paradigm that God, or The One, allowed The Intelligence (akin to the Christian paradigm of the Word of God/Jesus Christ) to realize perfect forms in a heavenly realm of forms from which structures of being in the physical world could be modeled and actualized over time. In the realm of forms nothing decays or breaks down because time does not exist. In the physical universe time breaks down composites built from basic quantum forms.

The physical world has a plethora of every possible form of being that might be made in a three dimensional Universe with a time dimension comprising a fourth dimension, and the temporal forms occur or evolve in natural historical time. It is easy enough to consider that Hegel’s paradigm could follow from Plato/Socrates’ paradigm. Modern cosmology theory of an infinite Multiverse might be regarded as consistent with the Platonic/Hegelian and even Judeo-Christian paradigms (if the book of Genesis is interpreted representationally and atemporally was made by an omniscient being for sentient creatures of contingent, temporal being). Art for humans sometimes may try to capture divine forms of ideal being as deducted, or even inducted representations in-themselves.

Unless God (The One) choose to relate technical details of creation I think it improbable that anyone would surpass Plotinus in trying to figure out how divine mechanics work. If quarks and other sub-atomic quanta always take certain logical forms, and quantum fields function in pre-determined ways, the way pure Spirit elected to issue particle-waves or fields before anything existed is divine mystery at some point before the evident or logical forms of quanta appeared for physicists to consider. The art of reasoning concerning cosmology is a very fine art.

The art of God in presenting nature, brought man’s place within it to a sentient plain. Evolving to sufficient reason, mankind was allowed a coefficient in law to draw human society toward ordered moral structure, that would bring the beings grown from the ground of becoming toward Himself with the Lord Jesus Christ providing the moral and ethical genius to overcome the original sin of implicit thermodynamic drive to obtain energy implicit in creatures of the temporal Universe.  Mankind need be born again beyond the drives of thermodynamics spiritually through the saving grace of the Lord.

  Modern art flowed into reason and overlapping arts of reason and design. Multi-dimensional aesthetics could be used by mathematicians as solutions to puzzles and tests of modal logic universes. Physical scientists might design and actualize quantum splices and super-positions of structures from photons, to quarks and fields sustaining them as long-term, entangled virtual particulate emanations of fields. Yet fine arts could take many forms. It might be deposition of new materials on computer chip memory or china cups collecting sunlight to keep coffee warm.  Art might be a promise of life after death recollected on a sunny day when light is short and time fleeting. It may be a smile in the sky persisting unto dark.

Ukraine War Impact on Building Better Mousetraps

 The Ukraine war may generate numerous unintended, or unanticipated consequences for world trade, manufacturing and the phenomena of building better mousetraps. For example;

 There are several avenues to travel on the design and construction of building better mousetraps for consumers.  Each avenue is a fork- or a tri-forka, to a door leading to a virgin avenues of mousetrap innovation that I will summarize briefly. 

 Door number one is the conventional spring loaded trap that crushes the skull of a mouse or at ;least flattens the body. The main problem with those efficient killing machines is the difficulty in keeping them sensitive enough to slaughter lightweight ice taking the bait without setting off the slam of death, yet not so sensitive that they are difficult to set without getting one’s fingers caught in the trap while setting it. One should have some sort of pin locking mechanism that could hold the spring loaded bar in place while setting the trap down, that could then be withdrawn without setting off the trap.

 Behind door number two are the mousetraps cranked safely into ready position like catapults that disengage from the bar of death when it locks into place. Consider the way a rocket launch support gantry is detached when the rocket launches form a launchpad for comparison.

 Door number three has new age mousitarian catch and release traps that are too clever for a mouse to find its way from after tracking  cheese to its source in the center of the trap. It is a trap for vegetarians that catch and release mice safely without bloodshed far away in a placid countryside where it can meditate with flowers, bees and reptiles in blissful harmony. Mousitarian traps are made of clear plexiglass and easily disassemble to let a mouse escape its normal solitary isolation cell when the compassionate trapper determines the time izes right.

 The Ukraine war may drive up the cost of trapping mice or getting a Chinese patent on mousetraps for Americans that can’t afford U.S. patents because of the growing division of the world in to two basic economic camps. Because Americans generally manufacture things in China, China too may put barriers to Americans getting cheap Chinese patents that should be exclusive for five years only yet pay ten percent royalties after that, instead of the U.S. patent system of five applications for $3000 dollars with exclusivity for life for the patent holder (incidentally slowing economic productivity and pace of invention synthetic build-ups).

If someone invents a submersible crab pot with positive buoyancy that will float to the surface when a wind up timer releases compressed air blowing the water ballast that sank it, or improves the design with electric motors that can charge batteries on the sea floor with a water propeller generator and steer the crab pot to a boat with a homing signal, the inventor will probably want to earn some cash rather than have someone else able to afford patents take it when the concept leaks out.

 As the new normal world economic order reorganizes itself into dual camps seeking to add trading partners among the unaligned it is worth remembering that if someone invents a way to transform hundreds of thousands of acres of lunar regolith into moderately efficient solar voltaic surfaces instantly (or very quickly at low cost) there should be a way for a very low cost and simply effective patent process to exist so the concept isn’t lost to wealthy corporate elites or repressive foreign union leaders. The green cheese of the moon may not actually fall to the Earth thus feeding us all (ref Arthur Hoppe)in spite of the invisible hand of capitalism.

Resurrection and the Conservation of Quantum Information

 Conservation of quantum information postulates that information cannot be lost- it is comparable to the law of the conservation of energy t...