
The 'Hate Speech' Form Letter (that could have been a working model in a Reno, Holder, Kaggan Legacy)

If former Attorney General Janet Reno left a legacy for A.G. Holder and Supreme Court nominee Kaggan to inherit,it might be the hate crimes legal theory. Here is a a basic example of an archetypal hate speech form letter perhaps not yet available online as a standard legal form, yet such a letter must have been created to form a template b y which the corporate world can know with sound legal reasoning what example should be censored as 'hate speech'. In another form letter not presented here, a standardized approach to censoring any historical references with violence, lack of respect for fellow human democrats and other people is provided.

‘Hate’ Speech Generic Form Letter

Kagan/Reno Files

If ________ continues (or is allowed to occur) then

__________. Whenever _______ has happened before it has brought the end of civilization.

The ______ party presently in (A) Congress or (B) The White House are(is's) corrupt.

If the United States is to continue as a ___________ (A) Free Society(B) Corporate Evil Empire (C) Utopia for Lackey Stooges of the Harvard Alumini Association) (D) Socialist Utopia (E) Miserly, sorrow demesne of inevitable doom) (F) Torch bearer for illegal aliens _________ must be halted. (A) White Supremists (B) Black

Supremists (C) Mexican Supremists (D) Lesbian Supremists (E) Evil Minions of Fu Man Chu (F) Fifth columnists of [sub-heading] comprise a threat to (B) Set the nation to a better destiny (C)

Honor those that have fallen before crowds of Wal-Mart Shoppers (E) Buy some U.S. mortgages back from the Chinese Government (F) Stick a fish up Kim Il’s favorite yacht ________ will restore a balanced budget, ecological economic

renewability for the nation, defend wages for American workers in America from the alien day laborer coup d’etat society.

(A) Potholes (B) Homosexuals (C) Oil (D) The Bushes and Clintons (E) Porous Borders (F) Rectilinear Houses (G) Pollution presents the single largest avenue of ingess of danger to U.S. viability as a nation. With new leadership we shall overcome, someday.

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